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Rainbow Dash Fan Club


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Um, what post are people crazy about??  :o

This one:



Ashleigh Ball posted it due to Pride week.  And due to her being awesome, apparently.



And I'll post this pic I just found cause ADORABLE!



Edit: I misspelled "Ball" LOL.

Edited by PegaMister
  • Brohoof 4
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Glad to see lots of posting in the Rainbow Dash club! We need to go gaga over her more often!

I feel bad because I've pretty much been unable to get a Rainbow Dash team together for the World Cup. Unless anypony else wants to try and get folks, I guess we'll just have to go in without one! Crazy that Rainbow Dash, of all ponies, would be hard to round up a team for.


Either way, have some Rainbow Dash.



  • Brohoof 5
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Well I don't think her round has turned up yet(I could be wrong), maybe more people will agree to join when the time comes



  • Brohoof 4
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Well I don't think her round has turned up yet(I could be wrong), maybe more people will agree to join when the time comes



Rainbow's next match starts July 3rd, against Big McIntosh.

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I'll have to advertise more before her time comes up. But let's face it, Rainbow Dash is a one mare team anyway, she can crush the competition even without help!

Those she definitely appreciates help!


  • Brohoof 5
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I feel bad because I've pretty much been unable to get a Rainbow Dash team together for the World Cup. Unless anypony else wants to try and get folks, I guess we'll just have to go in without one! Crazy that Rainbow Dash, of all ponies, would be hard to round up a team for.

You made the effort, and that's what counts.  I'd like to think of this group of RD fans as always being members of Team Dash; "official" roster or no.  We're always pulling for her in the show and in her endeavors.  I'm sure she'd appreciate it:


  • Brohoof 4
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Dashie forever! :wub:


Wow, since when did the fan clubs have character limits? I remember, only posted a :wub:  smiley and that worked, or only a picture. Mayby they recognized finally, that some farming posts on those threads easily

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Some Rarity/Rainbow Dash art for a change.


Wow, since when did the fan clubs have character limits? I remember, only posted a :wub:  smiley and that worked, or only a picture. Mayby they recognized finally, that some farming posts on those threads easily

Looks like you're right, that sucks... -_-

  • Brohoof 4
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I didn't even know you could that the fan clubs left out character limits. Posting these pics would have been a lot easier



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Im typing this from a hospital right now, I have a serious condition that causes me to become ill if I don't have daily Rainbow injections. This tread helps me cope....

I thought you were serious for a moment :o ...are you?
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Im typing this from a hospital right now, I have a serious condition that causes me to become ill if I don't have daily Rainbow injections. This tread helps me cope....

Better get started with those injections, then:



Nurse Dashie has hooves and has never handled a syringe before, but give her a minute and she'll take care of it:




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