Scootalove 10,689 May 19, 2013 Share May 19, 2013 I've known my best friend since Elementary School. Sadly, I don't see him anymore since he and I went to different high schools so I barely see him anymore. I miss my best friend so much, but he is still in my memory. 1 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest May 20, 2013 Share May 20, 2013 I've know my best friend since I was in 5th grade, and I still consider him my best friend, we've known eachother for about 13 years now. He robbed Burger King once XD, seriously, not joking, look up "North bend burger king robbery". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Shield 4 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 I've know my best friend for....year and a half, two years now? Seems like a life time. I can trust her with anything and she helped turn my life around. I love her with all my heart, and she made me a very lucky man. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shiek927 20 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 May seem a bit silly to say, but I like everyone's honesty in expressing themselves the way they are. Me, I honestly can't say that I have a best friend...or maybe 'friends' for that matter: I have acquaintances, people I talk to on the internet, but friends? That's a tough one, in all honesty. I think those are actually hard to come by. It's something, of course, I'm trying to turn around with the general attitude I'm having toward life lately in trying to reinvent myself. Friends has been something as alien for me as it was for Twilight, but I am trying to better myself and I hope, the next time I see a topic like this, I can readily answer without a pinch of hesitation. . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q 3,673 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 I have two who I've known since middle school. The unfortunate thing is that I'm studying abroad and am separated from them for most of the year. We're actually planning to build a house to support two families as part of an experiment to cut the costs of living for everyone by sharing spaces and stuff. We're currently working on the various aspects such as the logistics and other practices be they technical or social to ensure we avoid as well as be able to deal with conflict. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Moon 965 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 (edited) I don't truly have a best friend, sadly. At the end of the day I am alone. There have only been a couple people that were ever even close to being my best friend, but even then the feelings weren't reciprocated, I think. I have had a rather sad and lonely childhood. Edited July 16, 2013 by Dark Moon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 (edited) I first met my all-time best friend, nicknamed Slip, when I was in 7th or 8th yeah, known him for over a decade now. Hella surreal. We really started hanging out when I was a freshman in high school, at which point he more or less "usurped" my former best friend, who had grown into too much of a pious goody two-shoes for my tastes (still love the guy though, he's my longest-standing friend at 18 years). Despite the fact that Slip was 2 years younger than us, not to mention home-schooled, the three of us were inseparable throughout my high school years; we'd constantly have sleepovers where we'd play video games, do impromptu role plays and other nerdy crap. Best times of my life, to be sure. Even after graduating high school, we remained very close friends and had many great adventures together, one of the most recent ones involving some urban exploration in an abandoned barn just outside of town...and running off whilst shitting bricks the moment we heard something stir within the barn. We frequently spent our summers jamming out on our instruments, forming the basis of what is now our band, of which he is still a member. Guy's got some serious shred guitar chops... Being my best friend (or my "not-in-a-gay-way soul mate", as he describes it - so bromantic!), I would trust him with my very life...and yet, at the same time, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could kick him. If that makes any sense. That's just the duality of true best-friendship; I'll trust him with my deepest, darkest secrets, but I'm cautious not to fall asleep around him for fear of waking up with a penis Sharpie'd across my face. Edited May 22, 2013 by Lowline Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 How long have you known your best friend? I've known him since I was 1 year old. (In 1998) Do you feel like you can trust your best friend with anything? Absolutely, 100%. At times we've fought over things, but I guess everyone has fought with their friends at one point in their life. Do you love your best friend? Yes. He's absolutely great to be around. Do you consider your best friend your girlfriend/boyfriend or a friend that you're close with? At one point we were pretty close, but that was years ago. Do you have a bromance/girlmance with your best friend? Nope. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Warden 2,243 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 (edited) It will be interesting to tell my tale, if I'm not such a nomad who change from one best friend to another. I move from one place to another, and one school to another. From one place, I always have some best friends, same with school. Well, my elementary era is an exception. That's a saga I would like to keep a secret. When I was a boy I had three. One went to another country pretty soon after we became best friends. The other two remained with me for a pretty long time. They were like brothers to me. They always called me "Big brother." That's until my family was broken apart and we had to move to another city. One went to another island, while the another one also had his family broken apart as well. Lost contact, but I still have the facebook account of that one lad who moved to another island. When I was in junior high I had... one, two... about seven or nine guys (all of them were guys) who always went around with me. We played game together, insulted people online together (yes, I was young that time), and skipped away from extra lessons to the nearest game center, together. We had a great time, but we lost contact after we went to the senior high. Then, senior high. That's this era. I have some best friends. We're like the Mane Six. Each with his own unique personalities and skills. I'm the insane programmer one. I've known them just for about three years, but we're pretty close. About bromance, nope. We don't even touch each other often, but that doesn't mean that we're not close. Things like money, computer, Internet security hole secret, etc are... like... it's all ours. All of us. We share them together. When one needs, the other give. Edited May 22, 2013 by Sky Warden Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
____ 156 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 (edited) ____________________ Edited August 10, 2020 by ____ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 I've known my best friend, a dude by the name of Nathan, since 2nd grade, so approximately ten or so years aka half my full life, and about 9/10ths of my life I have memory of XD He's very laid-back and friendly. His time management is non-existent and it sends me into fits of non-serious rage quite frequently, but I bromance love him anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nobody Special 210 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 (edited) My best friend is awesome. He is very receptive to new things even though he might like his own ways more. Only two days ago I ad converted him to a brony, which makes him 20% cooler. Now whenever we are talking between classes, we throw in MLP insde jokes and everyone else around us is completely confused XD It makes me happy he is a brony now With my babbling I forgot to say how long I've known him, Derp. I've known him since second grade and are now in eighth. Edited May 22, 2013 by broniesunite I am not creative so... Battlefield Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarGrowlmon1990 94 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 My best friend is my fiance. We've been together for three years now and we're expecting our first child together. He has a daughter from a previous relationship and I help take care of her as well. I trust my fiance and can count on him to do anything and be there for me. We have had arguments and have been through rough times, but we've always managed to work things out. Before I met my fiancee, I never knew I could love someone so much. I have also gotten in contact with another close friend of mine recently. I have known her since the second half of grade seven and have been through a lot with her as well. We've had disagreements in the past, but everything's worked out. She's been very supportive of my pregnancy and we've gotten in touch and have started spending more time together. Before my baby son comes, we're planning on getting together for a double date with our fiancees. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BronyBob55 31 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 To tell you the truth I dont have any best friends. I try to but it doesn't work out. I think its because I think in many diffrent ways and they only think in their own way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Le Kvlt Dawn 2,364 May 22, 2013 Share May 22, 2013 I don't have a best friend, I just have a couple of friends. Whenever I have a best friend they just end up betraying and alienating me. That's why don't have one. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rudolphin 76 May 26, 2013 Share May 26, 2013 My best friend and I've known each other since I believe 1st grade. He used to make fun of me for somethings I didn't do lack of social skills, and daily things I should be doing. For example i wouldn't cut my nails they would grow to be large. And well he and my other friends would make fun of me. Kid shit. Now though we are BRO's. He drove 2 hours to my college to go to a party and get Drunk with my friends and I. Hits me hard in the feels. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pawz9 7 May 27, 2013 Share May 27, 2013 I have known my best friend since first grade and have developed some romantic feelings for him however he has stated that he does not share those feelings ad we have not spoken of it since and he is the person who actually got me to join the herd he actually became my best friend in third grade after I punched my former best friend and we have been best friends ever since Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoundRaptured 139 May 27, 2013 Share May 27, 2013 Oh em GEE! not to mention my BBBFF!!!!!!!! seriously. Phillip. Where would I be without him. He's taught me everything. We've gone cave spelunking together, got lost in some woods, he showed me slenderman, we play halo together and make a great team, we love the same kind of music, he's refined my taste in video gaming and books, and pretty much everything else you can imagine. I'd probably still be a sniveling crybaby without him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SCS 7,537 May 28, 2013 Share May 28, 2013 I love all of my friends platonically, so I am not romantically interested in any of them. But, out of my real life friends, there is only one of them who I can go to about deeply personal matters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wonderbolt_Spitfire 235 May 28, 2013 Share May 28, 2013 Me and my best friend have known each other for 5 years now and even though he has moved across the country we still talk almost everyday. Since we play WoW together all of our other friends joke that we have a bromance going on and that he acts like my older brother. And all of its totally true, we can count on each other for pretty much everything and we always take a week or two out of the year to hang out and have fun. Sig made by me. Surprisingly it came out somewhat decent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Periwinkle 3,775 May 28, 2013 Share May 28, 2013 My best friend is my hero. When I look in the mirror, it's his image I hope to see looking back at me. Where ever he goes in life, I will go. We will... Okay okay I'm talking about myself. -foreveralone- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakura Moon 8 May 28, 2013 Share May 28, 2013 I used to have a best friend, and even named my daughters *middle* name after her.. and then she got married to a guy in the military and started acting all high-and-mighty, like she was queen of the world because her husband served in Afganistan and she had more money than me. She also started talking major crap behind everyone's back and I eventually realized she was probably taking crap behind my back too. I do, however consider my boyfriend to be my best friend, as it should be, because I can talk to him about anything, be weird around him, exc. But it's not the same as having a best girl friend.... Lonely. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 May 28, 2013 Share May 28, 2013 I was madly in love with my best friend for many years. She's been here for me longer than anyone ever. I got mother zoned, though Yeah, my best friend calls me her mother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TamesB 19 May 28, 2013 Share May 28, 2013 (edited) I have quite a few friends at school and outside school, but one of them from school, we have the EXACT same interests, (same games, same music, same humor), We are like copies, the only thing is that I'm a brony and he is not. When I told him I'm a brony he didn't care at ALL, The chat went like: "Tames: Tommy, I have a secret, Tommy: What is it? Tames: I'm a brony Tommy: Cool. Tommy: So.. Who's your favorite pony??? The orange one??? (This is the part where my selfconfidence suddenly skyrocketed, and I was happy the rest of the month) Tames: Actually the blue one :P" I know he is not a brony even though he knows about the show. Since then I knew 100% for sure that he is a very open and accepting friend, someday I'll turn him into a brony Edited May 28, 2013 by TamesB Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 May 28, 2013 Share May 28, 2013 (edited) I used to have a best friend that had been my friend for 10 years, but that's in the past now. My only real and probably only true best friend ever, who has been my friend the longest. Is my own brother, he is the coolest guy I know and even though he is younger then I am he has the same maturity level as a guy who has had a lot of life experience. When I was feeling down, he would just tell me to stop whining and then tell me how life sucks. Lol, why sugar coat it. Nah, but for real, we are very good friends. We agree on everything political and car related, when others disagree.. He and I together, we destroy other people in debates. We are both huge car enthusiaists and we don't talk about anything else but cars. He is really cool, he is the only one who doesn't just tell me to stop talking about cars each time I bring up the subject. Finally, he got me into MLP. He was the one who said, "check it out, it's actually a very good show".. Here I am, all thanks to my brother. He had been trying to make me give it a chance for half a year. I finally gave in because I had nothing else to do, I never judged the show. But 20 minutes for me was much because I was busy doing nothing. Seriously, I would do anything for him. No matter what it is, if he has troubles I'll be there to help him. The best thing though, is that he will never betray me. He is one of those guys that's so loyal that you would have to be really stupid to betray him. He is probably the nicest guy you could ever meet, he just doesn't show it. Edited May 28, 2013 by Fluttershyfan94 2 DA: Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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