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Apple      Bloom

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Never see you do anything even remotely harsh, I can say that you're nicer than the average user in this site

That's actually kind of sad. Why am I the nicest? Why can't people respect one another's opinions and beliefs? Is it human nature? Will life ever get better?

That's human for ya

Aye, t'is true.
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But if someone acts imbecilic, annoying, or generally unpleasant, then they have my scorn. Uncouth behavior that is accomplished of a person's free will is unacceptable to me. Ignorance too. Though it may be difficult, and I know from firsthand experience, you must try to act civil.



You must despise me, then. :3c


Nah, your antics hardly ever reached the unseen limit. You need to do something 'wow' to get moderators' attention.

I was really only setting up for the "I'm married to Zoop, so I can do what I want" joke. I know I haven't done anything that crazy at all.

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yes I think that you are fragile, or at least that's what you showed me because I've read many times that you cannot stand people hating you so you would do everything in your power for them to like you, it sounds like you did it for convenience, but I don't mean that. But the perfect example was this abusive friendship you had with this guy Starshine, who abused you and you let him step all over you while he ignored your feelings and you were there, expecting I don't know what because he was a bad friend to you all this time, I would told him to eat shit long time ago. You are very emotional and get hurt very easily. Actually I made your artwork of Pinkie hugging Lapis because I thought that I hurted you, not because I randomly wanted to draw your OC.

And I'm sorry that I tell you that like this. But that's what you show me about yourself.


I am a multi-layered human being. My thoughts and actions seem erratic from my point of view. And the thing is, if someone hates me, it's kind of interesting. That means I got under someone's skin, and that entertains me when I'm in a dark mood. And the thing with Starshine Haste was an experiment. I don't generally think the same way as most people.


The only goal I had in mind was to get someone from one place to another. I'd found the blog, and the person behind it rather interesting. But I rushed out of...excitement, I guess. I watched and studied, hoping to learn about the person. He was a sad person, and I thought that would mean he'd be more open to friendship. But I failed. Now, people foolishly believed when I said I failed, they thought I was berating myself in some sort of depreciating manner. But I really wasn't. It was a sort of..game I guess. Words fail me.


After a point, it became pointless. But I did learn something. It proved my hypothesis. People cannot be forced to do what they don't want to do. If they wish to do something on some level, you can get them to do it. You try to apply what you know about people unto me, but that is simply not the case.


I didn't exactly care all that much about Starshine Haste. I used whatever methods I could to get him to come back. And, though I may get hurt rather easily, I bounce back just as quickly. I forgive and forget. It's something people should do for one another. Especially if they are truly sorry.


Trust is hard to obtain after you hurt someone, but for me, I find complication silly and pointless. And, for all these words, you may find me odd, or hopefully, curious. I myself fear you will look at me differently. But it is for the best. Although, I fear more that this will change nothing, and you will draw a different conclusion from the one I'd hope you would.

Wow... You must despise me, then. :3c

I could never hate you. You may be unpleasant at times, but on the whole, you are likable in my eyes.


It's just the internet. People be dicks to each other because they think it's fun.

That's horrible. This is why I'm not fond of the internet.
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, you skipped over the important parts. Eh....


@, o_o

better leave it as it is, because I'm gonna be honest, it was unpleasant what I've read.


Aye. The deep, inner parts of me are not pleasant. I'd think that of anyone, but I've learned never to generalize. I hope you learned never to judge a book by its cover. Because, not everyone is how they appear on the surface. Edited by Berry Pie
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Do I really wanna tap into what you guys are thinking, because if I do, it may tap into what I'm thinking, which is pretty much just as delicate as what Berry's describing...


One of my favourite thought experiments is self-destruction, with the other one being abandonment, hence why I'm writing a story of Ganaram moving away from his friends, without ever having a chance to speak to them ever again.

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Aye. The deep, inner parts of me are not pleasant. I'd think that of anyone, but I've learned never to generalize. I hope you learned never to judge a book by its cover. Because, not everyone is how they appear on the surface.


yes, and that's true, never judge a book by it's cover. This is a great example. However, do you feel how I am. Well, that's me and I don't change, of course you may ignore many details about me, but in escene, I am just like my "cover"
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I refuse to think on this "deep" of a level, as it's pointless, to me.


I think it's pointless for me to do the same, simply because someone can simply go in and bash everything to bit. That's why I continually plug myself up all the time, and why I'm so terrible on others.

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just as delicate as what Berry's describing...

How in the living blaze a talk about brohooves took a turn into a philosophy-like discussion?

I'm terribly sorry about that. I do not know exactly what came over me. Here is a lovely song to describe how I'm feeling. I'm emotionally drained right now....


yes, and that's true, never judge a book by it's cover. This is a great example. However, do you feel how I am. Well, that's me and I don't change, of course you may ignore many details about me, but in escene, I am just like my "cover"


Buddy, I don't really care right now. I think I just let off a bit of pressure. I felt like explaining myself so you could better understand me. I'm a bit drained at the moment.... But like I said, I bounce back. Just give me a moment, k? :)
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Posted Image


I refuse to think on this "deep" of a level, as it's pointless, to me.

In my book, if someone's talking about something extremely personal, it's a dangerous land.

<learned it the hard way...>


I'm terribly sorry about that. I do not know exactly what came over me.

It's okay, seriously :wacko:

I'm just amazed on how fast the topic can evolve

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I'm terribly sorry about that. I do not know exactly what came over me. Here is a lovely song to describe how I'm feeling. I'm emotionally drained right now....


Had that song on my MP3 player for weeks.


Florence + The Machine. My "old" fuel.



(Both songs need to be transcribed to piano, then blackened to kingdom come.)

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In my book, if someone's talking about something extremely personal, it's a dangerous land.

Don't worry though. Unloading emotionally baggage is healthy. I'll be fine it the morning at latest.

I'm just amazed on how fast the topic can evolve

It's the GCT man, it's gonna happen. I blame Zoop. :lol:
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How in the living blaze a talk about brohooves took a turn into a philosophy-like discussion?

I am the reason, I first started talking about skin colors, looks, appearances with Arcy, Haven joined. I commented on Rainbow Dash being a whore, then everyone flipped and talked about that.

Jade introduced Braeburn with socks, I countered with Motion in Socks and everyone started to post ponies in socks.

Then Sugar Plum brohoofed me A LOT, I complained, you quoted me and I talked to you about brohoofs, Suagar and Berry joined, then I switched to Zoop brohoofing situation, Berry said something about him, I pushed Berry, and everyhting started from there.


reason? me...do you guys think that I am a troublemaker? :x

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Don't worry though. Unloading emotionally baggage is healthy. I'll be fine it the morning at latest.

Have an obligatory hug

Posted Image


I blame Zoop. :lol:

Now that's what I call got yer priorities straight! :D


I lack a personality, so no dangerous lands around me, ever! o:

I can dump you in the middle of a minefield Posted Image


reason? me...do you guys think that I am a troublemaker? :x

Nah, it's normal by GCT standard :P

<it's just that I sometimes got myself fuzzled>

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Buddy, I don't really care right now. I think I just let off a bit of pressure. I felt like explaining myself so you could better understand me. I'm a bit drained at the moment.... But like I said, I bounce back. Just give me a moment, k?

I would swear that someone that it's not Berry Pie wrote this, but it's fine if you need space.
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