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Courageous Thunder Dash

Picking up a pony  

47 users have voted

  1. 1. What species of pony would you want to pick up/hold

    • Earth
    • Unicorn
    • Pegasus
    • Alicorn
  2. 2. What age group pony would you want to hold

    • Baby (like Pound Cake)
    • Filly/Colt (Like Rumble and Sweetie Belle)
    • Full grown (like the mane 6)

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Now, all bronies would agree that they would love to pick up and hold their favorite pony. But, they may ask: How would they react when you pick them up for the first time?


Well, for pegasai, they might flap their wings a bit to try to get a way. However, after a couple seconds, they'll calm down once they know you won't do any harm to them. Little pegasai, like Scootaloo and Rumble, right be a bit more restless than older pegasai and would squirm around trying to escape your hold. This is especially for Scootaloo, as she is definitely not a lap dog, I mean pony. 


Unicorns are tricky. They might try to use their magic to get out of your grip, espcially picking them up for the very first time. Some, like Twilight, might even teleport right out of your grip. But unicorns who don't use much magic, like Lyra might squirm around and try to get out of your grip. 


Earth ponies, despite their lack of extra limbs are physically strong. Some of them may let you pick them up and hold them, while others, especially the work horses (like Applejack and Big Macintosh), might put up a fight, depending on how you pick them up. 


Baby ponies on the other hand, maybe a little less restless, but may still cry when you first pick them up since they don't know who you are. Again, as time passes and they get used to being held, they wont squirm as much when you first pick them up. 


So, after that, what species of pony would you want to pick up/hold?



Edited by Thunder-Dash
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Interesting, I'll start.


I would like to pick up a filly unicorn like rarity because not only are they the most unique race, but they are less of a haggle when compared to pegasi and normal types, as they are more calm from what I've seen.


Also, hands down, fillies are adorable to not pick up. X)

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I would pick up cadence, It would be a challenge with her having both a horn and wings, but she would be able to instantly understand that I didn't want to hurt her through here knowledge of love :P


I don't really know what I would do after that.... I would be friends with a big pink pony.... awesome!

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Hmm, I'm not sure :x! Cuteness overload vs awesome advice how can I decide !!!


I can imagine having a bunch of fillies would be like having ducks :)! They snuggle up to you and everything it's awesome!

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Well, I'd never even try to pick up Discord.  He isn't even a pony.  Anyway...why would I do that?

I wouldn't pick up Fluttershy either until I had gained her trust.  Fluttershy is too adorable to scare like that Cx


But Pinkie Pie!  I'd pick her up and I'm sure she'd just beam at me and say something funny as I hug her! 

But you know...I'd probably fall over from all that weight.  I'd rather pick up a sweet little filly.  But I don't care enough about any from the show xD

Edited by Feather Gem
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I'll take Twilight. She seems like she'd wiggle around and it'd be super cute :wub:

But I'd definitely ask first. Don't want to get blown up :blink: On the other hand, she might just turn me into a tree, and that wouldn't be so bad :squee:


I don't think weight is too much of a concern. Twilight didn't seem to have any trouble supporting Rainbow on her head for a long period of time in Dragon Quest. And apparently Rarity has negative weight when picked up, because otherwise Twilight would be horribly off balance even without her here:


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I would never pick up a pony against her will, but I don't think Pinkie Pie would mind if I gave her a hug. And maybe, just maybe, she would like to come home with me and eat cookies. THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME :lol:

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Well I'd pick up Pinkie, of course. I wouldn't pick her up against her will but I'm sure she'd be really squirmy anyway so I'd have to be careful not to drop her.


One word of caution if you're going to pick up a unicorn just be careful not to get poked in the eye. ;)

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Which do I want to pick up? Choices choices. It's very hard to pick on of the three, but I have to go with Unicorn. The only reason is because I have always wanted to pick up Twilight Sparkle. She just seems like cutest pony to pick up and hold. Watching her squirm would be so adorable. I'd ask first though. Picking up a unicorn, especially one as powerful as Twilight Sparkle without her permission and by surprise probably would hold some negative consequences. Heh heh. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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A baby or filly Pinkie Pie hands down!! :lol: I'm sure that as a baby she would obviously be very squirmy, but as a filly she'll be very happy. But of course, I would need to make sure she trusts me and likes me before I pick her up, don't want to grab her against her will :(

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Earth ponies. They would probably appreciate it the most. Plus they can't get away! Just kidding.  ;)


As for which age group, gotta go with the fillies! They're definitely the cutest. The babies just look weird. And I'll start with the fillies who need hugs the most, Diamond and Spoony.


  • Brohoof 1
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Unicorns could poke me with their horns and I'd worry about a pegasus' wings being uncomfortable, so I suppose an earth pony would be the easiest to handle.


But I just want to cuddle a pony. Don't personally care what race he is. :P

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Cant I just pickup, hold and cuttle all of them?


If I was forced to choose I would hug Celestia due to the fact that I lack the strength for it and probably wouldn't be able to pick her up.  ^_^


How do we know their proportions compared to ours though?  :o

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As much as I would love to hold and cuddle a pony, I don't think I could, just because of how strange and awkward a request it would be. Imagine asking a person if you could pick them up and cuddle them. It would be weird and the ponies would think I'm creepy. But if they offered, just went up to me and said "hey, pick me up" and outstretched their hooves up my leg like cats do when they want to be picked up, you're damn right I'd pick them up. I'd be cool with babies or fillies but I'd really wanna cuddle a mane 6 sized pony. Might be a bit big. They're anywhere from 2.5 feet to 5 feet tall. And ponies might actually weigh a lot, as they're pretty much going through trees and wooden walls like nothing, while going at slow speeds at that. Either that or wood is extremely flimsy in Equestria. Still worth it just to snuggle up to their warm fuzzy bodies and hear them make the *squee* sound.

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Well, first off, (and I'm assuming that ponies can talk here) I would ask for the pony's permission first before picking up him or her; that way struggling and trying to get away wouldn't  be an issue for me.


I would really, really, really love to snuggle a young unicorn.  I've always loved unicorns, and they seem like very calm, gentle creatures; plus a colt/filly would just be irresistibly adorable.  o3o


I think I would also really love to cuddle a changeling.  >3<



How do we know their proportions compared to ours though?  


Oh, oh!  *waves hooves around excitedly*  I wish I could remember what it was called, but I once saw a YouTube video explaining how to find out the height of the ponies in the show.

There is actually an episode in which Scootaloo mentions the height of an object while standing next to it, and you can use math to figure out the proportions of the size on-screen to what it would be in real life and, therefore, how tall ponies are.

I wish I could remember what the conclusion to the video was.  >~<


edit:  Nevermind, I found a useful image.  c:


Edited by Rainshine
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