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Favorite MLP Shipping and Why?


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I know this will probably go all over the place and may have hate but i'm curious on peoples opinions on ships for MLP and will eventually make art for some of them when i finish peoples Ocs i'm working on (There free btw just go to request bord under comissions). Please keep it as Civil as possible in Here please? I am alright with cussing but would like it kept to a very small portion so everyone dosn't get uncomfertable or upset. Debates are fine but still keep it Civil amongst everypony. No hate on shippers either, i can appreciate you having your own opinions but don't go and make things bad for others who have diffrent opinions.


Mine favorite ships:


FlutterBulk- I adore the idea of Bulk Bicep and Fluttershy together because the concept of the big body building softy and the adorable shy animal lover is just too good! During the Rainbow falls try outs those two got along so well it was just to cute how well they were so comfertable together putting up on the outfits Rarity made despite it being to feminin for Bulk but he was able to have fun and enjoy there time together. Fluttershy has not been shown with having such a comfertable time speaking with any other males aside from Spike who is a child.


SoarinDash- They are just so cute together with how they can speak so casually to eachother and with Rainbow aiming to be a wonderbolt herself they will become close due to how much Rainbow has showed them how they should be acting as the best instead of how they are willing to litterally do anything to be the best at the cost of a teammates feelings. She has also saved his precious Pie along with him and the others while performong a sonic rainboom and succesfully breaking a record for delivering water to cloudsdale.


TwilightHooves- I don't know if anyone even made this a pairing but i find this to actually make perfect sence. Twilight is a nerd and akward while the Doctor is infact a scientist and time lord! Twilight has in fact gone back in time before so this would be very good for her to have someone who is as socially akward as she is while also being such a gentlecult. He can even spazz out as much as Twilight so they would know how to handle eachother when the other is having a freak out moment. Also Twilight enjoys learning while the doctor does as well and does somthing about it so it's perfect for them teaching eachother and enjoying the others company. Just perfect for my favorite pony!


CheesePie- These two were just so good together since neither are really to into the depth of finding love for themselves but are content with helping others who in turn love them. Pinkie inspired Cheese to be a party pony and he did it! They started out rocky but began to get along in the end so i do hope he decides to come back to ponyville permanantly because he is just as crazy as Pinkie and would never find her to be overbearing while she does the same in return. They work very well together on account of Pinkie personally planning parties for everyone based on their likes and personalities while Cheese knows how to throw in lots of intresting and easing extra aspects to thw party. Also with them being so innocent it will be just adorable to watch this happen because he can understand and keep up with Pinkie perfectly.


RariPants- Rarity is in fact a generous and giving pony and because of this i believe Fancy Pants is perfect for her. He never gudged her for not being a canterlot pony nor rich. He treats her like a lady and is never rude to anypony nor purpousfully snobish to anyone due to lack of interactions with lower class ponies from outside of canterlot. He can also obviously appreaciate that she made a very good career for herself that is succesful and is not uncivil about how succesful she really is but instead is modest about her work. After being let down so many times by men she randomly falls for Fancy Pants would be a very stable conpanion and love intrest for her due to his kind and patient additude which would be a very nice change because i really do want Rarity to find a kind stalion who appreciates her and supports her for her and her talents.


AppleShoe- I haven't seen much of a character development or anything of this character much but he looks like he is a hard working stalion who is a good match for Applejack due to the fact she would need a person who can keep up with her in working hard. It would be a simple and very balanced due to the fact he would make sure she does not work herself as much as she normally does and thats a very good thing! I want my favorite country pony to be healthy and happy.


CelestiCord- Celestia and Discord is just perfect because i think they personally had a history together before he was turned to stone but due to his nature of easily getting his feelings hurt and feeling abandoned from not recieving constant attention he could have easily believed that Celestia wanted notbing to do with him and was just using him causing him to therefore start a war giving her no choice but to team up with Luna to trap him as a stone statue. Now that he is reformed and is getting a much better understanding of how friendship and Trust works he is perfectly fine with not spending as much time with Celestia as he did long ago. Also Celestia can be just as trolling as Discord when she wants to be but not in a harmful manner so they obviously can get along with the other since she does enjoy his mischief as seen in the Gala.


TwilightFlash- I am not the biggest fan of this but if they put more work into it besides the aweful attraction based on just looks this could be a very cute pairing. Flash despite NO character development to back up everyone saying he's a cool guy theres nothing to back that up for him to be worthy of Twilight. If they succesfully work more on his character to prove him worthy of his success in the Crystal Empire he could be a nice match for Twilight instead of just arm candy with nothing to back it up. If they make him worthy of beinf an awesome guy i will be super happy because we need more good male characters.


SweetieMash- There just so adorable together since Button Mash is a gamer and i can see Sweetie being a gamer to.


Melodavia- Octavia and the pianoist thats always in the same orchastra as her when she is performing. They are cute together and both a fan of clasical music with their own touch to it.


TwilightShimmer- This is cute as well despute me not really being into shipping girls together all that much but these two can work due to how well her and Twilight get along since Twilight was the one to reach out to her for friendship and kept up with it despite her hesitation about it.


BabsMash- Babs is a tomboy and Buttons is a gamer so they would be a good match as well because gamer couples are awesome!


FireInk- Enough said ;) Those two are just adorable and i wish them the best.


KeyFox- There adorable together and i can see that being how i would be in a relationship when i finally find a special somepony.


Delitoon- Again how i can see myself as in a relationship when i find my very special somepony. There just so sweet together.


I haven't dove into much other pairings so i look forward to when you put up your favorite ships!

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RariPants- Rarity is in fact a generous and giving pony and because of this i believe Fancy Pants is perfect for her. He never gudged her for not being a canterlot pony nor rich. He treats her like a lady and is never rude to anypony nor purpousfully snobish to anyone due to lack of interactions with lower class ponies from outside of canterlot. He can also obviously appreaciate that she made a very good career for herself that is succesful and is not uncivil about how succesful she really is but instead is modest about her work. After being let down so many times by men she randomly falls for Fancy Pants would be a very stable conpanion and love intrest for her due to his kind and patient additude which would be a very nice change because i really do want Rarity to find a kind stalion who appreciates her and supports her for her and her talents.


I don't ship ponies much though I mainly ship Rarity with myself but Rarity and Fancy Pants are happy ponies =)=)=)=)=) 

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I don't ship ponies much though I mainly ship Rarity with myself but Rarity and Fancy Pants are happy ponies =)=)=)=)=)


No worries about not shipping anyone or just yourself and rarity. I just like Raripants lol her and spike is just wrong.... and she is obviously streight so no shipping with AJ or any Pegasisters either for me.

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I like the Dislestia/CelestiCord ship. It's backed up by references in the show, Discord would go well with Celestia's fun side, they are both immortal or extremely slow aging and they just seem right for each other.


I shall fight Fluttercord shippers 'til my demise!

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I like the Dislestia/CelestiCord ship. It's backed up by references in the show, Discord would go well with Celestia's fun side, they are both immortal or extremely slow aging and they just seem right for each other.


I shall fight Fluttercord shippers 'til my demise!

I'm a FlutterCord shipper.

I'm boned aren't I?



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Jacelyn USB


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I have tons but I really like the following:


-RariPie [Rarity x Pinkie Pie]


-RariShy [Rarity x Fluttershy]


-AppleShy [Applejack x Fluttershy]


-Sunset Shimmer x Twilight Sparkle


-Vinyl Scratch x Octavia


-Lyra x Bon Bon


That about covers it, theyre all cute as hell, the first 4 are my faves tho

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matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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My very very favourite is Big Mac and Rarity - I think they'd go perfectly together, the posh beautiful lady and the rough cowboy silent type :D  :D

I also like Celestia x Discord

Edited by Arctic Sunbeam
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honestly I can probably link the opening post for short lived fanclub I made for the ship a year back. it has the most succinctly pretentious words that explain my love of rarishy



This is a good one since it's going around that one of them actually is going to turn out being into females. It's cute and i can definately see it happening considering they do spend the most time together.

I like the Dislestia/CelestiCord ship. It's backed up by references in the show, Discord would go well with Celestia's fun side, they are both immortal or extremely slow aging and they just seem right for each other.


I shall fight Fluttercord shippers 'til my demise!

That will be the both of us than! I'm sorry but Fluttershy is just not Discords type in a love intrest way. Plus the whole imortality thing and a theory that him and Celestia have history together like i mentioned before.

I have tons but I really like the following:


-RariPie [Rarity x Pinkie Pie]


-RariShy [Rarity x Fluttershy]


-AppleShy [Applejack x Fluttershy]


-Sunset Shimmer x Twilight Sparkle


-Vinyl Scratch x Octavia


-Lyra x Bon Bon


That about covers it, theyre all cute as hell, the first 4 are my faves tho

All of those are cute as hell :) Huh i knew i forgot about the last 2 ships lol oops

My very very favourite is Big Mac and Rarity - I think they'd go perfectly together, the posh beautiful lady and the rough cowboy silent type :D:D

I also like Celestia x Discord

Both are very good! Theres fan art of when Big Mac meets rarity for the first time through AJ actually. It's cute since he's all confused about whats going on lol

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This is a good one since it's going around that one of them actually is going to turn out being into females. It's cute and i can definately see it happening considering they do spend the most time together.




oh god if it's true squeeeeeeeee

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I forget where but an analyst said somthing about it on Youtube. I forget which one at the moment sorry :( If i find it again i'll send it but i think it is just a theory of theirs or somthing.

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I honestly don't know why I ship these but here we go:






-TwiPie/Twinkie Pie









Edited by SquipyCheetah
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My favourite ships are...


The USS Montana

The USS Essex

The USS Cleveland


As for MLP ships, I'd say the Celestia from Project horizons, love me some battleships.


In all seriousness though...


I may be the few fans that actually doesn't ship. I mean, if the story's good, the story's good.


Simple tastes and what not.

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I've said it before and I'll gladly say it again: Rarity and Twilight Sparkle make an A+ relationship and I just love them so much. What few scenes they've had together is just golden, and what I love about the ship is that there's been nothing in the show alluding to/contradicting it. There's plenty of potential for how their relationship could play out. I can see that Twilight would be able to put up with Rarity's drama, maybe even play along a bit, and Rarity would do the same with Twilight's overthinking things. And they're the types of characters who can easily get snarky and have intellectual magic conversations with one another and I JUST


I just love this ship okay?

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It's more or less already canon.

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"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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As you can tell, I ship Fluttershy with Bulk Biceps. Fluttershy is sweet and gentle but can get tough when she needs to. Bulk Biceps is big and strong but has a hidden soft side. And their interactions in Rainbow Falls are just too cute to not ship them together! Before, I thought shippers were weirdos, but ShyCeps has converted me into a rabid shipper.

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Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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TwiShy... both of them are ridiculously cute on their own, but together, they're just mlp-fwubwoo.png I can also see the two of them getting along well in a relationship, since they both can appreciate peace and quiet, but would also know how to give each other confidence and support when either one is nervous about something. The fact they're my two favourite ponies also helps. ^_^

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Nopony has mentioned one of my favorite ships, RariJack. I find the idea of the country girl and the fashionista together absolutely adorable. A brand new ship has cruised into my imagination since "Amending Fences". TwiDancer. It's a natural. Two bookworms falling for each other would be so cute. As for the CMC? I think it would be really cute if it turned out that most of Diamond Tiara's snootiness was caused by her fighting against a big time crush on Applebloom. Poor Silver Spoon will be heartbroken when she finds out, but Scootaloo will be there to make her smile again. Don't get weird about me mostly shipping mares. Sweetie Belle will eventually see there is more than games on Button Mash's mind.


Here is one last though...


Cheerilee better back the buck off! Big Mac is Fluttershy's destiny! The shy mare and the stallion of few words would be so perfect together!

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                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I'm a DiscoShy/Fluttercord shipper, they are one of my OTPs. I think they are so right for each other. With Fluttershy, Discord has learned a great deal about friendship, he's learned to apologize for his mistakes, has been taught kindness, and responsibility, but it's all done in a way that he can still be himself. Fluttershy truly appreciates Discord for his personality, and isn't intimidated by his magic, or passive aggressiveness. With Discord, Fluttershy has learned to be more assertive, even going so far as to tell Discord off. She doesn't back down from him, and calls him out on his crap. They really enjoy each others company and spend at least every Tuesday together for tea. Discord seems to squee whenever he sees Fluttershy. 


I also have a slight crush on Trenderhoof/Applejack. Just because I like Trenderhoof, and admire his development as a character. He really is sweet, but he needs someone to teach him to be humble, and I think Applejack would do that. Applejack needs someone to teach her to have more fun, and not work so hard. But Trenderhoof also has a love of Sweet Appleacres, so he would support her farm work. I suppose in my mind, I think if they got to know each other, and Trender didn't come on so strong, they could develope something. 

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Ooooh yes....this thread. >:3




I think after Twilight saved Luna from herself, Luna began to develop feelings for her savior despite a little initial jealousy that she and Celestia were so close. The initial courting would be so funny, with Luna basically asking for Twilight to be her suitor in front of her friends in a grand fashion and wondering why it was so weird to make a big deal of it, not realizing dating was so lax now. Twilight says yes, of course. Que lots of stargazing and cuddling and eeee.




Ah, yes, my ot3. I just think the three of them work so well together. Fluttershy is the middle of the pony sammich, so to speak. Fluttershy needs Pinkie to learn how to be more outgoing and to have fun, and she needs Rarity for the more relaxed moments (she really enjoys their spa visits!). Pinkie brings chaos to the house, but Rarity secretly enjoys it and draws a lot of inspiration from the party pony.




Yes, I know that they're cousins...which might be odd if they grew up together, but they didn't. Being almost complete strangers, Babs develops a crush on Apple Bloom, admiring her perseverance and ingenuity. Likewise, Apple Bloom admires Bab's softer side. After Bab's leaves Ponyville, she begins to stand up against bullies back in Manehatten, defending the weaker of her classmates. 



There's tons more but...I'm lazy. Dx so have my top 3 ships.

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