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Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the climb from Bronze V to currently Silver II, 67 LP, maining Teemo Jungle.


People who blame their team or elo hell for being unable to get out of their current tier are just at their maximum tier. There is no being unable to carry yourself out of a certain division unless you aren't good enough to get a higher rank. Being able to do decent or even well in a higher division/tier doesn't mean you should be in it.


I destroyed an Ahri mid with Rammus mid in Bronze IV, so hard that she went afk. You cannot tell me that people hold you in Bronze. Same goes for all other divisions/tiers respectively. 


However, you need to be a lot better than the tier you're playing in to actually climb easily/fast, so a bit of (perceived) elo hell still remains.

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I was a complete noob at LoL. Today, I still am despite reaching Mastery Level 5 with both Jax and Master Yi. Jax is my main character and Master Yi is my secondary and Mordekaiser is my tertiary. I love playing as either of those three characters. Grill me all you want about using characters like them, it's not gonna change my position on them. BTW, I've made some really cool item sets for Jax, Master Yi and Mordekaiser, and they all work really well, especially my Ultimate Tank Build, which when I first tried it out on Jax, I completely annihilated the other team with it and I sent them running :D However, I've tried using an experimental Life Steal item set, but my dad forced me to quit out before I was able to use it and now I'm not allowed to play League of Legends until I move out and get my own PC to play it on.

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Hey there guys. Wanted to share my newest achievement :3


Look at that juicy 0.09 KDA! Doesn't it pleasure your eyes?



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Hey everypony,


I just wanted to post a friendly reminder that even though at times you might run into another member that you do not agree with or do not get along with, that we all must remain civil. We have a Love & Tolerate policy here at MLP Forums that must be upheld in order to continue to have a great atmosphere for all members. Please review our rules on this and have a great day on MLP Forums. Thanks.



  • Brohoof 7


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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>"Hmm, I think I'll try to do some climbing today. Might as well."

>opens League

>hear an odd sound go off

>animation for a gift starts

>computer slow as fuck, sees it going frame by frame

>"Must have been some free icon or something they gave away."

>finally loads

>stares at what it says

>"Merry Christmas<3 - Ali"

>Star Guardian Lulu get


>que screeching explosion

>i have a mouth and i must scream

>i screamed a lot

>10 minute fangirl session

>records myself fangirling just to share with them

>proceeds to play nothing but Lulu the rest of the evening


Besides me forgetting to pick the damn skin for the first game I played, this evening just went fucking amazingly simply only because I got that skin.

Even managed to get mastery 6 with her (thanks to supporting. Go figure.) and one token for mastery 7 (If I somehow manage to get mastery 7 before I get it on Annie I'm going to be legitimately mad).

This skin and everything just...oh my fucking god I'm in love. <3

I need Poppy and Jinx now and I'll be super happy. <3


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Hey there guys. Wanted to share my newest achievement :3


Look at that juicy 0.09 KDA! Doesn't it pleasure your eyes?


That's quite the amazing achievement there. Going 0/11/1 with 4.7 CS/min as Yasuo? Just... amazing. (yeah I know the sarcasm since he's freaking broken... - riot please nerf soon :/ ).












Edited by TwillyFSniper


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  • 4 weeks later...

So Rito decided to remove normal drafts from all servers, except NA, EUW and BR...

As EUNE player I feel very angry. Mostly I play normal games with my friends and we always picked drafts. Simply to avoid situations like "mid or feed". At this moment everything went back to season 5.

Avatar by Darkonix & Joelashimself, Signature by 3dapple

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So Rito decided to remove normal drafts from all servers, except NA, EUW and BR...

As EUNE player I feel very angry. Mostly I play normal games with my friends and we always picked drafts. Simply to avoid situations like "mid or feed". At this moment everything went back to season 5.

I feel quite sorry for you EUNE players. Riot already made the mistake of messing with the ranked system, but with this change they've gone too far. They're main market is casuals who want to ban and pick like a ranked system. Hopefully we won't see it anywhere else.


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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone wants to play with me my summoner name is Barkala (NA), I play a lot of Normals and ARAM

Lemme know who you are if you add me :)

Also what do you guys think of the new client?  :wau:

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If anyone wants to play with me my summoner name is Barkala (NA), I play a lot of Normals and ARAM

Lemme know who you are if you add me :)

Also what do you guys think of the new client?  :wau:

At the moment, the new client is utter garbage. Filled with bugs and still missing a lot of features, like, f.e., items sets and gifting etc. The worst are the loading times and constant crashes having to kill the task to reopen it. It also completely killed my old client, so I have to start that through the new client, too, which is very annoying.



In other news, I ranked both of my smurfs in FlexQ, on one (Gold III SoloQ) I went 7-3 and got placed in Silver I (already climbed to Gold V), and went 8-2 on the other (Gold V SoloQ) and got placed in Gold II (could've probably gotten Plat V :/)

Edited by Velcorn
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I started playing again on a smurf account and encountered an egomaniacal idiot. Let me describe the situation.


This is an intermediate bots match where I'm going mid Varus and he's going Teemo Top (Duo, though he took all of the CS) and I have double his farm. I say this just because it probably makes egomaniacal sound like an underexaggeration. Anyways, the situation itself.


He goes into a mid-lane bush and walks right out of the bush, where there was a Zyra and a Katarina, expecting me to ult. I was out of range (by at least 200 units) so I couldn't and he dies because Zyra and Kat literally both use their ults right when he walks out. He bitches at me because I didn't ult and calls me a complete scrub. Well there are four problems with his logic:



2. If I COULD have used my ult, he would still have been dead because the Zyra would have been the one it hit. Kat's ult would have still dealt too much damage.

3. If I'm the noob, how come you're the one who doesn't seem to even know that Teemo can stealth in bushes?

4. Seeing as the smurf account happens to be IN THE NAME, how could I be the noob in the first place? Do you not know what a smurf account IS?


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  • 2 weeks later...

ADC in 2017... The meme sums it up pretty well. Go like 1/7/9 because everyone bursts the crud out of you repeatedly, because you're so freaking squishy that burst champions can literally kill you so fast you can't react to it. Or of course entire teams pin you down for repeat kills, with even less way out.



(Wow where did all o the LoL players go...? Maybe ADC mains cowering in fear of champions like Zed, Kha'Zix and Ziggs...?)


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