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Well Equestria Girls kind of provided the fact that Twilight is still Twilight with wings. There's the proof it's just that is no sure way to tell that if Twilight will overshadow her friends in terms of importance in Season 4.


We didn't see Twilight going through her organizational style with the checklists and planning for every contingency she could think of.

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We didn't see Twilight going through her organizational style with the checklists and planning for every contingency she could think of.

Of course we didn't. There hasn't been much chance yet.

I'm sure we'll see plenty of it in season 4.


Sure, it's something she often does, but it's not an absolute rule that she should always use checklists and plan everything out every time she has a problem. 


Even so, she DID do some of that in the EQ film.

She did some library research, and composed a list of talking points she planned to use for socializing with her fellow students.


Spike even joked: "you made a list? That's SO unlike you! XD"

Edited by Prince Dan
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   From what I can sense, we could get more back story of Princess Celestia and Luna, based on what I have seen from the story boards from the recent Comic con, moreover discover how Luna became Nightmare Moon, I can also predict that it is a lesson for Twilight, to learn about the princesses and a cautionary tale for what happens when power corrupts. In addition, learn about Scootaloo, such as: does she have family or is she an orphan? Can she fly, is her wings still developing or is she handicapped? I can also see a rehash of "Mysterious Mare Do Well", but with Spike and the mane 6 dressed as superheroes. No matter what the outcome, we must remain patient, and have confidence on the creators.

Edited by KingEdwardIII
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I think they're going to do a Luna&Celestia episode.  Not only due to the fact that in the animatic previews Twilight re-lived Celstia's memories of Nightmare Moon,but the way they kept looking at each other on the Season 3 finale.
I hope that the CMC get their cutie marks as well.   :catface: 
There's also mention that there's going to be a musical episode centered around Pinkie Pie,and that we also get to see one of her sisters,though those may just be rumors.   -_- 
There's also supposed to be episodes where Luna and Vinyl Scratch sing,so I'm looking forward to that. :comeatus: 
Plus,Season four will be aired on November 23rd,which is almost like a birthday treat for me,considering mine is on the 30th of the same month :3
I look forward to season 4.

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A young unicorn of royal bloodline just ascended to the throne to rule her country but she is inadequate. Celestia sends the Mane 6 to the country to help this unicorn. There is several corrupt officials that want to have the unicorn removed and take over.


Also there is a magical royal treasure that the unicorn can use which changes her form to that of a powerful adult alicorn.

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Oh well lets do a top 10 shell we.


In no paticular order.


Derpy, and not just in the bucking back ground.


Dr hooves, see the above request.


Discord, even if he is just in the back ground LOL, more would be better, but I'll take anything.


Trixie, anything


Vinyle scratch getting some lines


Luna getting some air time, and not as Celestials shadow


How about some new villians?


More mythical monsters?


I wouldn't mind seeing some draw backs of being a alicorn, or some more depth on them. 


I might get some hate but I wanna see how the cast does with less twilight.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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(If I wound up repeating similar stuff in this thread, then I apologize, as I haven't been on here for quite some time.)


Here are my predictions and hopes for Season 4:


-Discord having his own adventure, whether he will assist other ponies or end up going back to his evil ways.

-The return of Diamond Dogs.

-The sea serpent from Season 1 to help out Rarity (or Rarity helping him out)

-Lightning Dust challenging Rainbow Dash as a form of revenge after being discharged from the Wonderbolt Academy

-Spike admitting his feelings to Rarity (even though he still looks like a baby dragon)

-Scootaloo either finding her long lost parents or finding out she is an orphan

-The return of Nightmare Moon

-Daring Do having her own episode (not like in Read it and Weep)

-Sunset Shimmer returning to Equestria and being reformed (or end up going back to her evil ways)

-Rainbow Dash joining the Wonderbolts (although she may quit as she may realize that her friends are more important)


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"What if twilight gets a student like how it was with her and Celestia!" - Dashie~


I like this idea - and I think she'll get not one, but three...specifically, three who are a little late on getting their cutie marks.


That of course would be a different type of student / princess relationship, and I'm not suggesting the CMCs will become princesses. But they could end up harnessing similar powers to the Mane 6 if they play their cards right as three friends. And Twilight has taken an interest in them from the beginning of their trio.


Meghan McCarthy confirmed via Twitter that the "CMC will interact with Twilight in Season 4". For what it's worth. :D


Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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Ya know, I'm gonna say this, but I actually hope there's an episode that's a MLP take on "It's a Wonderful Life."


The story goes like this


-Something goes wrong that gets Princess Twilight Sparkle discouraged enough that makes her run away from her friends and her teacher.  But yet, Princess Celestia has become concerned about her depression lately and yet Twilight refuses help, claiming she failed Equestria and is not fit to being princess.  With that, she acts as if she severed her ties with her friends


-Twilight meets with a guardian pony of hers and, out of an act of desperation to get away from everyone she disappointed, wishes for a world where she didn't exist.


-She winds up getting her wish, but Equestria looks worse than it is.  Nightmare Moon has taken over all of Equestria and has banished Princess Celestia to the moon.  Ponyville has fallen into despair as 5 of the remaining Mane 6(Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy) have lost who they were.  None of them recognize Twilight


-Discord is freed from his statue prison and declares war on Nightmare Moon.  Even more so, the Changelings lead by Queen Chrysalis invade.  Not to mention the fact that King Sombra has taken the Crystal Heart.  Even Sunset Shimmer appears to have return, although worse off than when she left.  Canterlot has become a battleground.


-Realizing what she has done and that Equestria is in worse shape without her, and without Princess Celestia, Twilight asks her Guardian Angel to restore everything the way it was.  Except one problem....the Guardian Angel's attempt to do so has failed.  Someone has sabotaged her(or his) powers.  Even worse, if she doesn't return to her time zone within 12 hours, she would be stuck in this land....forever.  This ends Part 1.


What do you all think so far?


Edit: Actually, instead of the Guardian Angel's power being sabotaged, she(or he) is banished by the guardian of time for interfering with the realm that Twilight came from.  And to make matters worse, Twilight is to remain in this alternative universe as punishment by her Guardian Angel's defiance.

Edited by SaburoDaimando
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-Spike admitting his feelings to Rarity (even though he still looks like a baby dragon)


Technically, he already did.


While they were falling in "Secret of my Excess", Spike started to tell Rarity about his crush on her.

She put her hoof over his mouth while fighting back tears, and they exchanged a smile.

I think it's safe to say that she knows.

After that episode, she begins calling him Spikey-wikey, and the two are noticeably closer.

She's also the one most desperate to stop Spike leaving in "Dragon Quest", and she gets more heated than the others while defending him against the dragons.


If anything, the ball is in Rarity's court right now. Spike has made his intentions quite clear already.

Rather than hoping for another confession from Spike, we should hope for a response from Rarity.


She needs to give him a definite answer sooner or later.

If they've really become so close, then she should realize the cruelty of leading him on.

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Technically, he already did.


While they were falling in "Secret of my Excess", Spike started to tell Rarity about his crush on her.

She put her hoof over his mouth while fighting back tears, and they exchanged a smile.

I think it's safe to say that she knows.

After that episode, she begins calling him Spikey-wikey, and the two are noticeably closer.

She's also the one most desperate to stop Spike leaving in "Dragon Quest", and she gets more heated than the others while defending him against the dragons.


If anything, the ball is in Rarity's court right now. Spike has made his intentions quite clear already.

Rather than hoping for another confession from Spike, we should hope for a response from Rarity.


She needs to give him a definite answer sooner or later.

If they've really become so close, then she should realize the cruelty of leading him on.



I agree that Rarity should straight up yell Spike that she doesn't like him the way he likes her. I do believe she has a hard time confessing though either because she's afraid of her reputation ( because what kind of pony falls in love with a dragon?) If Rarity rejected him Spike will be emotionally crushed to the point of depression and I think that's what Rarity really doesn't want to do.


I think she's in a tight spot but I think it's something I want to see in an episode. Heck it's already clear we're getting a Spike and Rarity episode so hopefully Rarity will get off of the fence and decide.

Edited by Ember The Dragoness
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So Season Four is coming out soon. And I'm sure that we're all excited for it's release. And that made me think, "What do I want to see in Season Four?".



I want an episode involving Doctor Whooves.



So what do you guys think?


What do you want in Season Four?



I'm kacking my spaffs just thinking about it.


Edited by Marty
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What do I want? Well, I want:

A Doctor Whooves episode,



And that is just about it for my wish list.

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A lot of us seems to want a Doctor Whooves episode. Eventually it'll have to happen if things continue like this biggrin.png! I'd like the show to introduce another great villain and giving some character to King Sombra (if he ever returns) would be nice. Also, more Rainbow Dash episodes and elaborate on her relationship with Scotaloo. Also give Rarity some love she has been neglected a bit in season 3. Oh, and it'd be really fun to see the Equestria Games!

smaller wishes:

-Get Keith David to voice a character

-Get David Tennant to voice Doctor Whooves

-the Doctor Whooves episode should be like a Doctor Who adventure (also involve Derpy and Twilight in it)


Well, this is all that comes to mind right now. I'm sure I will think of more soon though.

Edited by Armchair Adventurer


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-CMC gets their cutie marks!

-Dr.Hooves/Other Parodies/References

-Maybe some famous OC cameos (That'd be cool)img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

-Spike development that doesn't end in "dragons suck and you should be the furthest thing from a dragon"


I heard that derpy won't be in the new season at all and this is a disappointing rumor so I really hope they at least keep her for a background pony! 


OC:Spetz Nausea

Username: Xabekrn

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Well here's mine

Give Rarity more screen time, she's been lacking in it lately.

Another Spike episode that I find actually good. (The only Spike episode that was amazing to me was Secret of my Excess)

A daring doo episode would be nice or another episode involving Rainbow Dash and Daring Doo

To develop Twilight with her newfound princesshood



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eh, I don't really have a wishlist, but I do think it's time that the CMC get their cutie marks. It's true that the CMC would lose a special part of what made them so enjoyable if it happened, but I think it's about time (no MLP reference intended). Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had already gotten theirs in season 1, so it would be shocking if the CMC were still cutie mark-less by the end of season 4. Other than that, I'll just wait and see what the show has in store for us. I was never really one for making wishlists; I just sit back and enjoy the show.



Oh, I am looking forward to seeing more of Dashie :3 if that counts

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Hmm... I guess I would like,


Rainbow Dash having a lead song in an episode where she teaches Scoots and Twilight how to fly

Who that stallion was in Dashie's flashback

Who are Applejacks parents

Chrysalis coming back

Gilda comes back


And I think that's just about it :)

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Personally, I want:


  • One of the cutie mark crusaders to get a cutie mark (namely, Sweetie Belle)
  • Rainbow Dash song
  • Discord causing mischief 
  • Derpy in the background
  • Rarity episode

I don't really want much and I can't wait for the season to start...it looks good, already.

Edited by WheatleyCore


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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-More Equestria history

-More legends, like them.


That's quite all I want. I love history, and even if it's nor real, it's fun to hear about an imaginary world'd history and legends. Th best way to do this are episodes like Warming Eves Day and episodes about celebrations, like this "halloween" episode. Or just plain history lol.


Also, I hope season 4 isn't the last season.

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Some of the things I want


-CMC gets cutie marks


-Do something with Twilight that will show that making her a alicorn wasn't just for a new toy. But from what IDW said it dosen't look like they're going to do that. Meghan I will be disappoint.


-Less Brony shout-outs it fine if it's in the back ground but don't shove it in our faces like you did in EG.


-Better pacing. Do I really need to elaborate?


-Less Twilight more mane 6, Twilight's starting to become the only main character. In the season 4 premiere show that the mane 5 are still needed don't shove them in the background like you did in A Canterlot Weeding, The Crystal Empire, and Equestria Girls.


- Originality, Twilight's a Princess now and it would be a great opportunity to break down some female stereotypes.


-Get outside of Ponyville and I don't mean just go to the Crystal Empire every now and then, there are a lot of places in Equestria so why haven't we seen many of them? 

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