Envy 6,197 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 Ugh... Alcohol. What's my view on it? GROSS! It's sooo gross. I had one beer (more like a couple of sips) a few months after I turned 21 and I felt like I was drinking pure acid, or urine... Ew. Okay, sorry... Not the most mature response, but that's me! I respect the right for others to drink it controllably, but I absolutely can not stand this culture that makes drinking to be out this must-do thing. IRL, when I say I don't drink, I get funny looks. Alcohol is constantly brought up in conversations at work, and I always feel left out. Nevertheless, I'm not a partier at all, and for the most part, people have respected my right not to drink. I still just don't get it. Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starlighty 983 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 I am ok with alcohol as long as you don't get to wasted and do stupid crap. I am almost 21 and want to try drinking but not on my birthday... ALSO with someone I can trust incase I do get drunk so I don't do stupid stuff and mess up my life.>_< .... https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=kBduVKzHIMGqoQSA3oGYBQ&q=smile+smile+smile+pinkie+pie&oq=smile+smile+smile+pinkie+pie&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.3...2593.19183.0.19546. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hangman 320 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 I drink waaay more than I should. I am a pretty big whiskey drinker. My opinion on it, it is just something to do. It passes time from when I get off work until I go to bed. I am sure if I had more going on in my life I wouldn't drink so much. I'm single with no kids, 25, majority of my friends have kids and are married. There isn't really much else for me to do when I'm not at work so I drink and play around on the internet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 My partner drinks, but I don't. I haven't even had it yet. :/ I don't mind alcohol as long as you don't abuse it. I do honestly think the minimum age in the US is a bit high, though, when you compare it to the minimum licensed age being low compared to most countries. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 (edited) Drinking has created some sort of nasty stigma in the US. When I didn't go out drinking for my 21st birthday I was practically tarred and feathered. I was insulted worse than I ever have been in my entire life because I didn't want to go drinking and now, two years later, I still find myself not caring about drinking and here's why: -I don't know my tolerance levels so I have no idea how much is too much. -I don't know what kind of drunk I'd turn out to be and I'm a little wary about finding out. -I like being aware of my surroundings so I don't want to even take the chance of losing that. -If I'm thirsty, I can drink a plethora of other things that I like. I see no reason to endanger my own or anyone else's lives for the sake of having something new to drink. So yeah, I probably won't drink for the rest of my days. I see little reason for it and the fact that I was practically cast out from a community because of it left a nasty taste in my mouth. Edited July 28, 2013 by Discordian 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galen 1,354 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 Drinking has created some sort of nasty stigma in the US. When I didn't go out drinking for my 21st birthday I was practically tarred and feathered. I was insulted worse than I ever have been in my entire life because I didn't want to go drinking and now, two years later, I still find myself not caring about drinking and here's why: -I don't know my tolerance levels so I have no idea how much is too much. -I don't know what kind of drunk I'd turn out to be and I'm a little wary about finding out. -I like being aware of my surroundings so I don't want to even take the chance of losing that. -If I'm thirsty, I can drink a plethora of other things that I like. I see no reason to endanger my own or anyone else's lives for the sake of having something new to drink. So yeah, I probably won't drink for the rest of my days. I see little reason for it and the fact that I was practically cast out from a community because of it left a nasty taste in my mouth. I don't drink precisely for these reasons. While I have no problem with other people drinking, other than the drinking culture in various places, I also really don't know how much I can take, nor do I want to know and what kind of drunk I'd be if it means finding out. It's not exactly my idea of having fun. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 I don't drink precisely for these reasons. While I have no problem with other people drinking, other than the drinking culture in various places, I also really don't know how much I can take, nor do I want to know and what kind of drunk I'd be if it means finding out. It's not exactly my idea of having fun. Same. I have no problem with other people drinking and I'm sure it does create some fun in the right atmosphere but I am strictly against drinking as a rite of passage. My ex-girlfriend (who I'm still friends with) has talked about drinking since before she was 21. She turns 21 in a few days and is still talking about drinking. Ultimately it's her decision but I keep telling her no because she kinda obsesses over it and if she becomes addicted to it, as is her wont with just the right ingredients, things could turn out very, very badly and I worry about that. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demirari 454 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 I view alcohol something that should be drank in some amounts per day or per week. Its rather bad for your liver and will make you drunk if drank in large amounts. I personally don't want to ever wake up with a hangover. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 July 28, 2013 Share July 28, 2013 (edited) It depends. I personally despise beer and any hard stuff like whiskey,vodka, rum. But I do enjoy my moonshine mixed with Dr. Pepper or something the odd time.. I don't often drink,but when I do I prefer coolers. I also like mixed fruity drinks. I rarely drink though, maybe once in a blue moon. Edited July 28, 2013 by Flutter Dash 1 Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lincolnshirepony 527 July 29, 2013 Share July 29, 2013 It's not the healthiest thing in the world to consume. I've personally decided never to drink it; I have enough to worry about with my caffeine addiction. =P Anyway, I don't like underage drinking, but none of my peers need my approval, sooo that doesn't matter. It just seems like a bad idea to me. Breaking the law isn't usually the best course of action, and it's really not good to drink too much at a young age. For a legal adult, I think it's up to them to drink responsibly. It's something that can be misused, because there are adults who would be so much better off without it, while there are also adults who drink and don't have any problems. I don't think it's necessarily bad for adults to drink, but only if they're able to minimize the risks and act responsibly. Alcohol isn't inherently bad, in my opinion. I'm personally adverse to it, because the majority of my exposure to it has been negative. My parents never drink, so I wasn't used to seeing it growing up. I've heard plenty about the negative effects, and seen people have trouble with it. I'm not into partying either. I personally don't see a reason to drink. But as long as a person is legal to drink and can do it without being a detriment to others or themselves, then I don't see anything wrong with it. 1 DFTBA. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leafcascade 23 July 29, 2013 Share July 29, 2013 (edited) I have no problem with people drinking, but I don't like alcohol myself. I don't like how it tastes or smells and I don't like being around it. I hate when people think I'm a prude because I don't like to be around it; it's not that. It's that I can't stand the smell. Also I have a fear of people spilling drinks on my stuff. It's happened before. That tends to happen more when people drink. Beer is sticky and gross smelling when it's on one of my toys. Basically, I'm fine if you drink, I just don't want to be around it. ~Leafy Edit: Eeep... "toys" probably sounds like sex toy, I mean actual toy, like kids play with. I've been playing with toys my whole life, ponies included Edited July 29, 2013 by leafcascade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 July 29, 2013 Share July 29, 2013 (edited) I'm from an Italian family, and so culturally, have been allowed sips of wine at special occasions since I've been a little kid. I tried beer for the first time at my high school graduation party, and the only brand I could stomach was Budweiser. Most alcohol I find far too bitter. The smell alone reminds me of the vinegar I spray on a rag to dust my room. Never have drank enough to be drunk because, I honestly don't enjoy the taste. Moonshine has, ironically, been the only alcohol besides Budweiser that I've been able to down more than a sip of. Edited July 29, 2013 by Dinos4Ever 1 Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Master~ Button Mash 2,307 July 29, 2013 Share July 29, 2013 It's ok, I guess. Not really a drinker, but it can be fun in social situations. I'm not a fan of many hard liquors, but I think a beer or ale can be really, really refreshing on a hot day. Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 July 29, 2013 Share July 29, 2013 Eh, i'm to young to drink it, but from my perspective it isn't inherently wrong or anything. Its cool to have occasionally and stuff, but drinking it in excess I think isn't a good thing at all. It can cause a ton of problems. Both from the being drunk part, and physically. That said if you want to do that kinda stuff I suppose I can't stop anyone, its up to them. I personally won't be doing heavy drinking like that, i don't find alcohol that appealing right now anyways, i may drink it on occasions though, but not frequently or anything, and certainly not for getting drunk. 2 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 July 29, 2013 Share July 29, 2013 I believe moderation is the key. I personally have never had the desire to binge and see how many glasses or bottles I could swallow just for the hay of it. A lot of people here don't like the taste, beer in particular. When I was a kid, I didn't either. It was an acquired taste, not unlike coffee. They say that alcohol is addictive and caffeine isn't. So how come I'm a coffeeholic then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fridge 382 July 29, 2013 Share July 29, 2013 (edited) To quote one of my favourite games; "balance in all things" I take the same view with alcohol as i do with majuana (though I don't personally partake in that myself). Nothing wrong with imbiding alcohol itself but its all about moderation. A pint after work fine, but many people don't understand what heavy drinking actually is. They think it's when you go and get pissed and it really isn't... Well it is, BUT I'm not meaning that. What I mean is the definition of a heavy drinker is someone who drinks more than the daily recommended amount, which is basically a pint. That's it. Most men in the uk drink on average 3 to 4 pints and think that's normal, it is because most men do it but that's why most of Europe (and the rest of the world) see us as a nation of drinkers. As OP said, alcohol can lead to a multitude of alements, it also helps ward off a few but only if the correct amount is consumed... Like with most things. I believe moderation is the key. I personally have never had the desire to binge and see how many glasses or bottles I could swallow just for the hay of it. A lot of people here don't like the taste, beer in particular. When I was a kid, I didn't either. It was an acquired taste, not unlike coffee. They say that alcohol is addictive and caffeine isn't. So how come I'm a coffeeholic then? Actually caffeine is highly addictive, the funny thing with coffee is that a regular coffee drinker has to drink a coffee and keep a regular intake in order to make his system work at the same level as someone who doesn't partake in coffee. Edited July 29, 2013 by Fridge Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silverreverb 129 July 29, 2013 Share July 29, 2013 I don't make a habit of drinking anything alcoholic. I don't find it appealing /=| I do think it has an interesting place in history, like how it was believed to be discovered, to monks brewing beer, to the consequences and repercussions of prohibition in the states there's a lot more to alcohol than just drinking it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 July 30, 2013 Share July 30, 2013 The biggest problem with alcohol is not knowing your limit, something i have experienced myself, unfortunately more than once. While any amount of alcohol should be considered as being "bad for you" a small amount wont really harm you, like how eating fast food every day would kill you but eating it every now and then wont have that much of an effect. The main hazard with alcohol is going over your limit then doing something reckless, like drink driving, or even drinking yourself to death. By all means, enjoy alcohol but do know your limit. Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
. eris . 1,661 July 30, 2013 Share July 30, 2013 Never cared for the smell of alcohol - after nearly a decade of opening my mother's beer bottles and pouring her wine, I become a little nauseated by the scent. But since I turn 21 next year, I do plan on tasting it eventually; but I never, ever want to get drunk. Or even tipsy. Good Lord, I'm weird and crazy now, and say the most unrelated, bizarre things while I'm stone cold sober. The world would be a dystopian civilization by the time I shook off the hangover. 2 Zatiko Cliff Chaser Sprocket Peppery Mint Tell Me What You Think Of Me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunas Husband 2,777 October 29, 2013 Share October 29, 2013 I fucking love it.. if not for Alchohol I would have more then likely killed myself a long ass time ago... its like my best friend.. because truth be told I cant talk with anyone about the things going on In my life... Because lets face it... no one gives a shit.. But over all I love it... "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 October 29, 2013 Share October 29, 2013 I don't know, I've never actually drank any more than a little sip before as I'm only 17. Most of my friends have gotten really wasted before, and it doesn't sound fun to be throwing up constantly in the middle of the night. I don't know why people get so drunk. Anyways, I do intend on drinking once I'm of age. Not to the point of being wasted though. Just a glass of wine or so should satisfy me. Also as said earlier, I've only ever had sips of rum, wine, beer, ect. Rum was disgusting, beer made me gag, the wine wasn't so bad actually. Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Broseph 215 October 29, 2013 Share October 29, 2013 Alcohol's ok.. It's good for social events and parties, but you don't really need alcohol to have a good time. But still, I'm more confident and can actually socialise with ease when I've had a few so I have that (not to sound like I'm alcohol dependent) Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frith is Magick 1,471 October 29, 2013 Share October 29, 2013 Shun not the mead But drink in measure -Hovamol, stanza 19 All things are poison, and nothing without poison, Alone the dose makes something not poison -Paracelsus (translation by me) I have no problem with alcohol or people who drink, provided they don't get s**t-faced and raise a ruckus. I myself enjoy the occasional beer, especially on a hot day. I am still a minor, so I have had little opportunity to sample and find where my tastes lie. It is one thing if people avoid alcohol because they don't like it (I know someone who doesn't like beer, how odd), but I don't understand people who demonize it. Drinking is only harmful to self in others when done in excess, and there is no ground for a religious argument; It was common to drink wine during the Medieval times and earlier because water was often impure and unhealthy, even children would often drink diluted wine. I'm going into Debate Pit mode. Long story short, I have no problem with alcohol in moderation, and enjoy the occasional beer myself. Keep flyin' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 October 29, 2013 Share October 29, 2013 The first time I got drunk, it led me to watching MLP for the first time. I need to get drunk more often Seriously, though, I've been allowed a glass of wine once a week for 4 years now. Just once a week, though. I like it, but I've also been around people who get knocked-off-their-ass drunk, and it's not very pleasant. So, I guess moderation? I just have always thought expecting people to drink in moderation was unrealistic, but, I don't know, drunkenness is just a byproduct of alcohol itself; it's just something we have to put up with, I guess. Except for those violent drunks. Keep them away from alcohol. He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Lawful Haze~ 173 October 29, 2013 Share October 29, 2013 I tend to drink every weekend, as does most of Ireland. It's a social thing, removes insecurities, and creates bonds between people. But I don't like the whole idea of Binge drinking...drinking shots and shots just to get drunk. Chillax, enjoy your drinks, find one you like and sip away at it until you're feeling nice and buzzed. Please tell me someone gets the joke? :3 ~ Gilda gets unlimited counterattacks, so watch out! (HOMM3 logic) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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