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And while I know the dev team apparently isn't allowed to read fanfiction, I heard some rumors that they plan on throwing in Nyx from Past Sins into canon, consider this;


1) we were promised a future appearance of Nightmare Moon (unless that flashback cameo was what they promised)




2) Castle-Maneia gave us an apparent 'Old Pony's Tale' about the Shadow Pony, which is said to have been born from Nightmare Moon's remains and it's hinted in the end that it might be true.


If there was a time gap between the time Past Sins was first brought to the internet and the time the dev team got the 'no reading fanfics' rule, it's quite possible they may have had planned this for quite a while.


I know it's quite a stretch and it's highly unlikely, but hey, we've surely seen them take weirder steps.

I hope not! Celestia help us if Noxious Nyx becomes canon... :blink:

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno that there's a main discussion for this not just limited to season 4. I don't mind when, but these are things I'd like to see happen sometime in the future.


More families. We've seen AJ and Rarity's families, we've just barely seen Twilight and Pinkie's families and we haven't seen any of Fluttershy or RD's families. I'm especially curious about Fluttershy's family make-up and her relationship with them and Pinkie Pie's relationship with her family, especially given her history with them. Those are the two I'm most interested in, but it'd be cool to see ones with Twi and RD's parents, too.


I'd like to see an ep where only one of the CMC gets her cutie mark or alternately, two do and one doesn't. Getting a cutie mark has clearly been made as a parallel thing to different milestones people go through. Like, for example, losing your baby teeth. I think it would be interesting to see how they might quarrel and debate about whether the one who's gotten her cutie mark should be in the group, but ultimately realize that they're friends and that despite that they don't all have their cutie marks, they can still be friends.


I'd like to see an ep where the Cakes' kids are a little older.


I enjoyed seeing Celestia and Luna's histories this past season. I'd like so see more on that and the cause of the tension between them and how Luna became Nightmare Moon. As it stands now, she just kinda looks like a bad guy, letting her jealousy get the best of her. I'd like to see an ep that paints her in a more sympathetic light. Maybe something like a misunderstanding that happened or something like that.


I dunno if EG is considered canon either by the fans or the creators, but if it is, I'd like to possibly see some development with Flash Sentry.


I'd like to see more about various lore. Particularly about alicorns and how and why they exist. Especially why males can't be alicorns. That requires explanation  >_>  But other than that, I'd like other lore to be explained as well. I don't have them listed out, but I have memories of wanting more explanation of the way things work in Equestria.


I think that's maybe about it for now. I'd really like to see those things sometime in the future, not just season 4.

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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I'm back, folks.  And here's some speculation on Rainbow Falls.


Looks like Rainbow Dash's team is going to consist of:




Looks like a good combination.  I'm a bit confused about how the Cloudsdale team can offer Rainbow Dash membership.  She clearly doesn't live in Cloudsdale, so I don't think that would be allowed.  Maybe the Wonderbolts are the Cloudsdale team.  This could be interesting.


Also, can we have more RariLane ship teasing please?


  • Brohoof 2
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Dang it, how do you embed tweets?  Well, we'll have to make due with what I can.


Megan's tweet:

Just realized I can predict the exact time some #bronies will lose their minds this Saturday.


Link for confirmation:



Could it be that Rainbow Dash will officially become a Wonderbolt?




I know I'd lose it, if that happened.

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It'll probably be Derpy since it's the only way to get the fandom reacting like that. Personally I'd prefer seeing Firefly as Rainbow's mom


Also, I'd love it if Bulk Biceps turned out to be a massive softy ala Alex Louis Armstrong

  • Brohoof 1
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It'll probably be Derpy since it's the only way to get the fandom reacting like that. Personally I'd prefer seeing Firefly as Rainbow's mom

Here, here!


I'd lose it for an appearance by one the Gen 1 versions of the Mane 6 FAR more than some groteusqely overrated extra (yeah, I went there)


Also, I'd love it if Bulk Biceps turned out to be a massive softy ala Alex Louis Armstrong

I dunno...can he pull off being sparkly? ;)

Edited by Jangobadass
  • Brohoof 1

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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I hope for at least one more Rarity episode, dunno if it'll be all-time-best material like RTM was but I think they've more than proven that putting her in the spotlight can make for some amazing episodes, it needs to happen more. :D

Hope they keeps up with the lite fandom shoutouts too, they've been really good with it so far imo. ;)

Other than those, hope they keep the episode quality. Pinkie Apple Pie faltered a tad imo with some slightly annoying dialouge, but not too much, S4 has been all-around great for the most part so far. :lol:


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Applejack reaches the limit of asking the other Mane 5 with help for her farm. The other Mane 5 are getting tired of it. So Twilight suggests that Applejack hires some extra ponies to work. Applejack has hard time coming to grasp on the idea of hiring workers.


this could go multiple ways

1. hire a worker who ends up doing more damage then helping
2. hire a worker who is competent and leaves nothing for the Apple family to do
3. hire a worker who demands too much pay but doesn't want to work half of the time.
4. hire a worker who is not even qualified for comedy purposes.
5. hire a worker who might play a love interest... cue the hatred.
6. hire a worker but ends up destroying the barn...


So many ways... Why not hire Derpy?

Edited by Singe
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Trixie gets a backstory which has something to do with Twilight and growing up in Canterlot and starts making more frequent appearances. I think she could play the anti-hero/villain role perfectly.


Also, it would be interesting to see a more serious episode featuring Pinkie, like maybe a friend of hers has to go to the hospital because of an illness, and her friends have to help her understand the seriousness of the situation.

Edited by JPBrony773

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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Thunderlane knocking Tenderhoof around for even looking at his woman!



Okay, being serious.


Three's a Crowd

Spoilers have been leaked in the form of this being an homage to Deja Q.  Discord is sick, but Twilight thinks he's faking, because obviously the most important thing to him is ruining her day.  Twilight is reminded of how hard she had to fight for her friendships in the past and offers Discord her friendship.  Discord gives her a book with a rainbow on it and we scream at the TV "What's in the book!"

Pinkie Pride

Pinkie's rainbow key episode.  Next.

Simple Ways

I really have nothing to add.  I just hope that Tenderhoof doesn't end up as annoyingly bland as the last canon love interest.

Filli Vanilli

This is probably Fluttershy's rainbow key episode.

Twilight Time

I told you the CMC would become Twilight's personal guards.  Looks like Twilight's royal title will finally be important.

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We already had that with "Spike at Your Service"


And what a disaster that episode was.


Anyways, at this point, I'm kind of expecting Discord to be holding Twilight's key. Like someone brought up before, he's already acting like her advanced friendship lessons teacher while still hiding this by being an eccentric prankster.


Speaking of Discord, I'm hoping that Twilight will learn that being a friend in title doesn't mean being a friend for real and that she should be more open to leaving her small circle of friends so that she can learn more about the others around her. As a princess, she'll need to learn this lesson eventually.


Edit (since I don't want to double post):


Now that I'm bringing up key episodes, I feel like mentioning how great it would be if Applejack were to become the new mayor of Ponyville. Remember that one episode from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends where everyone was getting tired of how Herriman ran the house, so when election day came up, Frankie decided to run for house president (The episode was called "Setting a President")? Applejack's key episode can play out in a similar way with her running against Mayor Mare.


Anyways, from the very beginning, Applejack is set on winning the election without having to resort to the option of emphasizing her connections to royalty in favor of the opportunistic vote. When the predicted polls begin to lean towards Mayor Mare, Applejack begins to question whether or not she really should resort to the princess option, but because of her stubbornness, she still refuses to do this and eventually begins to question if she really is the right pony for the job and that things are just fine with Mayor Mare as mayor. One rainbow later, Applejack makes a speech at the final debate that not only tips the votes in her favor, but also teaches Mayor Mare what being a mayor is all about. Applejack wins the election, and when she takes office, ex-mayor Mare gives Applejack the symbol of her new position, which also happens to be one of the keys to the box.


...So what do you think?

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O yes there was spike at your service *ducks Quickly*

Not Positive I like applejack being mayor. perhaps she finds that she must Hold on to her honesty rather than become mayor which at time perhaps needs to be deceptive for the greater good!

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I would like to see more of the background characters and even Discord i feel could have more screen time! My hope for Derpy and Snowflake or Bulk biceps as he is now called to return has already been filled so...yay! 

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I'm liking what I'm seeing on Season 4 so far, but does anyone notice how they're really upping the amount of nods to the Bronies as of late? This was especially apparent in Episode 11, when Discord trolled the hell out of the Princesses …


That being said, we may just see a Gamer Luna in the near future!


…Well, maybe not, but that'd be pretty awesome!

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