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Clop survey

Sanic Screwdriver


813 users have voted

  1. 1. Have you ever clopped?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. More than once?

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. Do you consider yourself a clopper?

    • Yes
    • No

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Does clopping have to meet certain terms? Because, to me, seeing pony genitalia makes me vomit a bit, but for some odd reason, seeing a pony in socks is kinda nice. Probably because it's more cute than sexual. I probably still wouldn't clop to it, but I guess it's just kinda sweet to see it.

For some reason, socks work very well on hooves. :P


Clopped to socked ponies for a time, quitting only because I succeeded in pretty much downloaded the hell out of Derpibooru. I seriously have thousands of pony pictures ranging from clean and safe to anthro and explicit on a flash drive I keep locked away.

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traumatized....hum I wouldn't use that word. I'm a adult, I have no idea how old you are (because I haven't scrolled profiles - just not interested). Actually it's more like I'm just wondering why there is a thread about masturbating to ponies.


I'm just sorta thinking, and I'm not trying to judge anyone but it's kinda weird (as a grown up) to see a thread about masturbating to ponies, I'm just kinda thinking...uh really is this what you guys really talk about? This is just my thoughts.


Then I have questions like, If you are sitting in a room full of people is this the kind of discussions you would have openly in front of everyone, even if you didn't know all the people in the room? Do you talk about this out in public or is it only on the forum you feel like you are allowed the freedom to talk about masturbating? Is it the anonymity of the forum? Because at some point it can be TMI.


I do kind of agree with you, it's one thing to discuss "adult" content, but it's another when you start getting into the territory of talking about getting off to it and *ahem* "gushing". Over at Tvtropes we have a "no lewdness, no prudeness" policy about the site and we often get into this debate of trying to figure out where the line is and if it's been crossed from just adults discussing adult things to treading into TMI territory.    

Are you kidding me? 59.37%?


Wow guys, wow.  I think it's disgusting, some of my friends are furires, and browsing their computers is bad enough.  I saw that picture of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash 69ing on Tosh.O.  Man I just don't get it.  Whatever, do what you want to do. 


That may be more do to the fact that most people that don't wouldn't even come into the thread unless they have something important related to it to say(I honestly can't even remember why I came in here and why it's in my personal feed.). That's going to lead to eschewed results because one side is going to be "attracted" to the thread than the other and more inclined to voice opinions.


That, and the fandom was quite a few high-school/college age male demographic with little to no shame and a willingness to try and get off on anything that crosses their mind.  

Edited by Shoboni
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"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I seriously have thousands of pony pictures ranging from clean and safe to anthro and explicit on a flash drive I keep locked away.


Well if my computer breaks, the computer technician is going to be in for a surprise.

All my clop is in a folder called "schoolwork1" 

Edited by pony12343
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I used to take a hard line stance against clopping. Then I saw a picture of Trixie and Twilight (my favorite ship) doing some... interesting things. Anyway, I started softening up to it, and eventually I was converted. Gay or straight, all works for me now (I'm bi anyway).


*Signature courtesy of Pink Mist. May Luna bring peace to her dreams*

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Well, its 12AM here, I'm going to find some RD pics to clop to. While browsing the forums also. I don't really know why but I find rainbow dash to be the hottest. Is it the mane, the voice, the attitude. Questions, questions, I can't find the answers.

Edited by pony12343
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I haven't ever clopped and I don't think I ever will, and even though a lot of people who don't clop think its disgusting to clop I honestly don't have any problem with the people who do it.  :)


Go away Pikachu, you aren't an Eevee evolution  :okiedokielokie: 

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traumatized....hum I wouldn't use that word. I'm a adult, I have no idea how old you are (because I haven't scrolled profiles - just not interested). Actually it's more like I'm just wondering why there is a thread about masturbating to ponies.


I'm just sorta thinking, and I'm not trying to judge anyone but it's kinda weird (as a grown up) to see a thread about masturbating to ponies, I'm just kinda thinking...uh really is this what you guys really talk about? This is just my thoughts.


Then I have questions like, If you are sitting in a room full of people is this the kind of discussions you would have openly in front of everyone, even if you didn't know all the people in the room? Do you talk about this out in public or is it only on the forum you feel like you are allowed the freedom to talk about masturbating? Is it the anonymity of the forum? Because at some point it can be TMI.


This is one subject that some people talk about. By no means does this encompass everyone in our fandom or our entire reason for being in it.


You're an adult and have no doubt seen plenty of strange things in your time (I'm 25 and have as well), but I'd wager you aren't much of an "internet dweller" or heavily involved in any fandom's online presence. By no means is this unique to us. Dig deep enough into any fandom (Care Bears, Sonic, Pokemon, Digimon, Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, etc.) or just spend enough time around them, and you will eventually find porn of it and discussions of erotic material. It's not for everyone though and some obviously find it disgusting or offensive, so I believe there should be clear demarcation between the erogenous and the platonic. Risqué stuff should be cloistered in its own area.


People don't often talk about this sort of thing in person, at least not unless they know those with whom they're speaking are also into it. I've been to many brony meetups and several conventions, and "clopping" and porn have never been public topics of conversation, though I'm sure several people did discuss it privately. Forums provide a level of anonymity that inhibits self-control for some. However, many forums (including this one) won't abide raunchy discussions, fanfics, or imagery. We'll allow some mentions of the existence of these materials and one's level of interest in it, but nothing truly vulgar or pornographic. Unfortunately though, not everyone has the same ideas as to what exactly constitutes vulgarity, so whatever an online or offline community's rules are regarding it or their methods of enforcement, you will always have people who take exception to it. Can't be helped, but this is also where personal responsibility comes into play. If one doesn't like what's going on somewhere, it's up to him to extract himself from it.


While I'm an administrator of this forum that takes such a stance, I'm also a member of another, much less well-known forum that plays host to every kind of NSFW (Not Safe For Work) pony material imaginable. Some of it interests me, much of it doesn't. But I've established boundaries for myself there as well as separating all of my activity there from what goes on here. (I go by a different name there, so I've seen some of you even if you haven't seen me. Hue.)



That got a bit off-topic, but you're new to this forum and it would appear not very familiar with our fandom either, so I wanted to try and answer your questions on this subject and maybe clear up some misconceptions. Please feel free to send me a PM if you want to discuss any of this further or if I've confused you at all. I'd be glad to talk it over with you.

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This... this isn't something I expected so many people to be honest about or even openly discussing, I honestly find the whole thing a little strange myself even though I have spent many years "getting to know" hentai in all its forms and I don't really believe that it's something we should overexert ourselves trying to comprehend. Sexual attractions vary from person to person and trying to declare what's right and what's wrong in such a grey area is not worth the time that's spent on it now.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, its 12AM here, I'm going to find some RD pics to clop to. While browsing the forums also. I don't really know why but I find rainbow dash to be the hottest. Is it the mane, the voice, the attitude. Questions, questions, I can't find the answers.


Call me stupid or whatever, but coming into this topic and seeing a post like this is what I live for.


Cloppers, keep being hilarious. It's awesome.

  • Brohoof 3



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Well, its 12AM here, I'm going to find some RD pics to clop to. While browsing the forums also. I don't really know why but I find rainbow dash to be the hottest. Is it the mane, the voice, the attitude. Questions, questions, I can't find the answers.

It's the voice. I love that breaky voice. When she sings in the Gala song and her voice cracks when she says "they'll shower us with diamonds." Mmmmm it sends tingles down my body.


I think that Rainbow would be the kind of girl who would have more than one male suitor. Maybe even at the same time. Sadly, she is too wild to have all to oneself. Why do you tear my hear, Rainbow Dash?

Edited by BronyNumber42
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Questions, questions, I can't find the answers.

Tomboys are hot so I can of course understand the appeal of Rainbow Dash but the mare that really gets to me is Applejack, that sexy accent, those beautiful green eyes, the freckles that hot apple butt and that "I don't give a damn what others think" attitude.



Cloppers, keep being hilarious. It's awesome.

We will always be at your service whenever we are not watching or reading about ponies getting serviced.

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mare that really gets to me is Applejack, that sexy accent, those beautiful green eyes, the freckles that hot apple butt and that "I don't give a damn what others think" attitude.

No argument here.  Took a while for her to grow on me.  I think I like her for that Responsible head of the Family thing.

I don't really get why others will  "hate" cloppers.  At the end of the day its just a simple fantasy to escape the stress of a very stressful world.  I don't rage on others intimate dreams or fantasy.    We all like something different, or many different things...


Other's more Talented than me.




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I like to think i'm a professional clopper. No one clops with the intensity that i do. I kind of think im a big deal. I clop all day erry day.

Because Of your corn profile Picture, I can just imagine a massive piece of corn clopping,,,,


 I've said yes too every question. huzzah! Also I do too Clop a lot, maybe too much....


Also Twilight Is Sexiest Pony  :P

Theres only one problem about clopping... having to delete the search history! DA DUM TSS! 

Edited by Nye1254
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Celestia is a total MILF: Mare I'd Like to Fornicate. I don't like Applejack's accent. Fluttershy seems too innocent, I would feel guilty. But I bet she hides some freaky fantasies. Pinkie Pie is too ditzy and she would talk too much. I already stated my thoughts on Rainbow (Mmmff what I would do to her!). Rarity is a girl I would love to have a nice evening with. But it would hurt Spike too much if he saw Rarity with someone and I think he deserves a break. I bet Twilight hides a lot of kinks, but overall I would have the most in common with. And Luna...mmm so mysterious.

  • Brohoof 3

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Tomboys are hot so I can of course understand the appeal of Rainbow Dash but the mare that really gets to me is Applejack, that sexy accent, those beautiful green eyes, the freckles that hot apple butt and that "I don't give a damn what others think" attitude.


Cool, I find Applejack hot too. It's the voice, and the whole country vibe. 

Yes tomboys are hot

Edited by pony12343
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No, No, No, and NO. Because it's pollutes this wonderful cartoon.

I hope you understand Rule 34 applies to every show and movie in existence, no matter how old it is.


'Think about your favorite childhood movie/cartoon.


Yep there's r34 of that.'




As for OT, yes, and yes. Although, I mainly view clop art because of the admirable artists, such as Stranger Danger, Avante92, atryl, Mittsies, and a name that I cannot remember for the sake of me. From most of these artists, I receive a more extensive comprehension of lighting, body physics and poses, and general lineart and fill tactics.

Edited by Warning Points
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Take Me Out.

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No, No, No, and NO. Because it's pollutes this wonderful cartoon.

That's one no too many, mate. ;)


Come on, man. I need to tell you you're overreacting with this. The MLP IS a wonderful cartoon. But let's be honest. It's not pure.

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Ive done it before. Before I even really knew what "clopping" even was. (But I only did it because I thought they were cute eeeeehh)

img-24169-1-img-24169-1-zVtdI3D.png!Error loading image

You search for links, but nothing is there!

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Ive done it before. Before I even really knew what "clopping" even was. (But I only did it because I thought they were cute eeeeehh)

>because i thought they were cute


who clops to cute things?


that's like masturbating to pictures of kittens.


Take Me Out.

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>because i thought they were cute


who clops to cute things?


that's like masturbating to pictures of kittens.








img-24169-1-img-24169-1-zVtdI3D.png!Error loading image

You search for links, but nothing is there!

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