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mega thread Post All of Your Funny Pony Pictures Here!


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This is the thread for posting all of your funny, random stuff that you can't post anywhere else. It's also the thread for people to come after a long day at work or school, or whatever, and sit down at their computer and enjoy a nice joke. Because, just like Pinkie said herself, "Laughter is the best medicine!"


In this thread, you can post anything really, from jokes, to gifs, to memes, anything funny and random. 

If you post a joke here, please type in the question, then put the answer in a spoiler box.


I hope this thread will strive,and carry on so that everyone can post their funny stuff here!

Also, please note well that this thread is not reccommended for reading at work; I don't think your boss would be happy to see you laughing on the job.


I will start it off with a joke. 


"What's the difference between pea soup and roast beef?"



Anybody can roast beef, but I don't know anyone who can pee soup. laugh.png 



Post away, my random friends! /)

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So Gabe Newell, probably in the Top 10 most famous bronies in the world, decided that ponies might solve Half Life 3's development problems...





...sadly, he was mistaken. mellow.png

Edited by Batbrony
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So Gabe Newell, probably in the Top 10 most famous bronies in the world, decided that ponies might solve Half Life 3's development problems...





...sadly, he was mistaken. img-1398303-2-mellow.png



At this point, I would welcome the cutie mark crusader's solution to HL3!

  • Brohoof 2
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Hey guys, look, Zecora has a new fan! biggrin.png




blink.png Ohhhhhh... well, that's ... nice. unsure.png

Edited by Batbrony
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Fillies and gentlecolts, through the power of science I have discovered the solution to the Changeling problem.


Behold... GRUMPY CAT!!!!!!!!!! angry.png




Check and mate img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

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In hindsight, it's probably very good that Twilight didn't take Scootaloo under her wing instead of RD. img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

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In hindsight, it's probably very good that Twilight didn't take Scootaloo under her wing instead of RD. img-1410363-2-img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png


I swear to science that's a Gravity Falls Ponification. Now here's another one.


And also have these two pics for references sake.



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