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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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I thought this episode was kinda rushed too, it seemed like everything happened a little too fast. Their Cutie marks get mixed up, Twilight goes home and after five minutes figures out exactly what she needs to do. They shoulda made it a two part episode with more detail, it would have been better that way. Lotta great songs though, I must say! :D


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I enjoyed the episode, but it definitely did feel rushed. Honestly, I think a lot of the pacing feeling off could've been solved by the cutie mark swapping happening at the start of the episode, instead of hastily covered in a flashback. On another note, the episode felt like My Little Pony: The Musical, but I can't honestly say that's a bad thing to me. If you've got a lot of story to cram into a small amount of time, the musical format is a good way to go.


As to the alicorn twilight part of the episode, I couldn't help but think the whole time during one of twilight's songs that the phrase "Everything is certainly fine" was a subtle jab at all the freaking out that was bound to happen over the development. I'm almost certain I'm wrong about this, but it's an entertaining thought anyway. I'll leave my own thoughts on the development itself for the Alicorn Twilight section of the forums.


All in all, I enjoyed the episode for what it is, even if it felt rushed. :)


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Yet another review, as if there could ever be too many. ;)


Twilight performs a spell that mixes up her friends' cutie marks and thus, their destinies. Together, they fix things. The elements change only Twilight into an alicorn. She becomes a Princess, too.


There's suspension of disbelief, and then there's this episode.


If you can change destiny, there is no destiny!


Destiny is a horrifying concept. If everything is predetermined, you never chose anything-you only had the illusion of choice; your whole life was already planned out for you. You might as well live in the Matrix.


Now, the episode did say Twilight created new magic. What kind of new magic? Is there something better than friendship or Shining and Cadence's romance bomb?


Did Twilight somehow rescue her universe from destiny and now everypony has free will? Did she create the magic of choice? This will be one of my favourite episodes if that's the case.


I think a body-swap would have worked better for this episode. Changing destinies (and possibly the time-line) makes me glad this episode was a musical, as the oddities would be hard to mask otherwise.


How far back do the effects of Twilight's spell go? Just how much history is affected? Why wasn't her memory/history affected as well? Why does she keep her magic talent? Did Rainbow Dash ever perform a sonic rainboom? How did they defeat Nightmare Moon? How did they survive the parasprites, Discord, or the sleeping dragon's smoke? If the spell's effects were in the present, that's some serious mind control for the main 6 and everyone who ever knew them.


I hoped each pony would gain the talent of the cutie mark they received in the present and yet keep their personalities. Instead, they didn't receive new talents and lost their personalities.


AJ should have had Rarity's talent to locate gems and be rich, even if her fashions failed. Rainbow Dash should have figured out how to feed animals and use them for pranking. Pinkie Pie-why is she on the Apple Farm? Is she the hired help? How is she not fired? Why did they let her kill everything? AJ's cutie mark was about FAMILY... Fluttershy's natural shyness and not making ponies happy would probably have driven her to being even more of a recluse, moving, or using her sewing talents instead. Rarity should have had RD's lightning-fast speed. If one unicorn could control the weather instead of a pegasi team, why didn't the town hire one more competent? So much for a unique pegasi ability. What do their current switched jobs have to do with destiny?


Together, the main 6 rediscover their talents/'destinies' and use the Elements. Only Twilight becomes an alicorn. Apparently her destiny was to CATCH ALL THE RACES! Tune in for next season when Twilight collects changeling and mule races! Because, of course, ascending and being powerful means becoming part of more races. (This is Discord's secret, hahaha)


What is Twilight a Princess of? Will all ponies one day ascend to alicornhood? What about the other races like gryphons, donkeys, minotaurs, etc- do they have an ascended form?


What I learned from this episode is that if you screw up badly enough, bring things back to the way they were, and if your friends still love you, you will become more races and a ruler of something!


I did like the songs. I was looking forward to hearing Celestia/Nicole Oliver sing. I didn't like the story. It felt like when I watch Dora or Backyardigans with my nephew and cringe the whole way through.


3/10. 1 point for having ponies in it, 1 point for having M. A. Larson write it, and 1 for Celestia singing.


This was the worst episode of MLP I've ever watched. I'll still re-watch the old episodes and I'll give the new season a chance to explain things.


I haven't felt this disappointed in a cartoon series since I downloaded Gargoyles a few years back and enjoyed the first 2 seasons only to find the 3rd season unwatchable. I have hope that MLP can save themselves from whatever happened to ruin a cartoon like Gargoyles.


I know this review won't change anyone's mind, but it certainly felt good to get these thoughts out.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm likely in the minority here, but Magical Mystery Cure is one of my favorite episodes just behind Magic Duel and Sleepless in Ponyville.

  • Brohoof 1

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I really enjoyed this episode, and loved every song in it!(I really like true true friend and the Cutie Mark song :D)


I also loved when Twilight got her wings, I was like, 'OMG OMG OMG!' I give this episode a 9/10 ;)

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I for one really enjoyed Magical Mystery Cure! I loved the songs, and the cutie mark exchanges were really great. And when Twilight got her wings...ohmy.png . I was shocked, but I loved every minute of it. Cheers to the 4th season everypony!



  • Brohoof 2



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I for one really enjoyed Magical Mystery Cure! I loved the songs, and the cutie mark exchanges were really great. And when Twilight got her wings...img-1332992-1-ohmy.png . I was shocked, but I loved every minute of it. Cheers to the 4th season everypony!






I also really enjoyed this episode. It could've been a two parter, and they could've paced the Cutie Mark Swapping half of the episode better, but I actually really enjoyed the fact that it was a 'slightly-too-fast-paced' musical. Song, problem introduced, song, problem explained, song, solution found, song, solution executed, song, Twilight's an alicorn, short song, Twilight's a princess, song, credits song. It just kept going, with callbacks to previous episodes all around. It felt like the episode connected all 3 seasons, and I found it VERY plausible (canonically) that Twilight becoming an alicorn was part of Celestia's plans from the very start. Oh, and Faust always envisioned Twilight being Celestia's predecessor. So there's that.


That said, it's also perfectly understandable that people didn't like this episode. I just happened to enjoy all the points that other's apparently couldn't stand. I'm a bit surprised some people consider it the worst episode of ponies to date, but opinions be different all around. Here's hoping season 4 doesn't crash and burn with the whole Twilicorn thing :D

  • Brohoof 4


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Awwww fudge, we got 51 pages. We should throw a party.


Very surprised I didn't comment yet. Anyway, I think that the pun title was really good, and making it into a musical was clever. Though, I would of liked it better if it was split into two parts.

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In a recent Facebook conversation I had my friend was asking me my opinion on the walking dead season 3 finale ( I have no idea how to do spoilers so I wont mention what happens.)


His opinion of it was that he cried, personally this certain character I don't care for so I didn't care. I replied back to him saying that I cried more at Twilight becoming a princess (true story blush.png ). And he's not replied to me for the whole week. dry.png

Edited by Toastie
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SO, I have finally watched the last episode. From what I had heard, people made me think that the episode was terrible, which I thought wasn't the case. I thought there was maybe too many songs. And the episode felt rushed. I think it would have been much better as a two-part episode. I am sad how they made Pinkie say random things at the second half of the episode. It seems like now in the later episodes, she is just the silly pony why comes in at different times with totally random stuff that you're supposed to laugh at.


I have no problems with Twilight Sparkle becoming an Alicorn at all actually. Infact I think it is a bit cool. However, I wonder how season four will continue, now when Twilight is a princess. But I guess that's something you'll have to wait and find out about.


The songs in the episodes were kinda meh, except the "A True Friend" song, which I liked a lot. Jokuc started crying during the song I got some dirt in my eye durning the song, sadly.


But overall, the episode was absolutely okay. A 6/10 I'd say.

Edited by Jokuc


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The songs in the episodes were kinda meh, except the "A True Friend" song, which I liked a lot. Jokuc started crying durning the song I got some dirt in my eye durning the song, sadly.

Oh come on! (Incoming small rant) Why can't most guys just admit they cried or at least got teary eyed? I am a guy and I wish I could cry more often, the best I can pull off, unless they are angry tears, is strong emotion or a bit teary eyed. If I could actually cry because something makes me emotional or sad I would it would be a good thing.


Also I believe you misspelled 'during' as 'durning'.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Oh come on! (Incoming small rant) Why can't most guys just admit they cried or at least got teary eyed? I am a guy and I wish I could cry more often, the best I can pull off, unless they are angry tears, is strong emotion or a bit teary eyed. If I could actually cry because something makes me emotional or sad I would it would be a good thing.


Also I believe you misspelled 'during' as 'durning'.


Haha tongue.png  That thing about the dirt was just a joke. I wrote what happened with overlined text and then some bad explaination afterwards just for fun. It makes the whole sentence a lot.. Happier c:

I mean, if I actually didn't want people to know that I cried, I wouldn't habe written it. I wrote it because I wanted to say it :)



Also, thanks. Didn't see that.

Edited by Jokuc


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I thought as much as I did notice that, though it is something I have notice either seriously or jokingly that many guys make excuses for their tears as they don't like admittingly that they cried.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I like the episode, because of most of the songs. I don't really like the last two songs. Well the story was rushed, so it should have been a two-parter like season 2. And well I don't like Twilight being an alicorn, but I hope for the best out of it.



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I personally loved this episode Great story animation jokes writing and the songs are fantastic twilights singing voice is beautiful and celestia sings.... that is all. the story about twilight becoming so good at magic that she accidentally changed her friends cutie marks and can get them back to normal shows she deserves to be an alicorn. im sorry if you dissagree but thats your oppinion to a great 4th season see you in this shows bright future

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at first  was like img-1357667-1-biggrin.png from the songs but at the end i was like img-1357667-2-sad.png no more mlp but then i looked at the hubs facebook page and season four is coming in winter i was like why?!?

It's going to be 26 episodes, so it'll be a longer(normal length) season, that's why.

I'm still satisfied with how this season ended despite being as short as it was though. :)


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It's going to be 26 episodes, so it'll be a longer(normal length) season, that's why.

I'm still satisfied with how this season ended despite being as short as it was though. smile.png


yeah true but i cant wait that long :P thats why am sad plus 26 episodes yay! thank you creators of my little pony you know how us bronies love you!

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Can't wait til Season 4 comes out although people lately been saying in season 4 will have sea ponys so most likely it's going  to be about oceans now ,but my greatest concern is what will happen to the Mane 6


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I loved this episode and thought it was a good way to end season three and go out with a bang. It's just for some reason it seemed like it had a lot more music than normal in this episode. Like my little pony the musical. *shivers*

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I've watched this episode a couple more times now. And I must say, it isn't bad, nothing to leave the fandom over. And I really like the songs. I await what they're going to do with season four.


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I've watched this episode a couple more times now. And I must say, it isn't bad, nothing to leave the fandom over. And I really like the songs. I await what they're going to do with season four.

Agreed. I think that the real problem with that episode is that it shot down a lot of headcanons... XD

It was beautiful. May have been rushed and all, but it was beautiful.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The whole time, I just like 'Red Bull gives you wings"happy.png

So yeah. She's alicorn. No big deal for me, nothing really to say about it.

I love this episode, especially the part when they were singing "A True, True Friend" and the towns people yelled Pinkie!!!laugh.png





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