CannedPakes 23 August 9, 2013 Author Share August 9, 2013 Nowhere in the Cutie Mark Chronicles does Applejack say that she never knew her parents. Here's the transcript of the episode. It's perfectly possible for Apple Bloom to have been born before their parents disappeared I didn't mean it like that. It's just that her parents were never mentioned, and she didn't know them at that point. Also, (For whoever said something about it) I was guessing that Applebloom has such a big age difference from Applejack that Applebloom wasn't born at that point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 Resists urge to post something philosophical on the nature of existence in general, or to point out that she's a cartoon character. The fact that they don't seem to want to explicitly come out and say that AJ's parents are dead will make the Apple Family's backstory inevitably pretty vague, at least unless they change their minds. I've actually thought about this before, and how it seemed odd that both Apple Bloom and the Apple Parents were nowhere to be seen in the flashback in Cutie Mark Chronicles, and one of the things I thought of was that Apple Bloom might be adopted from another part of the family, and might not be Applejack and Big Mac's sister by blood. Just something to think about, there are other explanations too. Like pinkiefan mentioned above about them visiting other branches of the family. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
I used to be a stranger 7,994 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 I would rather be shot in the foot than believe Apple Bloom is the result of an incestuous relationship-- and for such a theory, an abhorrently young one at that. Such an odious idea only comes from deranged fantasies. Applejack leaving home would have done an incredible emotional number on both her and Big Macintosh, since I can't conclude anything other than Apple Bloom being already born and very young at the scene where AJ left the farm. This would mean AJ, in her naiive optimism felt her calling was more important than her family, and went out to find it. Big Macintosh is left with his Grandma and baby sister to care for them both, for who knows how long. Even for such a short experience, that would be incredibly developmental. Then AJ comes home, realizing her calling is her family, and everything's better! Except for the fact that all three are orphans. We see AJ's side of the story, but I can't help but think that that experience was the reason why Big Macintosh didn't develop into a variety of Mama's boy stallion. In this moment, Big Mac realizes that if AJ never comes back, he must be both the sole apparent sibling of Apple Bloom, and the Father figure of the farm. After AJ comes home, he continues would continue this thinking but with much greater familial stability, I imagine. Otherwise, Granny Smith would be telling him what to do all the time, and he'd live with a lack of agency unless directed by Granny. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOi i'm tEMMIE 178 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 (edited) Sabrina Alberghetti and Lauren Faust herself, confirmed Applejack's parents are dead. Was I the only one here that knew this? On an unrelated note,Lauren Faust also intended to have Twilight REPLACE Celestia. If bronies were pissed at her just becoming an alicorn,how would they react to her REPLACING Celestia? Edited August 9, 2013 by mrbman9001 1 Hoi!!! i'm tEMMIE!!! PLZ HELP TEM PAY 4 COLLEG!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootadress 361 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 Sabrina Alberghetti and Lauren Faust herself, confirmed Applejack's parents are dead. Was I the only one here that knew this? On an unrelated note,Lauren Faust also intended to have Twilight REPLACE Celestia. If bronies were pissed at her just becoming an alicorn,how would they react to her REPLACING Celestia? I knew this. I didn't exactly know whether or not one of them stated it after Apple Family Reunion, which would make sense since there were red flags. *Other then Granny Smith and her pa, we never see her mentioning her son/Daughter and his/her husband/wife in the flash backs. *We never see pictures of them anywhere in the home or in the photo collections, which is odd because they are close knit. *The parents never showed up to events that would show they were alive. (Such as the first episodes, the flash backs, etc.) *Plus, doesn't it seem odd how maternal AJ tends to be towards Apple Bloom? It would explain why she's that way if they died when AB didn't get to know them. Or, they could be like that whole fancomic I read where they just up and abandoned them like jerks and gave them Apple Bloom. 1 SCOOTALOO = Best CMC PINKIE PIE=Best Pony LUNA=Best Princess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MichaelxXxTrixie 433 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 First of all it never 100 percent for-sure indicates her parents are dead allowing the writers to make an episode about it if they wanted too. I think they are dead personally but that's a topic to sad and controversial for a kids show. About Applebloom though, I personally think she was born just before her parents died. Or maybe we are over-examining things a bit too much? It's a kid show and kids shows can be at times very vague. 1 Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HOi i'm tEMMIE 178 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 First of all it never 100 percent for-sure indicates her parents are dead allowing the writers to make an episode about it if they wanted too. I think they are dead personally but that's a topic to sad and controversial for a kids show. About Applebloom though, I personally think she was born just before her parents died. Or maybe we are over-examining things a bit too much? It's a kid show and kids shows can be at times very vague. Too sad and controversial? Good sir,Sesame Street talked about death,Don't believe me? Here's the video. If Sesame Street can talk about death,why can't MLP? 1 Hoi!!! i'm tEMMIE!!! PLZ HELP TEM PAY 4 COLLEG!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootadress 361 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 First of all it never 100 percent for-sure indicates her parents are dead allowing the writers to make an episode about it if they wanted too. I think they are dead personally but that's a topic to sad and controversial for a kids show. About Applebloom though, I personally think she was born just before her parents died. Or maybe we are over-examining things a bit too much? It's a kid show and kids shows can be at times very vague. Well, they wouldn't need to say it outright, just a few hints they died. I'm sure its also just a lazy way of saying "they died" without needing to say much on looks and personality. Its easier to not show them then not. 2 SCOOTALOO = Best CMC PINKIE PIE=Best Pony LUNA=Best Princess Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 (edited) They have the same parents and they all lived on Sweet Apple Acres. The parents died soon after Apple Bloom's birth, and AJ was so distraught by the memories that she sought an escape, leaving Ponyville for Manehattan. Bloom was too young to see her off. After several months, Applejack started to get over it and realized her home was on the farm, no matter how difficult it might be. So she went back and her cutie mark appeared. AJ remembers her parents, but Bloom doesn't; she was raised by her siblings and grandmother. I think that's the best explanation. There really should be an episode about this. Edited August 9, 2013 by TailsIsNotAlone 1 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MichaelxXxTrixie 433 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 Too sad and controversial? Good sir,Sesame Street talked about death,Don't believe me? Here's the video. If Sesame Street can talk about death,why can't MLP? I know, it'd be nice if they touched up on the subject but that was before the time of parents getting mad over random details in childrens shows. The outcry against Derpy was bad enough, now imagine what an episode based around that could do. 1 Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 @, I see your point here, but it's all just weird. Applejack as a filly leaves far away and we don't get to see her parents? As far as I understand, her parents were already gone by then. I mean if you look at this... Her parents weren't even there to say goodbye. dat face :3 Anyways, I find it hard to believe that Apple Bloom is adopted since she's so much like her sister. I think the whole thing is just a big mess-up by the writers. Though, maybe Applejack's parents were on a trip and they took Apple Bloom with them, and then some accident happened or something. I don't think we'll ever get to know this though. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 August 9, 2013 Share August 9, 2013 Wow! Good question! I highly doubt she is adopted, since she carries the trait of being a late, ehehehe, BLOOM-er when it comes to her cutie mark. I'm pretty sure Apple Bloom was born just before the death of their parents. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarligPegasi 315 August 10, 2013 Share August 10, 2013 Hmm...I dunno and that's a really good point. xD But I was thinking that maybe AJ's parents along with Apple Bloom lived somewhere else like Sweetie Belle and her parents? Or maybe Aj's mom was pregnant with Apple Bloom, so that's why she couldn't see AJ off. And Aj's dad was refusing to communicate with AJ because she was leaving at a crucial moment? xD I dunno, just a theory. xD I hope the writers resolve this as well. Signature by @@Champion RD92, Examples of my Art Work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ihei 713 August 10, 2013 Share August 10, 2013 Well, I know Applejack's parents were dead. But this is my theory: Applejack's parents were probably out of town while she left for Aunt and Uncle Orange's city. About a couple years later, Apple Bloom was born and their parents died years later. That's just a thought. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spacestorm 183 August 10, 2013 Share August 10, 2013 It's really puzzling thing. I think that when Apllejack was leaving farm, her parents were still alive. It is also possible that at that time other family members were at the farm who could help in take care of infant Apple Bloom - But then we have a problem of age difference between them. Maybe Apple Bloom is much older than we think, or Applejack should be the oldest of mane six. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,316 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 Applejack and Big Macintosh Pinkie swore to Granny Smith that they'd never ever tell. Let's just keep it at that, shall we? It's just a good thing that they remodeled the house so AJ and Big Mac no longer share a bedroom! Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoney Pony 100 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 *mindBLOWN* maybe it was stork's or maybe someone killed her parents like in Batman and she will grow up one day to be Batmare! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forlong 1,726 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 Well her parents--let's call them "Apple Core" and "Margarita"--had a romantic night and drank a little to much. Apple Core forgot ware protection, and nine months later Margarita had a baby. I thought everypony knew that. Wait, am I the first person to come up with a name for AJ's parents? Because that would be awesome! Check out my YouTube channel: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sylentmana 271 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 I think it goes a little something like this. Sorry, but I had to put this up. The topic was just too tempting to pass up. Please don't be mad. In space, no one can hear you squee! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Pea 2,682 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 The assumption about her being adopted is very irrelevant. If she was really adopted, she wouldn't share their accent, their color schemes...remember, she was probably a baby at the time when Applejack got her cutiemark, so instead of making crazy conspiracies, she could've been anywhere. ℓ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥υ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dsanders 5,748 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 Lol I have seen some very disturbing attempts by some fans to explain this. One explanation involved Applejack x Big Mac. What was my reaction you ask? This was reaction. My goodness this fandom can get pretty disturbing sometimes... Anyways, I'm pretty confident that sometime while Applejack was out in Manehattan, Applebloom was born. They just didn't mention or feature that part. I also assume, like most have already mentioned and thought of, that Applejacks parents died somehow, not too long after Applebloom's birth. Lauren Faust said she wanted that to be the case, but the show would obviously never approve of that due to the children audience. So until we know an absolute answer, I say it's better to just leave it as a mystery. Since that is basically how it's gonna remain in the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DubWolf 17,375 August 12, 2013 Share August 12, 2013 Here's my theory: Apple Bloom was born. Apple Jack went to the movies with her parents. Joe Cheval murders her parents outside in front of her very eyes. Apple Jack then goes to Manehattan to do...stuff. Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishboyliam 28 August 13, 2013 Share August 13, 2013 (edited) Well, here's some possibilities if sheWAS born after their parents disappeared: 1. Left on their door step Seems unlikely in the MLP world, but possible. 2. Came from a relative Highly unlikely 3. Adoption Again, I don't think they would adopt, considering that they would've been high strung as it is. Edited August 13, 2013 by fishboyliam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John 793 August 13, 2013 Share August 13, 2013 (edited) Applejack and Big Macintosh Pinkie swore to Granny Smith that they'd never ever tell. Let's just keep it at that, shall we? It's just a good thing that they remodeled the house so AJ and Big Mac no longer share a bedroom! Hahaha!! Wait, I can add onto this disgusting conspiracy theory: The reason AppleJack is so honest is because she feels guilty about all of the years of being dishonest to her daughter, Applebloom. :] Its also the reason Big Mac doesn't talk that often. hahaha This is funny because the Apple family is depicted as a group of simpletons to some extent. These types of people we're always stereotypically attributed for incest in the United States. Wouldn't this imply that Applebloom is likely to develop some sort of retardation? I guess the only thing she has going for her is that she seems relatively normal. Now imagine if she was the one with the deformity instead of Scootaloo. O.O Creepy. This needs to be on "Ruined Childhood" in KYM asap haha Ashamed AppleJack: Edited August 13, 2013 by John 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kira Dogeikage 230 August 13, 2013 Share August 13, 2013 (edited) What if Big Mac and Applejack are the parents 0.o, that's messed up, but they are southerners, (no offense, I'm a southerner too.) Think about it... Oh, XD @@John, just saw that, oh well, double post XD Edited August 13, 2013 by Al Capony The size limits on signatures is ridiculous... Main OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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