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Your Best Friend


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How long have you known your best friend? Do you feel like you can trust your best friend with anything? Do you love your best friend? 


Do you consider your best friend your girlfriend/boyfriend or a friend that you're close with? 


Do you have a bromance/girlmance with your best friend?

  • Brohoof 1
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I used to have a crush on my best friend (name withheld, let's just call her Annie)..

Well I told her about it and she didn't like me back, but in no way did that ruin our friendship. If anything we've built upon it and now we're very close. she's saved my life.. if you understand. I do love her a lot (in a friendly way). But now Annie graduates this year and then I'm pretty much alone unless  we hang out on weekends. :( 

I seriously don't know what I'm going to do without her. I'm trying to make new friends to make up for what I'm losing, but that's impossible to do...I know this seems to revolve a lot around me, but...

wow. I didn't realize how much I needed to say that.

  • Brohoof 1
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I got into an argument with my best friend yesterday. We don't speak anymore.

Right now i have my bro Freckles. He's a bit shy and afraid but meeh, he's still awesome and i love him, as a friend. 



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My best friend is my very special somepony.  We've been together for 9 years, and I trust her (as a matter of course) with everything except parallel parking.  I take care of that shit myself.

  • Brohoof 7



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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I've known my best friend since grade 5 so we've been good friends for 10 years.


As for how well I can put my trust in my friends, I can talk with them about anything. There are very few people I consider to be my friend, but I can place my absolute trust in all of them and they can and do the same with me.

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Also I've known 'Annie' since 2nd grade, but we weren't really friends until a few years ago.

I like all my friends, but they tend to make fun of me and treat me strangely. And for some reason that really bothers me, which is why I have trust issues... which is why i'm worried about not having friends after Annie graduates.

ok why am I opening up on this topic? XD weird

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I've known my best friend since about Second Grade. The only things is, back then, we wasn't really my friend.


Actually, I hated him.


But we eventually started to talk more and eventually became good friends. He is an awesome friend and trust him most of the time. MOST of the time.

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Honestly I can't image my life without my best friend. In junior high we didn't get along very well, but somehow we couldn't avoid each other during the summer of our freshman year. It's been somewhat awkward and scary since I have social anxiety, and in general I have a hard time trusting others. I know that she's there for me though and hopefully I'll be more secure about our friendship as time goes by.


This show's theme is actually what gave me the courage to mend the friendship in the first place. Getting used to this feeling of needing someone is still nerve-wrecking at times, but she's caring enough to deserve my trust. We love each other and that's what gets me through the day in the end.

“Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength.”

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I met my best friend back in my junior year of high school, when I really started to socialize. I actually met him through another friend, and we hit it off. I guess you could call it bromance-level. Unfortunately he's not a brony (but his girlfriend is, so between her and I it is probably only a matter of time before we bring him to the pastel side :P).

  • Brohoof 1


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I have had a few "best friends" over the years one of them I met in middle school I sort of drifted away from because he was addicted to pot and basically it was all he would do all the time and I just didn't want any part of that. It is not that I stopped liking him it is just when everything he does revolved around that and it just didn't seem healthy to me, I don't think there is anything wrong with doing that once in a while but anything in excess is bad. As for my current best friend I met him at work 5 years ago actually, we were both newly hired employees and talked for the first time at employee orientation.


I mentioned how the quality of entertainment has gone down the toilet and the conversation sort of took off from there. We soon found that we both had quite a bit in common and started hanging out outside work. Fast forward a year and a half or two later and a misunderstanding happened which caused him to resign but we still hung out for a while until he moved far away though we haven't seen each other much since then we have still kept in contact on the phone and skype. A year or so ago he first told me about ponies, I remember when the Canterlot Wedding two parter first aired and how he went to his brothers house to watch it because he didn't get the HUB at his place at the time. I myself though didn't start watching until a few months or so after he first told me about it though, one day my curiosity about Discord in particular got the better of me so I watched then then watched through season 1 and 2 and the rest is history.


I don't know if I would call it a "bromance" though the hilarious thing about it is that his mother asked us if we were both gay for each other which mortified him to no end but caused me to burst out laughing and tell a whole bunch of innuendo fueled jokes. I am snickering as I am typing this now.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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I don't have any best friends. I have friends but not any I know I get close with enough to consider them best friends. Also I never have been in a romantic relationship in my life ( though I'm not even looking for one at the moment). I feel slightly alone at times to be perfectly honest but it's all fine.

  • Brohoof 2
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Ive known my best friend since grade 1. I was forced to.sit with her the first day of school on the bus. She didnt seem like a happy kid, she always got in trouble. Then when we became friends that all went away.


She lives far away now and we barely talk anymore ..


But shes still my bestie.

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I met my best mate only about 8 Months ago, but he's done more for me then anyone else has. I trust him with everything really, even though we've been going through abit of a...rough patch...

I love the guy (in a friend way) more then most people.


He knows me better then my parents do, or anyone else....

  • Brohoof 1


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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I met my best friend when I was a freshman in high school. We hit it off pretty well, and ended up rooming together in college. I can't really imagine life without him, even though I only see him maybe once a month now.


There's a definite bromance. We make jokes about it all the time. And I recently brought him into the herd. :) Dashie is his favorite.

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Player of @mlp_snare, @mlp_MedliC, and @mlp_Vinyl

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I don't think I have a "best friend". Seems pretty rude to your other friends to say "hey, I like this guy/girl more than I like you!".

Maybe it's just me...

Edit: Like what if the person you consider your best friend suddenly calls someone else his/her best friend? I would be pretty sad...

And I HIGHLY doubt anyone in the world considers me to be their best friend.

Edited by Lolnus



Signatures by Kyoshi, Cider Barrel and Lugia


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I've known my BFF since Kindergarden. We're so alike yet so different, it's crazy. Plus we have a million inside jokes that no one else gets. happy.png  

"When the sun goes down and the lights burn out then it's time for you to shine, brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are."


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When it comes to my friends I don't like to pick favourites. I've known my oldest friend since the first ever week of school, about 10-11 years. The friend that shares most of my opinions I've know for about one and a half years, since I started high school.


I honestly wouldn't trust any of my friends with any of my more serious secrets as they have proven over and over again that they are incapable of keeping their mouths shut. Well except perhaps one.


No one, not family nor friends know everything there is to know about me, some people will know more than others, some may think they know me but really don't. The person that's known me the longest as a friend knows the most about me, but even then that's only about 60% of me.


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One of my best friends is someone I have known since the 5th grade up to now. It was two people I have continued to remain friends with. Actually out of all the friends I made in high schools those two I have stayed best friends since that time. Had some really great memories with them :)



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Most of my current friends are kind of equal. I've lost friends before, even some best ones. However I have had this friend since I was a baby, named Jeffrey. I don't really hang out with him or anything after I accidentally broke his iPod. After that, he lost his trust in me because of that one thing, and so that kind of just took down the friendship and so I don't really go and even talk to him much anymore.

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I love all my friends! Like how I love all of you on here! It might be the Internet (which I am still not used to using :P ) but I not care.


I love all my friends, but five standout for me in general.


My brother Roman : He is related to me, but I do intensely love my brother as a great friend. He is a caring man, and though he acts immature sometimes I still know he has a good heart. He is always here for me, and I will always be here for him. I really love my brother. I love that idiot :lol:


My friend Dan : He is fantastic. Though a little provocative and dirty sometimes. He is understanding, and cares for me greatly. I know him very well, and I live very close to him. Known him since 2009, and he has been the best American friend I know. He might have affection for me, but I do not...go that way. I appreciate him though, and love him greatly. No matter what I am here for him as well.


~HistoricallyInaccurate~ : My American, history buff, American Civil War loving, friend on these forums. He is fantastic to talk to. Always very funny, and cheers me up whenever I feel down. Has helped me with some problems, and is a amazing person. Great conversations I enjoy with him, and I love "goofing" around with him. I love him as a great friend!! I will help him if he ever needs it too .He helps me with my English sometimes also :lol:


TheBronyHeart : He is a deep individual on these forums. Very caring, and smart, and understanding too. He is fantastic, though we do not talk as much as I want...I will hopefully be resolving that soon. He is a great aid, and has helped me just as all my friends have. He has really shown me ways to view life. He is very good. A very good soul. I love him as I do all my friends. I'll be here if he ever needs me as well.


Motion Spark (Эмма): I call him Эмма. More of a affectionate name for me to say :P but I love him too. He has been the greatest help to me. Has helped with my depression extremely, and he is also a great soul. I can not put into words how much I love him. He is a great, great being. So very kind, and nice and supportive of me. I can not accurately say with words how much I care for him, but I do. Only person I let call me Dim :wub:


I love all my friends, but these five stand out greatly. I intensely appreciate them all, and I am proud to say they are my friends.

Edited by Dimitri Hammer
  • Brohoof 3



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One guy was my best friend for about 12 years. A lot of the time, he wasn't really a very good friend, because he'd usually kinda drop me to go and hang out with girls and stuff...but we still had a lot of fun together and I considered him my best friends.


I haven't seen him for over a year now...I guess he found better friends or whatever.


Now I have a small group of friends, but none of them are really my "best friend".

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I used to have a bromance best friend but since I'm forsaken, I can't call him any of this anymore.

Edited by Cocodrillo

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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I have a best friend who I've known since 3rd grade and trust completely. I act like a bitch on crack around her, though it's only because I'm comfortable enough with her to know that she'll put up with my bullshit.


And that is why we are friends.


no rest for the wizardly.

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I've known him since 3rd grade, but it was another three years until I spoke more than a few sentences to him. I actually remember the day I made his acquaintance quite vividly: it was at a school function we both volunteered for, and I decided to take a break outside. A few minutes later, he also came outside and sat down next to me. I was looking up at the sky, where an intense band of Milky Way was easily visible, when he said something about gravity being stronger in certain areas. I disagreed, saying that gravity was more-or-less a constant. As I know more about the matter now, I can say that we were both, in ways, right. But that little argument over gravity sparked a friendship I have to this day.


Admittedly, it's waning. We moved to different places, and neither of us call each other often. I really need to get better at that. I don't want to lose him.


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Most friends I met become among my best friends. I'm an introvert, so any friendship I have becomes something special if I work on it. Take a guy friend I have named John. We first met at a commuter lounge. Ever since, we've been great friends, talking about sports, life, and even how we got turned down by our crushes at one point. I also have connection with many of my other guy friends.


For girls, that's different. I've only found one girl I feel is very close to me, and that's my crush. She's shy, modest, and reserved. She listens to everything I say, and we both feel a great sense of comfort and love from each other in our interactions. Maybe someday she'll see me as a boyfriend, but for now, she's not ready yet. It's completely alright, especially since there's many other fish in the sea. Plus, like I say, she's like a best friend to me.

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