KatonRyu 1,033 September 28, 2016 Share September 28, 2016 Since the nature of the show probably precludes anything else, I'd say all of them were straight, even though no definitive answer will likely be shown. In my headcanon, though, Twilight, Rainbow, and AJ are definitively lesbian, Rarity is bi, and Pinkie and Fluttershy are undefined. No points for guessing who my main shipping targets are. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashi 261 September 28, 2016 Share September 28, 2016 Going to go on a Pinkie hunch but by the way all the mares responded to Twilight's googlie eyes on Flash Sentry and noticing what was going on all the mane six could be heterosexual. Or, you know, they understand body language ... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cider float 2,538 September 28, 2016 Share September 28, 2016 Or, you know, they understand body language ... I don't think lesbians have much care for the way heterosexual interactions work so they won't notice it or just won't give it much an interesting expression. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ashi 261 September 29, 2016 Share September 29, 2016 I don't think lesbians have much care for the way heterosexual interactions work so they won't notice it or just won't give it much an interesting expression. Because lesbians don't understand how attraction works? They're her friends, and they're noticing - for the first time as far as they know - that she's interested in somepony. Obviously they'd be interested in that (especially because they'd want to make fun of her for it later). 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RDDash 19,207 September 17, 2017 Share September 17, 2017 This is how fandom ships them Twilight- full on lesbian horse (negativity with Flash and Timber shipping) Rarity - Bisexual,( if we are still doing Sparity and Fancy Pants) Rainbow Dash - Bisexual (TwiDash, Soarin) Fluttershy - she is lesbian I guess, (Discord is just definition of pedophile) Applejack lesbian horse (cant think of any straight examples) Pinkie Pie straight I guess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeekyPsycho 20 October 9, 2017 Share October 9, 2017 (edited) Rainbow Dash = asexual aromantic with one exception: Pinkie Pie Pinkie Pie = homosexual panromantic (I think she loves Rainbow Dash, but I think she's also polyamorous and maybe they have an open relationship?) Fairly certain about those two. Rarity = Demisexual biromantic Applejack = I feel bicurious homosexual? Twighlight = bisexual, and aside from Equestria Girls, I'd like to say aromantic Fluttershy = she feels like an asexual or heterosexual tease Edited October 9, 2017 by GeekyPsycho 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest October 9, 2017 Share October 9, 2017 Their sexuality is never explicitly brought up, but from what I've seen I think I can safely assume they're all straight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JonasDarkmane 19,788 October 9, 2017 Share October 9, 2017 The sexuality of the Mane 6 is whatever the writers make their sexuality out to be. Signature by @Kyoshi Ask Me Matsunaga Hisahide's death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKT5Khp3-0U Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tiny Hoofs 201 October 9, 2017 Share October 9, 2017 Their sexuality is never really brought up, and the creators probably intended for them to be straight so as not to arouse any controversy. Although there's been a lot of advancements in how LGBTQ+ people are treated over the last decade, it's still a sensitive issue, sadly. But as far as head canons go, I've always figured: Twilight is asexual (but heteromantic) Apple Jack is straight Pinkie Pie is bisexual/pansexual Rarity is straight Rainbow Dash is a lesbian Fluttershy is bisexual (female preference) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
n1029 229 December 1, 2017 Share December 1, 2017 (edited) I don't imagine this will ever receive any sort of official confirmation but with such a significant apparent gender imbalance I see Equestrian society operating with a more practical and open approach to sexuality than modern Western civilization. Everypony just makes love with whoever they want whenever they want (consensually, of course) and doesn't take it personally that they're not the only person their mate wants to do it with. It's only once you have kids that you're expected to settle down and make that your focus. Everyone is bi, basically Edited December 1, 2017 by n1029 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
imawesome 449 November 14, 2019 Share November 14, 2019 Sorry for the necroposting, but I just want to put my own ideas here (especially with all the RariJack fuel, this might be somewhat relevant). Depends on whether we're talking EG or FiM. Different characters. I'd say: FiM: Twilight: Straight. Shows no romantic reaction with any mares in the show. Flash Sentry (unfortunately) exists, so she's straight. Fluttershy: Straight. For a shy pony, she never really shows any romantic interest except (in my unbiased opinion) in Discord. I swear they're more than friends, especially if you read the comics. Applejack: Lesbian. No romantic interest in any stallions. Based on interactions with the mane 6, I'm guessing lesbian. Rainbow Dash: Lesbian. Not only does she have a rainbow mane (not that it matters or was taken into account, but COME ON), but, as with Applejack, her interactions lead me to believe she's a lesbian. Rarity: Straight. DAMN is she straight in FiM. Not just because she's easily the most feminine, but her flirtatious obsession with some stallions in FiM has become a staple for her character. Pinkie Pie: Straight. CheesePie. I know it was only one episode, but the concept of them being lovers is adorable, so she's straight. EG: Oh, how the tables turn. Twilight: Still straight. Timber Spruce... Fluttershy: Lesbian. Plenty of FlutterDash fuel, so lesbian... Applejack: Lesbian. Still the same. RoF exists. Rainbow Dash: Lesbian. FlutterDash. Rarity: Bisexual. OBVIOUSLY, the bi mood is too extreme. Pinkie Pie: Lesbian. Not many SunPie shippers, but then there's me... Sunset Shimmer: Actually confirmed bisexual in Twitter (as is Sombra, who knew?) Anyway, time to disappear from Forums for a while. I'm too sleep drunk yet it's only 9. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
River Daze 13 November 14, 2019 Share November 14, 2019 (edited) I headcanon Twilight as bisexual. She even has the colors of the bi pride flag in her mane. The rest, I've never given it much thought. I'm pretty okay with any ship if it's written well, whether it's a gay or straight ship. Maybe some of them don't have any interest in romance at all. Edited November 14, 2019 by River Daze 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss 6,234 November 14, 2019 Share November 14, 2019 Based on what we see in the show/movies, at least for me I guess, I would say: Twilight Sparkle: at least heterosexual as she is attracted to Flash Sentry Pinkie Pie: at least heterosexual as she in a relationship with Cheese Sandwich Rainbow Dash: at least homosexual as she is in a relationship with Applejack (heavy implication - clearly what the staff was going for) Applejack: at least homosexual as she is in a relationship with Rainbow Dash (heavy implication - clearly what the staff was going for) Rarity: at least heterosexual as she is attracted to multiple stallions throughout the show Fluttershy: at least heterosexual as she is in a relationship with Discord (heavy implication - clearly what the staff was going for) Personally if you were to ask me before the finale I would've said all the characters, besides Rarity (hetero) and Pinkie Pie (asexual) are pansexual. Rainbow Dash would be aromantic, but would still say pansexual, but because of the finale the above open-ended things are what I'm going to choose as cannon/head-cannon. (internally ship Rarity and Applejack tho) 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hdylta 42 November 14, 2019 Share November 14, 2019 Assuming we're talking FiM, pre-epilogue I headcanoned that, Twilight is straight, because Flash Sentry. Rarity is damn straight, do I need explaining? Fluttershy was at first not sure, though after She Talks to Angel, straight. Pinkie Pie was not sure, but assumed straight until proven otherwise. Rainbow Dash I liked to think as straight, because I didn't want to go with the stereotype that she's gay because of tomboyish attitude and rainbow mane. Applejack I liked to think she's gay, because I like the idea of a country farmer girl being into the ladies. After the epilogue, the only one that changed was RD, who lets just say it's strongly implied she's gay. And, I'm quite honestly just fine with that. It's funny, I didn't really ship Appledash (or anything for that matter) before, but now oh boy do I ship them hard lol. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rushing cash 836 November 14, 2019 Share November 14, 2019 After the finale, it seems like: Twilight: heterosexual, she was interested in flash but nothing came out of it. Although the EG flash is human, does it count as straight if you are interested in a completely different species in this kind of show? In real life it sure is not, but in the universe its passable as straight... probably. Rarity: hetero, everything we so from her implies that. In the epilogue she did not have anyone but I guess the writers didn't want to throw an original character at her that we don't know a thing about him from nowhere, the episode was very vague about her, so its still possible to headcanon her as married only that it wasn't mentioned. Pinkie pie: she is married to cheese so she is interested in stallions thats for sure, although its still possible she may be interested in other options as well, or was to a degree. Hetero is the safest bet and the only one that was confirmed. Fluttershy: It was implied that she is in a relationship with discord, since its not confirmed its still possible to headcanon it in a different way, although if she is with discord its not particular straight either. I guess in this universe its passable as straight. Aj: I always though she was straight(although I ship her and rainbow), so I was surprised they implied that she is living with dash, and I am conflicted if I should take the bait or not, I ship them but in a non-canon way, I think trixie-starlight would fair better as a canon ship. I would have easily jumped on this opportunity if there were even some hints from the past 2 seasons. Rainbow: I always presumed she was a lesbian(I preferred this option), or bi, maybe even asexual. I would say lesbian by what we saw. I don't care what the writers and show stuff says about the characters sexuality as long as its not shown in the show itself. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starninjacam777 20 November 22, 2020 Share November 22, 2020 (edited) since there are two of each mane 6 (6 in equestria and 6 in the human world), i'm gonna say what i think for each one Mane 6: Twilight: Bi but leaning more towards stallions Rarity: idk pony Rarity just seems straight but maybe she had a little thing for applejack. at the most, i'd say bi but i'm leaning more to that she's just straight Pinkie: pan all the way Rainbow: Bi but leaning more towards mares Fluttershy: ace or bi Applejack: we don't see much of applejack's sexuality, but determining by The Last Problem, I'd say lesbian maybe? Humane 6: Sci Twi: BI ALL THE WAY (timber and sunset) Rarity: bi (HAVE U SEEN THE RARIJACK STUFF and she literally falls for the male version of applejack (ragamuffin)) Pinkie: still pan Rainbow: definitely lesbian Fluttershy: ace or lesbian, but i'm leaning more towards lesbian because IT'S SO OBVIOUS SHE HAS A CRUSH ON RAINBOW Applejack: definitely bi (rarity and dirk (male version of rarity)) AND THERE IS A LOT OF RARIJACK GOING ON, AND IT'S CANON, AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT Edited November 22, 2020 by starninjacam777 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jesse Terrence 2,969 November 22, 2020 Share November 22, 2020 I think... they are cartoon horses with cartoon horse sexualities. Literally, this is a pointless topic. Their sexuality is merely a plot device or for merchandising purposes. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starninjacam777 20 November 22, 2020 Share November 22, 2020 On 1/20/2016 at 3:41 PM, M'gann M'orzz said: Rarity: Applejack Sexual Applejack: Rarity Sexual Nothing else really matters to me. JHFASHJA THANK YOU YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS RARIJACK FOREVER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tom Gallagher 33,598 November 23, 2020 Share November 23, 2020 Why is this a topic?! 1 Signature made by the amazing @Sparklefan1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ScribblePixel 50 December 8, 2020 Share December 8, 2020 (edited) Mane 6: Twilight: Straight Rarity: Straight Applejack: Lesbian Rainbow Dash: I am leaning towards Bisexual but maybe Lesbian Fluttershy: Demisexual male preference. (Demisexual means only being attracted to someone you have a emotional connection with for those who don't know) Just for fun speculations: Celestia: She gives me lesbian or bisexual vibes and I can't explain why. Maybe Asexual? Luna: Straight or bisexual Cadence: Straight Discord: Probably pansexual but with a feminine preference? Derpy: Asexual Spitfire: Lesbian Edited December 8, 2020 by ScribblePixel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skyrxvolt 0 September 30, 2022 Share September 30, 2022 twilight: bisexual applejack: lesbian rainbow dash: lesbian pinkie pie: pansexual fluttershy: omnisexual rarity: straight in fim but bisexual in eqg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
J.J 923 September 30, 2022 Share September 30, 2022 Twilight: Gay Applejack: Gay Rainbow Dash: Gay Pinkie Pie: Gay Rarity : Gay Fluttershy : Gay JK LMAO, Now here we go, we know FULL WELL that Rarity and Twilight are both attracted to men, hell we know it's Canon for Twilight to be attracted to HUMAN men... not just ponies.. I believe they make it Canon for Rainbow and Applejack to be "at the very least" bisexual, but I would say full lesbian seeing as neither of them show romantic interests, more or less an overly emotional invested interest in each other in subliminal ways, and I know Zephyr and Trend probably have the LEAST attractive personalities in Equestria, but judging by the blatant displays of disgust/disinterest I think they are supporting that caricature that they are at the very least sexually/romantically disinterested in others, but S.9 tries to tell you that the " just screw and get it over with" finally came to pass, that they have been hinting at since s.1, Fluttershy I do believe is straight, but she is the kind of pony that could probably be sexually influenced by an aggressive enough lesbian into some kind of experimentation that she is unsure of... choosing to put emotional stake in Discord who is thousands of years old and odd looking himself suggests that Fluttershy could possibly be a pan-romantic that doesn't put high stakes in what the appearance of her partner looks like, she puts her relationship with the animals as an above priority to her romance... I mean they all would with their friendship, but Fluttershy does not strike you as the kind of pony that is overly concerned about romance.. Pinkie Pie might be BI. We know she canonically was in a marriage/relationship with Cheese, and that they reproduced with one another, now there is no outright suggestion that she is Bi.. it's more or less how you compare the interactions she has with other members of the Mane 6, there are different levels of seriousness/varying degrees of obsession that range differently from pony to pony... it's how they introduce Pinkies obsession with Rainbow that catches my eye... Now I myself have been obsessed with a friend, very possible, but she goes to pretty extreme lengths to keep Rainbows attention and although she was right about Gilda, (and again I mean YES friends can get jealous of their friends having friends) the amount of emotional transparency that Pinkie expresses to Twilight in this situation l, I mean as the show carries on it would be suggested that this is uncharacteristic in some ways of her to express these insecurities outright, yeah we know she is paranoid, but when we see her in "Party of One" she keeps these fears and insecurities to herself, she doesn't confront them or look for answers on her own.. it's hard to tell honestly, but because of her personality and the seriousness that she holds friendship in her life, I mean we know that she's not attracted to Cranky, but she takes getting his approval pretty damn seriously as well and he's a dick stranger that wants nothing to do with her... So it's possible that she values her close friendships so intimately it could be mistaken for attraction/obsession... she prides herself on being everyponys friend, so ultimately there is a genuine chemistry she has with Cheese based off their goals/personalities and they are ponies that can take an adult relationship "less seriously" not saying they aren't monogamous just saying that together they are able to accomplish one a others silly goals, the only question is, would it be the same if Cheese was a mare? Bc this relationship seems based off of personal taste/who they are as ponies, its a little less frivolous than Twi thinking flash is hot, or Rarity thinking trend is hot... Anyways that's all I got HOPE YOU READ. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
diamondtiger71 3 October 26, 2022 Share October 26, 2022 Here's all canon romantic feelings the mane 6 have exhibited in FiM and EQG, organized into paragraphs by character. FiM Twilight Sparkle - 1: EQG Flash Sentry Twilight is seen blushing and stuttering around Flash Sentry in "My Little Pony: Equestria Girls". 2: FiM Flash Sentry Twilight blushes and smiles and Flash Sentry, and confirms to Pinkie that he "totally reminds (her) of a guy (she) met in the other world.." (referring to EQG Flash Sentry.) EQG Twilight Sparkle - 1: EQG Flash Sentry "Twilight Sparkle's Science Fair Sparks" state "Flash had been one of the first people Twilight had met at Canterlot High. She’d always considered him a friend, .... Maybe even more than a friend." 2: EQG Timber Spruce In "My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Legend of the Everfree" Timber asks Twilight out on a date, and she accepts. They almost kiss before being interrupted. 3: EQG Rising Star In "Twilight Sparkle's Science Fair Sparks", Twilight admits to herself that she has a crush on Rising Star, who she finds out is using her. FiM Rarity - 1: Blackthorn Blackthorn's description in Gameloft's MLP game indicate that Rarity has a crush on Blackthorn. It reads "This stalwart guardian -- and one-time regent -- of the Everfree Forest is, reportedly, welcome at the Carousel Boutique 'any ol' time.' Hope Spike doesn't get jealous." 2: Prince Blueblood In "The Ticket Master" Rarity fantasizes about marrying Prince Blueblood. 3: Trenderhoof "Oh, Twilight, 'crush' doesn't even begin to describe it. He's practically divine." -Rarity about Trenderhoof, S4E13 EQG Rarity - 1: EQG Ragamuffin " It's like he fell out of a historical romance novel." -Rarity about Ragamuffin, "My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Spring Breakdown" FiM Rainbow Dash - 1: Applejack "Appledash 4ever" -Ashleigh Ball, voice actress of Rainbow Dash & Applejack. Rainbow Dash & Applejack can be seen arriving to the council of friendship meeting together as well as discussing domestic chores, implying they live together in "The Last Problem". EQG Rainbow Dash - 1: EQG Unnamed male baseball player In the "My Secret Crush" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Rainbow Dash writes "That guy on the baseball team. I don't even know his name. But when he caught that fly ball the other day, WOW!" FiM Fluttershy - 1: Discord In S9E18, Angel (in control of/speaking through Fluttershy's body) mockingly pretends to be Fluttershy by saying "Fluttershy! Oh, yeah, that's me. ... I talk to animals, I wanna marry discord-" EQG Fluttershy - 1: EQG Sandalwood In the "My Secret Crush" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Fluttershy writes "Oh, boy! That earthy guy who plays in the Green Cycle band. I'm too shy to let him know that he gives me butterflies!" about Sandalwood. FiM Pinkie Pie - 1: Cheese Sandwich In "The Last Problem" it's revealed that Pinkie has a son with Cheese Sandwich named "Lil' Cheese" EQG Pinkie Pie- 1: EQG Shining Armor In the "My Secret Crush" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Pinkie writes "I'm going to write this really fast because it's a confession... Shining Armor. There I said it. Sh-h-h-h." FiM Applejack - 1: Rainbow Dash "Appledash 4ever" -Ashleigh Ball, voice actress of Rainbow Dash & Applejack. Rainbow Dash & Applejack can be seen arriving to the council of friendship meeting together as well as discussing domestic chores, implying they live together in "The Last Problem". EQG Applejack - 1: EQG Johnathan In the "My Secret Crush" section of the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Canterlot High Tell-All (Replica Journal), Applejack writes "I do have a crush. My childhood friend Jonathan, who grew up on the apple farm right next door to mine!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolfyIsAQT 67 September 22, 2023 Share September 22, 2023 (edited) Honestly idk. All I know is Pinkies straight cuz she's married to Cheese at the end of the show And i'm guessing Rarity's straight cuz she's always attracted to stallions in fim Even tho I ship SoarinDash I don't really know what Rainbow Dash's sexuality is. Same for Applejack, I ship AppleSpike, but I don't really know either cuz she doesn't show any signs of attraction to anyone in fim Fluttershy? I don't honestly know either. But at the end of the show she may be married to discord soo As for Twilight, she was attracted to Flash, but i'm not sure either. Edited September 22, 2023 by WolfyIsAQT Shipper, and g4 brushable lover Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,811 September 23, 2023 Share September 23, 2023 They’re all Dashsexual Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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