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I made some edits to the OP of this thread (fixed an image issue). The OP analysis of Rarity is outdated, and no longer in line with how her fans really view her. I think the time has come to revise it. I had two thoughts on this, We could have a little analysis, and then a few words from each of us discussing our favorite aspects of Rarity. Ideas?


We could wait until 1000 to do this and make it more grand.  

I think that Kyroena has Analysis for all the fan clubs.  So I would be disappointed if you got rid of it.


Adding seems more appropriate.  And keep the original accessory




Edited by paradoxical
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I dont even know what she is doing here!






It looks like she uses her precise magic to weave magical spells into this piece of silken fabric.


Hmmm... I would love to have that in the show... Rarity weaving magic into her clothes.


But if one looks at that special fabric she made for the fashion show in Manehatten... It seemed almost alive, shimmering and flowing. Maybe she already does?


Does Rarity enchant her clothes with spells of protection and luck? Does she enhance her already divine hoofiework with enchantments to safeguard the ones she loves? Rarity certainly is no slouch when it comes to magic... I would even say not many ponies come close to her expertise, and apart from Twilight, who is of course superior to Rarity in raw power, we havent really seen many other Unicorns that weave spells as easily as the Alabaster one...



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I dont even know what she is doing here!






It looks like she uses her precise magic to weave magical spells into this piece of silken fabric.


Hmmm... I would love to have that in the show... Rarity weaving magic into her clothes.


But if one looks at that special fabric she made for the fashion show in Manehatten... It seemed almost alive, shimmering and flowing. Maybe she already does?


Does Rarity enchant her clothes with spells of protection and luck? Does she enhance her already divine hoofiework with enchantments to safeguard the ones she loves? Rarity certainly is no slouch when it comes to magic... I would even say not many ponies come close to her expertise, and apart from Twilight, who is of course superior to Rarity in raw power, we havent really seen many other Unicorns that weave spells as easily as the Alabaster one...



Raritus magic <3






Her magic so pure and beautiful sapphire blue gorgeous energy that emerges from her white shining tiny pointy cute horn <3


She may not be as powerful as Twilight but she sure has put her spell on my heart <3 


Her crafts are just from another world they are so glamorous creations created by her talent and magic of beauty  :har:

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Her crafts are just from another world they are so glamorous creations created by her talent and magic of beauty  :har:

I love to watch how she does what she loves with a happy serenity in her heart. How she makes cloth, needle and thread dance in tact with the melody of the magical energy of creativity.






Such passionate love for the things one does is a Rarity indeed!

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Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! :D It means a lot to me :please: I went and renewed my drivers license today, and I bought some dip legally (finally!), but the best part of my day has no doubt been seeing all the awesome b-day wishes from the RFC :wub: Thanks a ton, my fabulous bretheren! :D

The OP analysis of Rarity is outdated, and no longer in line with how her fans really view her.

I agree with the removal of the analysis in the OP as well as the group analysis idea you presented, Jeric :D The analysis in the OP is grating to me - riddled with errors and things that contradict the show's continuity and canon. While it is a positive analysis, I can't help but feel a bit picky, especially since some of the criticisms are based off falsehood and misconceptions of canon. In short, I don't think it's a very good analysis/representation of Rarity's character and would love to see your idea implemented :D

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Rarity is not amused!


I wonder who angered the fabulous one?


Im sure this dastardly scoundrel deserves the most beautiful ones ire!

Probably mad at the artist for not drawing her pupils. :pout:

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Its fit to that theme. My first bigger MLP work:




Its just typical overweight horse, what i drew tens or hunderds and she have deer face. Rarity's camouflage makes not him Rarity.


...and last attempt for crossing realism and cartoon. Actually she will look like that:



Only mistake what i feel that lower jaw on side view must be more round like in show, not basinlike.

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Rarity curling up into her warm silken blanket <3




Experiencing the white shimmering snow falling down from the beautiful darken winter evening sky post-28950-0-00059500-1413056517.png


Leaning over her open window letting the little snowflakes to fall over her stylish purple curly mane <3


Drinking her hot drink to feel more warm and leaning her lovely wondering gaze to the mountains and sky on the horizon


Who knows what new gorgeous design ideas her mind is crafting post-28950-0-23947500-1413056507.png  <3

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Rarity curling up into her warm silken blanket <3


Experiencing the white shimmering snow falling down from the beautiful darken winter evening sky


Leaning over her open window letting the little snowflakes to fall over her stylish purple curly mane <3


Drinking her hot drink to feel more warm and leaning her lovely wondering gaze to the mountains and sky on the horizon


Who knows what new gorgeous design ideas her mind is crafting  <3



This piece is splendidly gorgeous... She looks like the most lovely of winter princesses, no?post-25189-0-84775000-1405868619.png



Also, some Applepie!






Sweetie made her idol a lovely drawing... this time without sapphires...


I actually think that both were very close in the past, like Sweetie Belle toils shows in that flashback, but then they kinda lived themselves apart when Rarity went to live into her boutique, away from home.

They did not see each other that often after this, and had to relearn their relationship and how to understand each other in the course of the show.


Something that crescended more and more as the shows progressed, and finally peaked in Sweetie Belle toils. I think they are now again as close to each other as they used to be.


All that headcanon can of course come crashing down in S5...


God... im honestly scared of the upcoming season... I wish i knew that they dont ruin things for Rarity...

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Good morning everypony.



Bedroom eyes



And wouldn't it just be the most desireable thing to have Rarity wake up each morning next to you, and have her to explore you with a sensual gaze like this? How more lucky could one be? What more could one wish for than to have those flawless, shimmering, star-like pools caress you with pure desire and love? A gaze like a wake-up kiss that drives the night away, to make place for a bright and gorgeous spring morning.






One would lose herself in her eyes... Meet her gaze for hours and hours without pause, enchanted by the magical fire in it, unable to look away, for doing so would mean to give up an unique vision of beauty and loveliness...

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And wouldn't it just be the most desireable thing to have Rarity wake up each morning next to you, and have her to explore you with a sensual gaze like this? How more lucky could one be? What more could one wish for than to have those flawless, shimmering, star-like pools caress you with pure desire and love? A gaze like a wake-up kiss that drives the night away, to make place for a bright and gorgeous spring morning.


One would lose herself in her eyes... Meet her gaze for hours and hours without pause, enchanted by the magical fire in it, unable to look away, for doing so would mean to give up an unique vision of beauty and loveliness...


And this would probably play in the background on said mornings:



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G4 Rarity in the style of G3 (I think)



I'll probably lose some cred with this...

I think she looks cute like this!


But then again, it IS Rarity... So being cute is a given. :rarity:


Some more alternate style Rarity pieces i really like, dunno if they are somehow connected to older generations, but they are nevertheless lovely... RARILOVELY!







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Rarity is certainly no ice queen, her heart is way to full of the flames of passion and love, but she certainly rocks the look!






Instead of finding a mare cold and unforgiving in her crystaline castle, uncaring and cold as ice, visitors will meet the most warm, forgiving and generous little princess imagineable. And if the halls of her palace were not made from magical ice, they surely would melt from the fires of love in the soul of this flawless beauty.

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