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The haters that claim us Bronies worship MLP FIM as a religion?


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Wow...now that's just going too far. We ain't no pagans worshiping sun gods and moon gods. We're people just like them. I tell ya haters continue to try to find the funniest excuses. 


All I gotta do is...

I have to agre the shows good and all but turning it into a relgion is a bit too far dont you think> lol what is ther to belive in ?? lol would luna and celestia be gods of some sort LoL....

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i didn't even know it is  even possible to legally marry a non-real character...

it's not a matter of whether or not it's legal, it's just not possible period.


Apparently so.. though I'd never have known if I hadn't seen it here.

I'll say this, that cane is hilarious, even moreso when combined with the serious look Twilight had when he gave it to her..

But some people....


Then again, nyan cat, and the "dramatic look" things also became memes... so, it seems that idiotic little things will stick moreso than intentional big ones.

Ya I forgot about that cane like moments after it happened in the episode, I can see why people may have been amused by it, but I fail to see how it's meme-worthy.

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I dont worship it and im sure hardly anypony does, but i do feel like it could be a way to live by, or be an example, to live by be; nice, friendly, non-judgmental, happy, truthfull, loyal need i go on? I mean most of this fan-base consists of good people anyway, people that arent afraid to be themselves or dont listen to stereotypes. Because most other people would laugh at the idea of watching MLP and buying merchandise above the age of 12, Why due to siciety and the way it is....

I went of topic a bit but Derpy. :D.

  • Brohoof 2
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Alot of people here used to put "Jedi" under there religion on the census things they do every few years but the goverment got bitchy about it XD


l think the idea of MLP as a religion is great, we've got 2000 years to match the atrocities of the other big religions! We'll do horrible things like make people happy, or preach that race and sexuality are shit excuses to hate other people, oh the horror!


And tbh, how is a cartoon horse that moves the sun any less believable than some almighty sky wizard, at least the horse looks sexy and entertains for the few momnets she graces the show, I think the Egyptians foresaw MLP and that's why they had a sun god..XD

  • Brohoof 3


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Which haters? You just say so, but you didn't present any proof.


Try google searching maybe or look for YouTube comments. 


Here's one: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120926185524AAEqRlf


And here's others https://www.google.ie/search?q=da&oq=da&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.786j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=bronies++religion




Well, maybe, but they have their point.


I've yet to see anyone killed or have genocide committed on them in name of My Little Pony, so a small number of us worship Ponies and?

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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i didn't even know it is  even possible to legally marry a non-real character...


Its been going on for awhile, mostly in the asian countries.

They've married dating sim characters, on PC's and Nintendo DS's... have been doing it for YEARS.. no surprise someone would try it with an FiM char.

Risky part is the copyright infringement that could cause :P

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Rush the first link was more of an uninformed parent asking a question. not a Hater. as far as the other links you are probably correct.

Please try to think that this show is not what young men and boys "should" watch. its just not expected by society. differences from the norm are confusing and a lot of folks treat what is confusing with hostility.

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Haters are always going to hate even if it means to create some bullcrap to make us all look bad. This claim saying bronies worship the show like a religion again is just some crap that a hater got off from an obsessed fan. It really wouldn't surprise me if there are a few that really do worship MLP like a religion but still saying we worship it is a very major over generalization and exaggeration.   

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Please try to think that this show is not what young men and boys "should" watch. its just not expected by society. differences from the norm are confusing and a lot of folks treat what is confusing with hostility.


Thats actually a MASSIVE flaw with the way society thinks and acts as a whole.

MiB had it best when K said "A person is smart, people are stupid"


Its always preached to be an individual, be yourself, don't let others influence who you are, etc.... but the moment someone does this in any way that the majority sees as different than the rest of the local hive mind, that person is persecuted in anything from patronizing tone, down to accusations of mental impairment and hatred for that persons individuality.

It really begins to skew the line between ACTUAL mental disabilities and those perceived as mental disabilities when people automatically begin assuming a person acting different (I.E. "not their age" or watching shows commonly conceived as for the opposite sex (despite we're not supposed to support gender lines like that anymore) has some sort of handicap, or the powers that be actually begin to associate such behavior (which is normal to a small percentage of the population, but because its a small percentage, its not "normal").


Then its decided to medicate these individuals simply because they don't act "normal"... hard to be an individual when your automatically declared unstable for not being "normal"...

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Thats actually a MASSIVE flaw with the way society thinks and acts as a whole. MiB had it best when K said "A person is smart, people are stupid" Its always preached to be an individual, be yourself, don't let others influence who you are, etc.... but the moment someone does this in any way that the majority sees as different than the rest of the local hive mind, that person is persecuted in anything from patronizing tone, down to accusations of mental impairment and hatred for that persons individuality. It really begins to skew the line between ACTUAL mental disabilities and those perceived as mental disabilities when people automatically begin assuming a person acting different (I.E. "not their age" or watching shows commonly conceived as for the opposite sex (despite we're not supposed to support gender lines like that anymore) has some sort of handicap, or the powers that be actually begin to associate such behavior (which is normal to a small percentage of the population, but because its a small percentage, its not "normal"). Then its decided to medicate these individuals simply because they don't act "normal"... hard to be an individual when your automatically declared unstable for not being "normal"...

I completely agree with you. my post was more a reason this behavior happens. not condoning it in the slightest. on a side note I wonder how many people think gen 1 -3 when they think my little pony.

  • Brohoof 1
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on a side note I wonder how many people think gen 1 -3 when they think my little pony.


TBH most people I know think gen 1-3 when they think MLP. They don't know ANYTHING about the new one. Gen 4 surprisingly has very little in the pure "girly" sense... And Princess Twilight doesn't seem to have changed that at all as some feared she would.


I actually dug up the old original movie, and its surprising how much I do recall of it. And that one def had a very very girly feel to it.... not to mention horrendously corny writing par the course of the years I was a child :P

so many bad puns... lol

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Wait a minute!! I thought we worshiped Satan!! img-2025314-1-laugh.png Will they give it a rest already?img-2025314-2-happy.png

Nah. We're more like Jehorsie's Jehovah's Witnesses.



Good day, sir. Have you room in your heart for the great Princess Luna? She died for your sins, you know.


Seriously. Asphyxiation. Nasty stuff. Don't ever get yourself banished to the moon without a full tank of oxygen.


  • Brohoof 2

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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   I love My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, but it is not every fibre of my being, I have a life and hobbies apart from MLP, I volunteer with wolf hybrids, I work with fellow veterans, practise archery and mountain biking, plus I work with my father who is a handyman, so to say that we worship the ponies, and have no identity separate from MLP is wrong and ignominious. It's typical of society to force individuals to conform, and be apart of the singular organism, corrupt, insipid and boring, it's the differences and the talents we bring that makes us unique, and we do not have to worship the ponies to fulfil our destinies, think of it like our own personal cutie mark, we realized our well being and now we congregate on the internet, and when we are lucky in person.   

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 I volunteer with wolf hybrids


sry to hit a quick O/T note but.. wolf hybrids?! where is this place that allows them to live?! My state puts them down upon learning of it :( sickening....

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Well, to be honest, some people take it further than a little obsession...


It's a good show, but it's not a godsend.


~Siggy made by Kitteh O Shy <3

In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society~


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