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Apple      Bloom

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That thing is now two mini-RP collided together :x


Say, do you think we will actually see the final destination before any of us got killed? :o


Here's hoping none of us actually get killed. x3

  • Brohoof 1
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This thread is the largest thread here, it's nothing weird if various bots are drawn to this place   i honestly doubt those lurkers will actually decide to register here if the first thread they see is this chaotic

Good point there and where do you find all these comics and such? 
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Here's hoping none of us actually get killed. x3


Nah, if any of us got murder-death-kill'd, we can roll another character... Err I mean submitting another OC Posted Image


This train RP opens a lot of opportunities to introduce a new character, might as well use that :*

Good point there and where do you find all these comics and such? 


It's either 4chan or derpibooru

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Nah, if any of us got murder-death-kill'd, we can roll another character... Err I mean submitting another OC Posted Image


This train RP opens a lot of opportunities to introduce a new character, might as well use that :*


Roll another character, huh...? 4d6b3? xD

  • Brohoof 2
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Wooo! Finally got here back to the thread! (A day playing with a friend can do that to ya  :D ). ANyway, hi to y'all people in here! How's everyone doing?



You and Ganny together have one, my friend. ;) (although you might be surprised. :lol: )




Guys I made you achievements because you were ex-mods...but do you have ANY idea how hard it is to make up names with you guys!?  Hopefully, I hit the nail this time. :P


@@Twinkleshine, Thank you very much for posting the comic! But now I'm sad because I don't have money to buy it XC. (ARGH! IT'S SO FRIGGIN GREAT!) 

Edited by Arcanel
  • Brohoof 3
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Really? o_o


My friend said each and every kind of rolls will only give you one chance and no more


I'm more lenient when there are crap rolls involving stats :P But one reroll per bad stat roll only xP

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So glad it is friday tomorrow and its the weekend 

What if I told you that my favorite days are Monday and Saturday in that order. :ph34r: But oh well, that aside, today (Friday) I'm gonna see Rick Wakeman so....I'M FRIGGIN EXCITED! :D




Indeed... Nothing says victory better than a broken record :P Unless said record is an LP, that is

Amen to that bro. :mellow:

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