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I think I'd be either Rarity or Fluttershy. In my opinion, all the other ponies work too hard. Well, except for Pinkie Pie who gets to make yummy sweet treats. ^-^ But I could never be as weird as her. It's a dream of mine to be Pinkie Pie for a day, but a need a break from baking and such. I'd like being Rarity cuz I could make dresses and frilly things all day. I'm a pretty good sew-er(if that's even how you spell it.) and I love making things. I just don't have the right clothes. Or the money to buy the right clothes. :P Fluttershy would be fun to be, since I want to be a veterinarian when I grow up, so working with animals would be pretty cool. Erm, ok, I admit it, I just want to see what it feels like to have Angel as a pet. He's so adorable.  :wub:

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Either my ponysona Flame Dancer...Because he is basically me as a pony...And if I was a pony I would totally try to become an expert flyer.


Or Fluttershy. She lives in a wee little cottage and is almost always surrounded by animals. Some animals kinda terrify me but I guess being Fluttershy would kinda help get rid of that fear. (Mostly creepy crawlies. I dont mind spiders but just the thought of a centipede...*Shutters*)

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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#1 choice: id wanna be Cloud Chaser, so i could have a sweet ass mane and hang out with Flitter all day

#2 choice: Spitfire, same reason as above; sweet mane.

#3 choice: Carrot Top. i enjoy carrots, and she seems to live a very laid back lifestyle.


i dont mind a gender flip either, im mostly looking at the quality of lifestyle the pony has and if i want to upgrade to their lifestyle. Curse Lyra wouldnt be so bad either, since im fairly introverted to begin with.

Edited by sks_burns

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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I would switch lives with my favorite pony (Rarity), but to be quite honest, I want to switch lives with Pinkie Pie. I want to be that person (pony for that matter) that brighten's everyone's day, and smiling even if stuff goes wrong no matter what. I want to be friends with everybody. I also want to live in a bakery and make yummy delicious cakes. :D 

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<--    It would be nice to be attractive, motivated, musically talented and able to use magic--four things I'm definitely not in real life. xD


It would be cool to be Rainbow Dash or Big McIntosh too.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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90% of people here would be CAUGHT and have twilight's horn pointed at your heart (assuming you didn't pick twilight) if you picked any of the mane 6 to swap with within 2 hours.


I wonder if Celestia can do a rainboom?


Yes Tia is kind of a dangerous choice (I mean you have some random amount of time under 24 hours to learn how to raise the sun) but at least you have true free rein for at least a while.  Who but Luna is going to question you directly without you majorly messing up?

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Being a pony means you BECOME that pony. You lose all of your human traits, your memories, your mannerisms, etc. You dont get to be a human stuck in a pony body or know anything prior to the swap. You would just wake up one day and continue the life the pony lead before the souls were swapped. 


Example: id wake up one morning and not want to get up because this cloud is so soft and comfortable. Flitter would bother me and force me out of bed because its time to work. Clouds arent going to move themselves. i groan, and get up anyway. brush the mane, stretch, have something to eat and start my day. no where in those moments do i think about driving the truck from my human life, or the internet, or having to go to my day job, simply because it never existed to me. i am the pony i chose. i wouldnt remember hanging out at the bar as a human yesterday because my memories would be replaced by the ponies, etc.


its difficult to explain... but you would have to give up everything that makes you who you are in exchange to become the pony of your choosing. you would never consciously know that you were ever human. 

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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Guys, guys. Hey, guys. Roid Rage.


I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to squat like, 800 pounds? Another plus side is that he's got Cloudchaser as his lead pony in Wonderbolts Academy. That's like, better than being Cloudchaser, because it means you get to hang out with Cloudchaser.

  • Brohoof 1
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Id be my Ponysona if I could.


But if I had to pick a character I would pick Soarin'.

I've always loved Spitfire and Soarin' and the wonderbolts in general in the show. Plus Soarin's design is also pretty neat. (Dat Mane)

And i'd always love pie.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Guys, guys. Hey, guys. Roid Rage.



I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to squat like, 800 pounds? Another plus side is that he's got Cloudchaser as his lead pony in Wonderbolts Academy. That's like, better than being Cloudchaser, because it means you get to hang out with Cloudchaser.


lol, thats why id wanna BE Cloudchaser, so i could hang out with Flitter. So technically, you'd be hanging out with me, since i would be Cloudy so i could hang out with Flitter. i do believe this just went full circle.

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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lol, thats why id wanna BE Cloudchaser, so i could hang out with Flitter. So technically, you'd be hanging out with me, since i would be Cloudy so i could hang out with Flitter. i do believe this just went full circle.

Haha, yeah. Maybe I should turn into Flitter, that way we could be brothers sisters! Plus my headcanon of Flitter seems kinda like who I am (athletics-wise, at the least), even though she's barely spoken. Not sure how I attributed those qualities to her, but easily one of the reasons she's my fav poni. I guess if I were to transform into her, not much would change then. Except I'd have a pretty mane.

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I would choose to be Luna reason? I am somewhat like her, I have been the outcast before. I was lonely for a long time when I was younger, bullied because I was different. But then much like Luna I found friends who like me for who I am and I was no longer lonely and upset. No I would not care if I was a girl, I wouldn't want to ruin how Luna looks :3 (I would want to be her forever, to live for eternity on a peaceful world. Though that sounds extremely creepy xD.) *eye twitch*

Edited by Vinyl Scratch (Filly)™
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if i could be anypony i would probably be flutter shy. even though i think that rarity is best pony, i still think that i would enjoy being fluttershy out of all of them





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my oc


pinkie pie


either rainbow dash or twilight so i can still see pinkie im kinda leaning towards rainbow dash because she is the fastest flyer and i love flying


Come to my xat http://xat.com/fyrestone

PSN/Wii U - STVH1295

3DS FC - 5455 - 9682 - 0735
Dueling Network Name - <STVH>

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I would love to be Twilight or Rarity, probably Twilight because sewing machines scare me. Anywho! I'd love to be able to do magic, because it would be quite awesome, you know?

I'd also like to be Fluttershy, because that would be awesome too!!!

but seriously, i'd just like to be a pony, any one (well, almost any) because it would be awesome!

i said awesome a lot... didn't i? XD

"It needs to be about 20% cooler

"I'd like to be a tree!

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!

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It's hard for me to choose between Twilight and Rainbow Dash. If I was a unicorn, I'd only do it if my special talent involved being good at magic, otherwise your just a 1 trick unicorn. Furthermore, the ability to fly is just too tempting to pass up. Infinite magical possibilities, or the power and freedom of flight? BAH!


Luckily, Hasbro has made this simple. Now I can just be Twilight, I get to fly *AND* have the widest variety of spells in Equestria!


Alicorns aside, as much as I love to fly I'd probably still have settled for unicorn Twilight. She was able to make wings, so even if I couldn't fly all the time I'd at least get to do it once in awhile.


Now the real question, am I cool because I liked Twilight before anypony knew about alicorn Twilight? I'm pretty sure that makes me cool B)

"All joy in life, all things worth preserving: They're not coming tomorrow, they're not lost in the past. They are here, right in front of you." - Lyra, Background Pony


Visit my fimficiton page.


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  • 9 months later...

If you were to be any pony from the show which one and why?


I would be Rainbow Dash totally.....

1.  she's so awesomewub.png

2. The speed she can fly


3. Personality

Oops the title has an error blush.png


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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I would be Rarity because she is hawt and fantabulous and all.




Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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