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gaming Games perfect for beginners?


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This thread is for video games that people who aren't gamers and want to be should play. Throw down your list of the best games out there! Make sure it focuses more games that people TODAY play. Don't try going retro so much, but you can lay down which SERIES you would say and/or which one of the series. RPGs, MMORPGs, etc can count as a great example. Games from steam can also count. Try to specify which game console the games from also.


Note: I put up this thread because I wasn't a gamer back then and games these days look pretty common and my friends at school have Xboxs and PC games. But I found some games that I could get started with.


Here's my list:

Team fortess 2

Kingdom hearts


Halo 4

Super smash bros

Garry's mod

Grand theft auto


Edited by Raiden_Opsaidoun
  • Brohoof 2
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For FPS, Battlefield 3 for realism, CoD for very easy to pick up and play, Halo 4 for fantasy.    RPG, Skyrim is just all around good, Pokemon for team building strategies or just for fun.      Simulation, Gran Turismo 5 for ps3 and forza 4 for x box 360, note both of these are racing.       Third person, Assassin's Creed any one for a more stealth oriented killer, Infamous for ps3 for one of the best super hero games I've ever played, Gears of War for x box 360 and Uncharted for your third person shooters.

  • Brohoof 1
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Any Spyro game on the PS1 is pretty easy.



Especially CB1. Don't do it until you're good at vidya games.


Super Mario Galaxy is easy to get through, mildly difficult to 100%.


Super Smash Bros. is fun to play even if you suck at games. I would suggest, however, playing with people of equal skill to you, or you'll be trounced over and over and over...


Gex 2 is okay. Gex 1 is evil. Gex 3 is annoying.


Rayman 2 is evil at some bits. Rayman 1 is evil all the time.


Skyrim/Oblivion are easy, so long as you don't change the difficulty from Adept to something higher. You will get mad. If I got mad, you will get mad.


A racing game is usually easy to get into, so long as you have an innate aptitude for gaming. I.e. if you suck at games, you'll probably suck at racing games. If you get through the above easily, you can go ahead and try a racing game.


Braid isn't "easy," per se, but it doesn't really require button mashing or quick reflexes. It's a puzzle platformer - more planning out your moves and thinking about what to do more than anything. Don't try the speed run if you had trouble with the game itself. You will not make it. One mistake costs you the run.


Jak and Daxter 1-3 are pretty fun, as are Ratchet and Clank 1-3.


Pokemon is decently easy.


I wouldn't recommend any FPSs for noobs. The Halo franchise, maybe - it's slow enough to understand why you died, and how to fix it.

  • Brohoof 1
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For FPS, Battlefield 3 for realism, CoD for very easy to pick up and play, Halo 4 for fantasy. 

Uhh..... "to pick up" means I can easily get it from a store or just can complete the entire call of duty series? Also thank you for reminding me of gears of war.

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The original Super Mario Bros is a must. Simplistic controls makes it very easy to learn while the level design makes the game very fun and not too easy

Edited by Godot
  • Brohoof 1
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Dynasty Warriors - Just kill a bunch of people. Fairly straight forward and not really violent (lack of blood and whatnot)

The Sims

Mario Kart


Oblivion on a lower setting is a great start for an RPG


There are many others of course, I am just not in a thinking mood.

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Even though I'm a huge fanboy of it, I would not recommend Team Fortress 2 as your beginning shooter, as that game requires a certain degree of skill and strategy to do well in. Call of Duty, on the other hand, is practically pick-up-and-play, so go for that if you want a shooter.


Beginner's RPG... The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. As an Elder Scrolls fan I didn't really like how it simplified the RPG elements and turned it more into an action game, but the core game is still an RPG, and the genre is RPG, so go for that.


Platformers, any Mario game should do. They're simple enough and control well, which imo is important in a platformer. No super complex stories, just hop around a stage to save a princess from a fire-breathing turtle on steroids.


Racing, any Mario Kart game or Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Both play very similarly, just that one stars Mario characters with Mario-themed courses while the other stars Sega characters, a Disney character, a real-world racer (Danica Patrick) and, only on the PC, three Valve characters.


Action-adventure, The Legend of Zelda. Who doesn't love medieval fantasy? And like other Nintendo games, they control well, which again is important as they feature a lot of platforming (although, in 3D games, you jump automatically, unlike Mario) and combat is satisfying. Some of the bosses are amazing, too, and a lot of the dungeons are really well-designed. Gameplay mechanics are simple enough for a beginner to pick up and play.


Simulation, Kerbal Space Program. I learned more about physics and spaceflight through that than I did through a high school classroom. Be aware that this game is still in early beta (maybe still alpha) and there will be bugs, but none of them should really impede your missions' progress.


Puzzle, go for Portal or Quantum Conundrum. Both really make you think to solve a puzzle and they don't hold your hand as much as many of the other games I've named, but remember that the Internet is practically an infinite source of information.


Strategy... don't even bother. They're often very complex and often require you to formulate strategies in real-time while enemy troops constantly advance on your territory or troops, and managing an entire battlefield in real-time with so many things going on at once can be too much for a beginner to video games.


...I think that's every major genre I've covered.

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Minecraft- Everyone can play this and love it!

Gears of war1,2,3.- They are the best 3rd person shooters out there! just stay the hell away from judgment sweet god that one sucked!

Portal 1 and 2- Both just great puzzle solving games!

Borderlands 1,2- the first one can be a bit harder then 2 but still both great FPRGP games.

Doom1,2-they are on Xboxlive arcade sorry if I'm going a bit to far back but they are just the fucking best!

State of Decay- Great zombie game! really nice open world game too!

Edited by xPrincess Celestiax
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If I was going to develop a small list of games for begining gamers of any age, it would look something like this.


-legend of zelda; all are good.

-bioshock; 1 or infinite. Bioshock 2 is a sell out.

-skyrim; xbox 360 only. Your ps3 will be destroyed.

-no movie tie in games; seriously its a waste of your money.

-little big planet; its innocent and a good creation tool.


(For more advenced)

-silent hill 2; if you have the capability to play ps2 games, get this game. It is the highlight of the series and it will make you crap your pants.

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Uhh..... "to pick up" means I can easily get it from a store or just can complete the entire call of duty series? Also thank you for reminding me of gears of war.

Easy to pick up on, meaning, easy to get use to playing, as in the skills are easy to pick up. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

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A good game for any beginner in my opinion is the early nintendo games.


They offer big fun and easy to pick up controls for casual and hardcore gamers alike.


I also should mention crash bandicoot and spyro the dragon, they're my childhood games.


As for others, minecraft is a unique gem for anyone, as well as most shooters, since violence and killing seems to be the rage these days.

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Super Meat Boy on the PC is excellent for beginners. PC (on Steam), platformer.


NES perfect-for-beginners games: Ninja Gaiden, a platformer. Castlevania 1 through 3, platformers.


SNES perfect-for-beginners games: Gradius III, Mega Man X3.

  • Brohoof 2
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Super Meat Boy on the PC is excellent for beginners. PC (on Steam), platformer.



I like to consider myself skilled at video games and Super Meat Boy is anything but "excellent for beginners." Unless of course your opinion of "excellent for beginners" is dying again and again and again and again and again until you begin creating new insults and using them against Meat Boy.

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Honestly, any game can be 'perfect' for a beginner; being new to games isn't the same as needing simple mechanics or a gradual learning curve just to be able to play.  I'm sure lots of non-gamers out there could play more intricate games proficiently if they wanted to.

But, I still want to vouch for any of the classic Kirby games.  Kirby's Dream Land was, indeed, intended as a "game for beginners" and they're all pretty well-designed games.  Especially go for Superstar if you have a buddy who wants to play with you.

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  • Mindcraft

Just about any type of Mario game

Just about any type of Sonic game

Any type of Rachet and Clank game

Jack and Daxter games

Spyro the Dragon

Legend Of Zelda 

Kingdom Hears


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I would have to say the DayZ mod, and the upcoming DayZ standalone. Endless fun and not difficult either. One of my favorite games of all time.



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Fighting games are probably some of the cruelest games to learn. Any of the Super Smash Bros. games or PlayStation All-Stars are definitely the easiest to pick-up on. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is pretty easy to pick-up on for a more complex fighting experience though, since it basically has only three attack buttons that can be easily chained together.


Racing games, just go for any Mario Kart game. It sells so well because of how easy it is for anyone to learn to play and have a good time with it.


For Shooters, I'd say Call of Duty. You don't need a lot of skill to be good at it.


Sports, yeah, probably FIFA. Especially if you play it with a friend.


RPGs are a tough one, because you usually require a lot of strategy and knowledge of them to progress in them. But as a personal game, Digimon World 2003 was not too punishing. Sure, you will probably die quite a lot if you're careless and travel too far into areas, but if you keep a stash of items with you and give your Digimon upgrades, you'll be levelling up fast; once you reach your first Digivolve, it's pretty hard to die. But non-personally, Pokémon is pretty good.


And Platformers, which goes to Mario games IMO.

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I guess you're looking for "pick up and play" games then. The most notables ones for me are:


Super Smash Bros. (any of them really but Brawl is the most recent choice) - Simple game where you can pretty much immediately begin pounding the ai and/or your friends and have plenty of fun. Not as "serious business" as other fighters.


Little Big Planet 2 - Easy going platformer with lots of content. You can play along with friends as well as create your own stages and contraptions. 


Call of Duty (Pretty much any of the more recent ones) - Run around and shoot people. Doesn't take a whole lot of skill to do reasonably well, plus you can blame your team if you lose  :P


Honestly, most games are pretty easy to get into with the exception of some fighting games since they have a bit of a learning curve in the beginning (but they're not too bad if you're willing to put some work in). Generally, as long as you stay away from grind heavy RPGs/ Fighting games / anything that requires substantial amounts of effort in the beginning (ie. they're "boring"), you'll be fine. 

Edited by MuteMutt
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Pokemon, any Bethesda RPG like the Elder Scrolls or Fallout because you can choose the difficulty, which is useful for those new to gaming, Garry's Mod, since it has no real set objective, Portal, it's a really straight forward game with a good difficulty curve.

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Here's my list:

Team fortess 2

Kingdom hearts


Halo 4

Super smash bros

Garry's mod

Grand theft auto



SO MUCH YES. Really good choices here.

Kingdom Hearts is DEFINITELY a game a new gamer should pick up. 


Anything Italicized MIGHT require a tiny bit of flexibility and gaming knowledge, but it's definitely a good place to start, especially on the PC.


I haven't played GTA or Halo, so I won't say anything about those really.




Other games I would give a shot would be the Megaman Series. 


I would be lying if I said that Minecraft and Cube Worlds were bad places to start, because they are actually pretty good.


Castle Crashers is a good place to start. It's challenging for the average player for sure, and it teaches you something important that you would want to know in any game like it: knowing how to spend stat points. It also is a bit grindy at times.


Warframe and Vindictus are good games on the PC to get a player conditioned for games that are grindy and farm/item-based.


Super Meatboy and The Binding of Issac are good places to start.


DOTA 2 and League of Legends aren't that bad to try.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have a list for you, like everyone else.

  • Portal 1&2
  • Super Smash Bros.
  • The Sims
  • Nights into Dreams, atmospheric and highly artistic I've got quite a few people who don`t play video games to play it.
  • Super Mario Bros., any of them really excluding the Lost Levels.
  • Call of Duty, as much hate as they get they are really easy to pick up and play.
  • Limbo
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