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XD just noticed that Aatrox is in Trynadmeres lore.


so after finding this out as well as my undieing hate for this new champion I shall become rely good with Tryn and f**k Aatrox up.

Tryn messes up Aatrox pretty hard. Being playing tryn lately and every time i see a aatrox he is dead in a few moments unless they have some sort of cc.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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After a few weeks hiatus for exams and what not, I'm finally back into things. I'm creeping closer to level 30, but I've had a few awkward losses that I primarily blame on the matchmaking system. Seriously, I like it when the chat is useful, and not reading like dialogue from the average Big Brother episode.


I'm also evaluating my other options; I've tried Dota 2, but in comparison to LoL, the engine and UI felt a little awkward, plus there was a 4/5 chance that more than one player would ragequit per game out of frustration. I'm downloading Heroes of Newerth right now (username: Jubatus) out of curiosity; before Dota 2 came around, it seemed as if this game were the Pepsi to LoL's Coke, but I'm not sure if Dota 2 has demoted it to Royal Crown or not. We'll see...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I only just recently started playing, and I kind of suck at the moment. By suck, I mean I'm lucky if I get one kill on an AI game. *laughs*


Thus far I've mostly played Corki, who is incredibly adorable, but I've also been playing as Zyra and Graves. My friend has let me use his account and I've been working on Cassiopeia, Diana, and...yeah. *laughs* That's it so far, really.

Next I want to try Quinn, LeBlanc, and Morgana.


Does anyone have any good ranged recommendations? I don't care about anything else so long as they aren't melee.


I'm always looking for people to play with, so if you're interested PM me and I'll give you my name. XD


I play LoL quite a bit, a little too much if you ask me :P. Anyway, as far as a good ranged champ is concerned, Draven, Caitlyn, Kayle (okay, kayle's melee... Sometimes, but she's amazing), or Nidalee are all really fun. If you wanna add me, feel free. I don't mind messing about in AI games or whatever. I think I've said it at least 50 times in this thread alone, but the summoner name is "Lord Sprixx". Much luck to you ON THE FIELDS OF JUSTICE!

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@@Lord Sprixx

LOL, thank you. Lately I've been working on my Orianna and I just started with Karma, who I absolutely love! She's simple to play but if you use her abilities in succession well she can absolutely destroy. XD

I loved Caitlyn, and I will try Draven since he's free this week, but Kayle...not sure yet. Nidalee I wasn't a fan of.

I'll be sure to add you! Going to start Normal games soon. Soon...XD

  • Brohoof 1


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Ok, I need some help here. I've played LoL mainly as a fighter and tanker, but I decided to switch it up and got me Katarina. I've tried with her, but golly, I drain 3/4th of the opponent health and then she goes useless! I try to get her AP to be OP but even then she falls short. Any advice? Or did she recently get nerfed? 


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I've tried with her, but golly, I drain 3/4th of the opponent health and then she goes useless!


You can't go ham with a champion and expect to kill your opponent when they're at full health, unless you're extremely fed. Poke them first, and THEN go ham. With Katarina, you want to poke by using your Q (Bouncing Blades I believe), and Shunpoing offensively while also using Sinister Steel the second you Shunpo on top of them. Once you've done this a couple of times, then you can go for the kill.


As Diana, I'm very passive until my enemy goes below 60-50% health or so, depending on the stage of the game. I've played her a lot so I have a good feel of how much damage I can do. I constantly throw Qs at them until I feel like I can kill them, and then I go full manmode the next time I land a Q.


Katarina is an assassin (both in the lore and in game). Poke, then assassinate. That's the name of the game.

  • Brohoof 2


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Wow I had the most exciting Triple Kill tonight. I was playing lux in dominion. I had pissed off their poppy because even though she was faster then me and could have killed me in just a few hits I used my stun, the wand shield, and dropping slows so I could gain ground and exploding them right as she was leaving the area to take her from full health to dead with me barely having a scratch. So her and Ezreal come and try to ambush me up top. I was using my slows and stuns to try and keep ahead of them when a cho comes from the side and is also hitting me. I ended up running from the top all the way down to the bottom speed up with about 100 health left and me having only knocked them down a quarter, where I finally reached my teammates yi and tristan.  They keep coming after me and I throw my wand and it saves me from cho's spike but I have less then 40 health. I turn around and fire my laser and hope it goes off before I die so I can at least do something before I'm slain. Then up on the screen: Triple kill. Me and my team were stunned. It was the most exhilarating, heart pounding moments I've had in this game.

Anyway I wanted to ask. How do you make the most out of an early lead? Playstyle and items wise. There have been times where I get a few early kills and know I should be leading but 5 minutes later I'm basically back to even with them. I probably need the most advice with fighters but I'd like to hear about the other types of champs too.

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Ok, I need some help here. I've played LoL mainly as a fighter and tanker, but I decided to switch it up and got me Katarina. I've tried with her, but golly, I drain 3/4th of the opponent health and then she goes useless! I try to get her AP to be OP but even then she falls short. Any advice? Or did she recently get nerfed? 

I forget if they nerfed Kat recently, but shes an assassin. Just wait for the other team to get distracted by your tank or atleast wait for some CC to be used, Shumpo in Q quickly and then ult and you should be able to do some massive damage. If you get a kill you'll be able to chain together stuff, but don't cancel your ult on accident. 


If its a 1v1 in mid or something while laning, then wait for your opponent to use a form of CC and then after that jump in combo ult and you will mostlikely force them to flash or possibly kill depending on their health.


Hope it helps.


Also on a side note, I haven't played league as much recently, and just got back into it like 2 weeks ago, a little rusty, but I've retained a good bit still. I'm working on working my confidence up for playing some ranked and getting myself a ranking, but for now I need to get more comfortable with certain champs again.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Anyway I wanted to ask. How do you make the most out of an early lead? Playstyle and items wise. There have been times where I get a few early kills and know I should be leading but 5 minutes later I'm basically back to even with them. I probably need the most advice with fighters but I'd like to hear about the other types of champs too.


It doesn't really matter what sort of champion you're playing in order to capitalize on an early lead. If you're playing something other than an ADC, I would suggest buying something more defensive than offensive. For example, if you're against an AP mid as an AP, I would suggest immediately buying a negatron cloak. This way, the small amount of damage they would be doing to you (since they're already behind) will become minuscule, and let you walk over their faces even more than usual. If you have the gold, you could also up your offense by buying Sorcerer's Shoes as well - Magic Pen and speed never hurt.


Buying offensively works too, but you have to make sure that you're pressuring them constantly if you do. You're just as squishy as before, also, so be sure not to become cocky and take too much harass simply because you've got that shiny new Needlessly Large Rod, or Fiendish Codex.


Remember that 20 CS is essentially equal to a kill - don't let your enemy farm if you're not there too! If you like to roam, make sure to push all the way to the tower into a position where you're safely able to attack it, only instead you'd leave lane and do other stuff. Don't roam without purpose, either. Set up ganks with your teammates before you leave.


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Due to the fact that League of Logins and My Little Pony, any of the gens, (doesn't matter at this point) ANY WILL DO RIGHT NOW, even 3.5, THE WORST POSSIBLE GEN, everyone knows that....



Either way, just someone type something like Dyrus





OR HOTSHOTGG, or Teamsolomid....




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So Patch 3.9 is here


Personally, I don't like what they did to the loading screen. I liked being able to see progress bars and ridicule other people's bad ping!


Meanwhile, I'm dangerously close to getting my cutie mark level 30, but I've been treated to some pretty poor teammates in unranked queue lately...

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I love what they have done to the loading screen.

It looks so pretty and filled right now. Before it was rather lame and empty.



Signature made by Kyoshi

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I love what they have done to the loading screen.

It looks so pretty and filled right now. Before it was rather lame and empty.

Meanwhile there is absolutely no excuse for this



8 points. *facehoof* Well, the only thing that really matters right now is the fact that I'm going to be level 30 on my next game, regardless.

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Some opinions on 3.9 and future patch:

My thoughts on the new loading screen are pretty neutral. I can't really say I like it but I definitely don't dislike it. I'm glad they made thing pings 130-200 green though. My ping is always green now, so I feel special. :3

I'm looking forward to Lucian, as I main adc and also I'd like to see the Yi remake and Spirit Guard Udyr in action. I absolutely adore Riven's new portrait. It makes her look more feminine than her last one, IMO.

I'm pretty disappointed about Draven's new passive, and quite frankly, I agree with the people calling it "useless".

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I couldn't ask for a better way to close off this very tense level grind. 162 wins later....




And that Yi; I think the jaws of everyone dropped when I managed to break its kill streak with liberal use of that E ability and a voidling...

Edited by Lirodon
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That Yi was AD; he didn't deserve to win. What was he doing, whacking people to death?


Oh my god, the TF's build.


Oh my god, everyone's build!


Also, AFK raka.

  • Brohoof 2


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Meanwhile there is absolutely no excuse for this XXHQdxu.png 8 points. *facehoof* Well, the only thing that really matters right now is the fact that I'm going to be level 30 on my next game, regardless.

I know that feeling bro, it's kinda long ago but I still remember how I saw this and thought: seriously?


Anyhow, see the positiv aspect, that you only need one more win. :)


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That Yi was AD; he didn't deserve to win. What was he doing, whacking people to death?


Oh my god, the TF's build.


Oh my god, everyone's build!


Also, AFK raka.

That is in fact, pretty accurate. Their team seemed a tad strange; although Yi's dominance was becoming a concern, I think he started to degrade in performance once I broke his kill streak...

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That Yi was AD; he didn't deserve to win. What was he doing, whacking people to death?


Oh my god, the TF's build.


Oh my god, everyone's build!


Also, AFK raka.

This comment made me laugh. Thank you <3


Also played a ranked game as Malphite. Won the game.

Got decayed from Silver 1 to Silver 2 for being inactive for over a month.



Signature made by Kyoshi

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Season 3 World Championship just got announced to be hosted in the Staple Center! Going to be amazing! Can't wait to go again this year and watch some amazing league!!! Tickets go on sale early august according to Riot

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Yo, pretty fresh around here, but I am a pretty avid League player meself. Generally preferring to do mid or jungleh, and Veigar being my little ball of sunshine in the form of nuclear explosions. Would be pretty cool to get to play with yall ^^.  I reside in the NA region meself by the name of "justanotherguy". Looking forward to meeting you guys, till then!

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Nom Nom. Kiss Lick kiss Clop.. Nom Nom.


Uhh, off topic!


I like LoL

Woah, woah, chill, this is just forums, and I thought you were suppose to make this PG-13, not R... Anyways...



Hello there. Just wonderin' if you yourself was up and wanting to play a few games?

That Yi was AD; he didn't deserve to win. What was he doing, whacking people to death?


Oh my god, the TF's build.


Oh my god, everyone's build!


Also, AFK raka.

I agree with you sir/ma'am, TF's build is WAY outta LoL... If he was trolling, I would understand why he went AD, as well as Master Yi... If Yi was trolling, I would also understand, either way, both are broken, and AP Yi is the new meta, and hybrid TF is also the new meta... AD TF is terrible, as same as AD Yi... There should be NO reason for them to do that, that is just UNACCEPTABLE...


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Well i've been playing league a bit more often recently, not exactly been getting much of anywhere, I guess technically I finally sucked it up and played ranked and got into silver 3 from placement matches, of course I ended up losing a whole ton and dropped into Silver 4, I still feel like I'm doing pretty terrible for how many games I have honestly, but eh. 


Been playing alot of Mid Xerath when I can, and alot of Support Lulu, with a few others while playing ranked when needed.


Hopefully I'll actually make some kind of progress eventually. I have like 1400 games played total, I feel like I should be doing better frankly. 


Although then again I think I suck at LoL and always kinda have so idk xD.


Also new load screen is cool, feels a lot cleaner I guess. And summoner icons feel actually useful now.

Edited by Zygen
  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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