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I think some bronys need to show more respect to the old gen MLP on YouTube


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Its due to the actual thing. The episodes wre badly animated, the voices were terrible, and the lessons learned were basicly "its great to make work fun!" compared to gen 4's lesosns involving important things, like "just because they dislike what you like, does not meen you must hate eachother." etc. and the baby ponies, theyre just bad. They act more retarded than a regular baby, and the actual episodes are bad. Sweaty belle was apparently made when two rainbows crossed, in an episode where filly rainbow dash is hosting a fashion show. Now onto that, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Even tho it was made before gen 4, its still wrong. When something is dashing it is, in worded terms, moving fast, speed etc. They made rainbow dash into rarity, and rarity into rainbow dash, making their names the exact opposite of their behavour patterns.

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1. I dont like the older generations and find them rather girly

2. I don't have to show respect for them

3. I will show respect for them, but I won't like them


Case closed.

  • Brohoof 1

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Now, let me get this straight.

I don't hate the older generations.

They just don't appeal to me.


Scale of likeableness: G4 > G2 > G1 > G3 > G3.5


G1.      It started it all. It's a little girls' show, but hey, it's half decent.

G2.      A step in the right direction. Better animation. 

G3.      Meh. Too girly.

G3.5.   Ugly as buck, is this made for aborted fetuses or something?

G4.      HEAVEN.

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i never see G1 G3 G3.5 so i can't say any thing about it


i see G2 back in the day , it was good


but G4 O_o you must see it it great it ...... oh


i think G1.2.3 was so girly in annoying way , but G4 still girly and childish but not hamer you hear down with the idea it for girls and only girls


most boy show try to get girls viewers (add girls characters, romance)


but most girls show make it clear that we don't want any boy around



G4 is for girls but have (horror comedy action and nerdy reference


i think good girly show can be fun for all


G2 still good

  • Brohoof 2
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After watching FiM, I decided to give the older gens a quick look. For G1, it felt like they were trying to make a genuinely good cartoon for girls, but whether they succeeded or not is debatable, but I definitely don't think it's a bad as some fans say.


G3, I don't have much to talk about, but let's just say that my opinion of this gen is very low


As for 3.5, it deserves the criticism it gets. Everything about it just screams lowest common denominator

Edited by Megas75
  • Brohoof 1
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I do however have a problem with the amount of disrespectful, closed minded and childish trolling comments that only bronys leave on the past generations of My Little Pony on YouTube.


Which is why I have a problem with YouTube comments. YouTube comments are kind of like reading what people in their cars are shouting to other drivers. It's not pretty, but we say these things because we think that no one can hear us, but we sort of wish that they could.


I agree with you that bronies should at least show more respect for G1. If they don't like any of the previous generations, they don't have to comment. And if they do, they can criticize the shows in a mature, non-insulting way. But how many people do you think listen to that sort of thing?

  • Brohoof 1
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I have respect for all generations....except 3.5. I mean seriously..someone was smoking some crack when they made that. Outside of that? Total respect.

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I never really watched the older generations. So I can't really say how good or bad those generations really were. In fact if it weren't for me seeing a clip of FIM years ago I would still not watch it. I don't have any hate towards My Little Pony older generations. I am just under the same mindset I was before I started watching Friendship Is Magic. Meaning if someone asked me today to watch the older generations I'd say something along the lines of this. "I don't think My Little Pony is the type of Show I would really like, but if you like it that's great" . I am not the type of person who really flames people for liking something different then me. I would however do a little playful jabbing from time to time. But, other then that I am not one to really say hurtful things to people who have never said any hurtful things or done anything hurtful to me."Treat others the way you would like to be treated" That's a motto I try to live by.

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I’d like to point out, that I’m not calling all bronys trolls or nasty or any of that stuff, I love you guys and know it’s obviously not all of you or anything so please don't get the wrong idea by this post. But I think this issue needs to be brought into the light and discussed.


As a brony, I obviously love Friendship Is Magic. And if you’re here it’s most likely you’re a brony or a pegasister and do not need the whole list of reasons it’s a good show.


I do however like the old generations of MLP to, and I watch these old generations on YouTube.


I know a lot of you on here probably don’t like any other generation of My Little Pony other than the G4, and that’s fine by me I don’t have a problem with that at all.


I do however have a problem with the amount of disrespectful, closed minded and childish trolling comments that only bronys leave on the past generations of My Little Pony on YouTube.


Twilight Sparkle and her friends in MLP FIM teach us love and tolerance, but as a My Little Pony fan commenter who watched one none G4 video said “love and tolerance goes straight out the window with bronys when it comes to past generations of MLP”. And if a lot of the bronys comments I’ve read are anything to go by, then I’m sorry my fellow bronys, but this person is right.


Another commenter who grew up with G3 but also liked G4 but didn’t identify them selves as a brony, even said that I was the only nice brony they’d met because I was the only one who dare I say didn’t just jump on this bandwagon of hating anything not G4. And that’s from someone who isn’t even a tropical brony hater, he or she is in the same boat as us as far as enjoying FIM. And that’s quite sad in my opinion that a fellow MLP fan has the wrong impression of us because of these comments.


I think showing that MLP FIMs message actually teaches what we all say, isn’t just saying nice things about people. It’s being respectful of what other people like, and if for example you watch x gen and think “meh don’t like this”. Not to comment and say “this is crap” or something along those lines.


It’s to not comment at all, move on and stick with what you do like. Or to say something negative positively aka positive criticism. For an example “To be honest I don’t like G3, but Pinkie and Dash are my favourite characters in G4, so I’m glad that Lauren Faust reinvented those characters for the version I’m more into” or something along those lines depending on which generation it is you may comment on


Anyway I hope this doesn’t annoy any of my fellow bronys out there, and hope we can all discuss this. Look forward to hearing what you have to say about this issue



Agreed with you ,even if you dont like the pervious gen ,you shouldnt troll it.It is MLP-S past we should respect it ,not make fun of it


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Personally I don't like the artstyle of the earlier ones, nor that their principle is "The biggest problem in the world is that there's no rainbows tomorrow"

Of the earlier ones, I probably like G1 the most cause it actually had villains and stuff, and it wasn't that...you know...weird.

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Did you guys know that thing was my childhood? I loved every second of it. In fact, I still have some old toys from it in my very messy closet...including the balloon that was in the opening. But the ponies look weird, i'm still glad I have the balloon, because now my McDonalds Twilight Sparkle now can FLY! And soon Nightmare Moon and Vinyl and Pinkie and...nevermind.


But yeah, the old generation was good. I just don't like it now. Now if you'll exuse me, i'm going watch Dancing in the Clouds on my TV. 


whoever dosen't get the joke is mean.

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I know that many bronies don't like the previous generations (especially 3.5 I think) but I agree that being all pushy and negative about it is just bad. Not being open minded about other people's interests is just going against the ethics of Friendship is Magic. If you have negative thoughts about the previous generations, keep them to yourselves or don't bloat it out loud. If someone is a fan of the previous generation and you tell them that their terrible, then that someone is no better than a hater telling a brony to stop watching MLP because its a terrible show. Works like that if you think about it.


Also, thank you for posting this. I think us bronies need a reminder to 'Love and Tolerate' once in a while.

Edited by Flip
  • Brohoof 2

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Pfft. No I don't.

Just like how Batman fans don't have to show respect towards the campy Adam West show or just how Sonic fans don't have to respect...i don't know, Sonic Underground or something.


(Questionable examples, I know, but that's beside the point)


It doesn't really matter if the previous gens eventually gave us Rainbow Dash through Firefly, or if it set the basic frameworks for G4 through the law of osmosis or summat.

To me, it's a bad cartoon, and just like any other bad cartoon (like Problem Solverz or Uncle Grandpa), I reserve the right to hate it.

Not because it's girly,l (which it is, compared to the majority of G4), but because it's horridly voiced, awkwardly written, and cringingly animated/drawn.


It's ponyness has zilch to do with it.


While I greatly dislike older generations, I don't usually scream it from the rafters or advertise it to any that will listen.

It's all good if you dig those older gens. What kind of brony would I be if I called you make a for liking that stuff?

Edited by Dattebayo
  • Brohoof 1


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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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I watched Rescue at Midnight Castle and didn't much care for the pacing or the voice acting. It all felt very rushed, and Megan seemed like a pointless addition when they could have tried characterising the ponies a little more. That said, I can definitely see how it's set the tone for the current direction of FiM. It's a product of it's time. They didn't exactly throw money or resources at quality children's programming often back then.


I do love the art style though. Guess I'm in a bit of a minority there, but I love the extra detail the ponies have, and the way they move. They're really cute!


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Well, I can't really say all that much. I will admit though that my view on G2 is soured thanks to Tommy Olivers review of a couple of "My Little Pony Tales" episodes, and morals presented were indeed questionable. As for G3/3.5, I saw a couple of episodes, and couldn't stomach much else.


Now, on G1, I do have respect for that series as that is where it all started AND some of the plot threads, from what I have seen, are rather dark and even interesting. The only episode I watched was the "Return of Tambelon" episode, and I throughly enjoyed it. While it was cute in places, it wasn't overly so, and the villain Grogar REALLY made the whole episodes work, IMO.


Of course, it seemed to have some issues with overall pacing, and I really didn't care for the songs. Honestly, I don't even remember a single lyric as it felt they got in the way of the narrative. I also never really cared for the style of animation, though I can appreciate how detailed it is.


Aside from those, it was a good episode and it helps to show that G1 deserves at least some respect, though I can understand why some wouldn't like it.

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I have never seen the previous generations myself, but I have no desire to mock anypony else for liking them. It's fine to like or dislike things, but sometimes people are just jerks when it comes to things they themselves dislike.

  • Brohoof 1

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Yes in the past I've made fun of people for liking the older G1-3.5. And yes those are very bad generations but if people like them them who am I to say anything. I know bronies that still like G1 so if they do than that's fine with me.

  • Brohoof 1
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You have to consider that the earlier generations were more suited for the era in which they were shown. Back then, the whole concept was built specifically for girls, primarily because children hadn't really began to break through the gender boundaries like they have today. It's about being relevant to the time period, and the demographic audience.


These days, our world, and the way we view things is drastically different than what people thought years ago. We think the older generations are irrelevant because of our beliefs. The same can probably be said for fans of the older generations, and how they feel about FiM. It's not that the older generations were bad (albeit the animation wasn't spectacular), but the change in times shape how we view things. You have to remember that.


It's kind of the reason why the whole Brony/Pegasister herd started to begin with. FiM broke the predefined boundaries set forth by earlier generations, it broke that "juvenile, girly" image, but it had to in order to be relevant in present day. The structure for the older generations wouldn't effectively work in modern day.


Regardless, we're all entitled to our opinions, being human and all. That being said, some ponies dig the older generations, and some ponies don't. That's all up to you.


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As someone who watched and enjoyed G1, I can see where you're coming from. I can't comprehend why some people would spend time harassing those who liked the older generations, as well as the new one.


G3.5 sucks, tough.

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