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Kill the user above you in random way


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I don't get it, Cupcakes are delicious.

Unless, Joe Pesci is making them.


Joe Pesci, always spitting when he's talking. So gross, it's all watery now, the batter.


I kill you, with a soldering iron right to the face.

Edited by Christopher Walken
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For Starswirl the Bearded, I would get a portal. I'd center one disc over his heart. Then, I'd ram the other down over his horn so he stabs himself to death. As for those Greek guys in the picture. I'd knock a temple over on them!

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Why would you do this? ; ^ ;


I don't want to kill you, but I have no choice... RELEASE THE SQUIRRELS!

I send Octavia she uses a razor wire bow and dances cutting you ever so deilcately slowly draining the blood from your body, watching the color of your body pale and freeze as you can now not even make a sound as you fall over to the sound of Pachibell's Cannon playing in the background. "Looks like that's Fine," Octavia smiles as she shhes you to sleep.

Killed by Pinkie Pie drawing Nicolas Cage's face with her knife on your body.

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