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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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I think the writers took it well, but it was just too goddamn short!!!


You'd think that they would make something as important as changing a character permanently would cover at least a good hour!!!!



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As a side point, loved the initial mane Six reactions to Twilicorn. Dashie was adorable, hugging Twi and going, 'Twilight's got wings! Aweeeesooome! A new flying buddy! x3'. I would totally be okay with an S4 episode about Dash teaching Twilight some of her more advanced flying techniques, since Twilight somehow already knows how to fly, presumably learned off-screen before or after her big announcement. Hell, maybe not even an episode about learning to fly, but showing Dash and Twi hang out more, and maybe Dash showing Twi some wing care tips that Twi didn't pick up on from her books.



  • Brohoof 9


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A bittersweet ending to the season, with a wonderful and musical episode but a long drought until the start of the new season.  Personally, I rather enjoyed this episode immensely despite the rather rushed nature of it (only so much can be crammed in a 22 minute window), and it was probably one of the more emotional episiodes  I was wondering where they were hiding all of the songs this season; they just decided to give them to us all at once.  And it worked wonderfully for telling this story and the crisis of switched destinies.  There was also quite a bit of continuity mentioned in this episode, which I can appreciate.  It is all about the small details.


Now one can only wonder how this episode and Princess Twilight will tie into the beginning of season four and how all of their stories will unfold.  Also, what was the original purpose of Starswirl's spell and, if some pony tried to use this now complete spell without the elements of harmony present, what would its affect be?  Some many questions, and I am okay with that.  So much more to speculate upon, which this community seems to excel at.  But, as Twilight said, "everything will be just fine."


On a final note, that one commercial truly appeared out of nowhere. 'Stay pony, my friends.' Indeed I shall.

  • Brohoof 4
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I was right, this was a disaster. Yes, the writers did well considering what they were forced to work with, but my fears about this whole Alicorn thing were correct. 


Twilight is now a Princess, meaning that the group dynamic that we've all come to love is gone. Yes, the monologue on how Twilight's friends helped her grow was touching, but the way it was presented it sounded like she doesn't need them anymore. She learned what she needed, and now is going off to do bigger and better things. Which is cool...for Twilight anyway. The rest of the main characters though? Not so much.  


So yeah, I think this was a horrible episode. But maybe season 4 will turns things back around. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Episode was good IMO nice songs I don't normally like musicals but this was an exception the songs were very catchy. Larson did a good job at telling the story in 20 minutes using songs. It was a lot better then I thought it was going to be.


I think we learned something very important today that we all should remember. Miss America is a horrid actress it kinda hurt watching her. But maybe it was just me...


One last thing why was gummy with rainbowshy?

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That was awesome :wub:

Really should have been a two parter... all 3 "acts" felt very compressed, like they had to take just the essentials out of what really happened. But everything that was shown was excellent.

I must say, muahaha! I called it! The stars and swirls on that black book in Crystal Empire did mean it belonged to Starswirl. Love that they're expanding his history. Although I don't quite understand what his spell was meant to do... I need to hear the whole thing again, with Twilight's addition.

And... what is that place where the transformation happened? I was almost expecting some sort of god-like mother-of-all-alicorns character to show up there rather than Celestia, but I'm certainly not complaining since we got a hug, and Celestia SANG!~!1! I would have preferred if Twilight had wings as soon as she got there, and Celestia only explained why. The way it was done makes it confusing whether Celestia can create new alicorns at will, or if the elements of harmony were necessary. I assume it's the latter, but it was still weird what Celestia did there... did she pull a chunk of flesh out of Twilight's neck to craft into wings?

Rainbow's excitement over Twilight's wings makes me happy. Brace yourselves for Twidash fanfics :P

And Celestia bowed to Twilight? Twilestia fanfics! Write them! Still a massive age gap, but status gap is shrinking, and Celestia herself said Twilight is grown up now. We still need confirmation of immortality, and how that relates to the group of friends, but I have a feeling that going to that special starry place means she is.

Twilight's question about a book on being a princess was perfect. Proof that she's still her old self :) I'm glad she was a little apprehensive about the whole thing, since the promo pics made it look like she was totally relaxed and had been expecting it.

Twilight's coronation dress was kind of bland... but Luna and Celestia had some pretty nice outfits.

Didn't like the last clip with Twilight flying. Too much repeat of Sleepless in Ponyville, plus makes a "learning to fly" episode less believable, if it happens at all now.

The songs worked well in context of the episode, but I'm not sure I'll be listening to them along like I do with many others from the series. I need to hear them again, though. Sometimes they grow on me.

I am amused that Twilight's "everything's fine" song sounded so much like it was aimed directly at panicky bronies.

Must watch again. Someone get it on youtube, stat!

And someone get season 4 done :angry:

  • Brohoof 4
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I thought this was a great episode, the songs were well done, and the ending was emotional. Now I just need to find something to do until Season 4.

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Ah yes, I forgot to mention... I love the Starswirl development. We already knew or got the idea that he was similar to Twilight (or rather, that Twilight is similar to how he was), but it seems that, basically, he was Twilight the way she was heading in Friendship is Magic: Extremely magically talented, but not very interested in friendship. And I think that is an intriguing parallel/relation there.


Also, I'll not neglect to point out, that definitely still leaves open the possibility of Discord being Starswirl. And while my preference has always been that they stay separate characters... just as with princess Twilight, if they execute it well then I'd be happy with it, as I am with Twilight.

  • Brohoof 2

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I was right, this was a disaster. Yes, the writers did well considering what they were forced to work with, but my fears about this whole Alicorn thing were correct. 


Twilight is now a Princess, meaning that the group dynamic that we've all come to love is gone. Yes, the monologue on how Twilight's friends helped her grow was touching, but the way it was presented it sounded like she doesn't need them anymore. She learned what she needed, and now is going off to do bigger and better things. Which is cool...for Twilight anyway. The rest of the main characters though? Not so much.  


So yeah, I think this was a horrible episode. But maybe season 4 will turns things back around. 


On it's own, it was like a series finally.

From what Meghan McCarthy said, it was a bigger arc. I'm not cool with the episode nor the fact that half of the episode was musical but the potential that season 4 might bring makes this entire thing much more digestible as a whole.

Also this was only a ploy to sell more toys.

Edited by Night Moonstone
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The one thing that let this episode down wasn't the episode at all, it was the fact that they showed us that twilight was a alicorn 3 weeks ago, it wasn't a surprise to see her gain her wings today (but it was still exiting to watch!) if hasbro kept it a secret, bronies would be going 10x as insane as they are now!

  • Brohoof 3
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We still need confirmation of immortality, and how that relates to the group of friends, but I have a feeling that going to that special starry place means she is.


That's the part that concerns me the most. It was never the wings, it was the prospect that she was now going to be immortal.

But I don't think she is, because of her mane. I think that separates the god-tier Alicorns (Celestia and Luna) from the mortal Alicorns (Cadence and Twilight)


Not to mention, I think Celestia knows that to Twilight, immortality would be more like a curse than a blessing. Her friends are her life. I don't think she would force her student to watch them all wither and die.

  • Brohoof 3


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Well, at least they haven't forgotten Derpy :)


I'll be optimistic and say that Twilight's "Everything's going to be just fine!" was intended for the Bronies and Pegasisters.


Here's hoping Scootaloo now has two surrogate sisters to help her out...at least when Twi's not busy with other things. But Dash definitely should be number one.


I wasn't much for Twi's friends and Spike bowing to her, I hope that was just for the coronation and not something we're going to see all the time, like bowing to Celestia.


I also liked the scene where Spike reassured Twilight and reminded her of her friends. It's been a good season for him, starting with the premiere.

Edited by PonyHag1
  • Brohoof 4

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To be honest, the episode has left a bittersweet feeling in my mouth and soul. On one hand the show creators obviously tried to make this the most epic event of all time despite its ridiculousness, on the other hand I can not simply see a way on how this could NOT influence the fundamental concepts of the show. I still don't like Twilight idea becoming a demigod. Ultimately this episode has raised more questions than it has answered. (FAN FICTION WRITERS CHAAAAAAAAARGE!!!) 


One thing we can all agree on though. Miss America was the most annoying advertisement ever!!! 


P.S. : oh and Derpy! It was really nice of Hub to place her in there. The question is... did Hasbro know about this or did they just rebel? To be honest I consider this the last  good bye appearance of the doctors assistant before she slips completely into fanon :(

Edited by Millfox
  • Brohoof 5


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Okay. So, I managed to re-watch the episode and my initial opinion is not changed.

I don't get it. I should have liked this episode. The alicorns are now an official term. Friendship is the greatest power in Equestria through the Elements of Harmony it appears. Alicorns are a sort of ruling class with the benefit that they are supposed to be both magically proficient and understand the power of friendship. I'd just like to know how Blueblood got his title. Maybe he got "corrupted" along the way.


I didn't even think it was TOO rushed. It would have been perfect as a "Discord episode", and if it was the show's ending.


What I didn't like, I guess, is the idea of Cutie Marks too intertwined with the idea of destiny. Now Equestria is this Orwellian dystopia where you have no chance in your life if you don't follow "your destiny". I could live with the idea of the tile of Princess being passed down because one deserves it, but this destiny idea ruins it for me. Why? Because the point of deserving this position is void: you where already destined to be. It has nothing to do with friendship: it was destiny in the end.


I also want to know when are the others going to be princesses too. Because Twlight didn't "master friendship" alone. Of course, the problem is that only unicorns can do this sort of magic. So the "become princess" destiny is only available to unicorns. Tough luck earth ponies and pegasi. After all, only unicorns can truly understand the Magic of Friendship.


Congratulations Hasbro. I hope this bite you in the ass later. This happened because Twlight had to be a princess. But it also had to be rushed, through "half a season" and contradicting the original premises that made the show so great to begin with. I hope Celestia damns you to Tartarus.

  • Brohoof 4


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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The one thing that let this episode down wasn't the episode at all, it was the fact that they showed us that twilight was a alicorn 3 weeks ago, it wasn't a surprise to see her gain her wings today (but it was still exiting to watch!) if hasbro kept it a secret, bronies would be going 10x as insane as they are now!


The same mistake was made in the animated 1986 Transformers: The Movie.  The trailers all showed Unicron transforming from a planet into the biggest robot ever!  I personally think the movie would've been much more enjoyable if that detail was kept under wraps. 


Alicorn Twilight Sparkle will go down as one of the worst kept secrets ever.  :/

  • Brohoof 2
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So is this the season finale or will they have a second half season?  Or is that the end?


This is definitely the season 3 finale.  Next Saturday, and for many Saturdays afterwards, there will not be a new episode.  However, we have confirmation that there is a season 4 (with 26 episodes), so this isn't 'the end'.  We just have no idea when it will start.




Can anyone tell me how Twilight learned to fly, in that short amount of time?  <_<





  • Brohoof 2

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Well, that sure was... something.


Starting off with the songs, they certainly made up for the lack of songs in the rest of the season (heck, there may have been too many songs in this episode). None of them really stood out from one another, but they were all quite enjoyable.


Now onto alicorn Twilight. When I heard that she would become an alicorn for fixing her own mistake before the episode aired, I didn't really like the logic behind it. After watching and finding out it was Celestia who tasked her with something that not even Starswirl the Bearded could achieve, I find it a bit more understandable. What I didn't like was how Celestia didn't even bother to ask Twilight or her friends whether they were okay her becoming an alicorn/princess (she basically said, "hard luck, bitch, you're an alicorn no matter what you or your friends think of it," though it appeared they were alright with it once it happened). And what I disliked the most about this was during the final few seconds when Twilight flew towards the screen like she had wings her entire life. I thought, "God damn it!" to myself when it happened. I was going to add Twilight getting flying lessons from Rainbow Dash on my season 4 wish list until that.


There are still many questions that I want answered about alicorn Twilight: Is she practically immortal like Celestia and Luna? How will this affect the screentime between her and the rest of the mane six? What exactly is she the princess of? And so on. At least Meaghan's tweet implies that the first two episodes of season 4 will correlate with this one, but we unfortunately have to wait several months for that. I suppose it's still possible that Twilight could revert back to a normal unicorn.


As for the rest of the episode, it was quite nice. It felt quite rushed, though that was pretty much inevitable given it was practically two episodes in one time slot (had the cutie mark switching gotten an enitre episode to itself, it likley would have been one of my favorites in the series). The scene with Twilight and Celestia wherever the hell they were looked absolutely stunning (it even made me shed a few tears). It was also nice to see Vinyl Scratch a Pinkamena return.


tl;dr: Much of the episode was nice, but it felt rushed and brought up more questions that it did answer thanks to alicorn Twilight.


Also, liquid pride sounds like the name of a sex lubricant to me. Man, I am such a pervert...

Edited by Kenny
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