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Do you think the 80's as a musical decade is overrated?

Le Kvlt Dawn

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I personally think that the 80's is extremely overrated, but that's just me though


But what I really hate is the "fanbase" of the 80's (for the lack of a better word). They despise todays music with a passion, while they only have listened to a very small portion of it.


 Great music existed then and it lived on. That's something 80's music purists never seem to understand

Dude, you like hit it right on the spot. 80's music purist are SO annoying. They're always whining and bitching about today's music, they have no idea on what they're missing out on. 

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The 80's.....It's really hard to say whether it's over rated or not, since it's usually only the people who dislike anything past 1989 who rave about it being the greatest generation ever. There's really many ways to settle it all, nostalgia, what style of music you prefer, and a couple of other reasons are all valid, though you can never be 100% right with this at all, since it all varies depending on the person. On my opinion with 80's music I don't think that it's the greatest, though I think that it's far away from being bad, some of my favorite acts from the 80's are The Cure, Depeche Mode, Underworld (even though they were never popular until the 90's), Sonic Youth, New Order, and the pioneers of Black Metal as well.

As for what I think is the best musical decade, I can't really say that though most of the stuff I listen to is from the 70's and 90's eras. What I can say is that in my opinion the best electronic music was from the 90's, back then we had awesome Trip-Hop, IDM and there was even some good EDM.

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I think I've brought this up somewhere else, but it's all a matter of style. The 80's had their own particular things, and some people really like them. Personally, I prefer the 60's and 70's. Four man bands, counterculture influence, psychedelic shtuff. If you don't dig the old stuff, yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man... If you do, same deal.

Wait, you like psychedelic stuff right? Then I think you might like these guys (unless you've already heard of them before, which you might have).

Edited by AtDawnTheySquee
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Wait, you like psychedelic stuff right? Then I think you might like these guys (unless you've already heard of them before, which you might have).

I had heard of them before, but I had never heard them. I never heard anything good or bad about them and therefore had no interest. I can dig it, though. Definitely falls into that category of "weird, trippy, and psychedelic" that I do enjoy so much.

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Eh, I guess it does get a bit overrated.


Idk, i'm just honestly not the type to really care when music was made, if Its a song I like i'll listen to it, i really don't care if it was made yesterday or the stone age. :P.


But I do listen to some older music, and to some more modern stuff, just all depends what I feel and what I like out of it.

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I honestly find this craze with 80s music a type of nostalgia from the 30-40 crowd. This is happening even with my generation (I'm 19) obsessing over the 90s. But you guys wouldn't know anything about that because none of you are 90s kids. -sarcasm-

If you ask me it's all a bother, I wouldn't say any of it's over-rated, but I will say a lot of it is dated. I've listen to a lot of 80s music, and while good, most of it just sounds unappealing. Of course there are some gems like Michael Jackson's works from the 80s as well as groups like Queen and The Cure are timeless. I understand why some people like other genres more than others though. I listen mainly to 70s R&B, soul, funk, disco and blues because I just love the sound of a good slap bass and vocal groups.

I can understand why people are inclined to run back in time for music though. This new era is revolved around so much technology and imagery, again I'm not saying it's bad or anything, it's just all so new to most people that we tend to flock back to earlier times. Luckily revival is happening in the music scene and artists are starting to incorporate older styles instead of inventing new ones. 

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Well I lived through the 80's, admittedly as a kid, but still...


As has been said its easy to look back on the 80's and think "wow they had so much good music back then" but the best stands the test of time. The amount of godawful crap that was broadcast on a daily basis was mind boggling.


But that being said, the 80's were a decade very dominated by the British music scene, and I say this from someone that spent most of it outside of the uk, and in turn the British music scene was influenced by the troubles happening within the country itself. The resession, the raise of Thatcher, the miners strike and the Poll tax riots etc. It seems comparatively there is little that has happened in recent years that has had that kind of effect and so some part of those events lives on.


Or maybe I'm talking out my arse lol.


Update: Oh, just another thought/point, one of the things that probably have brought about this resurgence to some degree is the fact that history has repeated itself a little, especially in old Blighty, and since many songs of that area are political they hold some fresh meaning.


Well anyway I find 80's music cringe worthy most of the time.

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I honestly find this craze with 80s music a type of nostalgia from the 30-40 crowd. This is happening even with my generation (I'm 19) obsessing over the 90s. But you guys wouldn't know anything about that because none of you are 90s kids. -sarcasm-


If you ask me it's all a bother, I wouldn't say any of it's over-rated, but I will say a lot of it is dated. I've listen to a lot of 80s music, and while good, most of it just sounds unappealing. Of course there are some gems like Michael Jackson's works from the 80s as well as groups like Queen and The Cure are timeless. I understand why some people like other genres more than others though. I listen mainly to 70s R&B, soul, funk, disco and blues because I just love the sound of a good slap bass and vocal groups.


I can understand why people are inclined to run back in time for music though. This new era is revolved around so much technology and imagery, again I'm not saying it's bad or anything, it's just all so new to most people that we tend to flock back to earlier times. Luckily revival is happening in the music scene and artists are starting to incorporate older styles instead of inventing new ones. 

It's mainly 13, 14, 15 year olds (people my age) who obsess over 80's stuff. Then they think they're all unique and crap. A lot of the stuff does sound very dated, but then you have stuff like The Smiths that doesn't sound very old at all. I think it's better to invent new genres than to play old ones. Music is constanly evolving, why would you ever want to go backwards? 

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It's mainly 13, 14, 15 year olds (people my age) who obsess over 80's stuff. Then they think they're all unique and crap. A lot of the stuff does sound very dated, but then you have stuff like The Smiths that doesn't sound very old at all. I think it's better to invent new genres than to play old ones. Music is constanly evolving, why would you ever want to go backwards?


If you don't learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it, plus looking back at older music can bring good things, every band worth its salt has done it. :)

That's not saying you should wallow in the era though, as many do.

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If you don't learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it, plus looking back at older music can bring good things, every band worth its salt has done it. smile.png

That's not saying you should wallow in the era though, as many do.

You can incorporate elements of older music and modern music to create something new. But why would you want to sound like a band from 30 years ago instead of inventing something new?

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You can incorporate elements of older music and modern music to create something new. But why would you want to sound like a band from 30 years ago instead of inventing something new?

It's not so much as trying to sound like the band so much as to do as you said, incorporate the best parts. Or perhaps take a melody or effect that could give you an edge.

I agree you shouldn't try to sound like something old... Unless that's what you're aiming for, like a covers band or something.

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If you don't learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it, plus looking back at older music can bring good things, every band worth its salt has done it. smile.png

That's not saying you should wallow in the era though, as many do.

Essentially this, and eventually they'll realize they aren't as original as they hoped. As for tastes in music we all acquire different tastes. We need to both remember the music already made but to also try and find new things as well. They're just two sides of the same coin. One is proven discipline and the other is experimental and revolutionary.

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Yeah, I think that 80s music is a bit overrated. Some of it's good, but it's nothing to go crazy over. Not that's bad, just not really my type of music. I like more of the 90s and 00s music.

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Yeah, I think that 80s music is a bit overrated. Some of it's good, but it's nothing to go crazy over. Not that's bad, just not really my type of music. I like more of the 90s and 00s music.

I too prefer 90's and 00's music. The 80's music that I do like isn't popular among the general population. They may be well known to a certain group of people, but not the general population.
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I honestly find this craze with 80s music a type of nostalgia from the 30-40 crowd. This is happening even with my generation (I'm 19) obsessing over the 90s. But you guys wouldn't know anything about that because none of you are 90s kids. -sarcasm-


If you ask me it's all a bother, I wouldn't say any of it's over-rated, but I will say a lot of it is dated. I've listen to a lot of 80s music, and while good, most of it just sounds unappealing. Of course there are some gems like Michael Jackson's works from the 80s as well as groups like Queen and The Cure are timeless. I understand why some people like other genres more than others though. I listen mainly to 70s R&B, soul, funk, disco and blues because I just love the sound of a good slap bass and vocal groups.


I can understand why people are inclined to run back in time for music though. This new era is revolved around so much technology and imagery, again I'm not saying it's bad or anything, it's just all so new to most people that we tend to flock back to earlier times. Luckily revival is happening in the music scene and artists are starting to incorporate older styles instead of inventing new ones. 


Speaking as someone in that 30-40 crowd who grew up in the 80s... you're probably right.  A lot of the stuff from that era, if I were to divorce myself from my own nostalgia, I'd probably find pretty cheesy.  (I mean, does anyone really consider "Hey Mickey" or "The Safety Dance" to really be great music?) I listen to some of that stuff now, and while most of me loves it, a little part of me is going "I can't believe I'm enjoying this." 


I remember thinking a lot of the big hair metal bands back then looked and sounded cool when I was 10.  Now I'm like... that was cool?

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That is actually not the case for me. Quite frankly the 80's are highly underrated where I come from. Being that I have a big love for Rock music. I've tried having several discussions with other musicians, and 80% of the time they will disregard the 80's (pardon my relation). I'll be like, "Hey man, what generation do you like of rock music?" and they'll be like, "Oh you know, 60's, 70's, 90's, etc." Notice how they purposely leave out the 80's! I can understand if you're talking about journey, because journey was so good everyone got sick of it quickly. Although I may not have grown up around that time doesn't mean I don't understand it though. the 60's and 70's was more of a freedom age with marijuana being one of the prime influences. I mean Woodstock wasn't during the 80's (Just looked that up, what I mean to say was the primary years in which woodstock was booming was in the 70's) and that's normally what I'll hear people say when it comes to rock music. Eric Clapton, The Beatles, Zeppelin.. Keep in mind a lot of these guys had longer periods of success than a decade. A lot of people I know rarely talk about Def leppard, Boston, Toto, Winger, Whitesnake, etc. as for the 90's wellllllll they apparently brought an end to rock. Key Word: Apparently. I'd be more worried about how many people are NOT into today's music. Ever since the concept of mainstream and indie/hipster music came to be, everybody just argues about music now because they want to be crucially different. IMO the 80's was the greatest music generation because there was a lot more freedom back then, as well as admiration for instruments rather than vocals and computer technology. While I appreciate the convenience of it, I think it actually takes a lot of talent to make music without technology. I mean think about it, as a rock band, you actually had to put on a show, a lot of people were involved. No one was forced to sit down, you could go as crazy as you wanted and 90% of the time, no one would stop you. More people are always talking about Nikki Minaj and Taylor Swift where I am. For me it's cause we haven't had a good band in a long time. :/ If the 80's is getting a lot of attention, it's because compared to most of today's stuff, it's Catchy, Active, and Exciting (Don't get me wring there are stuff today that are that way). However, it's not the same exactly because people are lazy, they don't want to support musicians, they can't afford to mostly. Just like anything, when you buy concert tickets you don't want to pay crazy amounts of money just to go, but back then it was affordable. Considering my music preference, I would prefer the 80's, but any generation has potential to be great for music. It's more so the effort we put into it. As of right now, people are too selfish, and worried about other things to create a great generation of music. As to why it's the 80's specifically, that depends on who is telling you that the 80's was so great.

In conclusion, a Music generation is great when people come together to enjoy the same artists. But when it comes down to it, appreciation of the music is lacking in today's society as where it was not back in the 80's

Edited by Blue lightning
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80's were a great period. Synths came along in all music, post-punk came around, new wave made pop bareable, post-punk and goth came around, golden age of hip-hop and sampling, lotta good rock, and alternative too. There's an element of cheese to it due to the fashion and vapidness of some of it but loads of music now channels it today (electroclash, electropop, and countless retro acts) but that's the same for the 70's and even the grunge era with all its flannel and forced anger looks a bit silly. Discounting a decade of music is a bit silly when there's so much variety you will see in each.

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The 1980's were as amazing as they were dreadful.


There were so many game-changing bands that got their start in this decade, like the Violent Femmes, Swans, Napalm Death, the Pixies, and Godflesh, among countless others. The Big Four of thrash also came out of the woodwork around this time (I don't have opinions on any of them).


But there was also just about every hair metal (so really, hard rock) band ever on the other hand (sorry to say it, but "Livin' on a Prayer" and "Sweet Child of Mine" are among some of my least favorite songs of all time, and AC/DC has gotten painfully boring for me).


I feel like I may have started a minor shitstorm, but whatever.

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Well it could just depend on which music scene and personal preferences:


There were tons of great songs and music as well as lots of bad ones in my opinion, same as it always has been. Each genre had it's sound that was the sound it went for at the time, that fans of whatever genre will associate with it's decade and as always, you had those great tracks that didn't get into the charts but were more underground, and were groundbreaking but still not an everybody knows how it goes type song to this day

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I think that the 80's had some of the greatest music bands and composers of all time but I do feel that is talked about a little too much. I think that there were plenty of great artists throughout the twientieth century and even a few good ones worth mentioning today.

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Quite frankly the 80's are highly underrated where I come from. Being that I have a big love for Rock music. I've tried having several discussions with other musicians, and 80% of the time they will disregard the 80's (pardon my relation). I'll be like, "Hey man, what generation do you like of rock music?" and they'll be like, "Oh you know, 60's, 70's, 90's, etc." Notice how they purposely leave out the 80's!

WTF? Where do you live? Everyone at my school likes Queen and what not.




The 1980's were as amazing as they were dreadful.   There were so many game-changing bands that got their start in this decade, like the Violent Femmes, Swans, Napalm Death, the Pixies, and Godflesh, among countless others. The Big Four of thrash also came out of the woodwork around this time (I don't have opinions on any of them).   But there was also just about every hair metal (so really, hard rock) band ever on the other hand (sorry to say it, but "Livin' on a Prayer" and "Sweet Child of Mine" are among some of my least favorite songs of all time, and AC/DC has gotten painfully boring for me).   I feel like I may have started a minor shitstorm, but whatever.

Minor shitstorm? I compleatly agree with you, I can't stand stuff like Bon Jovi and Def Leopard.



I think that there were plenty of great artists throughout the twientieth century and even a few good ones worth mentioning today.

There are plenty of great artists today. 

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WTF? Where do you live? Everyone at my school likes Queen and what not.




Minor shitstorm? I compleatly agree with you, I can't stand stuff like Bon Jovi and Def Leopard.



There are plenty of great artists today. 

Oh I know, I do like a lot of today's artists. My point was just that there are great artists outside of the 80's generation. I'm sorry if I upset you.

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Oh I know, I do like a lot of today's artists. My point was just that there are great artists outside of the 80's generation. I'm sorry if I upset you.

I wasn't upset, it just annoys me a little when people say things like "musicians were just so much talented back then". But yes, I do enjoy today's music.

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Oh dear. I don't think you'd like me then. I'm 16 and love the music of the 80's. Unlike what you may believe, I don't like the music to reassure me and other people in my generation that I'm a unique person who deserves attention because I'm oh-so unique. Instead, I genuinely like the music. I love the sound of synthesizers and the style of drums that were used in certain songs. Yes, I like AC/DC and Bon Jovi among other bands. *gasp* I liked the image that some of the bands had. I'm also able to connect with my mom who loved most of the music of that time and the 90's. I enjoy hearing her stories of being there when MTV first aired and how she got a perm around my age and I should appreciate the curly hair that I have.


I don't exactly hate the music of nowadays, it's just that the mass majority of mainstream music doesn't really appeal to me, much like how some 80's music doesn't appeal to you. It's been said before, but I'll repeat it again; in the end, it all comes down to what appeals to you. Obviously others won't feel the same, while others will agree.


Edit: But to answer your question, no, I don't think the 80's musical decade is overrated, but not underrated either. But my mom and I are noticing that it's getting talked about and mentioned on the web and TV lately.

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I think the 2000s were a great decade in terms of new experimental sound; I personally LOVE the beats and melodies of the 2000s, particularly in the pop genre. I feel songs weren't up to par lyrically or conceptually with 80s/90s songs, but were great nonetheless. That being said, I'm not too fond personally of very many 80s songs because I prefer hooks over lyrics. I get more out of song if it's something I can hum along with. I think it's somewhat overrated (especially 80s ballads oh my god).

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