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mega thread Last Movie You Watched?


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I watched Out For Justice about a couple weeks ago. So much fun watching Steven Seagal beat the crap out everyone. :D


Lol, I just finished watching that as well.  Only I had it on DVD.  

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At the recent Winter Wrap Up Party last Thursday, we wrapped up the night by watching one of my favorite films, Airplane! Brown Wolf has good taste in films.


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Captain America: The Winter Soldier, better than expected and slowly getting into the Marvel fandom now. xD Don't know why but my friend handed me a box half filled with popcon under the movie and I was like wtf, you're not eating this?

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i think the last movie i watched was the hangover part 2 I love the hangover but since i started watching my little pony i haven't been able to do what i used to do and watch all of them 4 times a week

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Probably the most interesting film I've seen yet, apart from Equestria Girls, which I watched some months ago. EqG isn't as bad as most people make it out to be, actually. Yes, the scripting is a bit crappy, but there are far worse put-together films out there, and Caligula is one of those films. There's so much, as the movie poster above states, "extremely graphic sex and violence/gore".


If you're into movies that are very shoddily put-together, with scenes that are horribly spliced together to confuse you, and a faulty as hell plot (or a general lack thereof!), then this movie should be right up your alley! :P

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier


In a post Avengers world, Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) finds himself lonely as nearly everybody he knew during his service in the Second World War is dead. The movie itself, however, wastes no time letting the Captain mope about as it sets itself right into the heart of the action. With Black Widow/Natasha Romanova (Scarlett Johansson) at his side, Rogers soon finds that the modern world holds its share of old (and new) enemies. In the true Marvel theme, there is no shortage of witty banter. Chris Evans continues to bring out his inner smart-aleck in his role, with Agent Romanova and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) holding their ends with their own humorous quips.


To the technical movie-goer, however, a good portion of the film feels mixed. Lighting in the movie creates a foreboding atmosphere, but also darkens away much of the details in some of the fantastic sets created for the film. That doesn’t go to say that the lighting sets an aura of mystery around the plot points the film creates. Camera angles don’t help much, and can be confusing at times. Obviously digital zooms and pans during the action scenes that poorly imitate a seasoned cameraman can make the viewer a bit dazed as they watch the film.


The costuming, however, is really well done. Civilian clothes for Captain Rogers hint back to the leather bomber jacket of Captain America’s first mission. Likewise, Agent Romanova’s own civilian clothing choice which is reminiscent of her skin tight Black Widow jumpsuit. It’s also great to see the return of Captain America’s classic World War II outfit.


Fans of Alan Silvestri’s abundant use of the Captain’s leitmotif from the first movie may be slightly disappointed as Henry Jackman only gives us teases of the original theme this time around. Fortunately, Jackman creates new themes, including an eerie and sinister theme for the Winter Soldier himself.


With all the pieces that make this movie come together, we get something that feels more of an action film than any superhero film yet. If this movie is to be just a warm up for the superhero season ahead of us, then it is a good one. A strong 4/5, this movie will definitely insert itself among “Avengers” and the other summer blockbuster superhero movies of the age.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel! Its now one of my top 10 favorite movies!

I loved the movie! A ton of great actors, wonderfully written, and a lot of fun to watch. Definitely suggest the movie to anybody who hasn't seen it yet.
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La Casa Muda

La Vita é Bella


Azur et Asmar
The Adventures of Tintin 2011
The Exorcist

In & Out

How the Grinch Stole Christmas 2000

The Passion of the Christ
The Mask 1994
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortuane Events
The Princess and the Frog

The Lion King

E.T. - The Extra Terrestrial

Pulp Fiction
La Grande Belleza
Monster House

Edited by Ulrik Raben
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