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Will you watch the fourth season?



115 users have voted

  1. 1. Will you watch the fourth season?

    • Yes
    • No

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*opens site*

*takes a sip of his ice-tea*

*sees poll-votes*

*spits his drink*

We have one no-vote!?

Who are you? What made you do this? I want that explanation!

... Uhm, if you don't mind...sad.png

I did it for teh lulz. I am actually gonna watch season four but I voted no because i like to watch the world burn...I apologize for any jimmies rustled
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I see no reason to not watch it... I didn't like how season 3 turned out in the end, (Don't get me wrong, I loved everything else in it) Thus I am expecting to see major changes in Season 4 compensate the end of the last season. :)

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I will deffinally be watching it.  I see no reason not to.  I'm going to trust what someone said on Twitter, "the next season is going to be epic" or something like that.  Even if I don't like it (which is very unlikely) I still have the in-show songs that will bring it back up. 

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The poll needs more options.


I haven't decided yet. It's like people are forced to swear that they'll be loyal to the pony no matter what or they have to make an obligation that they won't watch it at all.


I know people who still hang out in the fandom despite not having seen Season 3 but you won't see many people with different opinions here because this place is becoming a hugbox.

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Exactly. HASBRO has to please both little girls and bronies and the alicorn twilight makes me want to watch every single episode from beginning to end of season 4. SparklyPegasus, just so you know I'm from the UK and a pegasister too! biggrin.png don't worry about Equestria Girls movie it'll come on the hub and on YouTube at autumn (fall) this year wink.png

OMG! A British pegasister! I like you already! :D You and I should talk some more!

And if Equestria Girls is coming on the Hub and Youtube, then that's good enough for me. :)

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Of course!!! :3


But I know what you mean. Some fans have gven up on the show (which, is pretty stupid if you ask me). So yeah, there are some bronies who won't be watching the next seasons. It's sad, but thats how some are. sleep.png



But MLP is going well, if anything, it's getting there! biggrin.png I still have plenty of faith in it, and I will never give up on the show!  Can't wait for season 4...and Equestria Girls! And I'm sure season 4 will be awesome....26 awesome-filled episodes!!! X3

Edited by Pixiesong
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Of course I am, I haven't Come this far to give up now man, all ups and downs,all the frontwards an backwards,all the left to rights,all the Crying and laughing,all the hits and misses,all the.. I think you get my point. I didn't get on this roller coaster Just to jump off early, No,


        I'm waiting till this rides Over

Edited by Toa of Ponies
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Um, yeah, of course I will! I'm starving for new pony enough now as it is, by the time it comes out I'll surely be ravenous for it. Not watching is not an option! :D

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With out a doubt. Come hell or deep snowbanks


I didn't come to this and not watch it all the way through to the end and a pack of wild mustangs from mustangia couldn't drag me away

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Obviously, yes. I like Alicorn Twilight Sparkle and hope Equestria Girls will have no influence on it. Even if the show's going to loose quality, still it would be one of the best shows, better than all other cartoons. Also I want to know how the story continues.

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I will watch the entire 4th season, 120% sure. 


Honestly, I mean why wouldn't somebody? Just because something in the show might not be something you agree with, doesn't mean that you should completely abandon everything else you liked about it. 

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I will totally be watching the fourth season! There's so much buildup now that Twilight's an alicorn, I can't wait to see all of the adventures in store. img-1497881-1-laugh.png


I brohoofed solely for your name, :) and also because I agree with your excitement over what might be in store for our newly crowned Alicorn Twilight. 

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What did I miss out on, from my understanding we were all gonna have a mini party and watch the episode and depending on your time zone (as I'm in Australia) stay up till two in the morning to see it

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Someone Took my idea and voted no. yay ^~^

I'm glad someone did it, :3

I have no idea in the first place why though,

So yayeh ^~^

Why am I even typing this?... ehh doesn't matter :3

~Sapphire Quill

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Yeah!!! I am so exited for next season. The best part is that it is the first in any T.V. series I have liked that I just don´t know what will happen. "Magical Mystery Cure" could be a series finale, but that is not the case. Something will change in this season, and I have no idea of what the result will be. 

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Heck yeah, and EqG as well. I don't care if does go to crap(which is unlikely) I'm going to see the show through to the end, be a happy or bitter ending. Considering the kind of top-notch writing we got a glimpse of  in S3, it should be a blast, especially now that it's a full season and the writers won't feel rushed and constrained. 


I'm going to assume that one guy that voted no just slipped and hit the wrong button.

Edited by Shoboni
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I don't know about the rest of you, but I pity the fool who'd drop the entire show just because of Twilight's change. I also pity the ones who now practically hate it because the euphoria worn off. Bunch of pricks if you ask me.

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I will definitely be watching it. I just wont have time to watch it when the episodes premier, so I will be waiting for them to come onto Netflix's library (They already have S1-S3) and I have been watching those episodes nonstop. When I first saw the S3 finale I was very upset (raging) that S3 was so short and that Twilicorn wasn't properly fleshed out, but I've gotten over that now and I continue to re-watch the all the episodes. I have a good feeling that S4 will be the best so far.

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I'm a Brony, I think it goes without saying. Season 4 is something that I am personally looking forward to to watching, and I'll be excited when it gets here.

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