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That's BS: Twilight can fly with no training from flight school/camp


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I think much more of the season finales problems can be blamed on Hasbro than on the writers because Hasbro of course does have the final say.

Hasbro may be the ones to give the final pass, but the writers are still the ones to present the story. I highly doubt that Hasbro would force them to not give any kind of explanation on this whatsoever, so this burden is still on the writers for as far as I care.

Edited by Zhinzo
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Okay, did I miss something? When did questioning the lack of explanations/logic in the show turn into hating the show? When did it turn into a crime to expect professional, paid writers to do quality writing?

The point is here its being really really overblown. There have been worse things in the past that most just look over. For example Spikes very existence is a plot hole wrapped in an enigma. Its been indicated pretty much since the beginning that spike was pretty much the only dragon dwelling amongst ponies. Knowing that why in the world is hatching an egg an entrance exam? It couldn't have always been because we see no other dragons living with ponies.  Theres really not much indication that Twilight directly met Celestia previously so how could she have known, is she telepathic? Where did this egg come from? Why let a filly raise a dragon? How about this one from the first episode. Why the heck did Twilight and the gang have the power to free Luna and not Celestia they both used the elements of harmony? There is no explanation given in the episode. Did Nightmare moon really capture Celestia or did Celestia hide? Where was she? Again never explained. Given the current episode and future continuity it makes sense but as an episode it is a plot hole. Why does applejack's strength seem to fluctuate through episodes? Why do we never see the concentration of depressed ponies seen in the smile song until then? How about the Rarity wing spell? How the heck did she know how to fly? Also why perform such as hard spell when there was a much easier one to begin with? Heck the entire presence of princesses in mlp hasn't really been explained in mlp ever. Why are there two princesses why not queens? Wait some kingdoms have queens so how.. what? No one says those episodes are ruined or shit. Whilst I see some of those as problems logically. I can let them go as the majority of content is excellently handled. Same here.


Yes it really isn't explained why she should be able to fly. Is it episode breaking and a signification that the writers dont give a damn. I dont think so and if you guys do then why ignore the far greater plot problems? Most of the major plot poles I see presented are part of the exaggerated imagery presented to show the overall theme. A theme with what I think is excellent visual presentation thought the episode that seems to be ignored. Everyone's so focused on the transformation and "logic" of it that the whole underlying theme and presentation is being looked over. How did Twilight come up with the solution? It there, its presented very fast but its there. What did the spell do, and why doesn't rarity yern for speed? Again it there very fast but there? Though there inlies the main problem the episode is rushed. 


Heck some complaints I see as just plain silly. Musical numbers as fillers? Musicals are lazy? Really cause last I checked they were freaken hard. There's a reason Disney chooses to do them, it demonstrates a crazy hard art to pull off.


Yes this show and other shows like it have continuity, and like all those other shows this one has continuity gaps and holes sometimes. The point is that here certain problems which may not even be problems are being widened and chiseled at because this episode is controversial. If I treated every episodes like some are treating this one I could pick apart a lot of episodes including some fan favorites.  

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This is hardly the first time for this even. Way back in Sonic Rainboom Rarity instantly knew how to use her wings. It could just be a side effect of the magic. Besides, we don't know how competent Twilight is at flying anyway. For all we know she lost control and ate it seconds after the screen faded to black.


In any case, if in Season 4 there's an episode about Dashie giving Twilight flight pointers and nothing about her doing the same to Scoots, heads will roll.

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If this is directed at me, please take a deep breath and calm down miss, I'm fully aware of this and (to my knowledge) have never stated the opposite.

Zhinzo, what part of "I didn't mean just this thread, or even this site." did you not understand.  Note: I didn't mock or make fun of your screen name.


Just because a show is a cartoon does not give it an excuse to have lazy writing, give children a little more credit than that seriously. Entertainment in general may have gone down hill but I think adult entertainment went further downhill faster than childrens entertainment. And yes I agree that the declarations of no longer watching the show are taking it a tad too far as we still haven't seen if this is really going to work or not but that dosen't represent the opinions of everyone opposed to twilicorn including yours truly. And yes I am fully aware that the show was made to sell toys and am fine with that so long as the show retains its quality. Hasbro has until now let the writers do their jobs to bring us a truly great show but I think much more of the season finales problems can be blamed on Hasbro than on the writers because Hasbro of course does have the final say.

I saw no hint of lazy writing in the final of season three. Frankly, I really enjoyed the episode and look forward to season four.


I think that expecting solid, consistent writing from a show that has exhibited solid, consistent writing in the past isn't asking for a lot.


I have to wonder why you take such strong issue about the opinions of others on this particular subject.

To be honest, it isn't that I take issue with it. I'm just totally bewildered on how this has taken on so much importance with a lot of Bronies. I love the show, but it's just a cartoon. It isn't a cornerstone of my life like it seems to be with so many other Bronies. To be honest, I liked Teen Titans and Kim Possible just as much. The general Brony free for all over Twilacorn and Equestria Girls is starting to get just a trifle embarrassing. Before anyone takes offense, I mean fandom wide all over the internet.

Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I absolutely hate it how after a single poorly paced episode, people are willing to say "the writers don't give a damn anymore."  It happened with Pixar, and now it's happening with FiM.


I'd be willing to bet that the writers were forced to squeeze Twilight's entire transformation into one episode and, considering those restrictions, I think they did pretty darn well  Are people so caught up in minor plot holes that they just completely ignore the episode's many strengths (musicality, tone, etc.)?


Besides, the amount of time that passed between Twilight's transformation and her post-coronation parade is never stated.  For all we know, she had months of training and rehearsal.

  • Brohoof 1

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I absolutely hate it how after a single poorly paced episode, people are willing to say "the writers don't give a damn anymore."  It happened with Pixar, and now it's happening with FiM.


I'd be willing to bet that the writers were forced to squeeze Twilight's entire transformation into one episode and, considering those restrictions, I think they did pretty darn well  Are people so caught up in minor plot holes that they just completely ignore the episode's many strengths (musicality, tone, etc.)?


Besides, the amount of time that passed between Twilight's transformation and her post-coronation parade is never stated.  For all we know, she had months of training and rehearsal.

From what I heard, the writers and animators didn't know there was going to be a season four, so they hurried to bring the entire show to a conclusion. Season four was announced after animation was complete on the episode. At least that's one of the theories flying around. Actually, I saw that end scene as more of some kind of logo, rather than part of the actual sequence of events. Here's a question. How does the viewer know Shining Armor didn't pick up his sister and chuck her off of a balcony? He has a history of doing that, you know! 


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I lean't  how to fly a Cessna 172, 182 in mare 48 Minus (of real flight time), Thats including all the dials, instruments, radio coms, take-off, land, Trimming, flaps, cruse speed, Mixtures, Prop angel and ajustments.


its true that I read most of it before hand... I guess the point is if you do a lot of reading you can inthory be able to fly really quick with out much exprinces.


  • Brohoof 2

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Here's a question. How does the viewer know Shining Armor didn't pick up his sister and chuck her off of a balcony? He has a history of doing that, you know! 


My God... and what if she's not doing corkscrews for show, but because she's spiraling out of control?  What if Season 4 opens with her hitting the ground painfully and breaking her wings?  And then nothing changes at all?


  • Brohoof 3

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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Oh, it's too damn obvious! Twilight flew without training purely for the delight and enjoyment of the younglings! Remember guys, MLP isn't just there for the bronies. And after all, it was the final ep of S3. Finish it with a bang, why not?

Edited by Fyrestorm
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I absolutely hate it how after a single poorly paced episode, people are willing to say "the writers don't give a damn anymore."  It happened with Pixar, and now it's happening with FiM.


I'd be willing to bet that the writers were forced to squeeze Twilight's entire transformation into one episode and, considering those restrictions, I think they did pretty darn well  Are people so caught up in minor plot holes that they just completely ignore the episode's many strengths (musicality, tone, etc.)?

Eeeeeeyup bingo, that describes to a tee exactly why I think Hasbro is more at fault for this than the writers. Honestly I wouldn't want to be in their position, on one side they have Hasbro breathing down their necks telling them to jam in Twilight alicorn at the last second and somehow put it into one episode and on the other hand they have bronies that are understandably understandably upset with how the episode turned out. If anyone could be said to not giving a damn anymore it is Hasbro, hopefully the polarizing response to this teaches Hasbro that they shouldn't take their newfound brony audience for granted.

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Well I can think of a few reasons why. First the episode was already smashed into way to short a time to have "Flight lessons"

Second, she just had wings magically slapped onto her, it not inconceivable to assume that it came with some default programming.

Three flying is easy, landing is not.

Fourth, everypony who liked Alicorn Twilight, including the target audience, wanted to see her fly with her new wings and for her to crash or been bad at it would have ruined pacing of the ending. 

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Was I the only one who expected Twilight to crash into the camera right there at the end?  It would've been completely appropriate for her, and I think it would've done a lot more to assure us 'everything was going to be alright' than the words themselves.  ;)



Exactly. When Twilight came corkscrewing out of Canterlot and flew straight at the camera I was like "Wait Twilight you've only just received those wings you're not so good at fly- WAIT TWILIGHT NO STOP SLOW DOWN YOU'RE GONNA AAAHHHHH--" *crash noises, camera falls back, static; image flickers back on screen as camera is laying on its side, looking at a derp-eyed Twilight*


Twilight: "Ugh...I just don't know what went wrong..."


Me: "You said...everything would be fine..."

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Heres my arguments.

One: Rarity. Barely any training, great flyer.

Two: that Baby cake could fly.

three: Scootaloo either sucks at flying or has a problem with her wings.

4th and most importantly, Twilight could've at any time cast the wing spell on her self to see what flying is like and pratice then.

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I don't see an issue as it looks like it was there to mostly liven up the ending, and as others pointed out, there is no given time interval between the transformation and the coronation. Then there is that there doesn't seem to have been time in the episode to include a snippet of her being taught how to fly, assuming such a thing was actually necessary.


I am not going to fly off the handle and say that the writers have lost all care for the show's quality for a 5 second end scene that was most likely supposed to be nothing more than visual flare all things considered.

Edited by The Oneiromancer
  • Brohoof 2

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Well I can think of a few reasons why. First the episode was already smashed into way to short a time to have "Flight lessons"

Maybe but that still dosen't mean that couldn't have been added later in season 4 as a matter of fact I think it could help smooth things over for people still skeptical about this change and have opportunities for excellent character development between Twilight and Rainbow Dash and maybe even Scootaloo if she also takes part in the flight lessons.

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I'm sure that the ability to fly came with the wings. I highly doubt she's anywhere near as good a flyer as Rainbow Dash, though.

  • Brohoof 1



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If we start poking holes in the show, there will be nothing left about it to enjoy. Pound cake can fly and Scootaloo can't. Magic exists, and there is no scientific basis for it. Spike eats gems and his flames teleport letters. Dash got thrown *backwards* attempting to break the sound barrier, thus defying all known laws of physics. The sun and moon orbit the planet. Pinkie is pretty much a god who can bend time and space to be anywhere, in anything. She'd make Dr. Who look like an amateur.


Yep, Twilight can fly and I couldn't care less. I'd rather just enjoy the show.

  • Brohoof 4

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Maybe unicorns have a magical ability to fly immediately if they acquire wings by evolving to an alicorn or some other means?  As others have pointed out, Rarity didn't have any flying lessons either in Sonic Rainboom.  Nor do we know how much time passed between the coronation and Twi's flyby at the end.  She could have received a crash course in flying off screen for all we know. 

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She's an egghead.

Is that a sufficient answer?


Not to say it doesn't feel out of place, but it seems valid and it's very likely.

Let's not forget that Twilight can learn spells in a single day. (she figured out a time travel spell in seconds)

Given the likeliness that she has probably read about flying and how flight works with pegasi wings, that could be a reason.


I agree that experience is usually a better teacher, but it's not impossible to learn something practical through theory.


Well I imagine Twilight's situation is a lot like that of Hermione Grangers. She's read all about flight and how to theoretically do it, but it takes much more innate skill and training to actually put it into practice.


That said, she probably was just given the ability and knowledge of flight sometime during her transformation. Heck, we don't actually know what she experienced between when she leaves Celestia's dream state and when she appears out of her cutie mark. She could've learned and seen all kinds of things in that time.

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If you ask me guys, there is no way to teach a pegasus how to fly. Flying I think is more of an instinct that Pegasus have when they are born. So when Twilight became an Alicorn, she gained that instinct that pegasus have and was able to fly that way.

Now the flight school that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went to I think it's more of away to improve on one's flying and not teach it. If flying could be easily taught, then Scootaloo would have gone a long time ago. Also Pound Cake a 1 mouth old pegasus who has no parent's who can fly, was able to do it with no kinda of training.

Edited by pinkiefan1287
  • Brohoof 2


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Another sign of how the finale was rushed and the writers are just not giving a damn anymore. How is it that Twilight knew how to fly instantly she got her wings while born Pegasus like Rainbow Dash was kicked out of flight school and Fluttershy became a poor flier. In the ending she just flew around like she did a loop around like she was doing it all her life then announced "Everything is going to be alright." Let's just cut that part out maybe?


Sure she's a fast learner but there is years of muscle memory to be learned. At this point Twilight should known much about flying as Scootaloo. Don't tell me she's hooked to the Matrix now.


I can't imagine the Coronation being held the morning after Twilight became an Alicorn; maybe she learned to fly during the planning of the Coronation?


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Well there's a clear-cut difference between something that may take some ponies a few days to learn and something that takes an entire species (if real life is an accurate analogue then replace that with "all flying species",) multiple years to master, starting at birth, the period of your life where you're most likely to easily learn new things.


If you want another comparison, It's like a maths genius learning an entire new foreign language in the blink of an eye.


That's actually a bit inaccurate of a comparison

Let's tally it up, shall we?


Twilight has extensive knowledge and understanding of :


A) Magic/Spells

B) Lore/History

C) Other species in Equestria

D) Core logic (her capability of understanding things given a certain number of points) [compared to other ponies!]


A bit harsh to say she can't learn the basics of flying with adult-sized Alicorn wings with the basic theoretical understanding.


A closer comparison would be...

A chess veteran with disabled legs that are magically healed learning how to sprint like a skilled athlete.


I admit this may not be the case, but you should read all the other posts here which have given very possible suggestions, too.

The ideal of denying a possiblity of any sort is something very limited to.... limited people.

(no offense intended, that's the kindest way I know how to put it)

Edited by Sunset Spark

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
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