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Most ridiculous claim you heard from a hater?


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I went to a facebook page and found this...


"Bronies consider a bear named pedobear a hero."


This person posted two pictures of pedobear into a scene in the show and said that the creators put him in there. wtf?


That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard from a hater.

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The worst I ever heard told to me in person was that called me a little kid for watching the show. Then I told them that they watched it too. They said "Yeah, but i'm a kid."

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Bronies are one of the few exceptions where i feel disgust over others interests. The only thing i see is pedophiles who are also into bestiality. I'm not saying this to insult anyone, but all the bronies need to understand that this is what we see from the outside of your community.

:eww:  This is from one of the forums I frequent.

Even I, when skeptical about wacthing FiM, never thought of it's male community as sexual deviants or shut-in's.

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"Why are you watching mlp like a faggot brony? You're a woman.You need to spend more tine in the kitchen making meal for us men,being the dominant sex where you belong.I don't want to see you clop to unicorns and watch the beastiality interested faggots talk to you.You will burn in hell"

Edited by Nails
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One the internet?  Every singe thing you can imagine.


In real life?  Nothing, not one little negative comment said to my face. 




Bronies are one of the few exceptions where i feel disgust over others interests. The only thing i see is pedophiles who are also into bestiality. I'm not saying this to insult anyone, but all the bronies need to understand that this is what we see from the outside of your community.


Umm, why are you even here?  Are you just a fan?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The most ridiculous claim I herd (HA added pun for added fun, And a rhyme too I'm on a roll) was at Bronycon. This adorable little toddler was dress as Apple Bloom and a convention center employ went off at this family for introducing this little girl to all these grown men calling them gay and pediphiles. this lady was working at the con and sadi this to a little girl. A year and a half old little girl, sent her crying. I marched my happy ass up to her boss and the con chair about that. I was MAD, and I was already in a bad mood because of a couple punks who hurt my friend the night before and some bad apples who stole medicine from another friend. I took down her name and filed a complaint with the convention center, think I may have gotten her fired.

  • Brohoof 1
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"If you're a brony, you're automatically destined to be a pedophile."


Me: Well what about people like Gabe Newell, or Andrew W.K.?


"Oh, they redeemed themselves with what they did. They're fine."



... I didn't see a reason to keep going after all that.




Also, there was one idiot on YouTube who said that he expected the then-upcoming Hurricane Sandy to come in and take out all bronies. Just bronies.

Seriously, how was I supposed to respond to that?

  • Brohoof 1
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Well the one with the girl who seriously thought that bronies are humans who has become little devils because FiM is a work of satan.


lmfao. bucking brilliant mate.

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I've heard things like "You're gonna become a pedophile someday" from my big brother, and one of the least offensive one I heard was "U like shit" from my friend (Im currently working on getting my friend to stop being a hater, but my brother is a lost cause)

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  • 1 month later...

Here's an EXTREMELY ridiculous comment I got from a hater in school recently. He said, and I quote, "You're a fucking spastic that has an IQ of zero. You jerk off to mutilated child ponies and even try horses every night. You're a fucking dangerous faggot! GO TO HELL!". Not only is this ridiculous, but it's also EXTREMELY insulting to me :(

Edited by Master of Antics
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Here's an EXTREMELY ridiculous comment I got from a hater in school recently. He said, and I quote, "You're a fucking spastic that has an IQ of zero. You jerk off to mutilated child ponies and even try horses every night. You're a fucking dangerous faggot! GO TO HELL!". Not only is this ridiculous, but it's also EXTREMELY insulting to me :(

Holy shit, that is strong. You need to complain to the principal.

  • Brohoof 1
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I know most of this topic was from last month but since we have some new posters, I'm going to join in.


First for those who disagree about the meaning of gay these days, I think it pretty much means homosexual.  Organizations, businesses use the term LGBT which is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.  These are organizations that include homosexuals so gay has remained that meaning.


Now I want to talk about my husband who is a fairly open minded man.  The first thing he said when I said I was getting interested in going to a Brony Con was that they are all gay.  Now why did he say that?  Well he (and I) are old enough that in the days of the early MLP his daughters used to watch it.  It wasn't particularly awe inspiring.  It was very feminine.  So he assumed- and incorrectly- that all grown men Bronies are gay.


He was actually a little embarassed to tell people that I was interested in MLP and I am a woman.  It took explaining to him that not only has MLP changed but the message is really great that he is starting to see things in a different light.  I think he will always tease me for fun but I think he realizes now that he assumed incorrectly.


(I just felt a need to add to this post that my husband and I have gay friends.  So his saying everyone is gay really was an assumption not bred out of prejudice).


What I'm trying to say by this long winded story (sorry!) is that most people identify with the old MLP that was just for little girls and since they don't know better, they make assumptions.  So it's our job if we can, to shed a new light and tell them the show has changed, the ponies have changed and they should watch it before they cast any more judgement.

Edited by Diva Pony
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