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searching OC Dating RP

Dr. Vojislav Seselj

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So, I got this idea of having an OC dating RP (inspired by Silverwisp). Basically, you'd have your mares and stallions, and you could try pulling off a date with any one of them.


This RP is fully open to all at any times.


Stuff you should read before submitting your OC:


- Your OC can be of any race in the MLPverse.

- I accept romance, up to the "making out" stuff, no sexual relationships please.

- Please use "mentions", no quotes.

- I accept mild violence, no killing or severely wounding somepony.


More details: 


I'm just hosting this RP, which means:


If you want to date somepony, mention them, then do an introduction.

(don't remember to submit your OC first)


Then, if the other pony accepts, you two will engage in the RP.

I will not interfere with any dates, except if you want to date my OC.


Have fun! :D


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so its oc's dating ocs. i have two characters that i can submit. I ask is there cursing allowed? I'm talking like British slang and minor curse words. Here are the two OC's that might be good:



Edited by Iamnotabrony
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Am I correct in assuming that you meant to say don't forget to submit your OC? Because otherwise this is pretty weird.

Haha, yeah, that's one side effect of typing at 11 PM on a school night. xD


so its oc's dating ocs. i have two characters that i can submit. I ask is there cursing allowed? I'm talking like British slang and minor curse words. Here are the two OC's that might be good:



Yeah, minor curse words are allowed. The occasional f-bomb and a shit.

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