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Daylight Savings Time; Good or Bad?

Jon the VGNerd

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It's that time of year again; Daylight Savings Time ending, which means all timezones go back and hour. To me, I just think DST only serves as pure annoyance, since most medias are quite oblivious to the fact that DST ended and not bother to change time schedules. It mostly hinders with regularly scheduled programs, but that's just my opinion. What are your thoughts on DST and why you like it or hate it.


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I don't like the fact that it's getting dark so early. I think it's normal that the medias don't change their schedules. It'll be more confusing if they did. You just change your clocks and watches and that's it :) I like that the first night of the transition you can sleep one hour more ^_^

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Well, the first time, we have one hour more. And that's epic. I got sick last night and woke up at 11, then I realize that it's atually 10. More time to relax this weekend. smile.png


But well, I think changing the time is quite useless and confusing.

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We don't have daylight savings in my country, something that I would actually like to have. I think that it's good, I don't really see anything bad about it. Since being able to sleep one more hour seems nice, I think at least it would be good since it's dark so early an one hour later it's usually a bit brighter so I think it's cool.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Yay, 1 more hour of sleep!




Noooooo, please! Please let me sleep. I love sleep. ;(


Can we keep the November 3rd DST, please? I just want more sleep



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I hate Daylight Savings Time. Really I think after we've moved our clocks, we just need to leave them alone. It always takes me a week or more to get into the swing of things after the clocks change. Especially when we lose that hour. Besides, now it's going to be getting dark at 18:00. But we humans have a knack for making things more complicated than they need to be. -.-

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Personally, if daylight saving in Eastern Time Zone hadn't been imposed, then we'd have really early mornings. That isn't a good thing for people who want to get their shut-eye like me. Other than that, starting daylight saving requires us to lose an hour, which stinks really. 


And by the way, we got an hour back because we ended Daylight Saving, so technically, this is the correct time for this time zone.

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I love going off of it, because... Lots of reasons! It means an extra hour for me this weekend! And it also means late autumn and winter, and cooler shorter days!


I abhor that dreadful time of the year where we go back into DST, though.

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I think it's rediculous and only serves to annoy. It might be okay if the entire hemisphere changed at one time.


However, this is why we can't have nice things.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Personally, I don't much see the difference. It's nice to get that extra hour of sleep, but it only means that in several months, I'll have one hour less. But what makes it virtually unnoticeable is the fact that it usually takes place during the weekend, so unless you're working on those days, you're unlikely to really tell the difference. I liked it better in Saudi where there is no DST tbh.

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Daylight Saving was invented so that in ther summertime, less power would be needed and people could enjoy more daylight.


Please tell me someone gets the joke? :3


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for some reasons this year i don't really notice the difference environmentally but it is annoying to change the time one hours before and or after..i never remember DST usually someone reminds me so that can't be good if i need to remember myself :)

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  • 6 years later...

It's annoying, but.... BUT... I can't help but liking the actual summer time itself. As soon as we go "normal time", there is always so much to lose. meaning, if Daylight Savings Time is removed, I will have to live in "normal time", all the time! Noooooooo!

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Daylight savings is a bit of a double-edged sword IMO. I like how we get an extra hour of sunlight / sleep, but I DON'T like how it's arranged. They should put one hour forward in the winter-time (so we can have one extra hour of sunlight) and one hour backward in the summer-time, not the other way around. :dash:


This signature has been created by the almighty KYOSHI :3

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