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A cool thing they could do with Ekko is having him fill up some type of bar when auto attacking, The higher the bar the longer he can rewind :)


A Shyvana kind of thing :)

Edited by Lemon Stripe


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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A cool thing they could do with Ekko is having him fill up some type of bar when auto attacking, The higher the bar the longer he can rewind :)


A Shyvana kind of thing :)

Eh I don't know how I feel about that. He needs a mana bar to regulate high damaging attacks or his ult will be kinda useless. I like how Bard's ult and Ekko's potential ult will be exact opposites. One will stop time completely and one will move it backwards.

Ok everyone, Ekko abilities and all their glory.


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The new Ashe is as OP as Jinx. Might as well be Jinx. The Q. It's ALL the Q. The Q, pretty much, is half a kit by itself. I would totally have an idea for a nerf. Just split it into two abilities, and get rid of the E or the ultimate (since it's such a terrible ultimate, in so many ways)...


Also, why is it that if you don't play by the meta, people will be stubbornly inclined to argue with you over the stupidest crud? Then say your build is incorrect, even after you explain why you build that way (usually, it's because it makes more sense than meta...)... Those people make me really angry. They really do. The meta is not always right. My Twitch build is a great example. Bork on Twitch makes no sense, Manamune DEFINITELY makes sense. Just look at his kit. IT'S A BURST KIT... It was not meant for a sustained damage build. At least the argument with Bork on Vayne makes sense, but I can tell you with absolute certainty: with the way I build everything else, Bloodthirster works MUCH better. I don't need to get to 2.5 AS before I get to 250 AD. If I didn't build the way I did, I'd be struggling early game, beyond the point of completely getting wrecked.


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(since it's such a terrible ultimate, in so many ways)...


Ashe's ult has good damage, cc, and global range. I'd reserve the word terrible for ults like Yorick's Omen of Death.


Also, why is it that if you don't play by the meta, people will be stubbornly inclined to argue with you over the stupidest crud? Then say your build is incorrect, even after you explain why you build that way (usually, it's because it makes more sense than meta...)... Those people make me really angry. They really do. The meta is not always right. My Twitch build is a great example. Bork on Twitch makes no sense, Manamune DEFINITELY makes sense. Just look at his kit. IT'S A BURST KIT... It was not meant for a sustained damage build. At least the argument with Bork on Vayne makes sense, but I can tell you with absolute certainty: with the way I build everything else, Bloodthirster works MUCH better. I don't need to get to 2.5 AS before I get to 250 AD. If I didn't build the way I did, I'd be struggling early game, beyond the point of completely getting wrecked.


I don't play Twitch (or adc in general, really), so I looked up what pros would build on him. Every single player built Blade of the Ruined King, with the majority following up with Youmuu's Ghostblade, Berserker Greaves, Last Whisper or Infinity Edge (varying order), and a varying final item (I've seen Phantom Dancers, Banshee's Veils, etc, but most games didn't reach this point). I'm assuming that this is the "meta" build for Twitch.


Manamune on Twitch doesn't make much sense. He is not a caster champion. His entire kit is exactly made for an aa/on-hit type build. Attack speed allows him to more quickly apply stacks of Deadly Venom, which in turn increases the damage on his Contaminate. BotRK is a good first item choice for champions with on-hit type kits (I can only think of Vayne and Twitch right now, but I'm sure that others exist). In addition to attack speed, it also gives flat attack damage, a good passive effect, and an extremely useful active effect. BotRK into Youmuu's is amazing for on-hit burst type kits. Both Twitch and Vayne have an attack damage steroid on their ultimate abilities. This works well with the Youmuu's active, creating a short window of time with a huge spike in power. The actives of BotRK and Youmuu's also help to kite or chase enemy champions.


I accept that there are many players who are far better than me at LoL, and I attempt to learn from such players. I have greatly improved my gameplay because of this. If you wish to improve your own gameplay, I suggest you do the same.

  • Brohoof 2


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The meta is not always right.

Technically, it is.


Since it is the accepted standard way to do something. :z


I don't need to get to 2.5 AS before I get to 250 AD. If I didn't build the way I did, I'd be struggling early game, beyond the point of completely getting wrecked.

Let me tell you, you would be surprised as hell on what attack speed can actually do.


I know first hand, I'm stupid and build stupidly.




Don't do what I do, kids.


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The new Ashe is as OP as Jinx. Might as well be Jinx. The Q. It's ALL the Q. The Q, pretty much, is half a kit by itself. I would totally have an idea for a nerf. Just split it into two abilities, and get rid of the E or the ultimate (since it's such a terrible ultimate, in so many ways)...


Also, why is it that if you don't play by the meta, people will be stubbornly inclined to argue with you over the stupidest crud? Then say your build is incorrect, even after you explain why you build that way (usually, it's because it makes more sense than meta...)... Those people make me really angry. They really do. The meta is not always right. My Twitch build is a great example. Bork on Twitch makes no sense, Manamune DEFINITELY makes sense. Just look at his kit. IT'S A BURST KIT... It was not meant for a sustained damage build. At least the argument with Bork on Vayne makes sense, but I can tell you with absolute certainty: with the way I build everything else, Bloodthirster works MUCH better. I don't need to get to 2.5 AS before I get to 250 AD. If I didn't build the way I did, I'd be struggling early game, beyond the point of completely getting wrecked.

This -.- The new Ashe is awesome, she needed a damage ability other than her W.


Twitch build BotRK to use the AS off his Q to melt people fast. Then you get Yomumu's to snowball. Manamune doesn't make much sense at all. Yeah it has stacking damage past the tear, but you can't stack it fast enough on Twitch to make it useful. As much as I like changing the meta or doing something different; making it viable is really hard, and Manamune Twitch doesn't seem efficient.

  • Brohoof 1


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Boy its been a long time since I looked in here. I was like level 20 something, now im level 30 


Me and my adc have found the ultimate ult wombo combo with sona and MF  :fiery:  Its really beautiful, especially in teamfights.


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No DDR machines were harmed in the making of this signature

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If by ultimate, you really mean basic, then yes.


Well sure its a pretty basic wombo, but when it works so well you can't help but call it something more than that.


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No DDR machines were harmed in the making of this signature

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Also, I really don't want this Champion Idea to go uncriticized, some feedback would really help!



He kinda reminds me of Kassadin except he can switch between melee and range. Also a majority of his spells are just for damage and theres no major utility in his kit other than the jumping ult.


In terms of lore there really isn't a fit into the League universe. I know you gave him a hometown, but what strip of land was it on? I'm assuming somewhere near the Shadow Isles since Morde came to wreck his town. I like how one of his allies is Xerath but Lucian seems slightly out of place. They both hate Morde, but honestly that's not really enough to make an ally, considering Lucian hates every single thing on the Shadow Isles. Maybe make him known to Kennen, and role with the lightning gimmick.


Finally the design. He's just... extremely close to Pre-Void Kassadin. I can't really say much in terms of "what" he should look like, but it's important that he matches the theme of the place where he grew up. Since there aren't any pictures of his town or any information of what land mass he is near; I can't really offer any input.


TL;DR: He resembles Kassadin to much, there isn't enough information on his whereabouts before he joined the League, and the design is iffy.


Try giving him some utility abilites that aren't damaged based. Maybe even make them combo into his abilites on the weapon swap. Think about it kinda like Nid and Jayce. Having the weapon swap on the Q is neat, but giving it damage is risky since his ult also does damage. *Cough* make the ult a utility ability. *cough*


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He kinda reminds me of Kassadin except he can switch between melee and range. Also a majority of his spells are just for damage and theres no major utility in his kit other than the jumping ult.


In terms of lore there really isn't a fit into the League universe. I know you gave him a hometown, but what strip of land was it on? I'm assuming somewhere near the Shadow Isles since Morde came to wreck his town. I like how one of his allies is Xerath but Lucian seems slightly out of place. They both hate Morde, but honestly that's not really enough to make an ally, considering Lucian hates every single thing on the Shadow Isles. Maybe make him known to Kennen, and role with the lightning gimmick.


Finally the design. He's just... extremely close to Pre-Void Kassadin. I can't really say much in terms of "what" he should look like, but it's important that he matches the theme of the place where he grew up. Since there aren't any pictures of his town or any information of what land mass he is near; I can't really offer any input.


TL;DR: He resembles Kassadin to much, there isn't enough information on his whereabouts before he joined the League, and the design is iffy.


Try giving him some utility abilites that aren't damaged based. Maybe even make them combo into his abilites on the weapon swap. Think about it kinda like Nid and Jayce. Having the weapon swap on the Q is neat, but giving it damage is risky since his ult also does damage. *Cough* make the ult a utility ability. *cough*


Alrighty then.


I really only agree with the Lore thing. Lucian may seem a tad out of place. I'll probably change that up.


Utility Abilities... he already has Stun, Slow, SpellVamp, CC, and Jump. That's more than enough Utility to work with. Besides, All-offense champions are not such a bad thing. At all.


His design is perfectly fine. He's not a natural Shuriman, so deriving from the typical culture wouldn't be that much of a problem.

gonna take you out

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Guys... MY FIRST PENTA!!! 




Riven wanted me to build tank and Vayne kept telling everyone to report me for trolling (apparently I was building wrong...). I was struggling a bit, but managed to secure a few kills for Vayne and Riven. We got the advantage and then... 3v5 pentakill! I literally squee'd when that happened. 

I can't think what to put here, so have a swimsuit Spencer Sotello


OC (Fusion Chord)

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Alrighty then.


I really only agree with the Lore thing. Lucian may seem a tad out of place. I'll probably change that up.


Utility Abilities... he already has Stun, Slow, SpellVamp, CC, and Jump. That's more than enough Utility to work with. Besides, All-offense champions are not such a bad thing. At all.


His design is perfectly fine. He's not a natural Shuriman, so deriving from the typical culture wouldn't be that much of a problem.

Well Utility as in a unique mechanic. Switching stances isn't all that new and there isn't anything *unique* about his kit.


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Well Utility as in a unique mechanic. Switching stances isn't all that new and there isn't anything *unique* about his kit.


It doesn't matter. He doesn't need any.

Edited by Redeye

gonna take you out

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You know what's funny?


When some douche in LoL is trying to be cool by screaming that you're mad or salty over something when there's nothing to indicate that you actually are.



You know what's funnier?


When you wish them a good life, good luck on all that they strive for, and even send them a mystery gift. xD


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You know what's funny?


When some douche in LoL is trying to be cool by screaming that you're mad or salty over something when there's nothing to indicate that you actually are.



You know what's funnier?


When you wish them a good life, good luck on all that they strive for, and even send them a mystery gift. xD

So all I need to do to get a mystery gift from you, is be a dick? Alright.


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So all I need to do to get a mystery gift from you, is be a dick? Alright.

More or less.



Assuming I'm also in the mood for such shenanigans.

I mean, that's also not the point, but sure.


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