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I hate solid planets, because they're too dense. I also hate gas giants because they try too hard to be like solid planets. I hate space, it's not interesting enough. Stars suck too, 'cause they're too big.


I hate all animals, including humans. I also hate plants because I'm jealous that they have chloroplasts and we don't. Unicellular organisms can suck it.


I hate water. Why does it have to have two hydrogen atoms? Overrated, Dioxide already has two oxygen atoms. Oh yeah, I hate dioxide too.

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I hate...




-Most Facebook users today

-Windows 8

-Internet Explorer


-Low Batter

-Goverments (They are not like what you see)

-Very poor grammar

-Hate groups

-People act like smoking/drinking is cool

Edited by Zootycooner


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Things I hate:


- Politicians. They're crooked and corrupt. It doesn't matter if they're liberal or conservative.

- Kids these days and their filthy mouths.

- Rap music.

- "Mature" content on TV which consists of raunchy sex comedy. Most TV shows in general are garbage.

- Teachers who don't feel like helping their students and doing their JOB.

- The terrible music of today and the so-called "artists" who make them.

- Anyone who lays a finger on an animal. I have no mercy whatsoever for animal abusers.

- Drugs

- Crime and criminals

- Smoking

- Hackers

- Racism

- Sexism

- "Professional" movie critics and game critics who have no idea what they're talking about.

- People who drive on the street with their windows rolled down and their music on full blast.

- South Park

- Stereotypes

- Mathematics

- Science classes

- Religious discussions

- Most sports athletes who have a terrible attitude


And so much more. But I'll leave the negativity at that. :P

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Well, here's my big ol' list:


-People who abuse the words swag or yolo

-People who consider themselves 'nerds', when they're really not 

-People who think they're old timers because they are born in the 90's

-One Direction/Justin Beiber

-Being serious for a long period of time

-The new Spongebob

-Annoying Facebook girls (Facebook girl:*eats one bag of chips* OMG IM SO FAT) 

-People quickly judging things without exploring it's content

-PETA (I was not amused at their Pokemon spoof)

-People blaming Mcdonald's for their health, when it's obviously their fault they are fat 

-Political Correctness (at least, too much of it) 



-People discriminating each other because of what religion they are

-People who think just about everything is racist (Me: I don't really like black cars... Person: RACIST!)

-Seeing little kids with the latest iphones

-Angry Birds Merchandise (I don't mind Angry Birds, but now it's getting annoying..)

-Hashtags (Lol, #MLPforums)

-Overpowered OCs (You know, alicorns...)

-How people are freaking out over Alicorn Twilight

-Wasabi (that stuff makes me vomit)

-The fact that people think Pokemon is 'too immature' 

-How people automatically consider bronies 'gay'

-People who think it's so cool to act ghetto 

-How some people are just so lazy

-Bossy people

-The new Cartoon Network

-Forgetting what your about to type in the forums 

-The fact that Casey Anthony got off scott-free


-Fidel Castro


-'Gamer Gurls' 

-How people think that girls can't be called bronies

-How People hate the new Pokemon generations 

-Procrastination (happens to me a lot...)

-Spiders (no explanation needed)

-Twilight movies/books

-Stubbing my toe on every single darn table leg I pass by

-People who complain their overweight when they're not

-People who consider me immature (I'm immature, and PROUD OF IT!)

-Those people who wear Beats around their necks (Hint: We don't care that you have Beats)

-Metal Music


-Internet Explorer

-People who have personal hate over a pony in MLP (sheesh...it's just a show)

-Not having a good comeback in an argument

-Pokemon not being real




That's just about it. If I have more, I'll post them....but that's my list. :P

Edited by Pixiesong
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- neon colors.  Those things are bloody painful to my eyes.

- idiots who stand outside of my dorm and talk at an ungodly volume while I'm trying to f**cking sleep

- arrogant people.  There's a big difference between having well-founded confidence and being a jerk

- decoding 'text speak' or abysmally awful grammar/spelling

- people who think that being a jerk is cool

- a large chunk of rap music.  Some rap is decent, while some is the most annoying, repetitive, and immorally idiotic garbage to ever plague my ears (sorry to anyone who enjoys it, I just can't no matter how hard I try)


There's probably more, but I can't think of them right now.  I might add to this later.

Edited by Antismurf9001
  • Brohoof 2

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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-Country music (Not into country music, sorry, not trying to start a war)


-I also hate the newer generation now a days, like with the people who are into "SWAG" or "YOLO" and just the fact of how people dress now a days and how people also don't have manners anymore.


-Sluts, preps, attention whores, etc. I hate them girls or even guys that post pics half nude just to get attention or any sort or like or re-tweets, etc. And the way they dress anymore. Skimpy short shorts, and low cut shirts. And how guys always try to show off their muscles and abs.


-I also HATE Dubstep. It actually hurts my ears no joke and gives me a headache. I don't understand the joy of hearing screeching and robotic sounding...sounds.


-Schoooooooooooooooool. I know we need it for education, but...I haven't learned anything new in awhile because its all review and just most of the people in it, the drama, the excessive amount of homework, some teachers, some of the rules. Well..if you go to my school, you will regret it.


-Twilight Saga. To most ponies on here may be a fan, but I am sorry, I got tired of it. Of how so much people were obsessed with it and still go nuts  over it. Its just...a dumb story in my opinion, ive read better.


-"CAKE IS A LIE" Joke. OMG, it is sooooooo annoying. I had an ex who would always say that whenever I ate cake or pie. Even other people who knows of the joke. Ok, I mean its funny once or if you play Portal..er whatever game that was from. Oh well, I like cake DAMMIT!


-Call of Duty. That's all it is anymore. What happened to the good old games with a great story? People still do play Mario and other gams, but alls I hear is Call of Duty (No offense to some people who like this game, I think its just...dumb and im not into shooter games.)


-Politics. Im tired of hearing about that stuff. I DONT care about Politics. Sorry


-People who judge the weirdos. Like me for example. I am a weirdo in school and most people now a days judges the book by its cover. It ticks me off because I am a good person, I am funny, and in my opinion, I am normal because I express myself and I don't act fake.


-When people go overboard on make up. Okay, I like make up art, where people do it for art, money, and practicing to be a movie make up designer, but the girls that walk around with TONS of foundation, mascara, eye shadow, lip stick, eye liner, etc.


-Tanning. (If some of you on here tan, please don't get offended, this is my opinion). I hate it because I mean...when you do it a lot, you are basically damaging your skin. Most can get cancer if you do it too much and most girls around here have to insist on tanning all the time because they hate being pale. I love pale skin. Its gorgeous. Anyways, I mean, if you tan a little, that is fine. Im talking about doing it for attention and to look attractive.


-When people die their hair constantly. There is a girl who graduated from my school last year and the chick (I KID YOU NOT) Would die her hair almost every week. From, black to brown to red to blonde to even colors of the rainbow. SHE IS GONNA LOSE HER HAIR! Its just ridiculous.


-Game debators. As in the people who go "No Nintendo is better!", "are you kidding me, no Sony is better", "Microsoft, bitches!" OMG, SHUSH! All 3 systems are good with their own games. Nintendo is better at the cartoonic game characters and sony and Microsoft are good with action kind of games.


-Bugs (Insects). Except for moths, butterflies, bumble/honey bees, and caterpillars.


-Racism. C'mon, we are all human


-Liars, drama starters, rumor spreaders.


-Jocks, the dudes who act like their life depends on sports all the time. And show off their power and fame.


-Druggies. Like really? You really gonna abuse your body?


-Two faced people.


-People who are always angry. I mean that as in, go get some anger management please.


-When youtube vids, tributes, or intros always have to have that blaring Metal, screamo music. Headache much?


-Youtube ads.


I can go on....because I have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT more. Don't wanna take all day.

Well, here's my big ol' list:


-People who abuse the words swag or yolo

-People who consider themselves 'nerds', when they're really not 

-People who think they're old timers because they are born in the 90's

-One Direction/Justin Beiber

-Being serious for a long period of time

-The new Spongebob

-Annoying Facebook girls (Facebook girl:*eats one bag of chips* OMG IM SO FAT) 

-People quickly judging things without exploring it's content

-PETA (I was not amused at their Pokemon spoof)

-People blaming Mcdonald's for their health, when it's obviously their fault they are fat 

-Political Correctness (at least, too much of it) 



-People discriminating each other because of what religion they are

-People who think just about everything is racist (Me: I don't really like black cars... Person: RACIST!)

-Seeing little kids with the latest iphones

-Angry Birds Merchandise (I don't mind Angry Birds, but now it's getting annoying..)

-Hashtags (Lol, #MLPforums)

-Overpowered OCs (You know, alicorns...)

-How people are freaking out over Alicorn Twilight

-Wasabi (that stuff makes me vomit)

-The fact that people think Pokemon is 'too immature' 

-How people automatically consider bronies 'gay'

-People who think it's so cool to act ghetto 

-How some people are just so lazy

-Bossy people

-The new Cartoon Network

-Forgetting what your about to type in the forums 

-The fact that Casey Anthony got off scott-free


-Fidel Castro


-'Gamer Gurls' 

-How people think that girls can't be called bronies

-How People hate the new Pokemon generations 

-Procrastination (happens to me a lot...)

-Spiders (no explanation needed)

-Twilight movies/books

-Stubbing my toe on every single darn table leg I pass by

-People who complain their overweight when they're not

-People who consider me immature (I'm immature, and PROUD OF IT!)

-Those people who wear Beats around their necks (Hint: We don't care that you have Beats)

-Metal Music


-Internet Explorer

-People who have personal hate over a pony in MLP (sheesh...it's just a show)

-Not having a good comeback in an argument

-Pokemon not being real




That's just about it. If I have more, I'll post them....but that's my list. :P


OMFG! you're LIKE my twin. I have to agree with like every post. Especially the Beats headphones. OMG, I should have posted that. All the douches at my school act like when they have them, they're cool and awesome because they got a dumb looking, expensive pair of headphones. As for me, I just go buy headphones that have good quality. And the gamer "gurls" thing. I mean, I am a girl and I game, but I don't go around going "OH I AM A GAMER GURL, BEAT THAT!" I just game, yo! Cause I enjoy games.

Edited by Sugar Sprinkles
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I hate all of those idiot music fans who try to shove their musical tastes down someone's throat

It's just like honestly metal, electronic, rap, hip-hop etc. is not everyone's musical tastes

I'll admit that I've suggested artists/bands to people who aren't a fan of what genre those artists/bands do

But those are just suggestions and recommendations not saying "Listen 2 dese bands or ur a fukin faget lolol"


I hate people who waste loads of food

If you throw 2 giant heaps of pasta on your plate

And you can't finish them, then it's called leftovers for tomorrow

Not trash it all, and waste not just food but money as well

It's understandable if you wanna throw out those little leftover "scraps" that are on your plate

But there really is no reason to throw out over half of your plate because your eyes were bigger than your stomache


Idiotic people who think that they are rebels

Seriously? There's being rebellious to make a difference on the world

But then there's the stuck up little brat

Who wants to get laid without a condom, and snort cocaine

While getting drunk at a party with a 23 year old man

Seriously just follow simple and reasonable rules

Even though I'll admit that I've broken a few rules at my house

I wouldn't go sneak off at the middle of the night without my parent's permission

So that I can go do some crazy stupid stuff that'll ruin my life

I understand that you wanna be young and live your life while you can

But there is such thing as taking it too far



Country music

It just doesn't appeal to me

Though I will admit that I love Johnny Cash

Seriously it's hard to argue when your songs are named

Folsom Prison Blues, Walk The Line, and to top it off

An amazing cover of a great song by Nine Inch Nails

Anyways, I really hate every other country singer

It just sounds a little bit too boring and bland for me


Most of the dubstep out there

I like the sort of styles such as

Skream, Zeds Dead, Datsik and Excision

But I really can't get my head around all of the growl bass stuff

And to me, dubstep is the least interesting genre in electronic music

(Besides Liquid DnB which is another subgenre that I don't like)

So I'll only listen to it every once in a while when I feel like it


Ponified words

I really just find them annoying

Even when they are used in the show itself

I still feel bothered by them


Pinkie Pie

She's just annoying

And the only humorous things she's said

Were just a handful of one-liners


Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandria, Falling In Reverse, Suicide Silence

And basically any other whiny teen "hardcore" boy band

Seriously hardcore music is meant to be full of anger, hatred, despair

And loads of other negative emotions, not songs about life, bullying, valuable lessons etc.

I understand that they wanna go their own way in the music

But there is a difference between being different from the rest

And completely messing up a genre

Even though they aren't talentless, they just can't seem to understand that they are defeating the purpose of hardcore music

And the vocal techniques from the bands they don't sound anything like hardcore vocals

Edited by Dat Moog

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Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj


Oh, and did I mention Nicki Minaj?

Edited by TheTEChguy27
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Having to get up early

Going to sleep early

Lack of time

Lack of motivation to do something productive when I've got that time

Myself for being so lazy

My boring and exhausting job

Self-tangling cords

People who should really invest in headphones

Dishonest people

Intolerant people

Greedy people

Hurtful people

People lacking compassion

Overzealous people

Disrespectful people

Stupidly overconfident and stubborn people

When people disturb me unnecessarily

Shopping (unless it's a computer or guitar shop)

Pop music

Rap music

Cradle of Filth's new albums

Drums in St. Anger

Post-Tarja Nightwish

Inability to be a godlike guitar player

(sometimes) my brother's girlfriend

Being ill

Being sad

The fact that nobody is reading this

Knowing that all awesome things will eventually end

When it's too cold

When it's too hot

Mosquitos and flies


Lack of "true" friends

Getting drunk


Mess in my room

That I have to grow up (eeup, now when i started my first work i reeeeally miss my school days)

Making lists of things i hate It actually made me fell a bit better :D

Check out my DA! (If you dare...)

 And tumblr!


Fromerly The Dork Lord

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So much hatred in this topic:(


I hate stupidity of some people, which mixed with stubborness to change their minds.

I hate to wake up early.

I hate to be distracted by meaningless points.

I hate opionated peope

I hate people who try to teach you something, but dont know a !@#$ about a subject

I hate people who boast about their abilities and expirience, making theirself hub of the universe (Seriously it is main thing that i hating in a people)


Pretty short list thought =) I think i am really calm pony, and dont used to hate so much. Every other point that can be added is just ... missunderstanding.

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-Pop Music


-Catholics (Extreme Catholics)






-The US Education System


-The US Court System


-North Korea


-CoD and CoD fanboys


-"Holier Than Thou" people, if you know what I'm talking about, good, if not, it's not worth explaining.


-Hypocrites (Oh wait, I said Extreme Catholics already)








-Spanish (The language)


-Senseless violence


-Bullies (How many times am I going to say extreme Catholics before this list is over)








-Closed-Minded People (Usually goes hand in hand with Republicans)


-Extreme Religion of any kind




-Taco Bell




  • Brohoof 1


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Horror movies (im not a horror person)

People being mean to children or hurting them

People being mean to animals or hurting them




Thats all i can think of for now.I'll edit this if i can think of more.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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I don't hate, but I do dislike..


I really DISLIKE


- Pretentious movies that think being vague is "deep"

- Hipsters

- Anyone who is overly aggressive with their beliefs (Reiligious, atheist, anything)

- Most youtube comments

- People who feel the best we to win an argument is yell loudest, last

- The fact that the general public isn't aware of the sick stuff going on in North Koreas prison camps

- People who make assumptions about people over the Internet without meeting them.

- Video Games that have story crucial moments sold as DLC

- People who hate on Call of Duty (The games are formulaic but fun and there's MUCH worse games worth hating)

- Overly nostalgic people who dismiss any Pokemon design post Generation 2.

- Sports rioters. (Live near Vancouver, where the reaction to our team losing was destroy the city)

- People who use horrible tragedies to further their own personal agendas.

- People who exploit the naive and elderly's trust for personal gain.

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- Summer, Spring, Warm/Hot weather, tornadoes.


- Self-proclaimed "Nice Guys".


- "Men's Rights Activism". Just shut up.


-The outdated ethics of ancient cultures still holding power over our law and society because they're associated with a religion.


- The attitude that religion should never discussed and/or criticized.


- Chick-Fil-A.


- Oklahoma and anywhere in the South United States.


- Of course, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Even more what I hate is that society makes these things acceptable because of #4 in the list.


- War/Violence in general. We are still such primitive creatures, and this proves that so clearly.


- The glorification of war and weapons. War is such a horrible thing that should never be glorified especially not the wars we're fighting today. And weapons - guns - are treated as if they're child's playthings that should have no regulation. So silly.


- Touch screens.


- The elitism of PC gamers, and pretty much anything to do with console wars. Since console wars are all just a mass of hypocrisy as everybody company has massive flaws, and they have a lot of the same flaws. For example, calling one company uncreative in their game design is asinine, because they all are. Each console fan criticizes the other console(s) for that, yet their own console is equally guilty of it, and obviously so. It's laughable.


- Baseball. So boring.


- Math.


- The anime/manga fandom and how it is never satisfied with legal releases, no matter how hard a company tries.


- Bassoon reeds. When I finally get used to my current reed, something happens and I have to get another one, which gives me endless trouble, and the process repeats.


- How underrated woodwind/brass instruments are.


- Country music. I heard a song with the lyrics of "God Bless Texas" and, well, that was enough country music for 20,000 lifetimes.

  • Brohoof 4

Everything needs more woodwind!

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children that game with a microphone and try to act cool, they make me waste my own time reaching for the mute button


and modern society, with gun laws, 8 year old girls thinking they can go clubbing, corrupt cops, people that think the newest iphone is 100x better than their current high-level iphone. so many idiots, so little bullets

  • Brohoof 3

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The British government

Britain as a whole




When corporations get greedy


Rule 34

When people judge a book by its cover, especially if the subject is a really good TV show.

Edited by RainbowIzumi
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I do poetry. Give it a read?



Many thanks to weirdokitterz for the awesome siggy!

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- Cowards.


- Lazy people.


- Artist who say their work sucks when it actually doesn't .


- Trolls on YouTube who post no videos but trolls others who do.


- People who do nothing and just stand on the field during a game of sports in college. Why pay for a sports class if you aren't going to do anything?


- Super Bronies. A term I came up with to classify bronies who can't tell the difference between a cartoon and reality.

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People at my school who think I worship Satan and eat babies just because I'm an atheist (who doesnt often talk about it and NEVER shoves it down peoples' throats) and I listen to Marilyn Manson






Practically every YouTube comment ever




Hardcore Justin Bieber fans at my school who ALSO think I eat babies and worship Satan for not liking his music that much (and I dont even TALK about Justin Bieber)


Anti-Bronies; not people who just aren't part of the fandom, but THOSE people who troll bronies because they have no life or hobby of their own and make ONLINE PETITIONS REQUESTING IT BE ILLEGAL TO BE A BRONY AND POST MLP STUFF ON THE INTERNET (look it up, someone actually did that)!




Our society's NEED to be TOTALLY squeaky-clean and politically correct about EVERYTHING!!!!!!1!!11!1!1!1!1!!!1!1!1!




All politicians; doesn't matter if you're left or right wing, I HATE YOU




Labeling people


Facebook (and I should know, I have one)


The internet cancer known as "swag"




One thing I forgot: Pop music. Almost all of it. Im terribly sorry, but "I WANNA SCREAM AND SHOUT AND LET IT ALL OUT #buyourcrappymusic CLUBCLUBDRUGSPARTYPARTY" isn't good music. And people complain about rock and metal being a bad influence on kids...

Edited by MMPony
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People who scream in your ear

Being alone



Old, grumpy cats




Gaining weight


My laugh

Justin Bieber 

Selena Gomez

One Direction

Everybody in my school

Most people

Annoying people (yeah that's original)

Nicki Minaj

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Ladies and Gentlecolts, my hate list has finally improved:


The name "Pegasister" (i mean, it sounds so fucking weird. I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE, GET IT TOGETHER. IT OBVIOUSLY MEANS A SISTER OF A PEGASUS.)

People who rant about pointless stuff/people

People who don't respect someone's opinions





Waking up early



Bitches who brag about stuff

One Direction

Justin Bieber

Boy Bands

Rabid Fangirls

Rabid Bronies



Annoying People

People that have bad grammar

When people correct me for grammar even if i'm a grammar Nazi

People bitching

People who insult me

My enemies

Lag/slow things

Twilight books/movies

People who boss me around

That i have to grow up

Immature people



People who like stuff i don't like

People who don't like stuff i like



People who say that something is GAY



Edited by ѕĸyeвlαѕт
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~Somewhere out there, someone is in love with you. <3~

I'm Skye, a friendly user who gets along with everyone. <3

DeviantARTl Twitter l YouTube


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Hypocritical bronies who think that anything that doesn't suit their tastes or ideals is gross and those who enjoy it should be ostricized from fair judgement for their interests.

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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Round 2:










/mlp thread




Facebook and most social networking websites


The troll Bronies


Beats Audio headphones


Those Douchebags at school who think they're so tough by playing sports or having abs


Girls who are desperate to be on Teen Mom or 16 and Pregnant






Underage drinking and drugs, I've got friends who do this shit all the time




Dr. Who mega-fans






PewdiePie and his shitty videos




Minecraft haters


Dubstep haters


Dubstep megafans


Minecraft megafans


12 year olds










Those assholes that tell you to buy American because you drive a Toyota, not a chevy.


People who say, "that's so X", example, "that's so Asian", "That's so Jewish", "That's so gay"




Using numbers in place of letters




The American Education System

Edited by ~Another Chaotic Username~
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