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Why do so many people dislike Rarity so much and like Rainbow Dash so much?

Sazama Ichida

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She's also incredibly lazy. Every time she has bags (and it's always a ton of them), she gets someone else to carry it all (whether that be Spike (who she constantly takes advantage of), Sweetie Bell, or the stallion in Sweet and Elite). This is something snobby, stuck up rich people do who think they're too "superior" to carry bags or whatever.

you just gave me plenty of fuel... get prepared! :okiedokielokie:  

Remember that Rarity is the ladylike character of the show, I don't have to explain you that these sort of characters usually don't carry bags on cartoons, right? You're missunderstanding the situation with Rarity and Spike. He obviously has a crush on her, but also he always trying to impress her by being a gentleman! it's pretty obvious that Rarity is an old fashioned mare that believes about Prince Charmings and stuff so I would say that instead of taking advantage of Spike, she takes advantage of the situation she's in. She could have easily turned him down but she didn't even if she do not reciprocate his feelings (I have the feeling that she doesn't)...that's why she shutted his mouth when he was about to confess his love for her in 'Secret of my Excess', because she wants Spike to believe in whatever that he's feeling. Now tell if that isn't nice.


The thing with the stallion in 'Sweet and Elite' was used just for humor, but even so, he's there to serve, no deep logic there. And when you say that Rarity is manipulative with Sweetie Belle, well, SB is also manipulative when she used her puppy eyes to convince her sister to go into a place that she dislike. Even if the cart pulling was used for comedy I think that it was a little over the top but in the end you can see that they get along very well as sisters and that's the important thing.

  • Brohoof 3


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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I think, as these responses have shown, a better topic title might be "Why do Rarity's fans and Rainbow Dash's fans both dislike each other's favorite character so much?" There seems to be a lot of fandom rivalry between poor Dash and Rarity.


Of course, I like them both a lot, even if Rarity's my favorite.



Yeah, it's kind of weird because they both actually have rather similar qualities as characters, just expressed in a more masculine vs a more feminine way.  They're both extremely driven and goal oriented when it comes to their particular pursuit.  The biggest flaw for both of them is very self centered- For Dash, it's her arrogance and ego, for Rarity it's her vanity.  And for both, its usually those flaws that lead to their downfalls.  But at the same time, the elements they represent are the very opposites of those flaws- loyalty and generosity.  They both have a lot of their pride in their image too- Rarity doesn't like to dirty herself up, and Dash wouldn't be caught dead with a hooficure.  But they've both softened up in this respect as well. 


It's this realization, along with her development in Season 3 (one of the better things about S3) that made me not dislike Dash anymore.  I don't still particularly like her that much, because her personality just doesn't appeal to me, but I see and appreciate the value of her as a character.

Edited by hawkflame
  • Brohoof 4


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During the exchange Rainbow has with Scootaloo, Rainbow says that she will deny the fact that she was scared of ghost stories when she was little if Scootaloo chooses to tell anyone. Rainbow is still caught up in her own huge ego.

I just feel that Rainbow Dash is incapable of TRULY feeling compassion or concern for others. She is two-faced.

Now you're being silly, everyone does that, it's just keeping appearances up, and everyone is guilty of that.

If she was that worried about her ego, would she tell her biggest fan she was scared?

Stop this blind dislike, and start using your love and tolerance, you know, friendship is magic?

We understand it's your opinion, but the way you phrase it sounds more like you are trying to state fact, eg " she is blatantly a ruined character" no, in your opinion, she is a ruined character, whereas in others, she isn't, please stop making the same point, and getting really defensive when someone disagrees with you.

Edited by joecal97
  • Brohoof 3

If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank

Love you Dashie :wub:


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During the exchange Rainbow has with Scootaloo, Rainbow says that she will deny the fact that she was scared of ghost stories when she was little if Scootaloo chooses to tell anyone. Rainbow is still caught up in her own huge ego.

I just feel that Rainbow Dash is incapable of TRULY feeling compassion or concern for others. She is two-faced.


It just seems like you're trying too hard to look for a flaw here.  Yeah she still has her ego, but she;s also doing something genuinely nice and comforting to Scootaloo when she needs it the most.


I'm not exactly a huge Rainbow Dash fan, but credit where credit is due, you know. 

  • Brohoof 5


Sig by Thunderstorm

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I have to take exception to this, because I think that Rarity may in fact be the most *diligent* character in the series with the possible exception of Applejack and maybe comparable to Twilight.  Time and time again, she's shown to work *very* hard on her outfits, especially in Suited For Success, but also even in episodes like The Show Stoppers, Rarity Takes Manehattan, and even A Dog And Pony Show suggest that she really works hard at her craft, even to the point of exhaustion.  So I don't think it's fair to say that she's lazy when she's consistently shown to be working rather hard at her job.


Well, she does this for her own gain (with the exception of Suited for Excess, but at the same time she seriously neglects Twilight in Sweet and Elite). When it comes to menial tasks she usually makes other people do it, like I said as a snobby, stuck up person would..



you just gave me plenty of fuel... get prepared! :okiedokielokie:  

Remember that Rarity is the ladylike character of the show, I don't have to explain you that these sort of characters usually don't carry bags on cartoons, right? You're missunderstanding the situation with Rarity and Spike. He obviously has a crush on her, but also he always trying to impress her by being a gentleman! it's pretty obvious that Rarity is an old fashioned mare that believes about Prince Charmings and stuff so I would say that instead of taking advantage of Spike, she takes advantage of the situation she's in. She could have easily turned him down but she didn't even if she do not reciprocate his feelings (I have the feeling that she doesn't)...that's why she shutted his mouth when he was about to confess his love for her in 'Secret of my Excess', because she wants Spike to believe in whatever that he's feeling. Now tell if that isn't nice.


You have a point, but I still don't think she should be leading Spike on so much.


The thing with the stallion in 'Sweet and Elite' was used just for humor, but even so, he's there to serve, no deep logic there. And when you say that Rarity is manipulative with Sweetie Belle, well, SB is also manipulative when she used her puppy eyes to convince her sister to go into a place that she dislike. Even if the cart pulling was used for comedy I think that it was a little over the top but in the end you can see that they get along very well as sisters and that's the important thing.


Humor or not, she's still using other people just because she can. 

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Except nobody said that.


People responded to your opinions with counter-opinions of their own; Not to silence you, but to discuss with you. No one in this topic has expressed that they feel you don't hold a right to voicing your opinion, or that they want you to silence yourself. Again, on a discussion forum, people discuss things - including things they disagree with. That doesn't - and has never meant - that you don't have a right to your opinion.

That's fine and all, I'm just asking at this point that you stop quoting me

It just seems like you're trying too hard to look for a flaw here.  Yeah she still has her ego, but she;s also doing something genuinely nice and comforting to Scootaloo when she needs it the most.


I'm not exactly a huge Rainbow Dash fan, but credit where credit is due, you know.


I'm not looking too hard for a flaw. I've stated all the flaws I see already.

I've been asked again and again to give reasons why Rainbow isn't loyal or compassionate. I've already given my case. If you don't think it's a valid argument, than that's fine.

How does being concerned for your self-image have anything to do with feeling compassion for others? Scootaloo doesn't stand to benefit from revealing Rainbow Dash's embarrassing childhood stories. Nothing about Rainbow's very realistic insecurities compromise her compassion for her friends, or for Scootaloo in particular.


Everyone has insecurities about something. That doesn't make them disloyal or lacking in compassion.

With a character as big as an ego as hers, I can't say she can redeem herself. Not can I say that she is loyal or anything close. I don't believe people or characters who are that stuck up can honestly feel for others or show loyalty (in Rainbow's case)

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You have a point, but I still don't think she should be leading Spike on so much.

perhaps she's leading him on, but Spike it's still a kid, how do you think he would handle a heartbreak? But don't you think that this is an act of generosity? heh :comeatus:  




Humor or not, she's still using other people just because she can. 

I see it as a 'this is what you get for getting me around all of this...nature' sort of thing. It would have been pretty cruel if Sweetie Belle was complaining for pulling the cart. But I see where you're getting at. Characters redeem themselves don't they? and she did in Rarity Takes Manehattan, but if you ask me, she didn't need to redeem herself at all because some bronies can't get to see through her make up if you know what I mean.


@, I really understand you, I do. For, me Rarity is best pony and that's not gonna change, and Rainbow Dash is least, and that's not gonna change and still, I cannot forget the bad taste that she left in my mouth during the first seasons. But really you're looking pretty bad right now and never hurts to step back and be humble and say sorry and admit that you are not right.

It's okay if you hate her because she's a bitch to you, because you can't stand to see her on screen, whatever. But what you can't do is to assume things about her character that are very blunt and reckless to say if you ask me, and that 'stop quoting me' tells me even more that you lack arguments to defend your position. Sometimes we have to leave the pride aside and admit our faults. And besides, if you can't stand her why do you have a RD-like avatar anyways?


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS!

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perhaps she's leading him on, but Spike it's still a kid, how do you think he would handle a heartbreak? But don't you think that this is an act of generosity? heh :comeatus:  



I see it as a 'this is what you get for getting me around all of this...nature' sort of thing. It would have been pretty cruel if Sweetie Belle was complaining for pulling the cart. But I see where you're getting at. Characters redeem themselves don't they? and she did in Rarity Takes Manehattan, but if you ask me, she didn't need to redeem herself at all because some bronies can't get to see through her make up if you know what I mean.


@, I really understand you, I do. For, me Rarity is best pony and that's not gonna change, and Rainbow Dash is least, and that's not gonna change and still, I cannot forget the bad taste that she left in my mouth during the first seasons. But really you're looking pretty bad right now and never hurts to step back and be humble and say sorry and admit that you are not right.

It's okay if you hate her because she's a bitch to you, because you can't stand to see her on screen, whatever. But what you can't do is to assume things about her character that are very blunt and reckless to say if you ask me, and that 'stop quoting me' tells me even more that you lack arguments to defend your position. Sometimes we have to leave the pride aside and admit our faults. And besides, if you can't stand her why do you have a RD-like avatar anyways?

I'm not making myself look bad. All I did was answer the topic's question. Then people gave their disagreements, which is fine. When they did give their disagreements, I gave my part of the debate. Then it all just kept going back and forth. It's not like I'm feeding the debate further, people keep quoting me telling me that I don't have valid arguments. If you feel that arguments aren't valid, that's fine. Trying to prove someone wrong shouldn't be THAT important to some of you.

Also, I'm not assuming things about Rainbow. She has a rather large ego, that's a cold fact.

I don't assume that she isn't loyal, I just don't see her being able to REDEEM herself in regards to stop bragging and being so damn rude. That's really it.

Don't get me wrong, she has some POTENTIAL to redeem herself, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

I don't see her being able to become a better character overall.

Again, that's ALL I'm saying. She probably won't change. THAT'S IT.


And my avatar is a Rainbow Dash style picture because my friend offered to remake my fan character and he sent me that picture. I like it, so I used it.

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II love Rarity. Just not as much as Dashie.


Rarity is my 3rd fave of the mane 6.(1st being Flutters 2nd being Dash) It wasn't until her episode "Rarity Takes Manehattan" that she really grew on me.So after that I went back and watched all the other Rarity episodes...she's going to be in my top 3 for awhile. 


Dash used to be my fave pony when I started watching MLP back in the first half of season 1.But since then she's kinda more a turn off. But she does have her moments. I liked her in "Daring Don't" and the newest CMC Episode (I forget what it's called) I also like her overall design.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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I just don't like Rarity because she is manipulative liar, and whines to get she wants.


Case and point, in the Episode Putting your hoof down, she manipulated the nerdy stallion by lieing and sweet talking him. (Nothing I hate more than a woman sweet being a manipulative liar, especially to the opposite gender, so this is an absolutely horrible lesson to be teaching young girls.)


This part I can understand but:


In the episode a Dog and Pony Show, she whined and complained, and bitched until she got what she wanted. (Again Not a good lesson to be teaching young girls)


That and the fact I can in no way relate to her.


Dude she was being held hostage against her will...It was all part of her plan so the dogs would get sick of her and not want her anymore. And what did it matter? They deserved it.

The White Shinigami

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This just shows that Rarity is a very cunning character. The show does have to have some of the characters delve into a negative light from time to time. Fluttershy anger. Applejack stubbornness. Rarity's cunning is useful to the group at times.

Edited by Singe
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This just shows that Rarity is a very cunning character. The show does have to have some of the characters delve into a negative light from time to time. Fluttershy anger. Applejack stubbornness. Rarity's cunning is useful to the group at times.

True. But none of them are perfect. All six of them have flaws.


Sure Rarity can be vain. But all 6 of the ponies have flaws. None of them are actually perfect.


Rainbow Dash is also very vain. And she's also arrogant and obnoxious and too competitive. She's the one with the very most flaws imo.


Twilight Sparkle can be too obsessive-compulsive.


Applejack can be stubborn and also too competitive at times.


Pinkie Pie lacks seriousness and is socially imbalanced.


Fluttershy is also socially imbalanced and her shyness can and sometimes does make her a pushover.


So technically they all have flaws. But it's also a part of what makes them good characters.

The White Shinigami

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I am actually surprised I thought Rarity and RainbowDash would be at the top of everyone's like list. It is a shame she isn't more well liked. Maybe there will be a season where she breaks out and develops more as an individual. I would like to see that in Applejack too. 

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In the episode a Dog and Pony Show, she whined and complained, and bitched until she got what she wanted. (Again Not a good lesson to be teaching young girls)


That and the fact I can in no way relate to her.

If this is what you got from the episode, then you missed the entire point of it.

Now, I don't remember the lesson to well, but I remember her saying "just because I'm a lady doesn't mean I'm not capable of handling a sticky situation". Sounds more like you should never underestimate your friends

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I must admit that this topic has lost its relevance, because Rarity now sits on a throne.  Glory to the new Queen!


attachicon.gif??????????? (4).jpg



I should be sitting on that!


I am actually surprised I thought Rarity and RainbowDash would be at the top of everyone's like list. It is a shame she isn't more well liked. Maybe there will be a season where she breaks out and develops more as an individual. I would like to see that in Applejack too.


Rarity Suri takes Manehatten and Pinkie Apple Pie did a decent job. If we had more of these kind of episodes, AJ and Rarity Suri would be liked a bit more; they have potential, m'kay?
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just don't like Rarity because she is manipulative liar, and whines to get what she wants.


Case and point, in the Episode Putting your hoof down, she manipulated the nerdy stallion by lieing and sweet talking him. (Nothing I hate more than a woman sweet being a manipulative liar, especially to the opposite gender, so this is an absolutely horrible lesson to be teaching young girls.)


In the episode a Dog and Pony Show, she whined and complained, and bitched until she got what she wanted. (Again Not a good lesson to be teaching young girls)


That and the fact I can in no way relate to her.

>manipulated the nerdy stallion

Because he unknowingly cut Fluttershy in line. She did it for Fluttershy and repaid him.

To imply that this is malicious in any way is stupid.


>bad lesson to teach little girls

teaching little girls to use their assets for a good purpose is bad? Because they'll know they can manipulate men instinctively.



>whined and complained to get her way

No, she used cleverly used something she's self aware about (that she's whiney) to get out of a bad situation.


>not a good lesson to teach young girls

Dumb. That was not the lesson.

And you can't say it implied that because it not only never even did that but again, little girls who whine to get their way do so because parents enable them. Not because a cartoon horse showed them to.

Pretty much this.


She's also incredibly lazy. Every time she has bags (and it's always a ton of them), she gets someone else to carry it all (whether that be Spike (who she constantly takes advantage of), Sweetie Bell, or the stallion in Sweet and Elite). This is something snobby, stuck up rich people do who think they're too "superior" to carry bags or whatever.


Rainbow Dash is usually annoying with her constant ego strokes that just get repetitive. I wish her character was more of a "ego centric character that think's they're awesome but constantly messes up" type of character instead of what she is now. This is one of the reasons I didn't hate the Mysterious Mare Do Well Episode (it was still not great, but not nearly as bad as everyone says). I still like her more than Rarity though because at least Rainbow Dash has a reason to be arrogant and egocentric. Rarity is manipulative just because she can.

>takes advantage of Spike

Must be why she has sown more concern over his wellbeing than anyone else in the mane cast and risked her life for him twice (ADaPS and DQ).

Nice try, they all use Spike for labor. She at least reciprocates


>Sweetie Belle

Guess you missed the tender moments between them. Poorly thought out jokes are not the fault of the character.



His job. It was not done out of snobbery.

Just because you assert she is snobby (despite several instances of her stepping out of her comfort zone and/or lowering her status to help others) doesn't mean she is.

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Personally I think the whole idea of arguing over which character is better is silly.  One of the big things I love about MLP is the diversity of characters... it makes it so everybody can find one of the Mane 6 that they somewhat relate to.  So sure some people will love Rainbow Dash because they're the type of character they relate to.  If they didn't have an athletic type pony with a bit of an ego, there's a lot of people that wouldn't have a character to relate to.  At the same time, some people can't relate at all to her so of course they'll like her the least.  Same goes for Rarity and all the characters.


I think the reason those two characters in particular have the most diversity in opinions on them is because they're easy to associate with people that you generally don't like.  Rarity reminds you of the annoying drama queen type that a lot of people can't stand to be around, and Rainbow Dash reminds people of the jock type.  It's just easy to compare those two characters to people in our real lives that we really don't like or have had personal bad experiences with.


That being said, the other thing I love about MLP is that it also shows us the good in those types of people.  Sure Rainbow can be egotistical, but she's also loyal to her friends.  She might be aggressive at times and make snap judgments, but she doesn't do it to bully people, she does it to protect her friends.  There's a lot of good in Rainbow Dash.


Same goes for Rarity.  Sure she can be whiny and self centered, but then you see her work on her dresses and instead of seeing her as self centered, you start to see that she's really just focused on her art and her work.  She's a little obsessive about things, and I can actually relate to that.  


Anyway just my thoughts on the subject... I think it's easy to argue about which characters are good or bad, but I always like to remember that the Mane 6 all have really good qualities and they all represent a different type of person, and I like the idea that all personalities can be portrayed as a generally good person, even if they are flawed.

  • Brohoof 3

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>manipulated the nerdy stallion

Because he unknowingly cut Fluttershy in line. She did it for Fluttershy and repaid him.

To imply that this is malicious in any way is stupid.


>bad lesson to teach little girls

teaching little girls to use their assets for a good purpose is bad? Because they'll know they can manipulate men instinctively.



>whined and complained to get her way

No, she used cleverly used something she's self aware about (that she's whiney) to get out of a bad situation.


>not a good lesson to teach young girls

Dumb. That was not the lesson.

And you can't say it implied that because it not only never even did that but again, little girls who whine to get their way do so because parents enable them. Not because a cartoon horse showed them to.\




Whatever you want to believe man. That is just how I see her. Granted you make some good points.

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