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Do you ever regret being a brony?


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Not at all.


Yes, this fandom definitely has its share of bad parts. The haters are plentiful, there are many who abuse the title of "brony", and we have a bit of a poor reputation around the internet for the more vocal bronies in the fandom.


... But I survived the Sonic fandom, AND Tumblr. I think I'll be fine as a brony.

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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  No, and I never will regret being a brony, any regret I do feel, is that I didn't join the herd earlier, but better late than never. I am happy to be a brony, it is nice to write about subjects related to, but not limited to My Little Pony, plus it is wonderful to see how much we have in common, despite our different backgrounds and upbringing, to be a part of something that brings people together, rather than separate is a welcome change, all people concentrate on these days is ethic, national, political, and cultural superiority, separating by almost every sinew of difference to break us apart, what My Little Pony Friendship is Magic and the brony community have brought us, that no matter how different we are, diversity and unity can benefit each other, and merge to bring better understanding and sympathy to people, who want need it the most in this world of avarice and ghastly habitat, to me being a brony is rewarding beyond all expectation.   

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Kinda I guess sometimes, I try not to be though. As long as I'm not bothering others with it I don't think it should matter.

I've only had one person complain about me being a brony and I sent him a long reply in defense that made him speechless.

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Regret? Hell no! I love this fandom. If anyone can accept you for your pony loving self, who needs them? Most negative thing I have gotten was a smiling shake of the head, while laughingly muttering "oh you pony people." after correcting them on a comment about background ponies they made after seeing my Doctor Whooves messenger bag. (The conversation was Doctor Who-centric.) But then again, this was at a LARP where we pretend to be werewolf warriors for Gaia.

My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 pixel_dash_running_by_shearx-d4tfdq7.gif

"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

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Eh, I think I'd regret being a fan of a dozen or so other ones, before this.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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It's not that I regret it. It's just that I think to myself sometimes "Is it REALLY okay for me to like this?". I love the show but it feels like joining the fandom is something I will never be able to back out of. Not that that is a good or bad thing, it is just about me keeping it a secret from EVERYONE ELSE IN MY LIFE. I haven't told ANYBODY that I am a brony, but my little sister is starting to figure out that I am. I was cleaning her room the other day and found all of her pony toys. I was NAMING them as I picked them up. She asked "How do you know that that is her name?". Me: Erm... I saw you watching the show.

Tom V.S. Boulder: Who will win?


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I've had those moments, but then I look deeper and realize I'm ashamed and disipointed that the world is so judgmental, rather than ashamed of who, or what I am,



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I regret not learning about FiM sooner.  I joined around the end of season 3.  I soon learned about Bronycon in Baltimore, that was happening only a week prior to Otakon.   Went to both with my wife and had an awesome time.  If i knew more about the people in the fandom. So many more panels I would of gone to see.


Here's hoping I can get the arrangements again so I can go this year as well.

Edited by ShadowRose2k

Other's more Talented than me.




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Nope. I've met some awesome friends through it, my girlfriend of a year, got back into art and writing through it and out of a nightmare of depression that I was stuck in prior to joining. I have been on the verge of leaving though for one reason or another, one example being the Twilicorn fiasco but I've stuck through it up until now, so why not just stay on-board and see what happens next. 

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Yeah I do at times, but that is mostly when Bronies get a lot of flack. But then I look back on how being a Brony has changed my life for the best and I couldn't imagine being part of a more accepting and caring fandom


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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I really have no idea.


It's stupidity from all conflicting sides that throws me into the neutral zone with part of me leaning towards the brony community, you know. Its just some people take ponies too seriously in terms of either hate or admiration of them.... its like a weird zealous devotion.

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The fandom is amazing so I have to give a big NO. Since I'm such an enclosed person my best friend (Online) is someone who I met through the fandom. Everyone's so kind and considerate to eachother and can bring me smiles and happiness through dark and gloomy times I also find the show to be a wonderful thing to look forward to. though I have to agree with Windseeker a little here people to get a little over dramatic about ponies but I ignore them and live my life on with the awesome people. . Love you guys and love what you've done for me!

Edited by DewVoltage
  • Brohoof 1

As long as the sun and moon rise, everything will be fine.

Twitch: www.twitch.tv/DewVoltage 

stream times: 8pm-12pm Pacific standardly


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The only regret I have is losing the person who (indirectly) brought me into it.


However, I'm here to stay until the bitter end... and beyond.

You can't beat me! I AM DABESTGAMER!!!



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  • 1 year later...

Honestly... quite often, now. 

Spoilers for somewhat relevant explanatory vent~



It's not that I dislike the fandom- far from it, it's the nicest group of people I've ever known. But... I have no idea how to help any of you, and considering how often it is someone makes a status update where they're feeling down and I'm terrified to say anything for a variety of reasons (paranoia I'll make things worse, lack of empathy skills, being bad with advice, even being scared of saying *hugs* when it's the only bucking thing I can do, because some people would think I'm not being genuine), it's breaking me, making me sick of myself. =/


I wish I just gave up on living back when I could, blissfully oblivious to how useless I am, so I wouldn't have to go through every day seeing bronies feeling down that I can do buck all about. And I can't even leave this place, since I know the consequences of that on those that are close to me here (even though I can't do anything to help them either)... I've no choice but to stay, and though I have fun times being a brony, maybe I was better off not being part of the brony fandom where I don't belong... =/



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Never. Not once.


Even when I'm met with resistance for it. I don't want to pull the No True Scotsman card, but I implore you not to listen to those who say you shouldn't be one.


You say you've been an open brony, I have too. This show and fandom are one in the same to me as both have helped me in ways I never thought possible. I wouldn't be on the path that I know to be true for me and my life if it weren't for this show. I wouldn't have made friends if not for this fandom.


Damn straight I wear it on my sleeve! I'll be waving Equestria's banner till I'm dead and buried such a profound effect it's had on me.


No good deed goes unpunished and the deviant is always punished, justified or not. I can't tell you anything you haven't already heard a thousand fold when dealing with those that choose to hate and antagonize. However, I can tell you that making enemies is not always a bad thing . . . sometimes it means you're doing something right. The only ones who care if you rock the boat are the ones who can't swim once it sinks.

Edited by Steel Accord
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I only ever regret it when my parents give me crap about it. In fact, sometimes I wish I could re-wire myself into being a normal twenty-one-year-old woman just so they would shut up. But, I just can't. (Yeah, it's weird. I'm a GIRL. A person expected to like cute things...And I get crap about this.)


I get sick of being told to "stop buying pony crap" and to "grow up." Heck, even my Aunt told my Dad that he should "straighten me out." I know, I know, everyone else's problems are a lot worse, but this still bugs me. My parents are rather old-fashioned, you see. They basically operate on the idea that once I turned eighteen, I should have just became a grownup and moved on. They just don't understand that things are different and times are changed and that it's OKAY for young adults to be invested in fandoms and collect things like I do. That, just because they don't think it's "appropriate" doesn't mean other people do. In fact, they told me that, it's so NOT okay for guys to be bronies at all and that they're either all gay or losers who live in their parents' basement. I'm not easily offended, but that pissed me off. I have guy friends who are bronies who are perfectly "normal" people! To put it simply, they just don't get it. And I don't think they ever will. Trying to defend ANY part of my fandom life to them is like talking to a bloody wall. You think they would just be happy I don't smoke or drink or have two kids like everyone else my age. But, no. I worry them.


However, despite this. I still ADORE and will continue to be a part this fandom. In fact, met one of my best friends (on-line) through this forum! And I love how we're all a community and how there's always something new to discover about the show or the fandom. For example, I suck at analysing this show, but others are awesome with it! And really help give me insight to the hidden things in it, since I tend to be interested in the production aspects of the shows I like. This fandom is awesome. I like the community feel and how, for the most part, I've always felt like what I had to say in it was relevant, albeit mundane.

  • Brohoof 3



 "I love all history because it's storytelling" - Natalie Dormer

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Senpai, I don't know you, but I really admire, respect and appreciate what you do. Hang in there.


As for the OP question at hand: Courage is not about having no fear. It's about having fear and doing what you think is right anyway. Is it just that we live in a world as cold as this one to Bronys? No. But the world was colder to Christians. They stood up to it. Now they're practically vermin (That's not a dig on Christianity, it's a compliment to its success.) By standing up to bullies, those guys changed the world. We don't have it quite as bad as them, so there's no reason we can't change the world, too. we can make it a place that's hospitable to us, a world that's better to people. We just have to exist. And it takes courage to stand in the cold. But I'm glad I have your company out here, true friend, and by that I mean a friend who is honest about their fears. I salute your fear and I am awed by your courage.

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All the time. The only reason I stay here is for the...personal healing. I've been exploring the life of an OC based on myself, and his transgressions. Not that his story has/my ever been open to the public, but this fandom is the only place that it would be enjoyed for its content.

  • Brohoof 3


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Yes.... sometimes....


The that fact I want to be romantic relationship with a pastel alien pony has made me even crazier than I already am.


I would never have known about The Conversion Bureau... It would have saved me the vision of someone turning sweet, compassionate and beautiful ponies into monsters.

Edited by Bendy

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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No, not at all! I love the show, and even though the fandom's been through some tough times, I still love most aspects of it. I'm lucky to have a family who doesn't give a shit about it. Maybe tease me,(out of fun, of course, and my mom's gotten me a couple things, and my friends occasionally make jokes, but that's what friends do, am I right?)

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