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Equestria Girls


Equestria Girls  

14 users have voted

  1. 1. Rate the film

    • Flash Sentry steals your waifu - Hated it!
    • "... needs some peanut butter crackers." - Disliked it
    • "What are hands?" - Meh it was okay.
    • "Those are my girls! Woo-hoo!" - Liked it
    • "We helped Twilight win the crown!" - Loved it!

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really want to see this movie now!  Sadly, there are no theatres anywhere close by that is showing it for either dates that it's shown! sad.png   I think I'll just have to wait until it releases to DVD.

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Out of curiosity, as the film is showing in areas *really* far away from me, so I can't go see it myself... Do the 'humanized' characters have the same names as the ponies? There was a rumor at one point that the alternates had different names that vaguely resembled the pony names.


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Out of curiosity, as the film is showing in areas *really* far away from me, so I can't go see it myself... Do the 'humanized' characters have the same names as the ponies? There was a rumor at one point that the alternates had different names that vaguely resembled the pony names.

Same names, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Celestia, Snips, Snails, one of the Wonderbolts, and even Trixie.


Most of the movie was Twilight struggling to be human and learning friendship

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I didn't stay for the credits, what did I miss?  Message me!  I gotta know!  I knew I was gonna regret leaving right away...aksjdhjkdshfjksdhjdf


I didn't stay for the credits, what did I miss?  Message me!  I gotta know!  I knew I was gonna regret leaving right away...aksjdhjkdshfjksdhjdf


Spoiler (Highlight to reveal it):

Human Derpy Hooves appeared dancing with a giant muffin.


Everyone was cheering in the end for it.


Derpy was dacning along with the credits.


Is this the only scene that showed Derpy?

  • Brohoof 1
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Spoiler (Highlight to reveal it):

Human Derpy Hooves appeared dancing with a giant muffin.


Everyone was cheering in the end for it.


Derpy was dacning along with the credits.


Is this the only scene that showed Derpy?


Wait is this serious!  That is awesome if it is.  This thread makes me want to see it EVEN MORE THEN I DID BEFORE COMING TO THIS THREAD.  Too bad I can't drive...


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I'm putting my review in the spoiler tags below. If they don't work for some reason, you've still been warned!


*spoilers below!*


First, non-spoiler stuff:


*The movie they showed in the theater was on a Blu-Ray disc. We watched them struggling with it before the official start.


*About 5 kids (5-11 years old) showed up at the screening I went to. Everyone else was decidedly older - quite a few bronies. Have no doubt that a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic movie would bring in big box office after seeing this one.


*A review in one word: phew!


Okay - onto spoiler-ific stuff...



This movie was part tween demographic / part love letter to the current fan base. They really threw in an impressive amount for the older crowd / bronies. Without question, you felt the fan love.


Twilight gained a crush, but they didn't make it goopy, and kept it open-ended as to how much she'd pursue anything later on.


Huge "daaaawwwwwww" from the audience when human Twilight and Fluttershy introduced themselves. Nice work by the director / writers.


There's a scene in the library that's damn near brilliant involving the human-version CMCs and Twilight commenting from afar. It ended up being pretty clever commentary about the "post everything on YouTube" generation while mirroring "The Show Stoppers" episode.


She only gets cameos, but it's obvious the show's directors / writers love The Great and Powerfully Snack-Hungry Trixie.


I didn't think they went into Sunset Shimmer's reasons for being bad far enough. But it seems like they figured they didn't need another long-term enemy in the universe of Equestria, so it sort of made sense that they didn't.


Pinkie Pie's clairvoyant speeches were awesome. It put everything into a fun context.


In the human world, Luna is still skeptical but fair when dealing with Twilight. I believe that's true to her character.


Expect to see more of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo together in season 4. People working on the show have obviously bought into those two.


They kept it very horse-y. I thought it was a smart decision.


Transformers transformation sound (with great animation accompanying), and Wilhelm Scream. Nice.


Derpy Hands: full derped eyes, dancing with a muffin. Yes!


  • Brohoof 2

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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Spoiler (Highlight to reveal it):

Human Derpy Hooves appeared dancing with a giant muffin.


Everyone was cheering in the end for it.


Derpy was dacning along with the credits.


Is this the only scene that showed Derpy?


AUGH! I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T STAY FOR THE CREDITS! ARGH!!!!! I did happen to spot derpy in the actual movie though, so I guess that's good.


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AUGH! I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T STAY FOR THE CREDITS! ARGH!!!!! I did happen to spot derpy in the actual movie though, so I guess that's good.

I can't believe that I didn't either... how lame of me.


I will stay during the credits next time I see it, though. My fiance needs to see it, so we will go together on the 4th of July when neither of us has to work. :P


As for me? I loved this movie. Some of the songs could have been better, and a lot of what is presented in this movie only raises more questions (but that's half the fun!), but I found myself thoroughly enjoying the movie throughout the whole thing. It may not be an "official" MLP movie, but honestly, it may as well have been. Everyone was true to character and everything about it really was about ponies in another world. Fantastic stuff.

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I didn't see this posted anywhere in case you guys were wondering it's not really a spoiler but just to be safe I'll put it in spoiler tags.






  • Brohoof 6
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I posted some of my thoughts in this blog post. Refer there for some more of my views!


I thought it was pretty good. Around 8/10 is what I'd give it. Worth seeing.


The showtimes and locations are all screwy, though.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I must agree with what Kyoshi said the review makes it look good and some other ponys have told me its not all that great but its not going to stop me from wanting to see and buy it on DVD once it comes out. Sadly I live in Arizona and not one theater here has it.... not one its like OMG oh well I'll just have to wait but as it would go. Good things come to those who wait :)


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I must agree with what Kyoshi said the review makes it look good and some other ponys have told me its not all that great but its not going to stop me from wanting to see and buy it on DVD once it comes out. Sadly I live in Arizona and not one theater here has it.... not one its like OMG oh well I'll just have to wait but as it would go. Good things come to those who wait smile.png


 That's odd. I was checking local showtimes, and though I found none in Texas until the 22nd, the nearest showings to me at this exact moment are in Arizona.

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Here is my review on Equestria GIrls without any spoilers, which is pretty difficult to do without any plot points.



Overall, I would recommend it though.

  • Brohoof 1

"You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them."

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Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 6

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Equestria Girls was actually good! I never thought I would say that. It was actually so good that it was better than quite a few of the episodes in my opinion, such as the frankly rushed Magical Mystery Cure.


There was nothing bad in it really. Maybe some eye roll parts but that's it.


As for Pinkie...


She made the movie for me, she really did. Don't get me wrong I love all of the Mane Six, but this movie confirmed why I think Pinkie Pie is best pony.


I can rattle on and on, like the two 4th wall references, her screaming, her party antics, and her...Pinkie-ness, but one scene stood out over all of them.




She transforms. Oh my God I never thought let alone expected a full blown authentic Transformers reference in MLP but it happened, and the perfect pony doing it.


She obviously didn't turn into a car or plane, she simply unfolded with the G1 transformers sound. EPIC. Plain and simple.Can't frigg'n wait for the meme.


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I am one of the many people who didn't see Equestria Girls because it was not playing in a theater near me. If I had the chance to go I would, but my parents would not let me. So I just want to get a general Idea of how the movie is like.




P.S. I saw the trailers and I understand the plot.


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My advice: are you at all worried about the "love interest" angle?


If you are, check out Meghan McCarthy's tweet on the subject (which is a bit of a spoiler) before watching the movie. You will most likely enjoy it more with that knowledge in your back pocket. Myself, I wasn't concerned - but a lot of people were.


I liked it. I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

  • Brohoof 2

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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Though I was neutral I did have my doubts about it which evaporated when I actually saw the movie. Yes the concept is cliched and somewhat predictable but they made it actually work with good writing and a lot of hilarious LOL moments with Twilight awkwardly trying to adapt to human society and of course Spike being a dog.

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Just like the topic title asks, have you seen Equestria Girls yet? If so, what do you think? Is it good? Is it bad? Is it just awesomely amazing like I hope it will be? :3 The closest theater that's showing the movie is 2 hours away, so I'm just going to wait for the DVD release. But, tell me what you think.



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I, personally, have not. I know the plot of the story, but have not seen it yet.


If I want, I can go to a theater around July 8th-ish, but I will probably be able to watch it online then, so I will show it to my friends through there!


I have a feeling it is gonna turn out well!

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I thought the movie was phenomenally pulled off. Was it a cinematic masterpiece with groundbreaking story-writing? No, but neither is the show itself. It was entertaining, and made me laugh the whole way through. I enjoyed the music and the many shoutouts to bronies.

  • Brohoof 3
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My opinion about Equestria Girls is that as a TV show, MLP FiM was focused on teaching life lessons through something that little girls could understand. With the Brony community, however, the TV maker wanted to, I don't know... step up there game, I guess, and make the protagonist more human like, along with making the movie seem more life like. This is all fine by me, but I still like the silly like MLP FiM over this. 


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I haven't seen the movie yet but I REALLY REALLY want to, based on everypony else's opinions. My friend and I hope to rent it on RedBox to see it but I'm not sure if it will be on RedBox and it doesn't even come out on DVD until August but I REALLY want to see it NOW and I hope someone uploads it on YouTube! *GASP*

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