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gaming Your favorite YouTube gamer(s)?


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My definite favorites are easily Jesse Cox (OMFGcata)

And the Achievement Hunter crew


Aside from them, there's Chuggaaconroy (made all the better by the fact that he's a Brony)

The Yogscast , though I don't watch them to much anymore. Rythian Is a member of theirs that I like.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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   My favorite YouTube gamer group is Brainscratchcomms. They've done nearly every game of the franchises I am a fan of (Batman, Sonic the Hedgehog, Portal, etc.), and they're just enjoyable themselves.

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AlphaOmegaSin - Granted he's only done 2 gameplay videos but most of the shit he says is hilarious

LuizPrower - I'm glad he's not in a hiatus anymore

Carlitonsp1 - His voice is funny to listen to

Hideofbeast - His Megaman X runs are amazing and his cynical and monotoned voice is hilarious

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I'm not really a fan of Youtube gamers.  The vast, vast majority of them just play games that I could be playing myself if I were really interested while yelling obnoxiously.  It's pretty awful by and large, and kind of sad that some of them make a living doing this

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Personally I really enjoy watching cobanermani456 and SullyPwnz. I like Game Grumps a whole bunch but to be serious you don't watch their videos to know how to play games and to get in-game help you mostly watch them for their humor. I'm also subsribed to PewDiePie but I rarely watch his videos probably like one every 3 months or so. Cobanermani456 is my fav. <3



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"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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My favorite YouTube gamer so far is Markiplier. Partly because he's fun to watch, and his horror reactions are priceless, and partly because he mainly plays indie horror games, which I'm hopelessly addicted to. His videos have led me to lots of awesome indie horror games like Kraven Manor, SCP Containment Breach, and 7 Days. 

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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The ones I'm subscribed to are:

-Pewdiepie (But I think he was funnier in his early days)

-Cry (That voice. All I'm saying)

-Two best friends play (They are freaking hilarious xD )

-Tobuscus (Mostly for his sketches though)

-Seananners (never trust nanners! tongue.png )

-Roosterteeth/Achievement Hunters (Gavin is the best)

And (but only recently) Peanutbuttergamer


I'm always on the lookout for more though smile.png

Edited by The Swedish Brony


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My three favorites are STAR_ (who does primarily TF2 commentary, actually), Game Grumps, and Jontron.

Pewdiepie isn't really that funny.

"Feld0 spelled backwards is 'illuminati'"

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Game Grumps(so, JonTron/Egoraptor I guess)

Angry Video Game Nerd

And the Speed Demos Archive in general, love watching speed runs.

Hm... that's about it I think.


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I used to enjoy a good PewDiePie vid, but eventually he just grew stale for my taste. Nothing against the guy, he kept me entertained for a good many hours, but eventually his material just became the same. 


Tobuscus is a good one for me, he's just so bad at games you can't have a bad time when you watch him, and his commentaries are great too. But again he just keeps uploading the same things over and over, and it's getting old. How many Happy Wheels episodes has he done now? (And i've watched every single one...)


Then of course - Cry!

Absolute legend, his voice is amazing and he's funny, he doesn't sidetrack himself by telling you about other things he's doing (I'm looking at you, Toby!) and he focuses on the game and its story a lot. Not to mention he uploads videos that are a decent length to watch too. 


I don't know if you'd add these guys to the list or not but RoosterTeeth are only just above Cry in terms of my favourite. They're a hilarious group of guys and they upload some amazing videos on a regular basis, it's just a shame a lot of their fans are morons and kids who like to try and cause chaos on their videos. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Who are your favorite YouTube gamer(s)?


Mine are ChaoticMonkey (Cry), PewDiePie and Tobuscus!

(I bet somepony's going to hate on PewDiePie!)

 Same here!!! I swear Pewdie is a Duck!! And i enjoy them because they make the video games that i play more interesting and ideas on how i can be the games!



^^Click the pic for oc! Full-time Brony, Whovian, artist, Code Lyoko fan, video gamer, Soul Eater fan, Xiaolin Warrior, Alicorn!

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I watch EatMyDiction1, GassyMexican, lolRenaynay and GoldGlove. I don't even watch youtube anymore, I mostly just watch their streams on twitch. I can't stand pewdiepie. Personally I just find his humor despicable. Anyone who glorifies rape, or uses it as "humor" I will hate. I've heard from people that he doesn't use rape humor anymore, I don't know, nor do I care, if that's true or not. I just don't find him funny, but to each their own I suppose. It's not like eatmydiction has the most tasteful humor in the world haha. 


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I don't like PewDiePie, so it looks like I'm in enemy territory. Better get my flame shield up.

I love TheAuZZieGamer.

His walkthroughs are actually helpful, showing you what to do, what not to do, and going over any available alternative ways of completing missions.

Plus, he makes me laugh.

Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein!

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I used to watch Wickedshrapnel all the time, but really.

I would have to say either JonTron or PeanutbutterGamer.

And occasionally, the Roosterteeth Let's Play Minecraft videos.

[Michael's rage]


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My favorite YouTube gamer is Tobuscus. He is so funny he playes a lot of good games. And I lov his Tobuscus Advetures they are some of the funnyest things I have seen. And I love his dog.

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Tell you the truth I have seen this pewdiepie guy once he's not bad but I like Markiplier  or as he call him self once lol "Markapony!"fan myself, anyway I love Nova, SSOHPKC.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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For minecraft, I like paulsoaresjr and generikb

For let's plays Nintendo-only and in general I like NintendoCapriSun and chuggaaconry

and BrainScratchComms and ClementJ642

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iPwnStar4Hire, EatmyDiction1, TBSP, LvlCap, Seananners, Roosterteeth, Ltmkilla( Also known as Michael from RT but I was subbed to his channel first, so suck it) I can't stand Pewdie's laugh, Toby's personality and sense of humor, Game Grumps 'cuz their just dumb, and Smoshgames, because honestly, did we really need MORE of those greedy NGF's?


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My favorite 3 right now would have to be craigAA1028 (he is freaking hilarious) and achievement hunter (they are also very hilarious) and gassymexican (if your a fan of seananners, you know who im talking about)




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I regularly watch RoosterTeeth, Game Grumps, Versus (JoshJepson and AttackingTucans), Two Best Friends Play and TipsyRam (that last one, probably not a good one to check out if you're easily offended).

Among them, I'd have to say Two Best Friends are my favourite.

I subscribed to Game Grumps almost immediately after the channel started as I like both JonTron and egoraptor.  After a while of watching their stuff, I remembered Two Best Friends and went back and caught up with them.  I had a moment of "Man...I forgot how much better these guys are than Game Grumps."  and subscribed to their personal channel (TheSw1tcher).

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