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Does Rarity's characterization influence your opinion negatively?

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  1. 1. what do you think of Rarity

    • Awesome pony! love her!
    • She is a great character
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If I had to guess why people hate Rarity, I would say it's probably because she's an ultra drama queen, and sometimes she gets too caught up in her fashion stuff and wanting to be upper-class or whatever. But that doesn't mean she's not a good friend and she is also generous, so she's got that going for her I suppose. Plus she's hot

Oh, but she's so much more!! :D

Sure, she can be a drama queen and gets caught up in her dreams, but the former is an integral part of her character whilst the latter is something they all get caught up in (RD with Flying and the Wonderbolts much?) :D


People will say that they dislike her for being into fashion while they're not, but that's not a good reason to hate, now, is it? A lot of people have different interests and you can't hate someone for thinking differently than you. It's wrong.


She's got her flaws, sure, but without them, what would she be? A Mary-Sue, correct? :D No one wants that kind of character; they're boring to watch. 


I guess that's why we're here in the first place, anyway. People just don't want to like her because they're not into the same thing.

Sad, really.





  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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S01E01: Friendship is Magic
S01E02: Friendship Is Magic
This point is too valid to argue, apart from the fact that the first two (technically three) episodes were building up, and introducing us to the characters. She was generous in these episodes because if she wasn't then we'd all see her as snobbish and greedy.


Except in all of the episodes listed afterwards where she isn't.


Seriously, you're making her out to be Diamond Tiara. 

  • Brohoof 5


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Except in all of the episodes listed afterwards where she isn't.


Seriously, you're making her out to be Diamond Tiara. 

Some people need to make negative stuff about Rarity up because she is too girly for them, or too dramatic. They know they cannot really justify hating someone for this, so they fabricate something that makes them feel they are right to hate her.

  • Brohoof 5
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Want to know why people hate? They are bored and cannot do anything better with their lives. And because it might be because some cannot see past the stereotypical fashion type of pony with the I LOVE FASHION and everything? Ever try to think about it from their side? I know I can't.

  • Brohoof 2

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Let's see, first off her fashion thing is kinda, eh. This is the few reasons that bother me about her, first off, she just doesn't know when to not care about fashion I mean come on! Also, her sense of it for situations is just as bad, 

I moved our conversation over here.

Rarity - Fashion

Applejack - Apples

Fluttershy - Animals

Pinkie Pie - Parties

Rainbow Dash - Flying


Rarity's passion for fashion is one of her most endearing qualities to me; however, I'd be lying if I said that AJ wasn't just as passionate about apples and her family heritage, Fluttershy wasn't as passionate about animals, etc.


Take Pinkie Pie and her parties, for example; does she ever take anything seriously? I mean, even in the most serious situations, she's laughing and trying to make the ponies around her have a good time, which, is fine. I hear it all the time - "But I like that about Pinkie Pie, and it's different" How so? Rarity loves fashion and it makes her happy; why hate her for being passionate about what she loves when you like the others for their passion? It's just silly, honestly. 


The ones I listed are no different about their passion than Rarity is about her passion. So, do you hate all of them?


though her element is generousity  I just don't see her being generous when she's trying to be on the spotlight, it's almost as her love or being under the spotlight out weighs generosity in some episodes...

You know, I've posted my list in this topic once before. I'll just do it again, for your sake.





 S01E01: Friendship is Magic
Gives Twilight a free makeover after Rainbow Dash messed up her mane.
S01E02: Friendship Is Magic
Cuts off her tail to give a monster or something the missing half of his mustache.
S01E11: Winter Wrap Up
After Twilight did a horrible job making a nest, she spent all of her time trying to fix her friend's mistake, putting her horribly behind quota.
S01E14: Suited For Success
Made all of her friends dresses for the gala free of charge, and they kept complaining about how they looked and how they wanted them to look, which made her dresses look horrible in front of some huge name in the fashion business.
S01E16: Sonic Rainboom
When Twilight wanted to try out a new spell that she had never done before and warned it could have possible side effects if botched, Rarity readily subjects herself to the spell, so she can go cheer on Rainbow Dash at her flying competition.
S01E20: Green isn't Your Color
Keeps quiet about her jealousy of Fluttershy's newfound fame in the fashion business, something she had been trying to accomplish before the show even started. After Fluttershy stumbles and trips on the runway and the crowd turns against her, Rarity begins cheering to save her friend, despite feeling it should've been her making it big instead of Fluttershy.
S01E25: A Party of One
Purposely ruins her mane, which she's extremely proud of, in order to keep Pinkie's surprise party a secret.
S02E05: Sisterhooves Social
After making a mistake in the way she took care of her sister, she hid IN MUD in order to complete a race with her sister for forgiveness, when all and all, it was just siblings fighting over trivial matters, like EVERY siblings do.
S02E08: Mysterious Mare Do Well
Makes 4 costumes for her friends to wear in their mission of bringing a borderlining on narcissism Rainbow Dash back down to earth.
S02E09: Sweet & Elite
When it came down to it, she chose her unsophisticated Ponyville friends over the Canterlot Ponies, who she had dreamt of fitting in with.
S02E10: Secret of My Excess
Spares the feelings of a horny baby dragon who stole half of the city and kidnapped her, even going as far to kiss him on the cheek.
S02E14: The Last Roundup
Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence.
S02E19: Putting Your Hoof Down
Tries helping Fluttershy learn how to stand up for herself, and welcomes Fluttershy back after she attacks her dreams.
S02E21: Dragon Quest
Attempts to stand up for Spike when the other 5 laugh at his apron. Creates a huge costume so RD, Twilight and herself could follow him to make sure he was alright. Stands directly behind Rainbow Dash's flank the entire time they're hiding, without complaining. Prepares to fight dragons in yet another attempt to stand up for Spike.
S02E25: A Canterlot Wedding
Makes a ton a fricken' dresses for the wedding, free of charge.
S03E01: The Crystal Empire
In order to buy time for Twilight, makes a bunch of hats and shit out of hay and straws. Does a very good job at it, I might add.
S03E12: Games Ponies Play
Takes the extremely difficult job of preparing Cadence's mane in the intricate detail it had to be done in, with only 15 minutes of time left. Also does a good job.
(Note: Rarity got screwed in Season 3. I assure you Season 4 will be different.)
Equestria Girls:
Makes dressed for them to all wear to the dance free of charge. Helps clean up the gym so Twilight could when the crown that night, despite hating messes. After Sunset Playdough-Hair ruins Twilight's reputation, tries helping Twilight go incognito until it can be fixed. Share her idea and Wondercolt's costume with the rest to change Twilight's horrid reputation.
From Vocabulary.com:
Generosity is a quality that's a lot like unselfishness — someone showing generosity is happy to give to or share time, money, food, or whatever with others.


Generosity is a quality — like honesty and patience — that we all probably wish we had more of. When you show generosity, you might give away things or money or put others before yourself. But generosity is about more than cash and stuff. When you're forgiving and gentle to people, you show generosity of spirit. If you give others help or credit, that shows generosity. The world would certainly be a better place if more people showed generosity to others.
That's a lot of good deeds. If you expect the ponies to represent their elements every episode, and if you dislike them for not doing so, you should really only be a Twilight and a Pinkie fan, in my opinion.


I haven't even added season 4 yet.


Again, it pisses people off when I post this, and I personally don't like posting it. However, this is the most effective way to debunk claims of her not being generous, because, let's face it; I'm missing a whole season from that already lengthy list of generous deeds she's done in the show. That means I can be missing up to 26 episodes' worth of generous deeds that are being unaccounted for.


Yeahh, she's generous.




Also, she just can't do some things at the right time, like with so many things she puts to much work on a simple thing, ignores the big stuff...

Attention to detail~ 


It's a quality that she possesses, and it's a quality that is good. It can slow things down some, admittedly, but it makes everything she does more effecient than the next pony. Her "form over function" way of handling things makes her extremely productive and is constantly able to do work of the highest quality; compare it to Applejack, on the other hand, who is very "function over form" - She gets the job done, but she gets it done in a way that, while being able to produce much more, can damage the overall quality of her work.


Think of it like this:


Applejack - Funrise Plushies




Mass produced and of lower quality, but gets the job done by having the ability to sell like crazy due to the sheer numbers of them, which, leads to more moolah for the corporate heads.


Rarity - 4DE Plushies



Slower to make, and a lot less quantity, but the sheer quality of these things is second to none. These are the best plushies money can buy, and the fans all are ripping each other apart to get one of these plushies that has the best quality you can get - while they're harder to come by, these are undoubtedly the most popular plushies because of the fact they seem to be made with the fans in mind, not with money on the brain.


That's like Rarity - sure, she makes money off of her career as a fashionista, but a lot of it goes right back into dresses she makes. She's in that line of work because she truly is passionate about it and loves it, not just for the money, even if she makes a living off of it. She's puts love and care into every stitch of every gown she makes, and by god, those are some of the best gowns in Equestria :D


Anyway, tell me - which of those plushies would you rather have? The one made for a quick fix, or the one with love in every stitch that gets everything right down to the smallest little detail?



  • Brohoof 5


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I believe most of the hate stems from people not being able to see past the whole whiny drama queen part. 
After a chat with Ghost, I went back and watched a few of her episodes. I actually found her quite compelling. 


  Rarity - 4DE Plushies

I got a brand new Twilight one for 60 bucks 

Edited by Kurai
  • Brohoof 3
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I moved our conversation over here.

Rarity - Fashion

Applejack - Apples

Fluttershy - Animals

Pinkie Pie - Parties

Rainbow Dash - Flying


Rarity's passion for fashion is one of her most endearing qualities to me; however, I'd be lying if I said that AJ wasn't just as passionate about apples and her family heritage, Fluttershy wasn't as passionate about animals, etc.


Take Pinkie Pie and her parties, for example; does she ever take anything seriously? I mean, even in the most serious situations, she's laughing and trying to make the ponies around her have a good time, which, is fine. I hear it all the time - "But I like that about Pinkie Pie, and it's different" How so? Rarity loves fashion and it makes her happy; why hate her for being passionate about what she loves when you like the others for their passion? It's just silly, honestly. 


The ones I listed are no different about their passion than Rarity is about her passion. So, do you hate all of them?


You know, I've posted my list in this topic once before. I'll just do it again, for your sake.



Again, it pisses people off when I post this, and I personally don't like posting it. However, this is the most effective way to debunk claims of her not being generous, because, let's face it; I'm missing a whole season from that already lengthy list of generous deeds she's done in the show. That means I can be missing up to 26 episodes' worth of generous deeds that are being unaccounted for.


Yeahh, she's generous.


Attention to detail~ 


It's a quality that she possesses, and it's a quality that is good. It can slow things down some, admittedly, but it makes everything she does more effecient than the next pony. Her "form over function" way of handling things makes her extremely productive and is constantly able to do work of the highest quality; compare it to Applejack, on the other hand, who is very "function over form" - She gets the job done, but she gets it done in a way that, while being able to produce much more, can damage the overall quality of her work.


Think of it like this:


Applejack - Funrise Plushies




Mass produced and of lower quality, but gets the job done by having the ability to sell like crazy due to the sheer numbers of them, which, leads to more moolah for the corporate heads.


Rarity - 4DE Plushies



Slower to make, and a lot less quantity, but the sheer quality of these things is second to none. These are the best plushies money can buy, and the fans all are ripping each other apart to get one of these plushies that has the best quality you can get - while they're harder to come by, these are undoubtedly the most popular plushies because of the fact they seem to be made with the fans in mind, not with money on the brain.


That's like Rarity - sure, she makes money off of her career as a fashionista, but a lot of it goes right back into dresses she makes. She's in that line of work because she truly is passionate about it and loves it, not just for the money, even if she makes a living off of it. She's puts love and care into every stitch of every gown she makes, and by god, those are some of the best gowns in Equestria :D


Anyway, tell me - which of those plushies would you rather have? The one made for a quick fix, or the one with love in every stitch that gets everything right down to the smallest little detail?

BRIALLINT! *claps* That was just brilliant, though I like Rarity no more than I did you simply think that was good. Actually, she may be higher than Fluttershy but that's because I can't relate to Fluttershy, and with Rarity I usually can. I was actually going to make a analysis on like every episode (but you did it for me <3), but I say again, 1000 brohoofs to you!


Maybe it's my o'll country attitude that just can't stick to Rarity though^^


For me it's, RD is a role modle




Twilight reminds me of myself in many ways, like how it's hard for her to make friends (not to baost) but brilliance, and love for studying and reading.


Pinkie Pie is there to make me feel better when I am not.


I think Fluttershy is just darn cute! (In a pony way of 'course, WHY DO I KEEP DOING THIS TO MYSELF?!)

Edited by Crispin
  • Brohoof 2

I am the #1 Apple Bloom fan. Time to find a signature of her...





Kyoshi, thanks for this sig!



you get pretty cute, toothless… .-. -Kerfaffle


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but you did it for me <3

Heh. I haven't added in a whole season yet :D One day, I'll get around to throwing season 4 in there :D


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I don't get it.... Rarity is currently one of the most popular characters now, what hate?


if you mean, in the past, well yes, she was absolutelly hated by the fans before season 3 aired.


I'm proud to say that I liked Rarity since the very beginning, and what makes her an exquisite character is how flawed, how GOOD flawed she is, that's something ignorants could not see about her and needed her bluntly singing about how generous she is to make them see that Rarity is awesome.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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I think I should start making sock puppet accounts and badmouth Rarity on them to see how many times I can get ghostie to post that list :P

  • Brohoof 4

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After a chat with Ghost, I went back and watched a few of her episodes. I actually found her quite compelling. 

She's a great character once you give her a fair shot, glad you were able to look into her more :D

I think I should start making sock puppet accounts and badmouth Rarity on them to see how many times I can get ghostie to post that list :P

Dammit, Andaasonson. Y u do dis.




  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Heh. I haven't added in a whole season yet :D One day, I'll get around to throwing season 4 in there :D

Everyone must do things for their waifu, I shall do EVERY episode on AppleBloom, ('cause I think I missed a few)


Actually, I think I over used the term 'waifu' considering that she isn't my wife, or I wouldn't want to date her? Not sure... Hmmmmmm.

Edited by Crispin
  • Brohoof 2

I am the #1 Apple Bloom fan. Time to find a signature of her...





Kyoshi, thanks for this sig!



you get pretty cute, toothless… .-. -Kerfaffle


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I don't get it.... Rarity is currently one of the most popular characters now, what hate?


I better don't start spreading my negativity again... people have to be pretty fed up with it by now... :muffins:


But i have been a Rarity fan since the beginning too. I started watching in late season one, and she has been my favorite ever since.

  • Brohoof 4
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Honestly I don't see too much Rarity hate anymore, but I think I have an idea on why some people do hate her: She may have the same amount of flaws as the rest of the mane six, but hers are much more... Apparent might be a good word for it. People tend to care much more about the bad in someone than the good, and when Rarity is constantly showing her major flaws, people see her as the easiest target for hate.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Honestly I don't see too much Rarity hate anymore, but I think I have an idea on why some people do hate her: She may have the same amount of flaws as the rest of the mane six, but hers are much more... Apparent might be a good word for it. People tend to care much more about the bad in someone than the good, and when Rarity is constantly showing her major flaws, people see her as the easiest target for hate.

The problem with that can be summed up in two words: Rainbow Dash. Her flaws are also out, about, and apparent, but she's one of the most popular ponies in the show. Reason being? 

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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The problem with that can be summed up in two words: Rainbow Dash. Her flaws are also out, about, and apparent, but she's one of the most popular ponies in the show. Reason being? 

But she is cool and awesome... :muffins:

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The problem with that can be summed up in two words: Rainbow Dash. Her flaws are also out, about, and apparent, but she's one of the most popular ponies in the show. Reason being? 

Well... That I can't explain. I've never really liked Rainbow Dash to be honest, so I have no idea about why she's so popular, even with all the flaws she has


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Well... That I can't explain. I've never really liked Rainbow Dash to be honest, so I have no idea about why she's so popular, even with all the flaws she has

Echh. It's nothing problematic.


It all comes down to Rarity hate just being senseless and how they really aren't giving her a fair shot like they do the other ponies. That's all hate for ANY of the mane 6 is, because, quite frankly, none of them are unlikable once they get their shot.


Ex-Rainbow Dash hater here, I learned that lesson from experience.

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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I've seen a whole lot less Rarity hate these days than I used to see. Like in Seasons 1 & 2 she got a whole lot more flack than she does now. 

  • Brohoof 1

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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I don't hate Rarity. In fact she's amazingly awesome but, I just like some of the others a little more.

  • Brohoof 1

- "Um... I was just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"


:fluttershy:Fluttershy is Best Pony! :kindness: 



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Lady Ra-ra shall NOT be hated, she shall NOT be dishonored, for she is a Queen! And you WILL RESPECT HER! Rarity is magic, she is a femine glory of the past that is being lost with every pair of "juicy" butt pants purchased. She is special..and you all best darn well realize that!







---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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But she is cool and awesome... :muffins:

exactly. Rainbow Dash's flaws are usually being arrogant and cocky, also rude if you want more. Rarity's flaws are similar to Rainbow Dash's more than you think, she's egocentric, self-centered, superficial and vane. Note the last 2 are flaws most males dislike about girls. That's why Rarity got so much hate in the past ignoring her good traits.


I personally like Rarity's flaws the most because from all the ponies, she's the most grounded in terms of relatability. She's seems more real and complex than any other pony.

  • Brohoof 2


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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