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Why does Luna get most of the love while Celestia doesn't?

Lewis the Brony

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I've been always been wondering to myself about this. How come Princess Celestia is the most hated/disliked/disregarded character of the show while her sister, Princess Luna gets the most attention or the most love?


What's with Molestia, Trollestia, and Tyrantlestia. Not to mention, why the Solar Empire vs the New Lunar Republic.


This has been boggling my mind for some months now. Anyone have a good reason why Luna is more better than Celestia?


Celestia is a good character, don't see as a boring character at all.

I guess the real reason why Luna is getting all the attention is first of, alot of people find her very relatable.

Secondly, she has Woona. Cute.

But Celestia has like you know. "Molestia", a crazy.. Y'know.

And also, her intro in S2 was very surprising, because before that I think, nobody knew about her.

She is also, very well-balanced out as an character.

Because we hear Celestia's name every single episode, and alot of references to her in alot of episodes, maybe the community feels that she it too overrated.

So, Luna, only having a few episodes dedicated to herself and never really mentioned by the mane 6, was I think more in the publics eyes. Because she is such a mystery.

Just like derpy, DJ-PON3, and octavia.

You very rarely hear them speak.

Or not at all. 

But this is just my opinion.

Edited by Woonawerfer_
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Think of it like this: Celestia is the starting QB on a struggling team (Equestria gets invaded every other episode it seems). Well when the team sucks, the backup QB instantly becomes the most popular player. That's my theory anyway :D

That depends, though. Not all backup quarterbacks live up to their full potential. Then again, Tom Brady once stepped in for Drew Bledsoe and look what happened.


Fact: Googling "Princess Celestia" turns up 6,840,000 results. "Princess Luna" has 27,900,000, four times as many.

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Luna's overrated. Not that she isn't really any good or anything, but she honestly just is. I'm not the biggest fan of Celestia either, but I like her character a little better, but that's just me. :wacko:

  • Brohoof 1
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Because apparently, most bronies relate to her as outsiders, and that makes a good reason as to why they like her, I guess. I like Celestia a lot more, and I personally find her 10 times as interesting. I like Luna, she has an interesting design and fun personality, but I think she gets more credit than she deserves. But that's my opinion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Because she's flawed, which funnily enough makes her perfect. Don't you think? It's actually this contrast what truly makes beauty, it's known as balance. As dark and light dance both together.

Celestia, on the other hand, it's too much light, with barely any shadow to contrast out the relief. So it's more like a flat, white wall, instead.

Either it be into darkness or light, excesses are harmful.

  • Brohoof 1
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Because a lot of ponies can see themselves in Luna like I can... 


Luna was sent away by all alone for a 1000's years/ I was homeless and with no one to help me at the age of 16... kicked out of my home by my own family.... 


Luna has a inner demon, her hate and jealousy of her sister/I too have a older sister... that is popular, did something with her life and everyone in my family loves her... 


many many other things too.. but never the less. That's what I think anyway. Now don't get me wrong I do love Celestia! but Luna just hold a special place in my heart... for many reasons.

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Princess Luna is easier to relate to for me because she is sort of a loner and socially awkward. I like Princess Celestia too but I just can't relate to her all that much. Besides, the blue one can enter peoples dreams. That's awesome 

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She has experienced what we know to be the "Luigi effect".


Like Luigi in Super Mario Bros., Princess Luna is the younger sibling, the underdog, and also the character with the most obvious flaws (not to say that Celestia doesn't have any, but they're not on display like the insecurity that Luna represents). As a result, this makes her more likable as people either relate more directly to her or they're used to being the older sibling helping the underdog out. That doesn't mean Celestia isn't likable, or that Celestia is any worse than Luna is - just the way that Luna's character is written makes her easier for people to lean toward whether it is to protect her or to relate to her.

  • Brohoof 1
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I personally just find Celestia a little boring. She doesn't interact with the other characters in the same way that Luna does - when she does eventually get to interacting with them she ends up doing stupid stuff like the tea prank, and always seems to be slightly removed from the personal aspects of the interactions between the characters.


I like Luna because of her personality, basically because it's similar to mine an because she has a lot of the same benefits and flaws as I do. The stuff she does in dreams, and her other interactions with the other characters are more interesting than what Celestia does.


Plus, Luna looks good while wet and eating an apple. This should not be possible, and anyone who can pull it off is probably a god XD

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  • 2 months later...


I don't understand it when people say that Luna is the underdog. Since you think this, I'll ask you to explain this to me. She is a princess, how can she be the underdog? Maybe I'm missing something. She is never shown to be inferior to Celestia or anyone, she is never shown to be oppressed somehow. If anyone in this show is the underdog it's the diamond dogs..."


I don't know if I ever responded to this so… here it goes. The reason I consider Luna to be the underdog (between her and Celestia primare-illy) is because Celestia eclipses Luna (eeyup, pun intended) in the sense that everypony always asks for Celestia's perspective on things rather than Luna's, which makes Luna a secondary character even though she should be just as every bit important as Celestia since they balance one another out… which can prove to be bad somewhere down the road because that's what caused Nightmare Moon to exist in the first place (the favorment of the day/Celestia). Other than that, Luna just has a more relatable personality because she has a dark side that she actually has to struggle with every day.

Edited by Doxus
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Celestia is annoying. She is clearly intended to be noble, wise and beautiful. And it comes across as condescending and bland. I get the impression that she rules and gives orders on vague, vapid whims and then, when disasters are averted, she merely pretends to have known what was going on all along.


When she baby-talks to her "subjects" (I HATE THAT WORD WITH A VENOMOUS PASSION) I want to kick her in the teeth, saw off her horn and stick it where the sun don't shine. (Har...)


At least Luna is cute.


But do not get me started on Cadence. This show has its very own built-in prefabricated Mary Sues.

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I don't know if I ever responded to this so… here it goes. The reason I consider Luna to be the underdog (between her and Celestia primare-illy) is because Celestia eclipses Luna (eeyup, pun intended) in the sense that everypony always asks for Celestia's perspective on things rather than Luna's, which makes Luna a secondary character even though she should be just as every bit important as Celestia since they balance one another out… which can prove to be bad somewhere down the road because that's what caused Nightmare Moon to exist in the first place (the favorment of the day/Celestia). Other than that, Luna just has a more relatable personality because she has a dark side that she actually has to struggle with every day.


I see your point. I'll address my views on the "relatability" of a character later.


I'm going to start by saying, again, as I say this everywhere I post anything about the princesses. Their execution, as character archetypes and also in their development has been botched to hell in the show, and the comics don't help. The first thing that is said about Luna and Celestia is that they ruled Equestria. It doesn't say that Celestia ruled Equestria and her little sister was under her because... Reasons. If Celestia was actually a queen and Luna the princess because of being the younger sister I'd be okay with this idea. As far as I can see Nightmare Moon happened because Luna was a whinny brat. She didn't want the ponies to sleep in "her beautiful night"? Well, what the hay was she doing with her "dreamwalk" powers back in the day? ... Or the night. I think that the princesses were supposed to be something completely different than they are today and I just blame this stuff on bad writing.


I don't think I've seen anywhere in the show any indication that Luna is somehow "bellow" Celestia, but I could be mistaken. In fact I do believe that Luna blames Nightmare Moon on herself because she felt she was not good enough compared to Celestia or something like that, but nothing actually objective. Honestly, all we ever got of the princesses was this stupid "tell don't show", almost as if the writers are afraid of touching the princesses. I mean, sure, Celestia has more screen time, but what little we actually know of them, Luna just has been given more. Not even from a storytelling perspective I can see Luna as inferior.



Now, about being relatable. I HATE this word. It gives me very "unponylike" feelings. Whenever I start seeing this word appear, it makes me feel "pandering" like bile in my mouth. Luna is supposed to be a 1000+ years old "goddess" (for lack of a better word) but she acts like a freaking angsty teenager. Okay, that is fine and all if they wanted to make a character like that. But I get the feeling that the main reason that a lot of people dislike Celestia is because they, themselves are the "rebellious" young that can't stand an authority figure... If Celestia even looked like and actual authority figure and less of an useless big white thing sitting in the throne that does nothing. If I had to guess, it's more about the fandom's perception of the characters than what they really are. Again, nothing wrong about this, i just think that this evokes writing styles I don't like.

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   It's ironic Luna gets so much love, despite letting her jealousy get the better of her, and became Nightmare Moon, to keep Equestria in darkness, Celestia had to do something, exile was a desperate measure, to save Equestria. Celestia does make Twilight do a lot of her duties, because she believes in Twilight and the rest of the mane six, just like in real life, when I was in the navy, I had to learn my job and teach my job to those below me in rank, so that everyone know what to do when the chain of command is lost, so I see that as a slice of life lesson, rather than relying too much on central authority, we should take the initiative, just like Twilight and the mane six did in season four première and finale. Luna has done much too, like giving advice to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, for that has been acknowledged, but the hardship and difficulties that Celestia has to be acknowledged too, finally, I think some fans she their real life leaders in Celestia, but she is a pony princess, not a human politician, so I say try to keep your real life whims to yourself, or another forum, Luna and Celestia has done good for all ponies, despite mistakes and shortfalls, we cannot expect too much out of our leaders, real or fictional, and that is the true friendship lesson.    

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Because people like interesting characters, in this case Luna, over Princess Exposition. They see Luna as a more relatable character than Celestia because Celastia mainly shows up in premieres/finales for expositional purposes.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think Celestia needs to calm down and leave luna alone and stop sending her away... i really like luna and i think she needs to

get most of the attention for all that she has put up with lol

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I don't dislike Celestia at all. I find her as a very appealing character.


I found a lot of reasons to be interested in Luna. The first thing that comes out is obviously the back story. She felt lonely, she felt like no one appreciated the night she worked so much on, she lived at the shade of her sister, and sadly she couldn't bear it anymore. An outburst of repressed jealousy and anger that ended up with her being banished to the moon by her own sister. A lot of us can identify ourselves with her, she's the proof that even an immortal princess of Equestria, almost goddess itself, she's still a normal pony that shares the same feelings as everyone does. She's the proof that no one's perfect.

The questions, the intrigue that came to my mind about her time in the moon also led me to like her so much. 

Another thing I love about the character is her wisdom and knowledge about. She learnt about her mistakes and became maybe as wise as Celestia herself. For example, in 'Luna Eclipsed' she wanted with all her heart to be loves by her subjects, but sadly she was used to the old ways, and she wasn't able to get to them, But once again, she learned how to behave to be appreciated, and she even shown a hint of playfulness. She's not just a godlike princess. She doesn't hold the answers to everything. She's just a pony.


Other thing that led me to liking the character is that I always had a lot of interest in astronomy, the night sky was something I always loved, and seeing Luna sad because no one appreciated it made me feel awful.

I also read a lot about conscious dreams, but sadly never got to experience one.


And of course, who doesn't like her archaic english?

Edited by ShadowBeam
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Celestia struck me as being rather cold. Almost came across as having a somewhat holier than thou attitude as well. Nobody likes that.


Luna saw a lot more developement, with a lot more, for lack of a better term, human moments. There's less of a disconnect.

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Colder than Luna who let a filly scream her name in her What-could-happen-nightmare, gives a bored yawn when others are concerned of "somedragon" or gives a student a sceptical stare instead of bolstering her up?

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People are just afraid of Molestia, and flock to Gamer Luna.


Personally, I like Luna too more, just her character is quite well, and she has alot of potential. Plus her voice is lovely  :yay:

Celestia is amazing too don't get me wrong, but Luna just seems.. Better. And more loved.

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Colder than Luna who let a filly scream her name in her What-could-happen-nightmare, gives a bored yawn when others are concerned of "somedragon" or gives a student a sceptical stare instead of bolstering her up?



Character design may play a part as well, nose being rather pointy. Dunno, just don't particularly care for Celestia. Seems distant and standoff-ish.


Maybe its because there's no actual character arc or growth.


Who knows.

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