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Twilight Sparkle Fan Club


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I want to join, sign me up! I really like Twilight Sparkle because she is almost like me, when she is in school with Celestia. However I get A and B honor rolls, I think so does Twilight in the fanfiction I think. So sign me up!

Fours words, one goal: DROP DA BASS MAN. ~ soniccam1

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Twilight is best Party Pony haha :)


Sign me up! 


I'm starting to relate to Twilight more because I'm introverted just like she is. She's a pretty awesome pony :)


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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  • 1 month later...

Twilight Sparkle for Number 1 pony! She shows that there is no limit to the things you can achieve, if you read books on the subject beforehand!img-1508161-1-happy.png

Oh no! No one is posting on the thread anymore! Does that mean... Twilight Sparkle is unloved now?




Don't worry Twilight! You'll always have me...

Edited by Brainy Brony



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Oh no! No one is posting on the thread anymore! Does that mean... Twilight Sparkle is unloved now?

No, these fanclub threads tend to have an upsurge in activity until they die down and then someone revives one or more of them and there is another upsurge in activity. In all the polls I have seen both on here and elsewhere though Twilight scores fairly high in popularity but it will never cease to amaze me just how quiet Twilight and to a lesser extent Fluttershy fans are.

I revived this and a few other fan club threads back in March after someone revived the Rainbow Dash fan club thread and was surprised that the Twilight fan club thread was the one that got the least amount of responses after the rez, it was actually the Applejack fan club thread that got the most responses at least that I have seen and that is because though Applejack isn't as popular as most of the others as a longtime Applejack fan myself our reputation for being very outspoken is quite accurate. I am not usually as outspoken in my love for Twilight as I am for my love of Applejack but it is of course still very much there.


Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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I'm pleasantly surprised that this thread hasn't morphed into Twilicorn Fan Club.

Let's keep it that way till Season 4 starts.


I relate to Twilight a lot. I don't like standing out which is why I have no avatar and I like to post as an anonymous. I didn't need a formal title to organize tasks on projects where I was involved. I like to research new things and I actually discovered MLP:FIM thanks to the scientific curiosity. Not everyone wants to be a celebrity or a boss and I don't think something is wrong with it.


This is why I think Twilight wouldn't be comfortable being a royalty which involves being a royal figure in such events as Summer Sun Celebration, Running of the Leaves, Best Young Flyer competition, etc.


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Let's keep it that way till Season 4 starts.

I am pleased that it hasn't as because there are plenty of fans of Twilight that are for it against it and some that are even neutral but despite that disagreement we can still appreciate a great pony.



Omg i love twiliy so much. wait is there a special thing i have to do to join this fan club

No, I don't believe so I think the only "requirement" if you can call it that is to simply post in this thread reasons why you love her or maybe some fanart, fanfics ect... and the same goes for the other fan club threads on here.








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  • 4 weeks later...

I, myself, am torn between her and Rainbow Dash. I also am kind've a fan of Fluttershy as well. Twilight is quite relatable to me, and probably a lot of the other bronies out there.

This post is...


Edited by Rainbow P.F. Sparkle


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Some more fan art! yay.png






I didn't make any of those, by the way.

Twilight Sparkle is best pony. That is certainly enough said. I totally relate to her. I can be a little bit socially awkward at times, I am addicted to books and reading and I'm very studious. Also, science is best subject. happy.png

  • Brohoof 1



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Wow! Nice to see that unicorn Twilight fanart hasn't gone extinct! Let's hope it stays this way! I guess I'm not as alone as I thought.

Unicorn Twilight is still currently my favourite. It'll take quite a bit of persuading for Hasbro to get me to like Twilight's new design more. That said, some of her Alicorn fan art is just damn great! I'll find some later.



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I just love reading these threads mostly for the fanart, and to get more appreciation for the characters they're for.


Anyways, Twilight is easily my 2nd favorite, and actually has been considered in my mind before as being my favorite. But she still sticks very close to my favorite regardless.


I love Twilight though, shes adorable, a bit akward in social situations sometimes, which is adorable, and in a way I can relate to. And there are other things I can relate to about her, but I'm not gonna list right now, maybe later :P.


Also her singing voice is beautiful, just saying. Favorite  easily for me.


Regardless Twilight is a very very close 2nd to Fluttershy for me.


So I suppose this qualifies me for this fan club :P?. Regardless I love all the ponies, but Twilight is definitely up there.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Yes, yes! These got revived! I missed these old fan clubs.


Well, it's only fitting her fan club gets revived first! ...Okay, maybe I'm a little too excited.


Go go gadget fanart.





Edited by Twi Rubix
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I figured that since I'm here and about to go to bed and stuff I'd try and contribute to this with a little bit of random fan art I found lieing around xD.




And with that I'm off to bed I think y'all, goodnight!

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Fan art time! happy.png





(None of that was mine)



Twilight Sparkle is obviously best pony! happy.png She taught me that it's okay to love learning and that there's nothing wrong with being a bookworm. You just have to balance your life out!



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I am at a standing point between rainbow dash and twilight, but I am edging towards twilight more because out of the 6, im most relatable to twilight and she's my favourite, rainbow dash, I can relate to her because im very trustworthy, but I can also relate to fluttershy in that I love animals and also pinkie pie because I can make people laugh a lot.

so now that I think about it, I can relate to most of the main 6, weird, but in a good way.

Edited by lightningstrikes

My oc/rp character, if you want to look at him that is: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blade-lightning-r8182

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Twilight is Best Pony! She's so cute and I can relate to her the most. I too have had complete breakdowns when under self-inflicted stress. I also feel that our strengths for organization are similar.

  • Brohoof 1

In space, no one can hear you squee!

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Twilight is definitely one of my favorite ponies. I also got her on the bronyland  personality test. Twilight is such a cool character. She's nerdy, awkward, and funny. Oh yeah, Tara Strong, her voice actress is also freaking awesome.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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  • 2 months later...

   Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are my favourite ponies, but I admire Twilight Sparkle, she is the character with the most development and has the most powerful element: magic. Twilight is often described to be the brainiest pony of the mane six, but she works hard at procuring knowledge to satisfy her natural curiosity, all the while, help with her friends or just simply enjoying the company of the other mane six. Twilight Sparkle can be quite humorous, like in Lesson Zero, where she throws a tantrum when she has not sent a letter to Princess Celstia, about a lesson in friendship, just to see how far and how exaggerated Twilight's lunacy got had plenty of comedic pay off, the same is with Feeling Pinkie Keen, a pro to Lesson Zero, as Twilight tries to make since of pinkie sense, the animators and the writers did a fine job at showing Twilight's insanity. For the most part, Twilight is the most logical pony in the group, and the leader, for she takes responsibility for her community, and her friends, a splendid quality that would lead to her becoming a alicorn princess, and I support her, in fact Princess Twilight Sparkle was the move that persuaded me join the herd, she is one of the most friendliest ponies in the show, and has a likeable charm, so Twilight is my third favourite pony, but I have a lot of her qualities too, like curiosity and the drive to learn, with charisma and wit to match, occasionally awkward in situations I not familiar with, just like Twilight. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle are the ponies I can relate to the most, and from what I can sense many bronies have these qualities too, and express the feelings through art, music and video, furthermore, I say thank you Twilight Sparkle for inspiring me to join the bronies, it is a privilege to be apart of this mostly noble group.     

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Twilight Sparkle is one cool pony. Her color scheme is nice. Her voice fits her personality well. Her personality is cute. And overall, she is adorable. I especially like her when her mane is messy. It looks sooo cute! wub.png

Alicorn or not, she will always be a loved pony by the fans. Very charming character. Messy mane Twilight is best Twilight.





IF is best girl.

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