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Pinkie Pie Fan Club


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Welcome to the Pinkie Pie fan club!


Pinkie Pie is the party pony of Ponyville! She currently works and lives with the Cakes at Suger Cube Corner! She helps take care of the Cakes two newborns and bakes for the shop. She is a friend you definitly want if you want to have a laugh every once in awhile. She enjoys being the life of the party, and getting your attention. She is the element of Laughter.

Kyronea's analaysis on Pinkie Pie


Warning: Another long thought-fueled post ahead. This time our subject is Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie was the one pony of the Mane Six that took by far the longest for me to appreciate. It's no secret on here--I started commenting on this thread when I first started watching the series and you guys saw me talking about not liking Pinkie Pie. When I watched the first episode of the series, in fact--late at night, I might add, which might not have been the best time to form an impression--my comments on it on another forum were very brief, with one line sticking out in my mind above all others: "SHUT THE **** UP PINKIE PIE!" That's what I posted. She was THAT annoying to me at the time, because she was loud, obnoxious, constantly talking, drawing Twilight into a party in a way I felt was highly invasive of Twilight's privacy, and since I was predisposed to liking Twilight from the very beginning since the two of us are rather similar in a lot of ways, it even had me predisposed to disliking any songs by Pinkie. (I remembered specifically thinking of Giggle at the Ghosties as being a piece of tripe at first, which is most certainly not my opinion now.)

But my attitude changed over time, because I learned, over watching the first season, that Pinkie Pie and I actually have a lot in common, and there's a lot more to her character than meets the eye at first glance. This didn't become truly crystal clear until her defining episode: Party of One.

The events of Party of One have had a major impact on the fan community. Its been used as an excuse to justify Cupcakes as an accurate portrayal of her. Its had her accused of being schizophrenic, her mind balanced on a razor's edge, ready to snap at any time. However, that interpretation is, in a word, ridiculous.

Pinkie Pie has serious emotional issues, to be sure, and does suffer from a mental illness, but her illness is not schizophrenia. It's Borderline Personality Disorder, a mental illness I happen to suffer from as well. To quote Wikipedia(because it can sum it up much better than I can):


The disorder typically involves unusual levels of instability in mood; black-and-white thinking, or splitting; the disorder often manifests itself in idealization and devaluation episodes, as well as chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.

Splitting in BPD includes a switch between idealizing and demonizing others. This, combined with mood disturbances, can undermine relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. BPD disturbances also may include self-harm.[2] Without treatment, symptoms may worsen, leading (in extreme cases) to suicide attempts

Pinkie's issues can be primarily sourced to her foalhood. As a little filly, she was trapped on a rock farm, a depressingly bleak environment, leaving her with little to do outside of pushing rocks around. While I can't quite determine what the point to rock farming is--I've seen various fan hypotheses, usually involving the magical gems that seem to be far more ubiquitous in Equestria than on Earth--it does seem fairly clear that she was expected to spend her entire life as a rock farmer. Born a rock farmer, die a rock farmer, and be bleak and terrible. This was all the more heartbreaking an experience for her because she is the Element of Laughter, born with unique magic in her Pinkie sense. Why else is she so clearly different from her family members? She didn't truly start to come alive until the Sonic Rainboom that, like with Twilight, unlocked in her the true nature of who she was, her meaning in life.

Pinkie Pie strives to make others happy. Nowhere is this better summed up than in the currently unused song Smile. Making others happy--especially her friends--makes HER happy. It's a key part of her Element.

What led her to move to Ponyville proper is uncertain. She works as a pastry chef for the Cakes, and even lives at Sugarcube Corner--it's unclear if the place is also the house of the Cakes, or if she's the only one living there. It's a rather unusual form of employment, but it does lend itself to being able to throw parties for everyone in Ponyville.

One thing I think I can say for sure--at least, with the information we have up till now--is that, prior to Twilight coming to Ponyville, Pinkie Pie had no close friends. She most likely had acquaintances aplenty, and she was obviously well known in Ponyville, especially for her Pinkie Sense, but she didn't have any real friends before she met Twilight. I say this because of her reaction to Twilight when they first meet. It is, admittedly, an almost cliched cartoon gag, but I think it was actually her Pinkie Sense going off, indicating, to her, just how important meeting Twilight was for her life and for the future of Equestria. After all, if she hadn't met Twilight then, she wouldn't have been with Twilight later, would not have accompanied the others of the Mane Six into the Everfree Forest, and Twilight and those with her probably would have died when Nightmare Moon attacked them. So, when she threw the party for Twilight at the library, she was trying to ensure that they became friends. She overreacted, and ended up invading Twilight's privacy, but it was a far more understandable act than it initially appears to be, when witnessed through the lens of what we come to learn about her later.

I specify this because it makes her actions in Party of One far more understandable, if still confusing. Pinkie Pie is unusual amongst BPD sufferers in that she is an extrovert, rather than an introvert. She is energized by being around other people, comes alive with her friends, and needs little time alone--in fact, time alone is often harmful to her. This almost certainly contributed, in a subconscious manner, to her decision to throw another party for Gummy right after the first one: all she really wanted was to spend more time with her friends.

When she saw her friends acting suspiciously, she did what any sufferer of BPD would do, what I would do in her place: she immediately jumped to the worst possible conclusion. She became outraged, feeling abandoned and hated. Her chasing Rainbow Dash around Ponyville is an example of this. Like with many scenes from Party of One, it is a multilayered scene, meant to be taken metaphorically rather than literally, because she's not actually able to teleport around Ponyville to get in front of Dash: it's a cartoony way of demonstrating the point. For the target demographic of little kids, it's funny, laughable even: look how silly Pinkie Pie is! To adults, on the other hand, it speaks to the depths of her emotions, to just how angry she feels.

She finally sought out Spike, not to get real answers, but to confirm her suspicions. She heard from Spike what she wanted to hear. And once she heard what she felt was confirmation of what she suspected...she fell apart. It was all she needed to go into a serious depressive spiral, coupled with

The party she holds in the next scene of Party of One is what is held up by many in the community as a sign of her being schizophrenic, but it's not a sign of that at all. All it really shows is just how hurt and abandoned she felt. She had true friends for the first time in her life, and now she's lost them, so she overreacted. In fact, she did something not too dissimilar from things I've done in similar situations. She started talking to herself, because she desperately needed reassurance, something, anything to make her feel less hurt. I know that in the past I've often had whole conversations with myself as if I'm two or more people, not because I actually thought I was, but because it kept me from feeling as alone as I do. That's what the party was for Pinkie Pie. Notice how the voices of the party "guests" are actually those of the other voice actresses, or in other words, her friends. It represents not just her needing reassurance, but also an internal argument: she ARGUES with the "guests" about how her friends acted, showing her own internal conflict and doubts.

When Rainbow Dash shows up, she acts so angrily towards Dash because Dash showing up is just another layer of betrayal and hurt. She's so depressed and angry that she doesn't want to listen to what Rainbow Dash has to say, especially not after the earlier chase. It isn't until she's dragged into the barn and sees the party set up for her, for her birthday, that she realizes her mistake. Her sudden transformation in mood is admittedly sudden and at first glance appears ridiculous, or even contrived. In actuality, however, it makes perfect sense when you consider the facts at hand. She's suddenly realizing that her friends HAVEN'T abandoned her, that in fact they were doing this FOR her. That sudden realization alone can cause a dramatic shift in one's mood, a shift that can appear bi-polar but a sort of shift I've experienced myself plenty of times, in both directions. You couple this with the fact that she's an extrovert, and suddenly her transformation isn't contrived at all: it's just another metaphorical cartoony way of showing the emotions.

All of this ties back in to what makes Pinkie truly special: being the Element of Laughter. Many ponies can exemplify a virtue, but only a few special ones can actually demonstrate that virtue so well that they could wield and Element of Harmony.

Pinkie's Pinkie Sense plays into this as well. It's magic, there's no doubt about that. Twilight's inability to understand where it came from says a lot about how Earth Pony magic works in the world of Equestria. To me especially it says that, in Pinkie, the magic is far stronger than it is in most other Earth Ponies. It influences how she thinks, how she acts. While Pinkie can often seem like she barely pays attention to what's going on around her, dancing around obliviously or jumping around from topic to topic like a hyperactive squirrel on crack, the truth is I think that's just another symptom of her Pinkie Sense. Remember, in Griffon the Brush Off, she builds a flying machine in MINUTES. Pinkie is probably the second smartest of the Mane Six, second only to Twilight, and in fact I would actually argue that in some ways she's SMARTER than Twilight, in that she can intuitively understand things at a deeper level than Twilight can, especially because of her Pinkie Sense. Her Pinkie Sense gives her the ability to perceive her environment on a unique level--she can feel things in ways no other pony can. While it's hard to say without more evidence, I think for now I am willing to conclude that, while she was born with her Pinkie Sense, the true power of it was locked within her until the Sonic Rainboom. Like Twilight, the Rainboom not only connected her with the other spirits of the Elements of Harmony, but it allowed her to use her magic to its fullest potential.

The most important thing about Pinkie's being the Element of Laughter is that it gives her a strength few other ponies can match. The Element of Laughter, like Pinkie herself, is fraught with metaphor. It's not literally about laughter itself, or laughing at everything you see. It's about being able to cope in the toughest of situations, the ability to stand against adversity, to walk into the grimmest of scenarios and still be able to put a smile on your face. It's the internal joy one has to keep in their life at all times, lest they allow life's hardships crush them into hopelessness. Being a sufferer of BPD just makes Pinkie that much stronger, because she doesn't let it crush her. She doesn't succumb to depression to the point where she becomes suicidal. She stays strong, happy, no matter what life throws at her. She can't do it alone, of course, but she doesn't have to. She has her friends.


Rules of this thread

-No spamming post to become biggest fans
-This is a children’s show, and believe it or not there are younger people who go on these forums, please limit content to suggestive only. For example you may post a picture of two ponies kissing, but they cannot be doing anything inappropriate, or showing things inappropriate.
-Do not post a picture of Applejack in the Rainbow Dash forum, because Applejack belongs in the Applejack forum.
-Do not hate on another fan club, for example posting in the Fluttershy forum "Twilight is better!"
-I have the ability to decide whether you are doing something inappropriate or not, if I deem you are doing something unnecessary and I ask you to stop, please stop. Common Sense my little ponies.
-All of MLP Forums rules still apply.

This is the Pinkie Pie thread, please only post her. If you have recomendations for another pony club, go to the hub (linked at the top of the screen).

Trophy Case



Edited by Dawn Rider
  • Brohoof 46


Hows it goin' my little ponies?

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Sweet jeuss I was waiting for this thread....


This pink pony single hoofingly raised me out of a depression.


After I started watching the show, she reminded me of who I really am.


I am exactly like her in so many ways.


I am very happy on the outside, and sad on the inside.


She has an amazing personality, and a great care for her friends.


I don't care what anyone thinks, I love her with all of my heart.


Pinkie <3

  • Brohoof 33


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More analyses posted! This one was written at around the same time as the Twilight Sparkle analysis...originally that Twilight Sparkle analysis was supposed to be a one time thing, but people on the other forum were so interested in seeing more than I went ahead and produced this. It's mostly about her psychological state.


Warning: Another long thought-fueled post ahead. This time our subject is Pinkie Pie.


Pinkie Pie was the one pony of the Mane Six that took by far the longest for me to appreciate. It's no secret on here--I started commenting on this thread when I first started watching the series and you guys saw me talking about not liking Pinkie Pie. When I watched the first episode of the series, in fact--late at night, I might add, which might not have been the best time to form an impression--my comments on it on another forum were very brief, with one line sticking out in my mind above all others: "SHUT THE **** UP PINKIE PIE!" That's what I posted. She was THAT annoying to me at the time, because she was loud, obnoxious, constantly talking, drawing Twilight into a party in a way I felt was highly invasive of Twilight's privacy, and since I was predisposed to liking Twilight from the very beginning since the two of us are rather similar in a lot of ways, it even had me predisposed to disliking any songs by Pinkie. (I remembered specifically thinking of Giggle at the Ghosties as being a piece of tripe at first, which is most certainly not my opinion now.)


But my attitude changed over time, because I learned, over watching the first season, that Pinkie Pie and I actually have a lot in common, and there's a lot more to her character than meets the eye at first glance. This didn't become truly crystal clear until her defining episode: Party of One.


The events of Party of One have had a major impact on the fan community. Its been used as an excuse to justify Cupcakes as an accurate portrayal of her. Its had her accused of being schizophrenic, her mind balanced on a razor's edge, ready to snap at any time. However, that interpretation is, in a word, ridiculous.


Pinkie Pie has serious emotional issues, to be sure, and does suffer from a mental illness, but her illness is not schizophrenia. It's Borderline Personality Disorder, a mental illness I happen to suffer from as well. To quote Wikipedia(because it can sum it up much better than I can):


The disorder typically involves unusual levels of instability in mood; black-and-white thinking, or splitting; the disorder often manifests itself in idealization and devaluation episodes, as well as chaotic and unstable interpersonal relationships, self-image, identity, and behavior; as well as a disturbance in the individual's sense of self. In extreme cases, this disturbance in the sense of self can lead to periods of dissociation.


Splitting in BPD includes a switch between idealizing and demonizing others. This, combined with mood disturbances, can undermine relationships with family, friends, and co-workers. BPD disturbances also may include self-harm.[2] Without treatment, symptoms may worsen, leading (in extreme cases) to suicide attempts

Pinkie's issues can be primarily sourced to her foalhood. As a little filly, she was trapped on a rock farm, a depressingly bleak environment, leaving her with little to do outside of pushing rocks around. While I can't quite determine what the point to rock farming is--I've seen various fan hypotheses, usually involving the magical gems that seem to be far more ubiquitous in Equestria than on Earth--it does seem fairly clear that she was expected to spend her entire life as a rock farmer. Born a rock farmer, die a rock farmer, and be bleak and terrible. This was all the more heartbreaking an experience for her because she is the Element of Laughter, born with unique magic in her Pinkie sense. Why else is she so clearly different from her family members? She didn't truly start to come alive until the Sonic Rainboom that, like with Twilight, unlocked in her the true nature of who she was, her meaning in life.


Pinkie Pie strives to make others happy. Nowhere is this better summed up than in the currently unused song Smile. Making others happy--especially her friends--makes HER happy. It's a key part of her Element.


What led her to move to Ponyville proper is uncertain. She works as a pastry chef for the Cakes, and even lives at Sugarcube Corner--it's unclear if the place is also the house of the Cakes, or if she's the only one living there. It's a rather unusual form of employment, but it does lend itself to being able to throw parties for everyone in Ponyville.


One thing I think I can say for sure--at least, with the information we have up till now--is that, prior to Twilight coming to Ponyville, Pinkie Pie had no close friends. She most likely had acquaintances aplenty, and she was obviously well known in Ponyville, especially for her Pinkie Sense, but she didn't have any real friends before she met Twilight. I say this because of her reaction to Twilight when they first meet. It is, admittedly, an almost cliched cartoon gag, but I think it was actually her Pinkie Sense going off, indicating, to her, just how important meeting Twilight was for her life and for the future of Equestria. After all, if she hadn't met Twilight then, she wouldn't have been with Twilight later, would not have accompanied the others of the Mane Six into the Everfree Forest, and Twilight and those with her probably would have died when Nightmare Moon attacked them. So, when she threw the party for Twilight at the library, she was trying to ensure that they became friends. She overreacted, and ended up invading Twilight's privacy, but it was a far more understandable act than it initially appears to be, when witnessed through the lens of what we come to learn about her later.


I specify this because it makes her actions in Party of One far more understandable, if still confusing. Pinkie Pie is unusual amongst BPD sufferers in that she is an extrovert, rather than an introvert. She is energized by being around other people, comes alive with her friends, and needs little time alone--in fact, time alone is often harmful to her. This almost certainly contributed, in a subconscious manner, to her decision to throw another party for Gummy right after the first one: all she really wanted was to spend more time with her friends.


When she saw her friends acting suspiciously, she did what any sufferer of BPD would do, what I would do in her place: she immediately jumped to the worst possible conclusion. She became outraged, feeling abandoned and hated. Her chasing Rainbow Dash around Ponyville is an example of this. Like with many scenes from Party of One, it is a multilayered scene, meant to be taken metaphorically rather than literally, because she's not actually able to teleport around Ponyville to get in front of Dash: it's a cartoony way of demonstrating the point. For the target demographic of little kids, it's funny, laughable even: look how silly Pinkie Pie is! To adults, on the other hand, it speaks to the depths of her emotions, to just how angry she feels.


She finally sought out Spike, not to get real answers, but to confirm her suspicions. She heard from Spike what she wanted to hear. And once she heard what she felt was confirmation of what she suspected...she fell apart. It was all she needed to go into a serious depressive spiral, coupled with


The party she holds in the next scene of Party of One is what is held up by many in the community as a sign of her being schizophrenic, but it's not a sign of that at all. All it really shows is just how hurt and abandoned she felt. She had true friends for the first time in her life, and now she's lost them, so she overreacted. In fact, she did something not too dissimilar from things I've done in similar situations. She started talking to herself, because she desperately needed reassurance, something, anything to make her feel less hurt. I know that in the past I've often had whole conversations with myself as if I'm two or more people, not because I actually thought I was, but because it kept me from feeling as alone as I do. That's what the party was for Pinkie Pie. Notice how the voices of the party "guests" are actually those of the other voice actresses, or in other words, her friends. It represents not just her needing reassurance, but also an internal argument: she ARGUES with the "guests" about how her friends acted, showing her own internal conflict and doubts.


When Rainbow Dash shows up, she acts so angrily towards Dash because Dash showing up is just another layer of betrayal and hurt. She's so depressed and angry that she doesn't want to listen to what Rainbow Dash has to say, especially not after the earlier chase. It isn't until she's dragged into the barn and sees the party set up for her, for her birthday, that she realizes her mistake. Her sudden transformation in mood is admittedly sudden and at first glance appears ridiculous, or even contrived. In actuality, however, it makes perfect sense when you consider the facts at hand. She's suddenly realizing that her friends HAVEN'T abandoned her, that in fact they were doing this FOR her. That sudden realization alone can cause a dramatic shift in one's mood, a shift that can appear bi-polar but a sort of shift I've experienced myself plenty of times, in both directions. You couple this with the fact that she's an extrovert, and suddenly her transformation isn't contrived at all: it's just another metaphorical cartoony way of showing the emotions.


All of this ties back in to what makes Pinkie truly special: being the Element of Laughter. Many ponies can exemplify a virtue, but only a few special ones can actually demonstrate that virtue so well that they could wield and Element of Harmony.


Pinkie's Pinkie Sense plays into this as well. It's magic, there's no doubt about that. Twilight's inability to understand where it came from says a lot about how Earth Pony magic works in the world of Equestria. To me especially it says that, in Pinkie, the magic is far stronger than it is in most other Earth Ponies. It influences how she thinks, how she acts. While Pinkie can often seem like she barely pays attention to what's going on around her, dancing around obliviously or jumping around from topic to topic like a hyperactive squirrel on crack, the truth is I think that's just another symptom of her Pinkie Sense. Remember, in Griffon the Brush Off, she builds a flying machine in MINUTES. Pinkie is probably the second smartest of the Mane Six, second only to Twilight, and in fact I would actually argue that in some ways she's SMARTER than Twilight, in that she can intuitively understand things at a deeper level than Twilight can, especially because of her Pinkie Sense. Her Pinkie Sense gives her the ability to perceive her environment on a unique level--she can feel things in ways no other pony can. While it's hard to say without more evidence, I think for now I am willing to conclude that, while she was born with her Pinkie Sense, the true power of it was locked within her until the Sonic Rainboom. Like Twilight, the Rainboom not only connected her with the other spirits of the Elements of Harmony, but it allowed her to use her magic to its fullest potential.


The most important thing about Pinkie's being the Element of Laughter is that it gives her a strength few other ponies can match. The Element of Laughter, like Pinkie herself, is fraught with metaphor. It's not literally about laughter itself, or laughing at everything you see. It's about being able to cope in the toughest of situations, the ability to stand against adversity, to walk into the grimmest of scenarios and still be able to put a smile on your face. It's the internal joy one has to keep in their life at all times, lest they allow life's hardships crush them into hopelessness. Being a sufferer of BPD just makes Pinkie that much stronger, because she doesn't let it crush her. She doesn't succumb to depression to the point where she becomes suicidal. She stays strong, happy, no matter what life throws at her. She can't do it alone, of course, but she doesn't have to. She has her friends.

Edited by Kyronea
  • Brohoof 14

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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You did not like Pinkie Pie at first...?


Oh well, you are forgiven for that wonderful post.


The last section is what touched me the most, as it follows many of us as well.


We follow our friends, and we live for our friends.


Which is why I see Pinkie as a role model.


Very well done.

  • Brohoof 6


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Pinkie... you never cease to make me smile.



Thank you! That has just brightened my day! How have I never seen this?



Anyways, relating to Pinkie Pie, I think she is the second most underrated pony (Applejack being the first) but for me, she shot way up the charts in the latest episode. Her rage was so hilarious and Rainbow Dash using her annoyingness as the secret weapon? Priceless. Especially after RD got so annoyed by her in the Gilda episode.

  • Brohoof 6


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pinky pie is the by far the funniest character in the series i seen so far she is also very lovable and i just want to know more and more about her i love the way everyone thins shes the odd one but that's what makes her amazing she stands out in the series and makes pink look cool.

  • Brohoof 2

Credit goes to the Awesome Vex3d


Twilight Sparkle FTW

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pinky pie is the by far the funniest character in the series i seen so far she is also very lovable and i just want to know more and more about her i love the way everyone thins shes the odd one but that's what makes her amazing she stands out in the series and makes pink look cool.


That is what makes her amazing.


She escapes the norm, and is her own pony.


It makes me respect her so much more for just living life and not caring if anyone thinks she is weird.

I wish people wouldn't associate Pinkie Pie's full name with cupcakes and her sad/insane side all the time.


We are in teh same boat.


But just rememeber, anyone can just say "cupcakes"


It takes a true Pinkie fan to laugh and snort, and sing them a song!

  • Brohoof 5


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You did not like Pinkie Pie at first...?


Oh well, you are forgiven for that wonderful post.


The last section is what touched me the most, as it follows many of us as well.


We follow our friends, and we live for our friends.


Which is why I see Pinkie as a role model.


Very well done.


Well, a lot of Pinkie's initial actions in the pilot were almost geared directly towards annoying me as much as possible. As I said in the analysis, I was watching the episodes for the first time rather late at night, when I was already in a bad mood, and so that initial impression of her stayed with me until I reached Party of One.


After that, though, and especially after everything I've seen since, Pinkie really has become rather beloved for me. She definitely is a role model to live up to, at least in the ways she makes everyone smile. (I do so adore the Smile song she sings...I can't wait for it to be featured in an actual episode so that I can listen to it without feeling guilty.)

  • Brohoof 5

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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Haven't heard smile, nor do I plan on listening to it until it comes out.


And yes, when I first watched it, I thought she was annoying too.


Now look at me.


Giggle at the ghosties is like my national anthem <3

  • Brohoof 2


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More analyses posted! This one was written at around the same time as the Twilight Sparkle analysis...originally that Twilight Sparkle analysis was supposed to be a one time thing, but people on the other forum were so interested in seeing more than I went ahead and produced this. It's mostly about her psychological state.


they wouldn't put suicide in because this show is rated Y7 also I think you might be a little off, I don't know if i'm just reading it different then was intended but (to me) you make it sound like she absolutly has a sever case of BPD. we can't be sure until her character develops a little more but I think in party of one she was (not entirely nixing you idea) less BPD and a little more just over thinking things. I often find myself having dramatic reacttions like that when I over think things and once I've made up my mind then I usually need good proof that I'm wrong. It very well could be BPD, just probably not as sever as you make it sound, I think she's just (also) really stuborne.


but Pinkie is still best pony

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Rewatch Party of One.


No one would truly freak out that bad after thinking her friends hate her.


She does have some sort of hyper disorder.


But that is why we love her.


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they wouldn't put suicide in because this show is rated Y7 also I think you might be a little off, I don't know if i'm just reading it different then was intended but (to me) you make it sound like she absolutly has a sever case of BPD. we can't be sure until her character develops a little more but I think in party of one she was (not entirely nixing you idea) less BPD and a little more just over thinking things. I often find myself having dramatic reacttions like that when I over think things and once I've made up my mind then I usually need good proof that I'm wrong. It very well could be BPD, just probably not as sever as you make it sound, I think she's just (also) really stuborne.


Well, the suicide bit was Wikipedia's own description of BPD. Not every case leads to that sort of thing, of course, and I don't quite think that Pinkie's case ever would, because her situation is rather different.


As for how severe her case actually is...well I wasn't quite trying to claim she has a super severe case. I was more illustrating the sort of thought processes that BPD sufferers go through. She definitely has it, make no mistake. Her actions in Party of One were not the actions of a rational, logical thinking person, but the actions of one who suffers from some mental illness.


So...I'm afraid I must disagree with what you have to say.

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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Well, the suicide bit was Wikipedia's own description of BPD. Not every case leads to that sort of thing, of course, and I don't quite think that Pinkie's case ever would, because her situation is rather different.


As for how severe her case actually is...well I wasn't quite trying to claim she has a super severe case. I was more illustrating the sort of thought processes that BPD sufferers go through. She definitely has it, make no mistake. Her actions in Party of One were not the actions of a rational, logical thinking person, but the actions of one who suffers from some mental illness.


So...I'm afraid I must disagree with what you have to say.


Oh well, I tried :P
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Well, the suicide bit was Wikipedia's own description of BPD. Not every case leads to that sort of thing, of course, and I don't quite think that Pinkie's case ever would, because her situation is rather different.


As for how severe her case actually is...well I wasn't quite trying to claim she has a super severe case. I was more illustrating the sort of thought processes that BPD sufferers go through. She definitely has it, make no mistake. Her actions in Party of One were not the actions of a rational, logical thinking person, but the actions of one who suffers from some mental illness.


So...I'm afraid I must disagree with what you have to say.


Great job with the analysis by the way, all of them are featured on the front page.
  • Brohoof 2


Hows it goin' my little ponies?

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Great job with the analysis by the way, all of them are featured on the front page.


Indeed? Thank you! I...I wasn't expecting that at all. :blush:

Well, time to dream my Pinkie Pie dreams. Off to bounce around!


Sleep well! Pinkie shall hug you goodnight:


Posted Image

  • Brohoof 12

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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I love this little pink pony! She is just so dang happy and fun that watching a few clips of her after a bad day will raise me out of the deepest depression! Whenever she is on screen, even when she isn't the focus, she is usually doing something that will just make me break out in a smile. Edited by super muffin derpy506
  • Brohoof 4


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Here is one of my all time best favorite Pinkie Pie fan art pictures!



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Oh my, that is a beautiful pic.


Can we have the artist that made Pinkie even more beautiful?

  • Brohoof 1


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