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gaming The Xbox One


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Seriously, the more news I hear about the Xbox One, the less likely I want to buy it. It's obvious that the targeted audience isn't gamers, the console needs the Kinect 2 hooked up in order for the owner to use this next gen VCR player, NSA has access to Microsoft's database, 24-hour DRM, limited trading abilities.


It all just sounds like a terrible train-wreck.

creative but lazy

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Ahh yes, good ol' XBone.


No backwards compatibility, DRM, No game lending, unimpressive graphics, says "screw you" to indie developers, and most importantly, focuses to much on TV.


My friend is a hardcore Xbox fan, and he says that he is getting a PS4.

Just shows how much you messed up, MS. 

I have a large member....

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Didn't get to see the Microsoft E3 press conference myself, but I did catch a few of the highlights on Game Informer.  So far, the news that has stood out to me the most are the following:


(1) Price has been confirmed to be $499.99 (pretty steep for me, definitely won't be getting it at launch, and probably not until Halo 5 releases in 2014)


(2) Will launch sometime in November (no real surprise there)


(3) Halo 5 to be released in 2014 (only game they really showed off today that I even care about; not that I think some of the other titles, like Metal Gear Solid V or Minecraft for the Xbox One, won't be good, it's just I don't play any of those other titles)


Overall, since I didn't see the conference I can't really say how Microsoft did, but as far as game lineups go for a console at launch, I can't say I'm really all too surprised by this.  It's not exactly a lackluster lineup, but in my opinion as a consumer, I'd say wait to purchase the Xbox One.  Unless you're dying to play Call of Duty: Ghosts or one of those other multiplatform titles on a next-gen console as soon as possible, there's almost no other reason to get any console at launch.  The price may go down in the next year or so, the hardware should get any bugs or kinks present at launch out of its system within a year, and AAA exclusive titles almost NEVER come out at launch for new consoles.  I'm optimistic about the Xbox One still, but I'll wait to see how it's received by the general public and gaming community as well as for exclusives and multiplatform titles I'm actually interested in to be released before I get one.

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Holy **** Microsoft, E3 was your chance to redeem yourself and what do you do? LITERALLY ONLY SHOW GAMES, HALF OF WHICH WERE GIMMICKY AND STALE, MULTIPLATFORM, OR JUST PLAIN SILLY


Yeah they did have some good games there but they literally blew their redeeming chance. 

What they did:
Only showed games, good they were true to their word
New Halo, that's cool
Some interesting IPs


What they should have done:
Address current fan concerns
Talk more about it's hardware so you know what you are getting

Not shown Smart Glass, no one likes gimmicky tech shown to them, especially at E3



The only ways Microsoft can even have a decent chance to win now
1. Sony screws up real bad in their conference(and I mean Microsoft Xbone reveal bad)

2. Steam is eliminated

3. Nintendo goes bankrupt


As far as I am see, they have really blew it and they probably still have lots of devoted children on board with a decent portion of their older group but besides that...eh

Edited by Rainbows R Metal
  • Brohoof 1
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The microsoft conference was...alright. However, they didn't really address some concerns that the fans and others have had since the reveal. The price is 500 dollars which is beyond what I would usually spend on a console. The titles didn't quite wow me (except MGS5, that trailer was amazing). Titan Fall looks good but it's not worth spending 500 dollars to play that game. I'm not going to play favorites here, but i'm eager to see what the other conferences have in store for us.

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Here's a rather interesting article which more or less predicts that Microsoft will come out on top in the next generation of console gaming.


*Disclaimer*: I am not, I repeat, NOT saying I agree with the author of this article. I'm not saying I necessarily disagree either.  I'm simply posting the link because I thought it was pretty interesting to see someone bucking the trend of general public consensus at the moment and so boldly stating with certainty that Microsoft has the chance to dominate.  Make of it what you will.




"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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1. Sony screws up real bad in their conference(and I mean Microsoft Xbone reveal bad)


I watched the Sony E3 conference a while ago and I think it went the other way around.



Losing more faith in the new Xbox and in Microsoft in general in appeasing gamers.


"Look upon me, Equestria, for I am Rarity!"

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Alright, well, much as I hate to admit it, with the new updates released by Sony at their conference on Monday, I have to admit that, from a purely gaming standpoint, PS4 is the console to get at the moment.  The DRM policy for Microsoft has simply been a mess and become overly complicated, and the $100 price undercut on Sony's part is another nice bit of incentive.  Now, that's not to say that Microsoft couldn't pull off a big win in the long run, but it may be rough-going at launch for the first year or so.  Here's how I see both companies positioned at the moment:



While information released about Xbox One's hardware and licensing policies has become infuriatingly complicated, and it stands to be the most expensive console of the 8th generation upon release, the Xbox One is still coming out with a butt-ton of exclusives, some new and other well-established titles, along with the too-be-expected multiplatform and third party titles.  While not the most gamer-friendly console in the way of initial expenses, Microsoft is clearly not taking Sony's marketing approach, and rather promoting the Xbox One as an all-around home entertainment system first, and a gaming console second. This may be polarizing to gamers, but it is clearly a bid to expand their consumer base and potentially introduce a revolutionary idea to home entertainment systems before other competitors such as Apple, and if consumers in general come around to the idea, then Microsoft's gambit could pay off big in the long run, even if it gets off to a slow, rough start, such as the PS3 did in the 7th generation.  Basically, I don't think Microsoft even cares that much about Sony so aggressively targeting it at the moment, because its main competitor, as I mentioned earlier, that it's concerned with for the Xbox One is not even Sony, but rather Apple.



Sony's no DRM policy and $400 price is clearly designed to directly attack Microsoft at the gaming-consumer level.  The PS4's hardware is also slightly more technologically impressive than the Xbox One's.  PS4 is first and foremost being promoted as a game console, and largely nothing else, despite still having plenty of social media functions beyond gaming.  However, while gaming online will still be free, and the initial purchase will be $100 cheaper than the Xbox One, extra additions, such as the PSN and Eye Toy, will cost gamers more money, an additional expense that may become more and more necessary depending on the direction the console and game publishers decide to take (PSN alone would cost an additional $50/year).  Overall, in the short run, Sony is in a good position to dominate the first year or so of the 8th generation of consoles, having far more immediate appeal to gamers especially.  Still, in the long run, Sony's limiting the PS4 to being purely a gaming console may not pay off with the general public as a whole, especially if consumers begin to buy Microsoft's main selling point of the Xbox One as the first all-around home entertainment system for this generation, not just a gaming console.

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Honestly, the Xbox One kind of frightens me a little bit...

The simple fact that whatever game you play (if it even plays ga- o wate, calla doody) it is linked to your account and honestly, that is really not something I am looking forward to...



Here's Xbox One in 90 seconds. XD


*annoyingly funny little video*


I keep hearing the "they're saving the games for E3" line, but honestly... this is a gaming console. Put all of the bells and whistles on it that you want, but no one's gonna buy it if they don't plan on playing some games. If you're saving the games for E3, then don't bother with a pre-E3 reveal, because you're left with a bunch of filler extras that gamers are (at best) completely indifferent towards.


The lack of backwards compatibility and the fee for used games makes it almost a lock that I'll be sitting this generation out, and all future generations, until the console developers ditch these flagrantly unnecessary anti-consumer measures. They can't stand the idea of... *GASP*... people lending their games to friends without getting any money, so they make their console wring a few more dollars out of people they think they can take for granted.


Well, no more. The movie and music industry doesn't make me put up with garbage like this. They respect the fact that after I buy their product, all obligation in the producer-consumer relationship has been met. The item is my property, and beyond violating copyright I am free to do with it as I wish. And piracy? That will stop being a problem when game developers make their services as convenient as the pirates do. Look at what happened when the music industry embraced cheap digital distribution with iTunes. Music piracy isn't nearly the problem it used to be.


EDIT: Another awesome video on the reveal event.




This video...

Oh my god...

That confirms it...

I am not getting this console. All it really is is just a cable box that plays games that once you play it, you are stuck with it...


And the fact that it has to be "always online" is one of the worst ideas they could have come up with in ages...


All I'm seeing it as is just an always online cable box that plays games...


No thanks, I'm going for PS4 and Wii U this generation


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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Xbox One will be absolutely amazing! I can't wait to get it!! PS4 can suck it because PlayStation is the crappiest thing ever! They even got hacked by Anonymous.

^---- This is what a total Xbox fanboy would say, EVEN when the console sounds absolutely terrible and lacks epic features. The PS4 is going to rock this new eighth generation of gaming, and you will ALL believe it. Even tons of people who were on the Xbox bandwagon have already joined in with the PlayStation bandwagon. Admit it guys, you have been defeated THIS TIME.

  • Brohoof 1



Kurama's Jinchuuriki


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Right now, for myself, I'm still not sure what to get.  I'm going to have to wait until all three consoles finally come out so news will trickle in on what they can, cannot do, and will not do. 


As for the E3 even that just went down, I think these two videos sum it up quite nicely for the two major players there.


Microsoft's Xbone




Sony's PS4



  • Brohoof 2

Practice makes perfect; but if nobody's perfect, why practice?








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@, Very nice, this vid also has some amusing recap of the events at E3.  Bear with the French accent, after all, the guy is actually, well, French.




"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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DRM + Focused on TV + Majority of games are shooters =

Microsoft has taken a misdirection

Do they think the only thing people are interested in are JUST FPS games?


Also, the console does NOT need to be online 24/7, I can live without online and so can other people.

Heck, I still play all my offline game consoles, like the NES and Super NES!


Microsoft, you need to listen to your fans more!

Regular YouTube: SUPERFOX5

Let's Play YouTube: SUPERFOX5 Gaming

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*sniffs* I seem to be smelling desperation from Microsoft. This to me is a low from them. If this is happening, you know it's bad lol.

Good job Microsoft, that is how you DO NOT sell consoles to people, by shoving advertisements down their throat at an event they actually care for.

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I quoted you guys since it seems you're the people that want an Xbone in the end, even with what Microsoft said is going to happen with their console.  That's cool, totally up to you.  I'm just bringing something up that isn't even being discussed for some strange reason that NEEDS to be discussed, and hopefully others will see this too.



I just realized a major problem with the Xbone that I'm hoping everyone will reply to here or at least read this.


Let's take a look into the future, when you've got a great gaming library for your console from Microsoft and they're got their newest console out on the market.  The next generation comes out from Microsoft... but what of the Xbone?


They'd be moving on to the next generation, so the Xbone wouldn't be as important anymore.  Sure, they'd keep up with maintenance and some of the servers for a few more years until the next generation is fully in place (I expect that to be around two years time), but then what? 


It's going to turn into a brick, that's what.  All those games you bought for it?  All the DLC and downloaded games you have?  All the time you put into your saves and needing to connect every twenty four hours, what's that say about when this stops?  Without the servers to play them, it's just a piece of junk lying around. 


You won't be able to keep playing the games for very long after the next generation comes out at all, and it's a near guarantee that the Xbone games won't work on the next console. I can go out and buy a PS2 right now and still play PS2 games.  Same with an original Xbox, Gamecube, Super Nintendo, Atari, Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, or even current gen's like a PS3 or 360.  In the future, Xbone won't work for you people.


I'm surprised no ones even thought of this or that this topic was ever brought up once.  So once more, look into what you want and take this into real consideration when buying a console, whichever one you wind up choosing.  The WiiU and PS4 won't have this restriction and you can keep your gaming library for life if you wish.  Not with the Xbone.


The thing is, Microsoft is going digital. The games are now tied to your account, not the disks. Backwords compatibility has only been an issue because you needed special coding to read specific disk types and software. Moving forward, there won't be such a thing as backwords compatible, just like on PC. Of course as games get older they will need patching to keep up with software updates with each generation, but upgrading hardware does not prevent software. Software prevents software. The servers running Xbox live on 360 are the same ones that will run on Xbox One and into the future. Xbox live is Xbox live. An update to Xbox live updates both 360 and Xbox One. Xbox One will be the only one powerful enough to run cloud, thus it will be the only one to access those features, but I can almost guarantee that games purchased for Xbox One and on words will carry with you on to the next system. Will the Xbox One become a hunk a junk? Yes, just like my windows 98 computer from the late 90's. However, I can still play the same games now that I did then, granted I have the right software installed. Xbox live will still work on an Xbox One just like it will still work on a 360 going into this generation. The only difference is that it's hardware will be outdated. What used to happen in the past with consoles is IN the past. This is the future. Again, software is what prevents software from running. So long as Microsoft is smart about how they update the system, your games will carry and all Xbox's, 360 and on word, will still work on Xbox Live. 


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Guys  awesome news about the XBone 


It will only work in certain countries. How awesome is that ?



New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States


It will launch on every country though just not the full experience liek they said or some BS like that. 

Oh and Asia release delayed  and no japan release :/ 


This is the new age. Region lock taking to the extreme XD

~In construction~ 

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Guys  awesome news about the XBone 


It will only work in certain countries. How awesome is that ?
















New Zealand






United Kingdom

United States


It will launch on every country though just not the full experience liek they said or some BS like that. 

Oh and Asia release delayed  and no japan release :/ 


This is the new age. Region lock taking to the extreme XD

Don't forget, the developers of Witcher 3 won't be able to play the game on their own XB1.







It also won't have a power button.







So whenever I see someone playing the XB1, I'll just scream through the window "XBOX OFF" and run.

  • Brohoof 1


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Aside from the butt load of restrictions placed on the Xbox 1, there are some benefits to it. I the graphics are what made me not hate this system. From what I saw in the Forza Motorsport 5 gamplay trailers and videos, the graphics were almost lifelike. I know that this is said about evey new console right now but Its a huge jump in the graphics of the 360. As for everything else about the Xbox 1,

I think this gif summarizes it pretty well.


  • Brohoof 3
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I've been a Sony gamer my whole life, but I was never really a fanboy for anyone.


As a result, I can't really comment on the Xbox One, but I can certainly say that Microsoft is making excellent advances in the field of applied anti-piracy technologies. But is that really the best thing for a gaming console?


Nevertheless, it's release should prove interesting.

Staring beyond; up past the moon - - - will we reach the stars yet soon?

Met quick with loss; no sure response - - - men reach up high with their thoughts.

How high it goes; still no one knows - - - the likes of which search thick in droves.

Yet looking far; up near the stars - - - truth knows no better than we are.

With silver thread; and clouded head - - - blissful 'neath the darkened dune.

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