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Unique, cool things to do for your Brony boyfriend?


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 Hello, everypony! I would like some advice, if you'd be so kind ^_^. My boyfriend is a brony, and while I very much enjoy MLP, I don't know nearly enough about it to surprise him with something really cool and original. We've loved giving each other handmade things in the past (mostly Adventure Time related) and I'd really like to keep it up. What do you think he would REALLY be taken aback by? Thank you so much!

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well, what kind of stuff does he like?

and it would also help to know what kind of handmade stuff you gave him in the past. just overall some more info.

like what is his favorite pony, favorite episode and so on :)


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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  • Brohoof 1
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Surprise him by telling him that you want to have a 24 hour mareathon. Watching Mlp for a whole day, yeah that's probably a little bit too much although I plan on doing it alone, cause I'm cool like that. lol


If you want to give him something that will make him yours forever, then give him a plushie. Yush, that's the most awesome thing you can give to a brony. lol I'm not joking though, give him a plushie and maybe even make one yourself. I don't know, you could try making a small plushie or maybe some other small stuff. Just the fact that you created it would probably mean a lot to him.


Personally I would go for the plushie.

  • Brohoof 2
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I would say give him something with his favorite pony on it. Since you both give each other handmade things maybe a drawing of some sort? Even if it's not perfect he'll still appreciate the fact that you were thinking of him. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Pinkie Pie is his favorite pony :). I got him a Sunset Shimmer figurine yesterday. He loved it, but I bought it, so not really any effort there. As far as his favorite episode, we have watched almost all of them, and I don't know that I could even pick which one he likes best. I do know that he is very interested in getting together a great Discord cosplay concept.

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well, a handmade pinkie pie plushy would definately blow his mind :3 it is a lot of work to make tough.

and otherwise maybe a necklace with the three balloon cutiemark pendant, with on the back your name. so he always have you with him and has something pinkie pie :P

that's just me thinking tough


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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He love Pinkie pie, hmm could get him some Pinkie pie socks, or could maybe even get him a Pinkie pie T-shirt so this way when he is wearing it every pony knows he's a brony and he can think of you when he does wear it. Which I'm sure would be all the time.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Well, perhaps. Lots of options depends on how hardcore brony he is....and what kind...


In tamer suggestions, my special somepony loves making handmade cards. They made me one with a sweet Valentine's day pony pun on it and cut-outs of ponies decorating it. That was really cool.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Well plushies are always amazing, or any kind of custom figure. Maybe something like Pinkie's Gala dress on a custom or something similar. Or you could draw something! Maybe if he likes Discord you could draw him and Pinkie together? Good luck on whatever you make anyway!  ;)

  • Brohoof 1

“The road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began,
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I must follow if I can.”

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Something Like This?

Or Maybe A Cake Like Below!


Maybe Something Like This Too

mlp_fim_gummy_handmade_mini_felt_magnets^Thats Another Biggie. I Like That Idea!

Last Idea Coming Right Up!


Thats All My Ideas :P Hope You Like Them

(Wait.... Wheres My Other 2 Pictures!?! Fixed!)

Edited by Ali_Derp


This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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Ok... so for the party, make it a modified version of a Pinkie Pie Party!  I don't know how old you guys are so I won't be giving you any ideas, but I'm sure you can find the proper modifications.  Its always fun to have group activities at a party!


As far as the gift goes, if you're wanting something strictly pony-related then a plushie is a very safe bet.  While I don't own one myself, they are a very popular item (and I kinda wish I had one lol).  I must warn you however, that you have to be careful not to over-use his interest in MLP.  I'm sure he's into other things so maybe find an activity or a food choice that caters to his other interests?  Or even better if you can find a way to combine them!  If you over-use a person's interest in one thing they tend to think that you view them as one-dimensional (which causes unnecessary strain on relationships).


Now, with the old man lecture out of the way, you could also consider getting him something that he could carry with him.  Depending on how discrete he normally is about it, you have a variety of options.  For instance, if he doesn't advertise the fact that he's a brony in public (like me) then don't get him a t-shirt.  He won't wear it.  But you could get him a pin!  Pins can be easily hidden away when not needed and still carried around as a constant reminder!

OC 1: Ceres

OC 2: Shimmering Grace

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Dress up as a pony (like a cosplay, not an actual horse.) :P I mean...it sounds weird and you (or he) may not be up to it, but it's an idea worth throwing out. Just depends on what type of guy he is (or person you are)

seeing how nopony else suggested that, I guess I've just become that guy....

And not to sound too cheesy, but the best gift you can give your BF is acceptance/embracing his broniness. I've met bronies in relationships where their girlfriend didn't like that side of them, and it's really hard on the Brony. However, seeing how you're here and asking us about this, I'm going to assume you're OK with him liking ponies :)

And in that case, any pony thing you get him will be icing on the cake.

As for a suggestion on an ACTUAL gift, merch is great. However, if you really want to blow his mind, see if you can get a nice art commission for his OC (if he isn't an artist himself). Commission a plushie? Stuff like that is cool.

Edited by AnonyPoni
  • Brohoof 1


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To answer some questions- I am 28, and he is 29. He is, in fact, the sort of "private in public" brony, but it's no secret really. These are all AWESOME ideas by the way, thank you for being so helpful, and please keep them coming if you so choose! Crossovers are really fun for us to think of also. For Valentine's Day, I made him a goodie box, predomiately about Adventure Time. But in the cover of the box was a Judge Dredd pony. I would love to do something for him that combines Discord and Ice King.

  • Brohoof 1
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Get a tattoo of Fluttershy's cutie mark on your bum, and dye your hair pink, and if you don't already have green eyes, get green colored contacts.


Then proceed to have smexy role play times.


Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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A tattoo would be a bit much. He's not a clopper, it grosses him and me out, so I don't think the roleplay thing is a good idea. But thank you anyway.

Meh. Suit yourself.


You could also, y'know, watch the show together. I think that'd be rather cool. Not all that unique, I suppose, but cool nonetheless.


Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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....I'd just like to say I'm extremely impressed with how politely you just handled that.


I mean, sure, everypony was thinkin' it, but I didn't think anyone would actually say it--one could at least stand a little discretion...

  • Brohoof 1

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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To answer some questions- I am 28, and he is 29. He is, in fact, the sort of "private in public" brony, but it's no secret really. These are all AWESOME ideas by the way, thank you for being so helpful, and please keep them coming if you so choose! Crossovers are really fun for us to think of also. For Valentine's Day, I made him a goodie box, predomiately about Adventure Time. But in the cover of the box was a Judge Dredd pony. I would love to do something for him that combines Discord and Ice King.


Personally I like these ideas.  Or you could do something as simple as a hand-drawn `Him as a pony` sort of thing and I`m sure he would love it.  I`m not sure if I can link this on this website or not, but I am not affiliated with these guys in any way.  They are in California, I`m in Japan, I have only bought a few things from them before.  But if you ever wanted stickers for anything (I used them on my car and motorcycle) these guys have some cool Pony and Adventure Time stuff.  I always get a kick out of the site and love getting stuff from them (they are super friendly).  If you draw anything you can submit it to them and they will print/cut it out for you too.




Their shop:


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