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What do you think of the Pony.MOV series?

Unique Pinkie Pie


23 users have voted

  1. 1. Favourite Episode

    • SHED.MOV
    • SWAG.MOV
    • I Like Them All!
    • None. (I Don't Like PONY.MOV!)
    • None. (I Have Never Seen PONY.MOV!)
  2. 2. Least Favourite Episode

    • SHED.MOV
    • SWAG.MOV
    • None. (I Like Them All & Therefore Have No Least Favourite!)
    • None. (I Don't Like PONY.MOV!)
    • None. (I Have Never Seen PONY.MOV!)

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I'd say mixed bag, as we go down the line:


Apple: not bad, but a little forgettable


Dress: The same, I forget it even exists at times when talking about it.


Shed: That song was really damn catchy


Magic: Actually pretty good, I feel like this was the high point and the gross-out humor was dailed back enough to not be overpowering and some funny jokes were actually made


Party: The whole thing went to crap at this point, there was only like one funny joke and now I can't remember what it was


Swag: Didn't bother watching it after how party turned out.



All and all, if you like this sort of thing look up Atom/Joe Cartoons. It's the same kind of black comedy but it's done better IMO.

Edited by Shoboni



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i was just wondering if anyone had an opinion on PONY.MOV.

like, do you think it's funny? do you think it's scary? i want to know. post either your reactions or your opinion in the comments below!

FTR, i thought it was actually really funny.


As it so happens, we already have a thread for discussing the PONY.MOV series. I've merged your thread with it so that we don't have two of the same thread.


Please use the search function in the future to see if your thread idea already exists. :)

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i thought it was messed up how it makes fun of the show a tad bit and rarity especially but i guess it was funny in a crude, sexual, drug usage way...



My Equestria Girl, my life, my soul, and my....rare-bear(its my nick name for her alright....dont judge me)


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i thought it was messed up how it makes fun of the show a tad bit and rarity especially but i guess it was funny in a crude, sexual, drug usage way...

It's supposed to be a mixture of crude/dark humor, satirizing the show if it were to be taken to an adult environment level.


Honestly, the .MOV's were pretty accurate with the show if it were a bit more up there around the TV-MA range.


Take Me Out.

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  • 11 months later...

All of them are my favourites. They are hilarious. Well, most of the time they're boring, but they always keep you entertained.




I liked SWAG.MOV because of that awesome speech, that awesome fight and the way RD owned Discord.


I disliked DRESS.MOV because racism isn't funny, especially to my fellow mexicans cousins.

Edited by Darker

Overlord of Darkness








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Favorite: 0

Least Favorite: All


I'm not a fan of those series of videos... like at all. I find little of the videos funny, the humor is of the unsavory sort, the characterization of characters is terrible.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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My favorite would be MAGIC.MOV. I love Twilight Sparkle's character and voice in PONY.MOV, and Spike's little speech about "everypony" gets me every time.


Least favorite would have to be DRESS.MOV. I just don't find it as funny as the others. PARTY.MOV is also not a favorite of mine, though I enjoyed it immensely the first time around.


I like the whole series. To be honest, the pony panels would have to be my favorite of all things .MOV related. Spike's description of Bronies and the idea of a Wolf Puncher game is fantastic. Not to mention the quick "this isn't canon" explanation of Rainbow Dash's appearance. :lol:

Edited by Cape
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I saw it. Not a fan personally. Magic has a chuckle worthy moment when Spike talks about Everybody vs Everypony ... but let's just say I prefer the more intelligent humor of FIW and MA.

  • Brohoof 1



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It's...all right, though it's nothing special in my eyes. I was never a big fan of the Ren & Stimpy style of humor, so yeah. It was fine, but forgettable.

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It was crude, but I liked it alot. I watched alot of reaction videos too it also. I like wtf moments. You should see Alex Side's reaction to magic.mov lol.

What evidence could be for a god? Because, if god can do anything, surely a lesser being relative to god, could still trick humans without fail if they wanted to. Which means, a being that appears to be god, may not be god. So even if god showed up in person doing anything and everything, for all you know it could be a demon casting illusions or your brain plugged into the matrix. Just because it claims to be a god, does not mean it is. Thus, there is never evidence enough for a god. Which means you cannot have an accurate reason for believing in god.


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It fails at being funny and serves more as cheap, Tom Green-esque humor rather than having any entertainment value whatsoever :D

  • Brohoof 3


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It fails at being funny


That was my main issue. I don't mind satire, or poking fun at characters ... even turning the characters into completely absurdest versions of the mane six can be rib tickling. So much of the intended humor fell flat. Also, I have this suspicious view that unlike Mentally Advanced (hilarious in my opinion) or Friendship is Witchcraft, .MOV was created as a traffic generating tool absent the enjoyment of the franchise that it was satirizing.


It just wasn't that funny.


Now Otaku Luna in FiW and Rarity vs Sandwich making in MA :D

  • Brohoof 2



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Hah, I'm under the age of 17 and I love this series! I think it's hilarious, and hotdiggedydemon himself is a very funny person. It looks like it's making fun of MLP, but it's all in good fun. The only one I didn't like was SPIKE.MOV, uhh do I have to say why?



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