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Ask a stupid question and get a stupid answer

Hay Lin

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Oh, that's a black hole coming towards you. See, you're listed as one of my enemies at the moment, so naturally you're one of the people I'm going to test my new black hole gun on.


Now why would you do a thing like that?!

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Because I am Anonymous.


1 potato.


What is the airspeed velocity of a swallow?

That's the airspeed of an unladen swallow. And you have to know if it's an African swallow or an European swallow. African swallows can carry more than European swallow, but African swallows are non-migratory.

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You just poisoned it with that syringe. I saw you hide it.


If a train departs a station at 10:30, and another train arrives five minutes later, how can a man on one train kill another man on the other?

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