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Some Mane Six characters need more backstory

Unique Pinkie Pie

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it seems that (i hope others agree with me) that the mane 6 need alot more back story for instance RD and Fluttershy have no back story (except for cutie marks) or family. apple jack has a bit of a back story but no evidence of parents it confuses me quite a bit some of these characters deserve more back story as they are loved and adored by many if the developers released at least a full back story for each character of the mane 6 than it would at least answer some of my question about the characters

Edited by The brony master

what do you mean my old signature was rubbish?

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I kinda agree. It would be cool to have some backstory, however it doesn't really bother me since I'm fine with it how it is :P It would be pretty awesome though

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Yes and I am sure we will get more and more back story for the Mane 6 as the series goes on but I do agree that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in particular could use a bit more compared to the others. It has been confirmed though only hinted at in the show that Applejack's parents are dead, how they died I don't know and whether or not they will go into detail about that is up in the air as they seem reluctant to deal with the subject of death on this show. I have had a fanfic idea floating in my head for a while which goes into detail about what happened to Applejacks parents, who they were, how they met and how they died. I haven't really decided how they are going to meet the grim reaper but I know where I am going to with the rest of it though, I have seen stories that have a similar premise but mine is going to be a bit different it is going to be a series of diary entries by different members of the Apple family including Applejacks parents, Granny Smith and even Big Macintosh.

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Well, a little backstory would be good, but they should definately not take up an episode for each of the Mane 6 characters... Some backstories could be dragic, involving deaths, so i don't think it would really fit into the rating the show qualifies for.


There's also that limit, everything has a limit, and that means that there's a danger zone for backstories aswell... To much information could really dissapoint some fans, as they may have imagined it totaly different.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think that in addition to the badly needed RD/FS backstory expansion, we should also be able to see more of PP and Rarity's parents. I'm sure the writers could get a good few stories out of that... odd bunch. :P


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The only characters that really need background is Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.


All the others we kinda got a decent amount of back story of them already for instance we already know Applejack, Twilight , Pinkie and Rarity lives during their fillyhood as well as a glimpse at their family minus Applejacks parents who we can assume are dead. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy however as far as we know have little to no connection to their family if they even have one at that. So i agree that we need some more back story but only for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. At the very least we should get a flashback.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, a little backstory would be good, but they should definately not take up an episode for each of the Mane 6 characters... Some backstories could be dragic, involving deaths, so i don't think it would really fit into the rating the show qualifies for.


There's also that limit, everything has a limit, and that means that there's a danger zone for backstories aswell... To much information could really dissapoint some fans, as they may have imagined it totaly different.

i didn't say use a episode i meant give out more information like on their website or something close to that because there would be too much info to put into one episode

what do you mean my old signature was rubbish?

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The characters back stories are left open to interpretation by the viewers, and i think it helps the viewer connect with the character on a different level then if the back story was laid out in plain sight without any holes or unanswered questions. they force you to use your imagination and piece together each characters back story, based on what you gathered by watching each episode. Honestly, do you want to be told every little detail and leave nothing to think about after the show is over? Its like real life. You'll never know everyones back story, and some are just unwilling to talk about their pasts. 


I personally like this method, and its given birth to a massive amount of fan written stories and artwork of different fans interpretation of the characters personalities, back stories, relationships, etc. 

  • Brohoof 2

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The characters back stories are left open to interpretation by the viewers, and i think it helps the viewer connect with the character on a different level then if the back story was laid out in plain sight without any holes or unanswered questions. they force you to use your imagination and piece together each characters back story, based on what you gathered by watching each episode. Honestly, do you want to be told every little detail and leave nothing to think about after the show is over? Its like real life. You'll never know everyones back story, and some are just unwilling to talk about their pasts. 


I personally like this method, and its given birth to a massive amount of fan written stories and artwork of different fans interpretation of the characters personalities, back stories, relationships, etc. 

well i see your point but they should at least give us more info on RD and fluttershy as others have said before their is no sign of them having a family of any sort which leaves a bigger gap than an endless void

what do you mean my old signature was rubbish?

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i agree competely, there should be an episode(s) on each ponys backstory, but keep in mind this show is for a younger audience, so i doubt it will be done


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I want to know more about Fluttershy's childhood. Her parents, possible siblings. I imagine she comes from either a family of hippy like pegasi, or has a very extroverted family. 


I also want to know more about Pinkamina's rock farm days, and what her sisters are up to now. 

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Yeah, I agree. The main Pegasus characters need some more character background. Especially that Scootaloo.


Poor little orphan. :(  

For all we know, Scootaloo could of ran away from home. She could be from a different town. She could have parents that are looking for her.

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I agree with you on this. I would like to see Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash's parents. I would also like to see how Rainbow Dash came to Ponyville. Another thing is how did Pinkie Pie come to Ponyville and how did she end up living with Mr. and Mrs. Cake.


Also, I may not like her that much, but I do feel Scootaloo needs a whole bunch background development.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I agree as well, I mean, I can list dozens of characters that could use a little bit more backstory (Blueblood, most of the royal family, Diamond Tiara etc.)

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This..this is why Luna is my favourite. (Apart from being the goth pony and being Princess of the Night.)


Luna has a fantastic backstory. I still think they should make an episode showing exactly what happened with the whole transformation into Nightmare Moon, but. Luna is the pony with the most backstory, though. Got taken over by jelously, turned into Nightmare Moon, got banished to the moon for 1000 years, came back to bring about eternal night, got defeated by the Elements of Harmony (again), made up with Celestia, disappeared for the rest of the season, came back again with her own episode which gave her even MORE characterization, because everypony was frightened of her because of her past.


Yep. Luna.

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You can kill two birds with one stone and just do an episode of the flying academy thingy, which both Fluttershy and RD went to. However we already got a fair chunk of backstory about the flying academy thingy, part from Cutie Mark Chronicles, part from the sonic rainboom episode.

Rarity however needs a LOT more backstory.


EDIT: backstory doesn't limit itself to parents, guys!

Edited by Kahr Kunne

Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd

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Well, I think their fine. But yeah, I'd like to see a little bit more of Fluttershy's past. But mostly, I want to know more about Pinkie Pie. We only saw the flashback of her working at  a rock farm, but I'd love to learn more. Same with Rarity!


Other than those guys, the show has been doing pretty well with explaining the character's history and past. However, I want to know more about Pinkie Pie and Rarity. And maybe even Celestia and Luna's history.

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apple jack actually has a good backstory to me you know by subtle hints that her parents are dead and you know how she got her cuite mark and the real reason she left the farm might of had to do with her parents deaths pinkipie has a amazing backstory so does twilight( to me) the backstory of rainbow dash and flutershy I think need work also scootallo and  raritys is fine i wish theyed have more of a backstory on celestia but oh well but one backstory of how pinkie pie decided to leave the rock farm would be nice and her grandma pie

Edited by pinkieshyrose

Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

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