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Just got off of work, let's see how best pony is doing...


Luna is 23 votes ahead but it's still anypony's game. It's gonna be a long afternoon.



  • Brohoof 1

Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!
Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one!

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With the end drawing near, Rainbow and Cadance have established their game, and Luna is starting to pull ahead, but she can't relax too much just yet. Sweetie Belle will need to draw a record-setting amount of additional voters before the end of today, without a single one voting for Luna, if she wants a victory in round 2! If she's okay with a draw she'll need to get a 21:0 ratio before the final whistle! That's a tough hill to climb!

  • Brohoof 1
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RD, Princess Candy-Butt, and Sweetie Belle!


Rainbow Dash

I voted for Rainbow Dash, not because I dislike Spike or anything (I love that little guy), but because I feel Rainbow has gone through more character development throughout the series.


She slowly became more understanding, kind, yet still bold and strong. Her friendship with Fluttershy is one of the best things on the show, especially because it shows both their strengths and weaknesses well.

























Princess Cadance

She has definitely grown on me quite a lot! I wasn't sure what I thought of her before this season, but now she may be my favorite princess (I still have a little bit of confusion as to whether or not I think of Twilight as a princess lol).


After Three's A Crowd, she definitely became a favorite of mine. Her love of adventure, yet her regality is something to be admired.

















Sweetie Belle

Just like Rainbow Dash, I vote for Sweetie Belle over Luna because of character development. While Luna has a cooler design overall, I can't say that we really know her character that well (though she does have more development than Celestia).


Sweetie Belle, with her adorable squeak, and her will to find where she belongs in life, as well as her love/hate relationship with best pone Rarity make her a very interesting character that has a lot of space to grow.












  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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Wow, best CMC best princess and best mane 6 in one poll. :o


Rainbow Dash, no question. She's my favorite mane 6, and I'm not a fan of Spike.


Cadance is my favorite princess, and I didn't like that Daring Do isn't a fictional character, but the writer of her own adventures. :eww:


Sweetie Belle is my favorite CMC, she definitely gets my vote. I like Luna a lot too, but less than Sweetie Belle...

  • Brohoof 1
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this just proves how strange the minds of persons are.


Why? Because we enjoy voting for the Princess of the Night?


There isn't an ounce of evil left within her. She was redeemed and has done nothing but good for her subjects since. She has even aided Sweetie Belle herself...or did you forget? If I recall correctly (I haven't watched FWtSBT, sue me), Sweetie was having issues with being in Rarity's shadow. Her sister's shadow. Guess what pushed Luna over the edge to begin with?


I delight in the irony.


Alas, I may have overstepped my bounds with this post - my apologies.


When people vote for best sister, I don't think Sweetie Belle as a sister to Rarity, I think of Luna as a sister to Celestia...or is that just me?

  • Brohoof 3


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There isn't an ounce of evil left within her. She was redeemed and has done nothing but good for her subjects since. She has even aided Sweetie Belle herself...or did you forget? If I recall correctly (I haven't watched FWtSBT, sue me), Sweetie was having issues with being in Rarity's shadow. Her sister's shadow. Guess what pushed Luna over the edge to begin with?
I know that I watched the episode twice she also aided Scootaloo and helped her but still Sweetie is just a reay important pony to me so I was just trying an approach which is of course not even working. 
  • Brohoof 1

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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Dang I thought Sweetie Belle might steal this, I underestimated Luna's fandom obviously!


AJ vs Zecora is going to be a tough one I think, both have a lot of deserved love.

Apples Unite and lets give AJ a strong showing when the match starts!! :D

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Dang I thought Sweetie Belle might steal this, I underestimated Luna's fandom obviously!


AJ vs Zecora is going to be a tough one I think, both have a lot of deserved love.

Apples Unite and lets give AJ a strong showing when the match starts!! :D

Two and a half hours before the match....

Eeyup! That's a good time to start tailgating.

Get ready everypony! Time to Raise This Barn!!!


  • Brohoof 1



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

signature by Scootaloodle

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It is official. All characters will have already played their first games in the next half hour and have already been given a feel for what the 2014 MLPF World Cup will be like. Group A will conclude their second matches with Shining Armor taking on The Great and Powerful Trixie. It's this simple. A loss for either character will almost certainly eliminate them from the MLPF World Cup. With Princess Luna taking a solid win over Sweetie Belle, these characters will see this as an opportunity to be within grasp at the Knockout Stages. A win would most certainly put them right back in the picture! A draw would also give both characters a chance, but it would put that much more pressure on them both! Which character will take the win? 


As for Group B, the winners and losers of their respective first matches will be facing each other either looking to avoid elimination or progress to the Knockout Stages. Applejack will be looking to make another statement victory, while Zecora hopes to rhyme her way past the applebuckin pony! Mayor Mare and Queen Chrysalis will be fighting a battle of wits themselves as the first day osers hope to get back into the fold of Group B. Who will won today?!


Ladies and gentlemen... it is time for the Group A and B characters to walk into the hallowed Mareicana stadium again for their second matches! 


Hear the crowds roar for their favourite fans as the characters begin to sing their character anthems before their games begin! 


Ladies and gentlemen... mares and stallions... please rise for the character anthem... of The Great and Powerful Trixie! Senhoras e senhores ... éguas e garanhões ... por favor subir para o hino caráter ... de O Grande e Poderoso Trixie!


The Great and Powerful Trixie

The glittering pony, the mighty magician,

Who speaks gloriously in third pony!

Her powerful speeches,  her mighty assaults,

are enough to keep back all her naysayers and doubters!



Trixie you are my number one!

Trixie oh how I love you so!

Raise your blue banners and hold them high!

Trixie you are the chosen one,

To hold all nobility!

Powerful Trixie, yes we're proud of you!


 Please rise for the character anthem... of Shining Armor! Por favor subir para o hino caráter ... de Shining Armor!


Arise, the Royal Guard of Equestria!
Your lord, and leader, Shining Armor, 
will provide the way!
As the brother of the benevolent princess,
The knight in shining armor will prevail and win!
Arise, Arise, Arise!
Go with many blessings!
Brave the fires of the hostile,
Brave the fires of the hostile,
March on, March on, March on, March!


Please rise for the character anthem... of Applejack! Por favor subir para o hino caráter ... de Applejack!


Oh Applejack was of,
the Apple Family line.
I dedicate, all my
apple trees and farms to thy care!
Honesty and trust, are the banner
of Orange, ever free!
I give my trust to the Apples,
and to Applejack!


Please rise for the character anthem... of Zecora! Por favor subir para o hino caráter ... de Zecora!


Rhyming all her life is what she does,
Living at the Everfree so she does,
Teaching all the ponies to unite,
Underneath the moonlight!
Unite in diversity!

Although she is really a loving zebra,
Her magic potions are enough to scare,
Enough to scare the enemy away,
Enough to live on her own,
Enough to rhyme, 

Oh Zecora!
Oh Zecora!

Out of the Everfree!
From the depths of the deep green forest!
Over our everlasting treetops
Where the critters give their answer!
Sounds the call to come together,
And united we shall stand
Underneath Zecora’s banner,
In the Everfree our land!


Please rise for the character anthem... of Queen Chrysalis! Por favor subir para o hino caráter ... de Queen Chrysalis!


Oh Arise, ye changelings from thy grave,
Your day of glory has arrived!
Against all pony tyranny,
Raises our flag of flames!
Raises our flag of flames!
Do you feel, in Equestria,
The raw and fresh streams of love?
The scents and odours of romance...
It is time, that we begin to quench them!

To arms with our Queen!
Form ranks with our Queen!
Feed on! Feed on!
With our Queen!
On victory, or death!


Please rise for the character anthem... of Mayor Mare! Por favor subir para o hino caráter ... de Mayor Mare!


Mayor Mare

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh boy...3rd best mare (behind Rarebear and Applejack) is coming up...and it's going to be great and powerful (insert Trixie emote here)


Time to get the ball rolling with my 3rd favorite character from MLP: FiM, the Great and Powerful Trixie, coming up to bat against Shining Armor :D I'll most certainly be keeping up with this when she's up in order to root for her, seeing as poor Trix was pretty much annihilated by Luna last go around :(


Can't wait until the new matches! :D





And of course, the AJ fans can be expecting the majority of the Rarity fanbases' support :D (Simply because I don't want to assume we're all going to vote for AJ :derp: Assuming is bad.) She's got this in the bag, though :D



Edited by A ghostie Makusu2
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Well there goes the chance of best pony beating Luna however she still has a good chance of defeating Trixie I mean really if Sweetie got this many votes against Luna, Sweetie Belle was also in way more episodes and is the little sister of Rarity good luck in the next round Sweetie.

  • Brohoof 1

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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Oh boy...3rd best mare (behind Rarebear and Applejack) is coming up...and it's going to be great and powerful (insert Trixie emote here)


Time to get the ball rolling with my 3rd favorite character from MLP: FiM, the Great and Powerful Trixie, coming up to bat against Shining Armor :D I'll most certainly be keeping up with this when she's up in order to root for her, seeing as poor Trix was pretty much annihilated by Luna last go around :(


Can't wait until the new matches! :D





And of course, the AJ fans can be expecting the majority of the Rarity fanbases' support :D (Simply because I don't want to assume we're all going to vote for AJ :derp: Assuming is bad.) She's got this in the bag, though :D



I think I speak for the Orange side of the Alliance when I say it's mighty appreciated and that most of us will return the favor (eeyup! Assuming is bad mojo.) As for me; I'd support the Beauty that is Rarity against anypony besides AJ even if y'all didn't support us.

  • Brohoof 1



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

signature by Scootaloodle

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Man, I love Zecora so much. In fact, there might only be one character I would vote for over Zecora, and that's Applejack. I know that Applejack must administer to Zecora an early elimination.


My heart, it is breaking.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well there goes the chance of best pony beating Luna however she still has a good chance of defeating Trixie I mean really if Sweetie got this many votes against Luna, Sweetie Belle was also in way more episodes and is the little sister of Rarity good luck in the next round Sweetie.

Wait...Sweetie Belle has to face Trixie?!?!?!?


Damn...either go with the little sister of my waifu, the character I hold so near and dear to my heart, or a character who I like more than any other character in the show except Rarebear and Applejack....ugghhhh.


That's going to be a tough choice when the time comes...luckily, I'll have time to think it over :D


Edited by A ghostie Makusu2
  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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GOOD EVENING Fillies and Genltecolts...We come to you LIVE with the latest MLPF World Cup Update:


Starting things off, the dare double devil, Rainbow Dash, is just flying passed poor Spikey-Wikey and not even breaking a sweat.  An immediately blowout our staff predicts. 


To a more interesting match, we review Princess Cadance and Daring Do which many folks are going wild over.  The Princess of Love continues in the lead, leaving Daring Do trailing by 50 votes.   Daring Do...........What are you Doing?


*clears throat* And most recently and the best match-up, we see Princess Luna and Sweetie Bell fighting strongly to the top, yet Luna takes control of the lead, leaving behind the poor little filly.   *one staff member yells out to Sweetie Bell.  Gets thrown out*............well, that was interesting.  


Anyhow, we continue to view these matches only to see another set of upsets.   Boy, i cannot image the look on their coaches face. 


That's the latest update on the MLPF World Cup.  I'm Terry Bradhoof.  Back to you, Sterling. 

Edited by Thunder-Wing
  • Brohoof 3
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Oh man, these matches are like they were meant for me.


Trixie - Greatest pony

AJ - Best pony

Chryssi - Best villain



  • Brohoof 3


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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Hey guys, vote for Zecora and Shining Armor. Do it. :)

"You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them."

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