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I hope its not true, but when they announced season 4 they would of said that its the final season in the beginning. I think its going to end when they cant find anymore lessons of friendship


I always figured MLP would be a finite series for the reason you brought up, and with the writers saying how ambitious they're shooting this season to be, I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. But it would still be pretty bum-inducing.

Edited by immblueversion
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If it were announced that season 4 was going to be the last one, I'd have to look for positives. Here's 3...


1. Like immblueversion mentioned, I'd expect it to be ambitious and epic as a result.


2. The show would go out on top; no jumping the shark or getting stale. One tidy little package of awesome for all time.


3. It would free up everyone currently working on the show so that they could give the series a proper finale...in theaters everywhere. img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

  • Brohoof 1

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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2. The show would go out on top; no jumping the shark or getting stale. One tidy little package of awesome for all time.


This, if there is one thing we can learn from gambling it is quit while your ahead. FiM can't be good forever, even though I would like it to quitting earlier rather than latter usually is the better choice. Beside even if the show stopped the fandom is here to stay.

  • Brohoof 1
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What do you guys want in season 4? Name your top 10.


1.- I want more Pinkie Pie's episodes, just her learning lessons and having fun.

2.- Shows with Celestia and Luna.

3.- THE HISTORY OF EQUSITRIA, I just wont to see how the writers try to put every thing in order with every thing they had put in the show.

4.- A New character, some one new and different them anyone. BUT NOT LIKE GILDA AND TRIXIE

5.-A adventure two part, just something to do. I don't care what is about I just wont another adventure episode

6.-Not a new villain, use something with every pony they had already use. Like The Queen of the Changlings.

7.-A new alicorn, not one of the mane six

8.-Exsplain The where all the parents/gaurdains are. I think AppleJack is appleblooms mother, its just a thought but, kind of nasty to tell.

9.-Where does Scootaloo live.

10.-Don't make a episode packed up like S3 E13 >-<.


And tell me what you want in the TV show

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Let me lay down a synopsis of the season 4 intro.


Twilight realizes that her princess duties leave her little time to spend with her friends, so she becomes lonely. Then she looks for a love interest, and finds one...in Gummy.


Pinkie finds out and things go awry and she gets angry and tears down the fourth wall and suddenly cat jokes overload Equestria. So Celestia is raising the sun and the entire kingdom gets a blue screen of death. Twilight must find a way to reach Tech Support before it's too late.

  • Brohoof 1


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Maybe it's a strange thought, but I'd like to see if Luna's living space is as Gothic as her chariot and guardponies. She seems to live in Canterlot Castle... Though frankly I think she ought to have a place of her own, much as Cadence does.

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-CMC getting their cutie marks

-Scootaloos's background revealed

-A look at Manehattan

-Sunset Shimmer

-More stallions in background


-Luna based episode

-Rarity and Applejack will get more episodes

-Bring back Sombra, so he can get more evil


-Rainbow Dash and Tank

-Rainbow into Wonderbolts

-Twilicorn will stay in Ponyville



I hope these will happen!

  • Brohoof 2
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What if twilight gets a student like how it was with her and Celestia! It never came to mind until now. Do you guys support this idea or not? 


I like this idea - and I think she'll get not one, but three...specifically, three who are a little late on getting their cutie marks.


That of course would be a different type of student / princess relationship, and I'm not suggesting the CMCs will become princesses. But they could end up harnessing similar powers to the Mane 6 if they play their cards right as three friends. And Twilight has taken an interest in them from the beginning of their trio.


On another subject, the writer's panel at Equestria L.A. mentioned the notion of having a bunch of epiphanies when it came to characters and stories for season 4. I took that as hinting that they're connecting dots based on everything that's happened so far...so I'm thinking flashbacks and revelations will be a big part of the new season. I hope so - that would be cool.

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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I like this idea - and I think she'll get not one, but three...specifically, three who are a little late on getting their cutie marks.


That of course would be a different type of student / princess relationship, and I'm not suggesting the CMCs will become princesses. But they could end up harnessing similar powers to the Mane 6 if they play their cards right as three friends. And Twilight has taken an interest in them from the beginning of their trio.


On another subject, the writer's panel at Equestria L.A. mentioned the notion of having a bunch of epiphanies when it came to characters and stories for season 4. I took that as hinting that they're connecting dots based on everything that's happened so far...so I'm thinking flashbacks and revelations will be a big part of the new season. I hope so - that would be cool.


But if she does get a student wouldnt the focus of the show be on the student? I dont know its kinda hard to picture and im not sure where the show would go if she does get one. It would be alright if the student showed up once in a while, i just prefer the mane 6 better :)

Edited by Dashie~


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But if she does get a student wouldnt the focus of the show be on the student?


If the relationship were like Twilight & Celestia's, that might happen. I don't think they'd have to overdo it with the CMCs, though, if that's the direction they went. I think the CMCs would have their episodes as per usual, and then check in with Twilight once they'd learned something.


But your point goes back to how tricky it is to predict season 4. The Twilight / Celestia relationship - as it was - is gone. Obviously you leverage Twilight's struggle as being a princess...which is really a different sort of story.

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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^^^ true, but can see this happening at the end of season 4 or maybe if they make a season 5(which I hope they do) I don't think Twilight is ready to have a student, she needs to develop more


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I would like to get more backstory on the mane 6. Like what happened after they got their cutie marks, how Twilight dealt with her new super magical powers, how others reacted to Rainbow doing the sonic rainboom, how they all ended up in Ponyville.


....And how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash got together in my completely, 100% canon no-matter-what-anypony-says shipping....


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Honestly, I have high hopes. Sure, season 3 was short and lacking in some parts, but that was to fill the syndication criteria for the FCC. 65 episodes is seen as a major landmark in animation. Anyway, I expect that season 4 will, once again, open with a new villain, though I don't know where it will come from. I'm hoping for something archaic, even older than Celestia and Luna, something they don't understand. It's been three seasons, so I think it's time that Celestia was protrayed as a bit more flawed and imperfect.


I'd also like to see at least one of the CMC get their cutie marks. If Twilight can become an alicorn princess, then them acquiring cutie marks four seasons in wouldn't be too far-fetched. Then there are the things which were hinted at, like Babs' friends in Manehattan, maybe they become new members of the CMC? Then there's the Equestria Games. No idea what they'll do with that. Overall, I'm excited for season 3. Can't wait to see what McCarthy and the gang have in store for us.

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Really?  Even more doom and gloom?  People are disgusted with change of any shape or form.  The show can't remain the same forever, if it did, it would get boring and fast, so change is needed for the show to remain great.  Seeing people overreact to a little change really annoys me.  S4 will be great and I bet Equestria Girls is great too, just like S3 and S2.  I still haven't watched EG yet, still can't find a torrent.


Okay, to the people who argued that Twilicorn would ruin the show:

Wouldn't it be boring if the show never ever changed? Nothing new was brought to the table? Would you like this to become what Family Guy and Spongebob has become, a show that has no material left, so they reuse old jokes and it gets so annoying and out of character?


This is why I love Twilicorn: CHANGE.


Something new was brought to the table. Instead of fretting about how it imbalances, and how Rarity is the only Unicorn, think of the POSITIVES.


Episode about Twi's royal duties.


Chance of a flashback episode.


More royalty.


26 episodes.


Flying episodes with Dash.


Now, that sounds all about Twilight, huh? Okay, now let's think about what they could also do in light of this.


Scootadash episodes.


Rarity and Spike episode.


Rarity in Canterlot episode


An episode ABOUT the imbalance in power.


Also, if you think Twilight becoming a princess was a bad idea, It was Lauren Faust's idea. However, Faust's idea was not for Twilight to become an alicorn. I also think that Lauren intended to stop the show at Twilight's ascention.


...But the show is still going on.


Hasbro has not dug their own grave. If anything, every off-season we dig graves for ourselves. We fretted over S2, and look what we got! We fretted over Equestria Girls, and we got demons and it was nothing like anything I ever imagined. We worried about S3, and we got more Discord, Scootadash, Spike...


Just Hakuna Matata, man.

Yes! THIS! Could not have said it better myself. This show has such great characters and such a great world, character advancement like this helps develop those characters and the world and it keeps things interesting! Why are so many people against character development? PLUS! It opens the doors WIDE OPEN for further development of other characters, such as Rainbow Dash becoming a Wonderbolt someday or the CMC's getting the their cutie marks. One day, this show will end, as sad of a thought that it is, at least the show with the current characters, so if we just kept everything the same, it would never end on the note it deserves. I want to see these characters learn, grow, and actually development from these adventures and lessons that they are given. :)



Come on negative people, give it a chance! I have made so many posts like this already but that is because I am very passionate about the Twilicorn thing and the show in general, of course. Twilight becoming a princess really makes me happy and I look forward to the future of the show, which is very bright in my opinion. yay.png  I am obsessed with the Twilicorn thing but for good reasons. wub.png So many posts about this, and I still don't stop. happy.png

  • Brohoof 1



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There needs to be a main antagonist who is illusive and always one step ahead.  He/She needs to span for more than one season too!

  • Brohoof 2
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I think they might explore a little bit the fact the now twilight is now an alicorn and the fact that now she's got a crush on that pony from the royal guard (If you watched Equestria Girls you know what I am talking about).

But, since it's going to be good anyway, I'm not nervous, but I am anxious!

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-More Octi, More Vinyl Scratch, and More Colgate

-Twilight's (or Twily's) troubles with her wings

-Full Luna Episode

-Discord Backstory Episode

-Zecora (of course!)

-Atleast one of the CMCs get their Cutie Mark

-Derpy talks again (I can only pray)

-Equestria Games Episode

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  • An episode about the story behind Luna and Celestia.


  • I would like to see some adventures far away, like in cool landscapes. I must be like a 4-parter or something.


  • WE NEED to see more of the mane 6's parents.


  • An episode where we follow Celestia on her daily duties. Nothing about the mane 6 in this episode.


  • Another visit to Appleloosa


  • An episode where one of the ponies needs to go to a big city, like Rarity needs to buy something in Las Pegasus or something. Rarity, Twilight and AJ goes there. It would be nice if we got to see like ponified famous persons, and I would like to see those three meet like two stallions there who they hang out with.


  • Trixie tries again but this time with time travel. She comes back before Twilight comes to Ponyville and she makes sure so Twilight doesn't read the thing about nightmare moon and therefore does not need to go to ponyville. But when Nighmare moon comes back, twilight gets sent there by Princess celestia anyways, and since twilight has not made any friends yet, she has to team up with trixie and the other 5 from the mane 6 to defeat nightmare moon. (then twilight and the other 5 becomes friends. trixie goes forward in time to where she came from)


  • An episode where we get to see what Discord does. I would love if he just played nice and actually never really turned good. When nopony is around he flies away without a trace. (And maybe we'll see him back for a season 5 or something? ;) )


  • Chrysalis returns teamed up with sombra to take back the crystal empire, they win and everypony has to hide, but once they do, zombra betrays chrysalis and takes the kingdom himself. then there's a fight between both of them


  • Life in cloudsdale episode


  • Episode in crystal empire without the mane6


  • Rainbow dash teaching twilight to fly


  • Berry punch starts making her own cider with some friends at the same time AJ seels her cider. It sells even better than the apple's apple cider!


  • Twilight telling friends and celestia about the world of humans


  • NO MORE VILLAINS it's enough, k?


  • Pinkie Pie sings a short song, like hop skip and jump for example


  • FLUTTERDRAGON Dragonshy v2 episode


  • I know there's a ton of people who hates the whole RD is a lesbian thing, I'm not a big fan myself. But I think it would be fun if RD gave a kiss on somepony's cheek or some small thing like that, it could create a bunch of funny discussions within the community haha


  • AB's birthday!


  • More episodes focused on the friendship between the mane6...there was more of this in season 1




Less rushed episodes. Seriously, make them 2-parters instead.

yes, I like spaces.

  • Brohoof 1


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Personally, I'd like to see an episode where the Mane 6 besides Applejack spend time with their families or at least their parents. Hell, how about an entire Twilight family outing with Twilight, her parents and possibly Shining Armor and Cadance. Or how about a pony movie night? Film projectors and movie theaters have already been confirmed to exist, so maybe they can have a bit where everypony discusses their favorite movies, possibly with non-copyright-infringing movie parodies? Rarity would likely be a fan of romantic comedies or musicals if her "Gone with the Wind" line could be taken seriously, but maybe Fluttershy is secretly a huge horror movie buff? Or perhaps Twilight's favorite film is a "so-bad-it's-good" Sci-Fi flop that is so scientifically inaccurate that it becomes hilariously enjoyable?


Another thing I'd like to see is a clip show done right. One of my favorite moments from Magical Mystery Cure was during Celestia's song when they were walking past the panels showcasing all of Twilight's past achievements. Perhaps an episode where something threatens to tear their friendship apart even worse than Discord, thus by being reminded of all the great times they've shared over the last three season their friendship is not only repaired but made even stronger than before.    


As far as predictions go, apart from a "Dash teaches Twilight to fly" episode, I think it's safe to say that by this point they pretty much have to have an episode featuring the Equestrian Games. They've already written that literary check, now all they need to do is cash it.  

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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If there ends up being some sort of Spike & Rarity episode in S4, I'd love to see a scene where Rarity gets ready to express how she feels for him - whatever that may be - and Spike stops her by putting his hand over her mouth and smiling (reversal of what happened in Secret of My Excess).

  • Brohoof 1

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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