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Played Nasus several times yesterday.


One game we lost, but in the game I managed to get a quadra kill and ace at the same time, which is nice.


Currently trying to master Udyr. This guy is beast if played right.



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Been trying out Mundo lately. My brother (who is pro Mundo) coached me my first game and I fell in love with him. Needless to say I've been having a lot of fun with him

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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Played Nasus several times yesterday.


One game we lost, but in the game I managed to get a quadra kill and ace at the same time, which is nice.


Currently trying to master Udyr. This guy is beast if played right.

Raid bosses for the win! Nasus, Udyr, Shyvana, & Olaf are just monsters late game lol


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Udyr is in my top ten champions, and I have a high win rate with him. So I'll give you some tips on how I play him.


A lot of people seem to recommend taking Phoenix Stance first for the clear. Unless you're building him AP (which is a very viable thing), I recommend taking Tiger Stance first. The attack speed and damage over time will help you focus the bigger creeps and get them down for a good smite.


No matter what type of build you're going for, Turtle Stance ALWAYS gets second priority. This skill will save your life most times than others. Your first priority skill depends on how your building him. I normally always max out Tiger Stance first when I'm building him AD or Tank. If you're building him AP then logically Phoenix Stance get's maxed first.


I recommend taking Ghost over Flash. Udyr is already hard enough to catch as it is. So Ghost will either increase your running away ability or help you close the gap to your target with your Bear Stance. When you're running away, constantly switch between Bear and Turtle Stance. 


If you have blue buff, always be spamming your abilities. Even if it's just constantly switching between Turtle and Tiger stance, this will help a lot. And while you're fighting someone, switch to Turtle Stance whenever it gets off cooldown because the shield is a great help.


This is how I play Udyr and I hope it'll help you ^^

On a one-stallion war against all trolls

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Udyr is in my top ten champions, and I have a high win rate with him. So I'll give you some tips on how I play him.


A lot of people seem to recommend taking Phoenix Stance first for the clear. Unless you're building him AP (which is a very viable thing), I recommend taking Tiger Stance first. The attack speed and damage over time will help you focus the bigger creeps and get them down for a good smite.


No matter what type of build you're going for, Turtle Stance ALWAYS gets second priority. This skill will save your life most times than others. Your first priority skill depends on how your building him. I normally always max out Tiger Stance first when I'm building him AD or Tank. If you're building him AP then logically Phoenix Stance get's maxed first.


I recommend taking Ghost over Flash. Udyr is already hard enough to catch as it is. So Ghost will either increase your running away ability or help you close the gap to your target with your Bear Stance. When you're running away, constantly switch between Bear and Turtle Stance. 


If you have blue buff, always be spamming your abilities. Even if it's just constantly switching between Turtle and Tiger stance, this will help a lot. And while you're fighting someone, switch to Turtle Stance whenever it gets off cooldown because the shield is a great help.


This is how I play Udyr and I hope it'll help you ^^


Thanks, I'll try it out. Hopefully I'll play better this way. I kind of agree that I should not take Phoenix cos in the long shot I feel that I don't need it.

Edited by Metagross



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Played Nasus several times yesterday.


One game we lost, but in the game I managed to get a quadra kill and ace at the same time, which is nice.


Currently trying to master Udyr. This guy is beast if played right.

He's just really situational, is all. You can literally change a one v one with Turtle Stance or an entire fight by Bear Stancing everyone in the face.


If you get good and would rather build a bit more damage than tank, run Godyr wherever you are (Flare if in jungle, Triforce, Zephyr, Tank items and appropiate boots or Swiftness Boots. I usually get a tear in lane for the mana regen and whatnot). Shit cannot be fucking stopped when you're damn good at him and you can split push and take down towers like a literal god. Otherwise, Id recommend sticking with a tank build so you can be freaking stun bear running around.


As Lightning Star said, You max Turtle second while maxing your main damage one first and Bear third and only 3 points in whatever other damage you didnt choose to max. Unless you're a (wo)man like me, then you max Everything else, but Turtle and even do it last (Im actually so weird that I max Phoenix AND Tiger just because. It's not usually done, so I wouldn't outright recommend it unless you know what you're doing.). Triforce honestly makes me bulky enough and the movespeed it gives kinda makes you hard to kill, especially with Ghost on hand. Unless the enemy team has a lot of cc, you don't necessarily have to hit Turtle second or even at all, assuming you're smart, able to stay calm when shit comes from literally nowhere, and able to dodge snare and whatnot.


Id like to point out that you don't have to build him ap to max out Phoenix; The shit hurts like a damn truck even without it. You even get your other stances to hurt as well, so its a win win.

You keep swapping abilities for your passive to stay active, I'd like to clarify. It adds a bit of movespeed and attack speed. Not a whole lot, but enough to be kinda helpful. This is why you take every blue buff ever (unless the mid is actually being more useful than you).


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I just remembered one epic game that I played. We were losing so bad because Tris kept feeding. But then, Nasus started participating in fights and snowballed like crazy. I think he was a smurf account, helping Trist, but ended up pissed by Trist play.





Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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I just remembered one epic game that I played. We were losing so bad because Tris kept feeding. But then, Nasus started participating in fights and snowballed like crazy. I think he was a smurf account, helping Trist, but ended up pissed by Trist play.



Trist built a Runaans in place of a damage item....

Hell, she built a Runaans in general.


What the fuck even is that game? That's a real shame right there. :l


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Warwick 2.0? Cause it seriously is ringing Warwick when I look at him lol...

That's exactly what I was thinking XD




Now on to a slight and completely unrelated rant about my last game... I'll put it in a spoiler so that anyone can just ignore it if they don't really care :P


So last game I was going 5 and 0 as Ryze in the laning phase, which was pretty good for me. So I started wandering off to other lanes to help out the team a bit. I got 2 more kills on Kayle, but died to her once in the process, putting me at a score of 7 and 1. I was thinking "I can carry this game no problem." So I go to fight the lucian pushing our tower thinking I'll delete him like everyone else. I walk up to him and hear "You have been slain" I checked his score, HE WAS 12 AND 0! My bot lane was such trash that game, all they did was feed and yell at each other until varus finally just afked :/


Edited by The Blades Shadow
  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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That's exactly what I was thinking XD

Lols it kind of reminds me of a Warwick crossed with Sej's boar... But mostly because of the tusks for the latter XD


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Lols it kind of reminds me of a Warwick crossed with Sej's boar... But mostly because of the tusks for the latter XD


I know right? And just looking at it kinda gave my kind of a "Friejlord" feel for some reason (I think I spelled that right XD)

  • Brohoof 1


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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I know right? And just looking at it kinda gave my kind of a "Friejlord" feel for some reason (I think I spelled that right XD)

Well it definitely is from the Freljord (one of us is right I am sure of it) due to its ice tomb there... If you are talking about ice then it is basically in the Freljord & vice versa (seriously look at all the champs relating to ice in one way or another... Excluding skins like Cryocore Brand is there any ice related champs that don't relate to that place?)


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Trist built a Runaans in place of a damage item....

Hell, she built a Runaans in general.


What the fuck even is that game? That's a real shame right there. :l


I know. That's why she got rekt easily. Thankfully Nasus covered it and carry us to victory.


Just played again. 3/4 games are a loss (Whyyy!?)


But that one win though. I went with Kayle and went top with Nasus. Secured a kill with Skarner. Then I went helping bot and mid. Meanwhile Nasus kills Skarner 5 in a row at top. We were rekt though at bot and mid. Enemy MIss Fortune was snowballing. Thankfully Nasus came and with a bit of help by me, we managed to kill them and get mid inhib. Rest is history.


Here's the MH : http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1472701755/212529466

EDIT: Guys, update on new champ Gnar:




So what's your opinion?

Edited by Metagross



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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EDIT: Guys, update on new champ Gnar:




So what's your opinion?

He looks like he is going to have a fairly decent difficulty rating due to the Mega Gnar thing, & his ult only being usable by said Mega Gnar is going to be extremely annoying... They seem to be putting him top lane which means I am going to need to keep an eye on him, since that is my main role... I don't know how well he is going to fair against the current raid bosses & hyper carries that are popular up there, but I will reserve judgement until I see him being used  -_-


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Small update after my first few weeks in ranked. I'm not a fan.


I mean, I usually do pretty good as Jinx in unranked, but in ranked, I always get out-farmed/out-killed due to either support being bad or me getting poked way too much. If we're doing ok bot, it's one of the other positions that gets obliterated.


I had pretty good placement matches that gave me a Silver 3 rank, but I dropped to 4 and keep dropping because I can't win a game. I think I must have 10-20% winning since the provisional matches...


As for Jinx build, I usually max Q, then W, then E.


I start long sword+3 pots, vamipiric scepter and boots first back. After that I get an infinity Edge and Berserk boots, then complete my bloodthirster. After that, I go Phantom Dancer and Last whipser. Usually complete with Guardian Angel or Mercury scimitar depending if enemy is heavy CC/AP.


Am I doing something wrong or do am I just bad?  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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Small update after my first few weeks in ranked. I'm not a fan.


I mean, I usually do pretty good as Jinx in unranked, but in ranked, I always get out-farmed/out-killed due to either support being bad or me getting poked way too much. If we're doing ok bot, it's one of the other positions that gets obliterated.


I had pretty good placement matches that gave me a Silver 3 rank, but I dropped to 4 and keep dropping because I can't win a game. I think I must have 10-20% winning since the provisional matches...


As for Jinx build, I usually max Q, then W, then E.


I start long sword+3 pots, vamipiric scepter and boots first back. After that I get an infinity Edge and Berserk boots, then complete my bloodthirster. After that, I go Phantom Dancer and Last whipser. Usually complete with Guardian Angel or Mercury scimitar depending if enemy is heavy CC/AP.


Am I doing something wrong or do am I just bad?  :lol:

Few ADC's going long sword start, most go with Doran's blade, especially since it now goes off of Life Steal & it scales harder with your items. Other than that it seems like you are having a good start... Though if you went with Doran's Blade start then you could rush your IE even faster, just getting the items for that instead of shelling out 440 gold just for life steal that will sit in your inventory for awhile... Also I am not sure on which is better, BT or BotRK, for Jinx, but depending on the team is what I usually go with... If I am afraid of being jumped on the BT gives me a nice shield for some extra health, & the BotRK is better against heavy tank teams cause it shreds health... Though I am a top lane main, so maybe find Haven or someone who is more of an bot lane main for the best recommendations lol

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Few ADC's going long sword start, most go with Doran's blade, especially since it now goes off of Life Steal & it scales harder with your items. Other than that it seems like you are having a good start... Though if you went with Doran's Blade start then you could rush your IE even faster, just getting the items for that instead of shelling out 440 gold just for life steal that will sit in your inventory for awhile... Also I am not sure on which is better, BT or BotRK, for Jinx, but depending on the team is what I usually go with... If I am afraid of being jumped on the BT gives me a nice shield for some extra health, & the BotRK is better against heavy tank teams cause it shreds health... Though I am a top lane main, so maybe find Haven or someone who is more of an bot lane main for the best recommendations lol


Thanks! I used to go Doran's, but I read somewhere sword+3pots worked better and it does work well in unranked. I'll try Doran's -> IE->Boots/BT->PD->LW to see if I can get a win. 

  • Brohoof 2




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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