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Would you REALLY date a pony?


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Hmmm. I'm not sure about that one. If we lived in a world where it was actually an option, that'd be something else. But since I don't, everything here is really pure speculation.


I might give it a shot if they were the ponies from the show, but I'm not 100% sure.  :fiery:

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No... I could just go to farm right now and make out with a horse and it'd be the same thing.

but those arn't the same as the horses in mlp. just sayin. really? It has the body of a horse, but their personality is way more interesting. Think about the inside, not what you see on the outside.

  • Brohoof 1
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Of course not, they're animals. I don't care if they talk, they're still animals.

Well' we're not plants to be precise either  :dash:


Date a horse? Well, I got this ONE condition: They must look like they do in the show, otherwise if they look like those smelly ponies we have in real life, that'll be a NOPE  :mellow:

  • Brohoof 1
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I would decline on that offer, but for a new reason:


You see, I've always had a hard time interacting with people by making the first move. I can ask for help in a store to a employe, but as far as normal people go, I've always had a hard time reaching out and talking about anything. And by the time I do get the nerve to interact with them, it is too late.


What this has to do with this thread, is that if the ponies of Equestria were real, I would imagine I would have an even harder time even interacting with them, no less date one, especially the ones I actually want to date.

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Totally.  But only in Equestria, and if EQG is any indication, a human traveling to Equestria would transform anyway.  Not that I would not do so if there were no transformation, but it would come much more naturally that way.

  • Brohoof 1
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We are talking about a human minded species (possibly higher in intelligence and morality) that seems to (OK, there are some bad ponies but still) radiate compassion and kindness. A sapient minded species, who use magic and their hooves to create their civilization.


One might consider we are the animals if one thinks ponies are superior. I would probably cry in happiness, that a pony, especially if it was an alicorn would accept my flaws and enter a romantic relationship with me, a non magical human.


I would show them the magic of my hands...

Edited by Bendy
  • Brohoof 4
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Well, consider the following: I'm REALLY in love with a woman who's a pony.  I suppose I could claim that I don't care that she's a winged quadruped of the equine persuasion.  But, the truth is...


That I rather like it. x3


Obviously, she's far more going for her than simply her physical and, specifically, pony qualities.  I'm attracted to her as an individual, but I'm nonetheless attracted to all of her.


People say that love is blind, but I think that love can allow you to see with a greater clarity than you otherwise might.

  • Brohoof 2
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Definitely. Like Ziggy I'm kinda in love with a pony. This is of course 100% show-accurate ponies, real horses are absolutely not my thing. I don't know why some people can't make the distinction; the show's ponies for all intensive purposes are humans with a different body shape. That's the only thing that's different. And since I'm a person who chooses their company based on personality over physical appearance every time, I would definitely date a 100% show-accurate pony.

  • Brohoof 2
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Depends on the situation; am I stranded in their homeworld? Does the mare I strangely desire share those emotions? Would it be mutually beneficial, emotionally, to attempt a relationship with a mare of my choosing? So many questions that would need answering before a decision can be reached.

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Depends on the situation; am I stranded in their homeworld? Does the mare I strangely desire share those emotions? Would it be mutually beneficial, emotionally, to attempt a relationship with a mare of my choosing? So many questions that would need answering before a decision can be reached.


Go ahead and tell us the answer to all of those scenarios.

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We are talking about a human minded species (possibly higher in intelligence and morality) that seems to (OK, there are some bad ponies but still) radiate compassion and kindness. A sapient minded species, who use magic and their hooves to create their civilization.


One might consider we are the animals if one thinks ponies are superior. I would probably cry in happiness, that a pony, especially if it was an alicorn would accept my flaws and enter a romantic relationship with me, a non magical human.


I would show them the magic of my hands...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) . oh, okay. i see.  i would do a platonic relationship though

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